#I also ordered “Korean Stories for Language Learners” just to practice my reading skills
niksu-agassi · 11 months
I passed my final exam for the first trimester of Korean & now I feel numb. We won't be continuing until 13th of January and I'm praying that my 서강 한국어 textbook & workbook arrive soon so I can keep practicing my reading, writing & speaking skills.
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rigelmejo · 3 years
random thoughts:
i want to do a guardian print novels comparison lol.
i have a simplified edition which in some ways is excellent: it has the kunlun prequel text, all of the extras, the chapters are edited in a way that clearly indicates priest polished it up to make the story ‘better’ (priest changed chapter 1 from Guo Changcheng seeing a random guy with no legs to Zhu Hong’s tail and fainting, adds details to a lot of chapters). The only thing its missing is the explicit sex scene (I think - it might even have it for all i know, but i’m guessing not since that’s usually cut out of simplified print novels i think?). But like in general - my simplified chinese Guardian novel seems to be the most complete version of the novel as far as final edits/extras. This isn’t necessarily the link I bought from, but this is the simplified print version I have (aliexpress does have a lot of priest books for sale).
I just got the traditional character version of the books (which is so beautiful WOW the covers and inside looks so nice). So far, its chapter content is more like the webnovel (so no scene edits/details added like my simplified version, no Kunlun prequel). There are a few edits of wording on small things (suddenly versus abruptly, next/then, that kind of thing). I don’t think it has any of the extras, so its not the original traditional published version with the shen san extra (i thought it was?). So upside is my simplified copy does seem to be the most complete, and the traditional one i have matches the webnovel most if i wanted to compare differences. Downside is i’m surprised the traditional version has so little content? This is the traditional print versions I bought, volume 1 and volume 2. That site can be ordered from in english, worldwide.
feeling the urge to do something with japanese again but i don’t know what. logically, doing nukemarines memrise decks is... probs the most effective thing to do. i don’t feel like doing flashcards though.
i kind of feel like listening to japanese core 6k or japaneseaudiolessons, just because i can just play them in the background (easier mentally than flashcards). maybe reading japanese audio lessons basically textbook - but that’s if i feel like reading? 
also just kind of. feel like playing a video game - maybe kh2 since i know the game well enough i can still ‘speed play’ if i don’t want to slow down and read everything on screen (whereas persona 3 and crisis core took 1 hour to get to save points since i had to slow down and read everything). i read some scripts yesterday in japanese... and watched some shows yesterday (though that hardly counts since they had eng subs). my mind just wants to ‘do’ things, not really do flashcards lol. so like? listening, watching, playing - my brain thinks it sounds fun! but reading lessons/doing flashcard drilling of study materials, i feel tired lol...
i also kind of. just want to do some challenge for myself like: do clozemaster japanese for 1 month and see how much i get through/how much i improve? or do japaneseaudiolessons for 1 month and see how far i get etc.
chinese wise: i officially re-did all 12 chapters of Guardian with Listening Reading Method step 2 with the other audiobook by wheat. Now I’m officially on a new chapter 13, with avenuex’s audiobook, and going back to doing step 2 AND step 3 (for vocab). Again, as SOON as i switch to avenuex its easier to follow what’s going on without looking things up - i think part of it is the way she narrates sort of... slows down and speeds up depending on the emphasis in the sentence? so its easier to catch exactly what’s key info/characters interacting versus description. and also her voices for everyone are more different, and she edited in guardian drama music so a lot of the scenes i bet have some ‘ingrained’ memory from when i watched the show helping me recognize the scene that’s going on. i imagine for ‘comprehensible input’ this version just has a lot more i ‘get.’ also just in general i love her audiobook ToT. 
though wheat’s is really nice! i like wheat’s voice and would love to talk like them. For shadowing, I find wheats is really good because the audio is mainly just voice, and a deeper voice (which i both would rather sound like and find easier to identify the words clearly as far as for repeating), and all an even speaking speed except dialogue - so i can repeat after what wheat says in small phrase bursts without falling behind too much. So for listening in the background, more general listening practice, and for shadowing practice i plan to use wheat’s more. 
while step 3 is more focus intensive, i think doing it once minimizes how many words i have to look up in step 2 and how many times i feel step 2 would benefit me. when i skip step 3 i feel like i could do step 2 for 3-4 times and keep picking up a lot of new words. so to speed up progress, probably just going to do step 3 then step 2 again (or step 2 then 3 we’ll see).
L-R method has really helped my vocab for guardian ToT i have no problem reading the traditional version now. i also have far less trouble reading new chapters for the first time (still have words i need to look up, just its not enough to prevent me from following the main idea and details). I’m really glad I decided to try L-R method with guardian. I’m really excited how this is going to affect reading other priest novels later (or L-R tian ya ke, sha po lang, mo du). Because i can already notice it making Mo Du a bit easier. and i’m only 13 chapters in out of 100+ plus extras. I notice it makes reading and listening skills better. I don’t know about its claim from some of “from A1 to B1″ in 30 hours (which is what someone did with Italian, with some previous romance language study). Because I was probably like a A2 or weak B1 when I started trying this? (Idk I was like HSK4 with a smattering of extra passive knowledge that didn’t line up to HSK 5-6 exactly, so i could read Xiao Wangzi and watch Shan He Ling etc but only knew like half the words on HSK 5-6). So I don’t know if for a beginner, if L-R method for chinese would get them very far, or how many hours it would take. I’d say for a beginner-intermediate learner though, it will boost your listening level quickly (vocab a bit slower but i do notice progress now). And since listening level can fall behind reading, that’s a nice thing. 
I read about someone who’d done L-R for mandarin for 300 hours though with less progress made though and i’m still curious why. Because i’ve done about maybe 30 hours and seen a lot more - idk if just having a base in chinese first helps a lot (like i got the 300+ hours basic learning done before i even tried L-R method and they just need to get through their hours to hit milestones too), or if they do something different. But given that experience, i do think if L-R isn’t giving small noticeable progress at least every 5 hours or so (and reasonably noticeable progress like easier listening comprehension of previously studied chapters or learned some handfuls of new words in 10 hours) then it makes sense to switch it up or try something else. like for me - switching to a literal word for word text using pleco dictation-translate tool has been much more effective. i would guess in part because its word for word so i don’t have to put in mental effort to re-arrange sentence grammar to the words i’m hearing in the audio (but more effort to know chinese grammar so not as helpful as a beginner in some ways unless u understand the story beforehand with step 1 reading the text in a language u understand). and in part because it keeps my translation synced to the audio so i don’t lose my place, can replay portions, and don’t therefore waste time being as mentally drained or confused. and doing step 2 in pleco (or anything with a quick click dictionary) so i can see some definitions with step 2.
still kind of want to just binge the videos on “learn korean in korean” youtube channel. he just makes such good lessons even though i’m not really studying korean. 
also... mmm... korean clozemaster... mmm (i would probably learn nothing because translations do not tend to be literal for many asian languages on there so chinese and japanese only work for me cause i know enough words/grammar already to catch when things are not literal/outright wrong)
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Mini-Korean Resources List
I’m slowly getting back into the saddle when it comes to studying Korean, so I just want to make a very small list of the sources I use so I can keep track of them and add to this as time goes on. I’m still a beginner, so if you are, too, maybe some of these will help you out!
Talk to Me in Korean
Lots of free grammar lessons! Also, they do have some workbooks and additional resources that you can purchase if you’re looking for extra practice.
Supplemental Grammar Apps/Resources
Super useful app that teaches you 한굴 (with pronunciation and stroke order!), vocabulary, and some grammar points. They also have some stories narrated by native speakers to test your listening skills and they have a section where you can record yourself reading the same story so you check your pronunciation skills! Alas, only the first level is free now, but I still highly recommend it!
I have a feeling most folks know about this app by now, but if not, it’s a great way to reinforce what grammar and vocab you already know!
I off-and-on use this website to post some writing entries so native/fluent speakers can correct me. Remember: just because someone is a native speaker doesn’t necessarily mean they are equipped to properly explain all of their corrections to you, so take everything folks say with a grain of salt!
YouTube Channels
The World of Dave
Videos by an American who has been living in Korea for about 10 years. He has lots of cool culture comparisons and does some Korean dialect comparisons, too, so I recommend checking him out if you want to get a feel for some Korean cultural observations from an outside perspective!
Two Brits + Korean lessons = a great time. A fluent Korean speaker tries to teach his best friend Korean with varying amounts of success. It’s great when you need a chuckle, a reminder that making mistakes is okay, and that you should have fun with your studies! (Also, they have a lot of other content on this channel, so just scroll through to find the Korean focused ones to see what I’m talking about!)
Conversational Korean
A channel with lots of vocab lists, vocab practice, listening practice, and more all from a native speaker! This channel also has lots of live classes if that’s something that’s up your alley.
Prof. Yoon’s Korean Language Class
This channel is a great resource for grammar! I use it as a follow up to grammar points I’ve learned in order to solidify things in my mind. I know he’s got a few vocab and conversational videos on his channel, too, so definitely poke around to see if there’s anything that tickles your fancy!
YA/Fiction Books
For when you want to get exposed to the culture in a more low-key, accessible way. (Note: all of these links are for books in English!)
Wicked Fox by Kat Cho
Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee
The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh
Naver Dictionary
For when you need to know the exact shade of meaning for the word you just encountered. Plus, lots of sample sentences! (Also, there’s like, a ton of other useful pages on this site for Korean learners, but I haven’t really looked into those yet.)
Short and sweet reading practice with some bonus culture notes! It’s only one comic, but I found it a useful and stress-free way to practice some reading.
Slowly (App)
An easy app to help you find a language/culture exchange pen pal!
I’ll add more as I personally dive into more sources, but for now, that’s all! Study well, y’all!
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1592649932 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1592547943 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1587805119 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1587703199 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1587626665 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1587550173 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1587448063 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1587371503 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1587269748 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1587116694 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1586938141 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1586861792 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Best Chinese Language Learning Software 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=49072&wpwautoposter=1586759495 Are you looking for Best Chinese Language Learning Software? you are at the right place. we will briefly discuss about Best Chinese Language Learning Software. Why learn Mandarin? China is a fast-growing economy, already the second largest in the world. Being able to speak Chinese can give you the upper edge in your career and open up wealth opportunities (both business and professional) now, and in the future. The Chinese Language Learning Software is broken up into many regional dialects, however, the official dialect that is taught in all schools is Mandarin. The second most spoken dialect is Cantonese. If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is your best bet, as it is the most spoken dialect in China. Challenges to learning Mandarin– Why software helps Mandarin can be difficult to learn, however in some aspects it is actually easier to learn than English. Let’s take a look at why this is: Why is Mandarin Difficult? Tones: Chinese languages are tonal (unlike Korean and Japanese). This means that the way you inflect the pitch of your voice can change the entire meaning of a word. This can be particularly troublesome for English speakers who are not adapted to hearing these tones. Fortunately, there are only 5 tones in Mandarin, and with practice, you can easily identify them. Writing: The Chinese language does not really have an alphabet like English, French, Spanish, etc. Instead, the Chinese language is written entirely using characters. This can be an issue since you cannot really sound out a word phonetically from simply looking at a Chinese character. Why is Mandarin Easy? Grammar: Chinese grammar is remarkably simple compared to that of English or French. There are very few rule exceptions and verbs and nouns require very little conjugation. Tenses in Chinese are very easy to implement as well. Whereas a Romance language such as Spanish or French (or even German), may be studied on your own from books, the radically different nature of Mandarin requires some extra attention. Pronunciation and tonal accuracy is very important, so you need something more than just a book. Best Chinese Language Learning Software represents a great solution to the difficulties that you can encounter when trying to learn Mandarin. But which software is the best for learning Mandarin? Chinese Reading Apps Du Chinese Du Chinese is a revolutionary app will help you to improve your Chinese reading skills. I am impressed by the clean design and user interface. It is easy to use and loading material takes only seconds. You can read by yourself or listen to an audio recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for single words and sentences. All sentences have been carefully translated and they stay as true as possible to the original Mandarin. The reading material topics are quite interesting, covering daily conversations, Chinese culture, current events,the latest trends, funny stories, and regular life in China. They are marked by difficulty, ranging from newbie to master. Each session is also labelled from HSK level 1 ~ 6+. It is easy to find material for your level. Chinese Characters Apps Zizzle If you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, they use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of the stories are ridiculous or funny enough to be memorable. Each tone is represented by a certain animal which helps you remember the character. It also teaches characters that build up from smaller to more complex characters in a logical way. I am in love with this app, and its method taught me characters that I have tried and failed to learn in the classroom. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in few days and be able to read them confidently. Use the promo code “DIGMANDARIN10” to save 10% on all three-month and annual subscriptions, as well as packs. Chinese Dictionary Apps Pleco The dictionary app will probably be one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin; Pleco may be the app most frequently recommended for this function. It allows you to quickly look up a Chinese word or character wherever you are. Pleco Key features: Chinese handwriting recognition: the option to hand write instead of typing in pinyin is very useful when searching for characters you don’t know. OCR: it allows you to look up unknown Chinese words ‘live’ using your device’s camera, or tap-lookup words in a still image. Stroke order guides: to help you find out how to write the Chinese characters in the proper order. Flashcard system: insanely powerful/customizable system, making it extremely easy to add new flashcards from dictionary entries or to import pre-made vocabulary lists. Online Chinese Degree Chinese Listening Apps Chineseclass101 No doubt that Chineseclass101 is one of the most well-structured podcast Mandarin courses available today. With language instruction podcasts, you can improve your pronunciation and boost your listening comprehension skills. ChineseClass101 has an extensive collection of audio materials covering all levels. By having access to different levels, you can choose the best one for you. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real-life conversations in China and will definitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker. Chinesepod Chinesepod is another example of a podcast Mandarin app. The quantity of lessons is pretty big. It even has more interactive exercises for learning new words and phrases. In ChinesePod, the amount of Mandarin speech in each lesson is increased step-by-step. Even lessons for Upper-Intermediate students have  English explanations which are quite helpful! Advanced students may enjoy Mandarin-only podcast lessons. Gamification Apps Hello Chinese Hello, Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct. It`s a comparatively easy way to measure your pronunciation. The studying process is not boring. Learners are not overwhelmed with information. Lessons are taught in a very precise and careful manner. What`s more, there are many exercises and quizzes to help you consolidate all that you have learned. Chinese Speaking Apps Hello Talk Have you been learning a new language for a while, and feel like it’s time to start practicing and using it? That’s where Hello Talk can help. It is a language exchange app that has over one million users. It’s easy to find natives from China willing to help you practice Chinese. Hello Talk Key features: Voice and Text chat Moments, like the group chatroom Translation and Transliteration: Translation allows you to read in English what someone typed in Chinese in case you didn’t understand it. You can use the transliteration option when a native speaker writes Chinese to you, to instantly see the pinyin. Voice recognition system: You can simply speak and the system will attempt to convert that to text to send to your language partner. These are my top Chinese language learning apps. I bet you also have your own picks. What would you recommend to fellow Chinese learners? What apps do you think are worth the time and the money? Just comment below and let us know your favorites. Maybe your picks will make this list one day!
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