#I always make the tiniest matzo balls
fattributes · 7 months
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Matzo Ball Soup
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brooklynislandgirl · 6 years
@whosxafraid {{xx}}
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She stands there, letting him dig his own hole deeper and deeper, because she knows he’ll eventually hit the bedrock of truth....and there he goes, scrambling back on his words because he knows that she knows just how full of it he is. She’s heard it all before, so she only interjects tiny little confirmations that she’s listening, and none that indicates she believes a word of it. And once he’s thrown in the white flag of surrender, she takes a subdued victory lap by setting things down on the low surface of the coffee table. It’s systematic, the movements having been practised for nearly half her lifetime give or take the time to actually go to medical school. 
She opens her personal bag and pulls out a pair of purple neoprene gloves with the tiniest snap of sound. “Good t’ing den, I got nex’ four days off, den. Mebbe keep ya drownin’ from ya own body fluids.”
She picks up the bottle of cough syrup still on the table within arm’s reach of him on the couch, looks at it, then at him. Unable to hide the disgust on her face as she makes a little sound in the back of her throat. She doesn’t make any other judgement, even if she is a little amused by the big strong Seal felled by a little medicine.  “Uh-huh. Blame da keiki. Always a go-to move. But mebbe I should start makin’ appoin’ments f’ house calls.”
She lifts the circular metal of the stethoscope and huffs on it once, twice. Warms the little disc with her breath because she’s a considerate person and knows how icy it can feel on fevered skin. Places it against his chest here and there, listening to his lungs. Makes a mental note, leans over him and listens to his back. Goes through the whole check up quietly, and doesn’t let him say a word about it either.
“So yeah, no surprise...ya runnin’ a fever, an’ ya got a lot of mucus in ya chest. So welcome t’ quarantine.” She grabs a couple of pillows and fluffs them before propping them behind his back. “Fluids an’ bed rest for ya, an’ good t’ing I t’ought ahead. Because in here...” She opens the brown bag and pulls out a large container, even compared to his hands. “Chicken soup with Matzo balls an’ an everyt’ing sandwich from Gottlieb’s. Drink ya soup firs’ den ya can have ya meat. An’ if ya a very good patient, ya can have one of the toffee suckers I got ya from See’s. Now, who’s a good boy.”
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