#I am a big fan of riddles ngl
mommalosthermind · 4 months
Get to know me tag game!
tagged by @hawkstincan and I just saw it so oops
Do you make your bed? Mostly, yes. Defensive bed sheets mean I am significantly less likely to have to deal with legos, pencils, crumbs or whatever other random shit The Youngest Monster had in hand while hiding in my room.
Favorite number? uhhh. I don’t really have one? I tend to pick either 13 or 14 for number things bc 13 made people mad as a kid and it was funny, and 14 is part of my birthday.
What’s your job? parent. Using the educational degree to be backup teacher for my three monsters.
if you could go back to school, would you? I mean. The funny thing about school is there’s a lot of shit I want to learn and very little of it is taught in a typical classroom. I still wish we’d lived in an area with a proper vocational school while I was in high school ngl. Anyway things like carpentry and sewing should still be in schools and i want to collect trades like Pokémon.
Can you parallel park? probably not? I have literally never bothered to try after getting the damn license.
Do you think aliens are real? I think it’s arrogant to assume humans are the only ‘intelligent’ anything, even on earth. But realistically, it’s entirely possible the universe is too young to have a lot of life floating around in it. Little green men that made the pyramids and steal cows, though? That’s… silly.
Can you drive a manual? No. I have been in exactly two cars with stick shift, and I would really like to be in none of them ever again. That’s mostly due to the driver being a twat, but like. No. I’m good.
What’s your guilty pleasure? Mmm that’s an interesting one since ‘guilty pleasure’ usually just means ‘this is something that I try to hide’ and I’ve spent a lot of time trying to uncouple my embarrassment with existing from y'know. Existing. So. Probably the thing I get a kick out of that makes me go “i should maybe not enjoy this so much” is listening in on gossip or drama that’s Not Mine ngl. Tell me aaaall about how your auntie X started a fight. If it’s not my family, it’s just story time.
tattoos? Four! I’ve got a mandala-inspired piece on the left arm, a tiger lily +dog tags on my right shoulder, a blue rose + witch’s claw on the left leg, and an anklet that looks like leather with a heart pendant on the right leg. If I had spending money I would have… so many more. So many. My partner thinks it’s funny that I accidentally split things up so the left half is in color and the right side is black and white.
Favorite color? Black, silver, blue, green….
Favorite type of music? The kind that doesn’t annoy me? I tend toward the rock spectrum, unless I’ve got instrumental on. The kids are all into nightcore so there’s a hilarious amount of that in my brain at any given time. They did not enjoy when I made them listen to Dune’s Can’t Stop Raving. Rude.
Do you like puzzles? Putting together a picture? I’m going to sort the pieces into inside vs outside and maybe even color and then get very bored very quickly and wander off. Riddles? I’m going to feel like an idiot and wander off. Numbers? I have spaced out before even completing the question.
Any phobias? Oh that’s a hell of a question. Spiders. I have worked very hard to get to a point where I am mostly nonchalant about it but. Haaa not a fan. I have woken up to Big Fucking Spider In The Bed or On The Window too many times.
Favorite childhood sport? I was forced into a couple different sports as a kid and I did not enjoy any of them really. I was, and remain, the person who’s got five books and even more notebooks in a bag and I am sitting under a tree and ignoring everyone else. I did not do well in any form of a team-setting. Literally ever. I think the one that bothered me the least was track, and that’s because it felt like I could turn off my entire brain and just move from point A to point B and then be done.
Do you talk to yourself? Constantly. It’s almost never complete thoughts though, it’s a bunch of disjointed outbursts that probably make me sound bonkers bc half of the conversation I’m having with myself is in my head. Complete with hand movements.
What movies do you adore? I don’t really watching things these days? So probably things I liked as a kid, like the labyrinth or the goonies or the dark crystal. There’s a theme there, don’t worry about it.
Coffee or tea? Tea. The only time I’ve managed coffee is when it’s vaguely coffee flavored milk and sugar lmao. Or chocolate coffee ice cream.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? you know, I feel like it shouldn’t be this hard to answer objectively innocent questions in a way that won’t make people uncomfortable? but I don’t have an answer to this. So. I wanted to be somewhere else. I wanted to be someone else. Things like dreaming about jobs and being an adult were not things I had the space to do.
I’m not going to tag anyone specifically today, but if you join in please feel free to and @ me so I can see! <3
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lotuslovers · 4 years
For anyone wondering the hp boys I simp for(in order from how much I like them and why):
• Draco Malfoy: He wasn’t given a choice or a redemption arch. He was forced into a roll based on blood prejudice, shaping him. For the longest time he wasn’t given a choice but a opinion he needed to agree on. It’s heartbreaking knowing his childhood innocence was clouded by his fathers teachings against those of different blood status’. He was terrible but in the end he made his own choice to save Harry. For me I sympathize for him, and I know deep down he has such a big heart.
• Oliver Wood: His passion just makes him so so attractive to me. I mean he is so dedicated to making his dreams come true, it’s truly inspiring. I don’t have that passion so I find it so admirable. Furthermore his accent, his looks, his smile, and his all around energy makes me so comfortable. He reminds me off pumpkin spice muffins, iced coffee, grass after a long rain, and pure adrenaline if that makes sense. And his accent gives me butterflies🦋🦋🦋
• Tom Riddle: He’s just so attractive and I have a savior complex so I believe there is good in him(doubtly). It makes me so badly want to show him love and how to care for another person. He might be ✨toxic✨ but that is just my type ngl with my past history of dating. He reminds me of a dark academia relationship starting from a thin line of love and hate and I crave that so badly with him.
• Adrian Pucey: HEAR ME OUT. I know he doesn’t have much screen time at all and near nothing on the books but he was so attractive so I’ve read Wattpads about him and he was so adorable. In the Wattpads he is such a softie at heart and so passionate in showing his emotions, his energy I overall get is so good. From appearances and fanfics to me he feels like a warm hug on a stormy night, or a partner to dance with after your date dumped you last minute. I feel realistically I could fall in love with him.
• Regulus Black: I understand he has little to not many parts in the movies and books. I find him dying at 18 from risking his life to destroy a horocrux so admirable. I mean he literally dies, saves Kreacher, all while leading everyone to believe he ran off out of fear of the dark lord while in reality he was protecting everyone he knew by lying and trying to kill Voldemort. He was a hero who never got his acknowledgment. (Also he is literally fan casted as timothee chalamet and why am I so attracted to that??? )
• George/Charlie/Bill Weasley: Hear me out again I equally love these three Weasleys(do not say anything about Charlie not being in the movies). Firstly George is more my type then Fred and he is so wholesome, attractive, smart, kinda reserves but funny, his energy is really good, and I could see myself liking him a lot irl. Charlie I mean he works in Romania with dragons, hot, he definitely is kinda cocky, a little arrogant, has a lot of knowledge, quick thinker, idk when I think of him it’s all good things. Bill I mean doesn’t need a lot of explanation, he just kinda is attractive and gives me a nice homey comforting feeling like he would support me no matter what and over all be a great partner.
• Cedric Diggory: This is so basic🙈 by that I mean all my friends like him. He gives me such good energy, he seems like a softie, warm hugs, cuddles me when I need support, charms my parents, respect me, I repeat RESPECTS WOMEN and treats them with the best manners as he should but he is a king ngl. He gives me very dependable, supportive, kind, and humble vibes.
Idk why I said everyone’s vibes were good, it just means that I have a feeling at heart they are good and my overall opinions of them are good. Don’t judge me putting Adrian, Charlie, and Regulus in because I did. So what.
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nocturnememory · 4 years
I am a very big fan of your work. Voldemort is an anti hero but I'm waiting for the day his Harries relationship becomes better. And hoping it happens soon in the rewrite. That he realises his mistakes. What is your opinion on Dumbledore in the story? I can without any doubt say that I hate him. Also Samson us great:) You also wrote another reincarnation story where Tom and harrie had started Hogwarts and were in Slytherin and gryffindor respectively? Can you post that too? Ichor update??
thank you :)
I’m not sure if he’s an anti hero, maybe in his own mind haha, but I know what you mean. And yes, he does eventually realise his mistakes in regards to Harrie and it will happen soon-ish, but not all at once or like, within a chapter or two. But it will happen faster than last time as I do think I dragged that shit out a bit being unnecessarily wordy when I didn’t have to be.
I honestly, and I know i’m in the minority here, have always liked dumbledore as a character. He is flawed, absolutely, he has made mistakes, and we’re all very quick to look at him and be like, he’s at fault for this and this and this... but then we look at someone like Sirius or Remus or even Voldemort and Snape and we give them graces we don’t give to Dumbledore.
Dumbledore lost his whole family, his father to Azkaban, his mother to his sister, his sister to his lover, and his brother in the fallout. I would imagine watching the man you love destroy everything you thought he was, his love for you, and the world as you know it... would generally mess someone up. I don’t blame Albus for not acting quickly in the same way I wouldn’t blame Harry or Lily or or I don’t know, James for taking a step back and being angry or sad before being willing to stand up and face someone who hurt you or the people you love. Because let’s face it. Remus abandoned Harry just as much as Albus did, Sirius chose to fight and die (twice!) instead of staying for Harry. Lily lost severus, (yes by his own choices)but she walks away from him, probably mourned her best friend and I honestly believe would hesitate to raise her wand against him, if they came face to face on a battlefield.
Albus deserves the same sort of compassion, imo.
And also, I always try to remind myself, when I watch or read the books/movies, that the source material is a kids/teen book, and like all of those series, sometimes the competent, responsible adult who should be taking charge or fighting...aren’t. And they won’t, because they aren’t the main character.
This is definitely something I like addressing in Ichor, as far as I am concerned Albus and Voldemort are on two completely different playing fields than Harrie or any of the teenagers in the story. This isn’t their fight. It’s a war. Harrie is a pawn, a piece to be moved.  We can stand back and judge Albus for using her, but in the end, he wasn’t the one to put her on the board, that was Voldemort.
At the end of the day, I like albus, faults and all, the same way I like Tom and Snape and Harry. Characters are more than just one or two choices and actions and sometimes we need to step back and look at the whole of them to understand them.
If we can love Tom Riddle, we can sure as hell love Albus Dumbledore.
Sorry, this got long hahah, i get wordy sometimes, i have strong feelings on the Albus-hate that’s out there ngl. I will be putting the reincarnation story back up soon-ish, probably after the next ichor update...which should be in a week or so, just at the 10k mark now, and I think it needs another 5 or so to round it out. :)
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kyu-bri · 4 years
Magia Rapport pt 2
August 24th prompt: What was your favorite event, and why? Is it because of gameplay or the story?
It’s hard to choose so I’m gonna just, gush a bit.
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As you can probably tell I’m very biased toward the OG girls, I started Magia Record primarily because PMMM had become my new obsession and I wanted some sort of constant flow of content out of decade old anime lmao.
But another thing I think I hooked onto was Inu Curry’s writing. They really know Madoka Magica and aren’t afraid to really play with them- something the writers for a spin-off gacha game (as with most spin-off stories honestly) can be scared to do. Inu Curry made references, revealed secrets and built upon the story we already know- which lets be honest is what we always truly want from a spin-off series. Magia Record proper does this well by putting more magical girls into the world and letting us see things work out better for them than for the original cast, but what I really appreciated with this story was getting to see that old original cast get to get in on that, and these events managed to do that without watering them down any.
Under the cut is me going on for 3000 words about why I love these three events I’m so sorry. TL;DR at the very end-
I’ll go in release order,
A La Carte Valentine was one of the first if not THE first event I got in on. I was eager to bc 1 Gay Magical Girl Shit Guaranteed. And ofc 2 OG Cast participation.
I want to preface by saying I actually loved all the girls’ stories in this. I was very much still in a state of getting used to Iroha’s gang let alone trying to care about the secondary girls. I knew Tsukasa had this angsty Twins Separated At Birth Deal and liked seeing her home life (also I immediantly stanned Take. Regular well-meaning dude who has no idea whats going on just trying his best and hating his boss). I knew nothing about Ami except Cowgirl Meguca and getting the bulk of her personality in one short even I think really kept me from being absolutely sick of her, she’s just a cute silly teenage girl who could be in literally anything and I was able to just endearingly giggle at that. Hinano managed to do the heterosexual unrequited crush cliché without me groaning or missing any of her regular personality. Also was there a Ren part? I don’t remember because everything Ren does feels like a Soft Yuri Valentines Special. Also I love Momoko. Ok moving on to what I Really wanna talk about.
Madoka is genuinely my Least Cared About of the Holy Sextet. I don’t think she’s bad or even boring- Madoka has a depth to her character, like, really deep- but that’s not something ever really touched upon by the fandom. Even when people like her and make her the Heroine she’s Supposed to be, it’s usually in the context of “Girl who feels nothing but kindness and happy thoughts would cut off her right hand to feed to a hungry dog. Isn’t she so Good????”. And honestly, while I understand the point it was going to make, I wasn’t crazy about her sacrifice in the end of the series. (Team Homura “Rebellion Is Good Actually” ftw) All because I think that I’m an Adult Woman watching this like “You are 14yrs old and need to be home playing Sims and not sacrificing yourself for the greater good you stupid silly little baby girl”
So my point is here near all fan content I encounter tends to emphasize whats sort of my least favorite facet of Madoka. I don’t think she made the ‘wrong’ decision in the context she and the story were given, but it’s still a sad thing to show a depressed(!!!) insecure girl resolving to give away her very existence so that every other girl on earth has a chance to just Dream. Oh and they still usually die young. But that’s ok because then she takes them and lets them sleep peacefully forever in her Heaven Basement (Yes I am bitter stan Homura I would yank this savior complex infant girl out the sky too)
MY POINT BEING (The servers closing let me BLEED OUT ALL MY FEELINGS) This event did not do that!!! It made Madoka…….. EVERYTHING SHE SHOULD BE??? ALWAYS??? Showed her HOW WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO VIEW HER??? (Read: Happy and Alive and Confident at no foreboding or sacrifice of anyone else!!!!)
She is Sassy and Surrounded By Friends and Really Funny??? And we get this Ridiculous Oh My God On Crack metaphor about her being this all-powerful apocalypse bringing being which is representing her love for the universe through her Witch form of Wanting Everyone To Be Happy And Safe With Her??? And she still risks herself to save everyone as is her Thing to do but we get to have her do it without erasing her existence as a human being at the end and if that is not some GOOD SHIT????
Ok next:
NGL Sayaka’s (fav character, inarguable best girl, can u not tell) parts in MagiReco til like the last arc have always left me a bit disappointed. She was the only late comer of the OG girls from what I understand and it kind of gives her the air of what a lot of the second(/thirdary?) girls suffer from. You can tell the writers can’t even figure out a trope to apply her to to make her easy and two dimensional to write about so they just don’t know what to do. They definitely try to make up for it (especially in the anime which Praise Be but that’s probably Inu Currys doing) but she’s still lacking like, any of the depth of her personality. Which, I guess I could anticipate. Because most of the fandom tends to as well. (again)
Gonna stop complaining and get on with- That didn’t feel as much the case in her Valentine event. Sure it was still the same formula of “The Issue Is Kyosuke” but that didn’t play out as grueling as her personal story did with “Nine Episodes Of “The Issue Is Kyosuke””
There was one big glaring heart-aching detail of “Mami isn’t really there because SHES IN A FUCKING CULT RIGHT NOW” which kind of jarred the event out of the ho-hum silly valentines sidestory these events usually keep up.
Sayaka has this crisis about Doing Anything Meaningful With Kyosuke which we all know what That’s calling back to, but in this environment we get to have Kyoko come right up and be in a position with her to earnestly and affectionately Push Her To Do It. The lonely little tsundere bitch girl pushes her Not Friend to Give The Bastard The Gotdamn Chocolate Already and for a moment you can only think about What If’s and If Only’s. Sayaka’s is still the weakest of the threes stories in this event but it worked harder to show us different sides of the characters then 6 chapters of Another Story managed to do.
And then there’s fucking Homura.
I will be, eternally grateful for Kuro. As a character that becomes metaphorical for the 2D ways we initially viewed the feathers and just NPCs in games in general, and also like, giving Homura a friend she actually cares about that isn’t the tangled dark web of Bullshit she’s gotten tied up with Madoka in. Please ask me about all my AU’s where Kuro is Homuras first girlfriend.
Seeing Moemura in Magia Record has always been a bit surreal, we never really understand just what stage of Trauma this Homura is in because Multiverses Are Hell, but this event gives us a good chunk of a Homura who still has hope and faith both in the world and Madoka. Theres this wonder to her that while still bogged down by terrible experiences still has the energy to be Trying. And she sees a girl who used to be like her- which when you think about it is probably what Madoka saw in her- and she wants to help. Because Madoka helped her. And Madoka is the best thing in the universe and maybe Homura can be just a little bit closer to that.
Kuro is too far gone though, as is the reality frequently in this series, things don’t work out just because of circumstance. Kuro was a bullied, insecure little girl who realistically shouldn’t have had to become a rampaging monster because of it. We’re reminded of this being the reality of the Madoka universe. Homura, is reminded of this reality. Homura loses this one chance to bring hope into the world like Madoka brought hope into hers.
And then her story ties into the ending of Madoka’s. Madoka saves her life yet again, even as Homura continues to feel miserable and empty. But at least Madoka is with her. The girls then share a quiet, intimate Valentines together. And you sort of understand how Homura fell so far into the darkness that the only thing she was able to still care about and fight for was Madoka’s safety.
That shit slaps. It slaps you right in the heart and causes fucking bruising but then u want it to do it again because you’re masochistic and Meguca Is Suffering.
Anyway I hope Kuroe slaps our hearts more in season2
~Nagisa’s Wish~
Ok, I don’t remember what got me so simp over Nagisa, I think it was the heart-aching irony that Mami adopts the witch that fucking ate her. But that is my baby now and I’d die for her. Fandom Charlotte whose pink and silly and loves her mom and is Mami’s cancer-riddled girlfriend is cool and all but she isn’t a tiny Halloweeny baby whose fucking bitter angry and manically obsessed with cheese due to PTSD.
I had saw a summary of Nagisa’s Wish reposted just to quickly explain Nagisa’s backstory, and as such immediately had to search out if that crazy ride was true- so I actually watched this whole event probably before I downloaded the game. It was surreal on its own but replaying it when it came to NA didn’t lessen it any- I got to process more of what I was witnessing and as result stanned Yu pretty hard.
I guess to explain my Emotions here, saving Yu for later- calls for me to just, describe who Nagisa is as a human being and my headcanons surrounding it all with what this event gave us. Whether you consider it canon or not it’s one version of events that we were given and that I am all for accepting.
Nagisa’s Mom was a celebrity, she could have been an actress though I also like the idea of her being an Idol. She met Nagisa’s Dad oh-so romantically and got knocked up- they very well could have been married but it doesn’t seem clear enough. He seems to have left too suddenly for legal matters like that. Nagisa is approximately 11, and while she seems to remember her Father, she doesn’t in the sense of having had a relationship with him or any feelings. Her Mother has to “explain” why he left, so Nagisa was probably still young even if not a baby. What I’m getting at here is the timeline for when Nagisa’s Mom Got Like That. Nagisa can remember her from before she was, and then says that she got sick after her Dad left. So what I’m wondering is did Daddy Momoe ruin this young rich girls life, give her syphilis and then leave her with a baby she was unfit to care for in poverty? I know half of this is running on anime logic but Holy Shit all the possible ways reasons and ideas for why things could’ve gotten This Bad.
Is it ridiculously dark and edgy that the original story we were given was “Girl wishes her dying mother could have her favorite cake but then realizes OOPSIE-DAISY I could have wished for her to Not Die instead!!!!” got turned into “11yr old hates her abusive mother so much she wants to make her suffer in the most symbolic way she can and then goes mental when she isn’t able to do it”??? Yes. But if I had the mental capacity to I have to admit I was in a position to be just as bitter at that age too. I can’t call it unrealistic. I may infact be projecting hard with how much I support and enjoy this backstory.
Anyway Nagisa was in such a state of trauma and distress at a horrifically young age when she died that it broke her mental faculties so severely that even when she came back as a literal Angel of God she had blocked it out so deeply and thoroughly she seemingly regressed to an even younger capacity and hyperfixated on the trait that she has before used to try to bond with her Mother who she had died hating.
And that also slaps u right in the heart.
A N D T H E N !
~Beachside Bonds~
Just the simple structure of this story was so enjoyable and nicely done. We finally get to see the OG girls in a context we wouldn’t be able to in literally any other scenario. They’re going on a summer vacation together and Homura is sentimentally journaling every single second of it. Is this mayhaps because she’s never gotten to be this happy and blissful with these girls she loves so much??? Of course this is are you not paying attention what the fuck. Homura is so optimistic and healed and hopeful she’s acting like what she might actually be doing as a normal teenage girl. (A heartrending contrast to the end of her Valentines Special)
We get nothing short of pure fluffy Slice Of Life shenanigans on the beach which even includes a bunch of the Kamihama girls that the OG crew knows! And they talk about it! And introduce eachother! And their friends commentate on it! Ren gets to see Kyoko Not Being A Bitch and then Sayaka teases her about having made friends and oh my god my heart is turning into cottoncandy as we speak Mom holy FUCK
Sayaka’s existence fucking matters in this story! It’s her families Hotel they’re staying at and she has relationships and memories with the creepy twins that live there and she talks like a fucking person??? And gives opinions??? That aren’t just copypasted “Justice is Good and Bad things are BAD!!!!”
Mami is fresh out of her fucking Cult Drama and she’s still trying to be cool Senpai but then she DECKS Homura in the face and gets scared by the ghost stories and then turns into pudding and waxes nostalgia at Kyoko out of nowhere IT’S ALMOST LIKE SHE’S A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL????????
G H O S T S ? ? ? ?
Y U ! ? ! ? ! ? !
(IS G A Y ! ! ! !)
This whole fucking backstory and truly horrifying Romeo and Juliet on Acid love and death story between Yu and her girlfriend and like if I wasn’t fascinated enough by Yu just being the creepy organ harvester before but apparently thats what she became after she literally made some sort of wish that erased all of her memories besides the nickname her sweetheart used for her and coincidentally also added to her the task of killing all Bad People?????
Yu made a wish to be able to get rid of All Bad People preserving the innocent version of herself who grew up with this girl and it was right after a failed double suicide attempt on fucking Doomed Lovers Cliff fucking Lifetime Will You Ever.
It then pairs with Homura whose PTSD gets to shine through a bit in being unable to believe any bad sort of Madoka which how could you try to force her to at this point while Also pairing Homura with Ren in the “Gay Love Saved Our Lives: Traumatized vers & Vanilla vers”
I don’t remember if there was a symbolic finale and tbh I have forgotten a lot of the details with Yu and her girlfriend Whatsherface because that shit was just so shocking and bizarre to read and much too painful to reread in a timely fashion just.
That shit hurted but it was full of so much love and hope both doomed and stolen but still was wrapped up in the comforting concept that This Is The Universe Where Homura Gets To Be Okay This Time.
She’s still scarred beyond comprehension and this ghost drama accentuated it all but at the end of the day this is still the Safe Universe where all of them are alive and the Holy Quintet are friends and they’re all going to be okay (Godoka & Aniplex willing) and so many of us love Madoka Magica because it shows girls fighting through the same pain we’ve been through and keeping their hope alive and here we get to see them actually find peace in a clunkily written fanservicey spin-off mobile gacha game and hey, that made me happy while I got to experience it. Thanks for the ideas and memories and tragic backstories and funny thirdary characters MagiReco I’m gonna take em all and Run.
Akjsladbfalkjfsbslk If you read this all without getting a migraine or blocking me ily thanks for listening!!!!!!
Me likey A La Carte Valentine bc it’s silly and gay and I simp Kuro
Me likey Nagisa’s Wish bc sawft baby is good and so are Tragic Edgy Backstories
Me likey Beachside Bonds bc Gay Ghosts and Our Girls Finally Get To Be Happy Peaceful(ish) Teenage Girls and that’s all I want for them ;w;
Reeses In Pieces ya’ll
1Ten 2More 3Words 4To 5Hit 6(3000 7Words 8Woo 9Boy 10Howdy
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babyybitchhh · 5 years
So I know you like Hisoka. What about Illumi, Chrollo, Feitan or Kite? Palm?
Illumi is ... okay. I like him just fine as a character but sexually I’m as dry as a desert. I know he’s very popular in the self insert portion of the fandom and I definitely understand WHY, but he honestly doesn’t do anything for me. Kind of boring/not all that interesting if I’m being frank but that’s, like, a personal opinion my man. Also I thought he looked ten times more attractive with short hair. 🤷🏻‍♀️
It’s really hard for me to take Chrollo seriously. Like, he’s a good looking dude. He’s got the personality that, in theory, should make my pussy do a handstand and that voice? Ugh. Ngl that shit really almost won me over. But when I look at him all I see is a Personal Jesus, Loaded God Complex emo reject and I just can’t do it. I can’t. He’s the type of dude who’d take you to a Victorian era cemetery for a picnic on the first date like this some Jack and Sally shit, smh. Mad respect if that’s your thing but I am physically incapable of hopping aboard the melodrama express.
Feitan is just Hiei 2.0 but somehow twice as edgy and I for one support Togashi’s decision to recycle this character design because (if we ever get to the point where we learn more about Feitan) I’m sure we’d see what Hiei would’ve been like as a straight antagonist. As his own individual personality, I like Feitan quite a bit and I’ve read at least one fic that really made me feel some type of way (if you guys haven’t read agentcupcakes HxH stuff, check her out. 10/10 work tbh) but I dunno ... honestly I think I’m just SO preoccupied with Hisoka that I only have room left in my heart for bad dad Ging can’t really vibe with anyone else. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Kite was a cool dude and I liked him quite a bit. Again, I’m not personally interested in him but I don’t fault anyone who is. I’d like to see what else Togashi might have planned for him but we’re never gonna get off this got damn boat. 😭 Actually though the fans of Berserk (the other big hiatus shonen, for any of the uninitiated out there) were stuck saying the exact same thing for a few years I do believe and low and behold, they finally got off the boat earlier this year, if memory serves. So, I mean, I might be biased because Togashi has always kept me well fed but I have no doubt we’ll get a HxH update in 2020. But yeah. Rip to twink Kite, loli Kite is different.
Palm is one of my very few hard no’s. There just wasn’t anything I liked about her tbh and I was high key disappointed that she didn’t bite the bullet. Not even because of anything she did or whatever (I know certain parts of the fandom want to crucify her for going on a date with Gon but 1: she didn’t DO anything to him. The only people making it weird and sexual are the ones labeling her a pedophile while completely ignoring the fact she also got all blushy over Knov too. The bitch is lonely and insecure, she’ll fall in love with anyone who shows her kindness regardless of circumstance and 2: Gon was not only all for it and comfortable with the suggestion ((Killua had the real problem lmao)) but he’s also gone on dates with older women before and we don’t know what any of THOSE cougars taught him. All I’m saying is that no harm no foul is a universal code of conduct for good reason and people need to let it go where Palm is concerned because there are other facets of her personality that are extremely unappealing not to mention ... you know. Actually canon.) but everything about her narrative was building up towards her getting killed one way or another and while I usually appreciate Togashi’s trope subversion I just think she threw TOO MANY death flags when all was said and done. So her walking away from that arc with a power up just feels empty and hollow to me. It’s as if ... the only reason she DID survive was just so Togashi could flip the script on the weird, antisocial, depressed/anxiety riddled archetype that so often sacrifices themselves for the greater good in anime and I think Palm’s storyline is one of my ONLY complaints about HxH. Really left me unimpressed and disappointed tbh. 😷
Sorry for the essay, I’m a long winded slut and I can’t help it no matter how much I try to keep stuff like this short and concise. It’s in my blood. Give me other characters to talk about, let’s see who I can ramble about for the longest. 🤣
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