#I also just think ppl have a fairytale view of dating a prince and think Simon should be grateful for having his attention 🤷‍♀️
unfortunate17 · 6 months
I get people not liking the love triangle plot, i definitely didn’t like it either. It just reaaally surprises me that with the way our generation is way more aware of mental issues; boundaries and gaslighting (especially in this fandom where we love to analyze every interaction), people sum up season two Simon as “petty. He literally went through a violation of privacy by himself all alone, and two weeks later gets involved in a toxic “relationship”. Marcus is a walking red flag, literally said soooo many fucked up things to Simon in the 3 times they hang out and I don’t think people discuss that enough.
I guess that since Simon didn’t appear to be as broken mentally as wille, (and even August) last season, it’s probably ok to just pretend it’s not an extremely fucked up situation.
I agree with pretty much everything you said!
I also think S2 makes some writing missteps which kind of pushes the Simon is petty/selfish agenda. It’s perfectly reasonable for Simon to try and date someone normal especially after everything that happened with Wille - but we spend SO MUCH TIME on Marcus and not enough time on Simon himself. Like, we know from scene 1 that Simon’s not going to pick Marcus, and to me it wasn’t particularly obvious as to why Marcus even liked him - you’re a grown man on Grindr with your own apartment why the fuck are you interested in a 16 year old who was just in a sex scandal besides the fact that he’s pretty?
Marcus also has no other personality traits or story lines - which is fine!! def not asking for more screen time - but it makes him an extremely 2 dimensional, bland character that Simon doesn’t even really like??? I think we literally could’ve had the same results if Marcus was in like 3 scenes (the ball one being the only important one).
Instead, we should’ve spent more time with Simon and his emotions outside of his back and forth with Wille/Marcus. And I get it, Simon’s not the main character, he’s the love interest and I’m fine with that - but there’s so much that S2 fails to do with his character. We never saw him with his father again, we don’t see how the video has affected him, we don’t see him buckle under the strain of constantly having to be “okay”, he doesn’t get bullied at school even though Wille publicly humiliated him by saying there was no emotional relationship. And I know these things are implicit but it would’ve been great if we could’ve SEEN them idk.
I’m pretty happy with his S3 arc though, and I like his overall arc through all the seasons too.
But yeah, I think the writing of Simon in S2 is definitely a reason for the hate haha - it just makes it seem like Wille has more to lose and that ultimately makes him more sympathetic
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