#I also made my sister in law a Shotzi jacket and helmet
So last summer my son got super in to two things: professional wrestling and The Hobbit. We watch wrestling as a family and had been reading him The Hobbit as a bedtime story.
He tells me that for Halloween he wants to be Elrond AND Cody Rhodes. Either those or Thorondor, King of the Eagles. Um. That’s…..a LOT, little dude. I’m not entirely sure where I’m supposed to find a giant fucking eagle costume for a FOUR YEAR OLD, so I tackle the Cody Rhodes outfit while brainstorming an Elrond outfit.
I……I may have gotten slightly carried away with his ring coat. And then proceeded to make leggings and a shirt, too. And now I may need to make myself a ring coat.
Anyway, here is my greatest creation aside from my son, a tiny American Nightmare ring coat:
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