#I always wanted to be like the nymph girl but steppig on sticks barefoot or getting stung by bees does actually hurt
dancingdryads · 11 months
I always thought I was more of a Lucy, I thought we were so similar, but you know, I think I’m really more like Susan. Like I think my faith and determination to hope is a bit more like Lucy, but personality wise, I’m definitely more like Susan.
I’m very much another parent to my younger brother, I’m concerned with propriety to a certain extent and whether things make sense logically. I’m even concerned with how I look and present myself, though that is in part because it’s fun and in part because how you look does affect how people react to you. I never had the fashion equivalent of a nylons and lipstick phase, but I did have the ‘I’m very mature for my age’ phase which basically amounts to the same thing even if the method I chose was different.
I’m more likely to be the one holding down the fort, preparing home for people coming back rather than the one charging forward. And you know? That’s a good thing. Lucy’s need Susan’s to balance them, and vice versa.
That’s why the Pevensies worked so well, they could balance each other, soften the extremes. And we can’t all be the kind of person that climbs trees barefoot (trees have splinters) or wander to new places completely unconcerned (like I love you Lucy but stranger danger is a thing and you did almost get kidnapped so)
(… but then again, the friendly optimism saved Lucy from that so, again, balance)
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