#I am an amberprice fan who just has so many particular views about them
loveregrown · 9 months
The average amberprice shipper thinks there's nothing wrong with them, that rachel is an angel and the only one chloe could ever love, and that them reuniting in heaven is the best fate for both of them. Well it's something the most boring people who have the utmost black and white view of life is strange do which is the one thing you shouldn't do when it comes to this game and how each character is at least a little flawed and overlook key aspects of what makes their relationship so fascinating and also refuse to acknowledge how horribly rachel hurt chloe. She really damaged her, but it isn't truly one sided considering they were mentally ill teenagers who enabled each other and clung to each other like leeches when they had nobody else! It's shown again and again through so much symbolism in BTS like chloe's nightmares which are some of my favorite scenes due to how haunting they are and telling of her state at the time unrelated to AP or the traintrack scene in BTS vs LIS1 that's so blatant it's almost like a slap to the face, and I also hate I hateeee rachel antis who think she's a malicious master manipulator too despite the fact at points she like definitely did use chloe, and blame her for being a victim of grooming. Go to hell. Why does she have to be an angel or a devil, when to be dehumanized by others and herself is what doomed her and lead to her haunting the narrative? To put her on a pedestal would be the last thing she'd want, even if she did this to herself, and chloe subconsicously did, too. She's my little princess but also their relationship was built off of horrors but they really genuinely needed each other and loved each other so, so much and so earnestly. It's just that chloe wasn't Enough for rachel, who had such big dreams, and chloe never got to Truly know her either even if she came So close to it. So close... the pain makes their love more beautiful, almost. They deserved good things and it's heartbreaking. Their twisted ass situationship that lives in my heart forever. But I've already talked about this countless times before I'm like a broken record I just like them so much & I'm too autistic about it ... I think maybe they could've had a future together if they really tried and resolved their issues even a little, but the fact they didn't get to is so tragic and captivating. Uuuu chloe's delusional 16 year old baby lesbian adventures. There's this part where she confronts joyce in how she's using her relationship with david to cope but almost Everything she says can be applied to how she's using her relatioship with rachel to cope with the loss of max and it makes me a little crazy. I don't think it's endgame, but something doesn't have to be endgame to be special. To be meaningful.
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