#int he comics.. yeah
loveregrown · 9 months
The average amberprice shipper thinks there's nothing wrong with them, that rachel is an angel and the only one chloe could ever love, and that them reuniting in heaven is the best fate for both of them. Well it's something the most boring people who have the utmost black and white view of life is strange do which is the one thing you shouldn't do when it comes to this game and how each character is at least a little flawed and overlook key aspects of what makes their relationship so fascinating and also refuse to acknowledge how horribly rachel hurt chloe. She really damaged her, but it isn't truly one sided considering they were mentally ill teenagers who enabled each other and clung to each other like leeches when they had nobody else! It's shown again and again through so much symbolism in BTS like chloe's nightmares which are some of my favorite scenes due to how haunting they are and telling of her state at the time unrelated to AP or the traintrack scene in BTS vs LIS1 that's so blatant it's almost like a slap to the face, and I also hate I hateeee rachel antis who think she's a malicious master manipulator too despite the fact at points she like definitely did use chloe, and blame her for being a victim of grooming. Go to hell. Why does she have to be an angel or a devil, when to be dehumanized by others and herself is what doomed her and lead to her haunting the narrative? To put her on a pedestal would be the last thing she'd want, even if she did this to herself, and chloe subconsicously did, too. She's my little princess but also their relationship was built off of horrors but they really genuinely needed each other and loved each other so, so much and so earnestly. It's just that chloe wasn't Enough for rachel, who had such big dreams, and chloe never got to Truly know her either even if she came So close to it. So close... the pain makes their love more beautiful, almost. They deserved good things and it's heartbreaking. Their twisted ass situationship that lives in my heart forever. But I've already talked about this countless times before I'm like a broken record I just like them so much & I'm too autistic about it ... I think maybe they could've had a future together if they really tried and resolved their issues even a little, but the fact they didn't get to is so tragic and captivating. Uuuu chloe's delusional 16 year old baby lesbian adventures. There's this part where she confronts joyce in how she's using her relationship with david to cope but almost Everything she says can be applied to how she's using her relatioship with rachel to cope with the loss of max and it makes me a little crazy. I don't think it's endgame, but something doesn't have to be endgame to be special. To be meaningful.
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miwiheroes · 24 days
Light = Truth
So this whole Byler post is literally just based off something that my friend who has a studies film at school said to me about lighting. Me and my friends do a presentation night like every few months and obviously my hyperfixation atm is byler so I did '10 reasons why I think byler could be canon'. My friends were convinced by the end btw, which is fun (and they kept pointing out yellow and blue things afterwards i loved life), but they also contributed so many things that I have never even considered or seen on byler tumblr before.
For example, my friend who studies film (btw we aren't just kids who like movies or smth, we are adults studying film lmao), stopped me during my presentation because I wasn't talking about lighting choices that were super clear.
I guess you can take what they said with a grain of salt because they aren't like, a professional ig, but they said that so many times during film, light is symbolic to mean truth. And it's like... oh my god. Suddenly, after they said that, everything made sense. Of course, light means truth in all these scenes! So I just want to point out two Byler/ Mike is gay moments that I think are related to this:
Light in the Closet tm
Hello??? Why is there a light in the closet here, not just to draw ur attention towards it, but also to symbolise something. Who tf has a light in their closet unless its massive, and why would it even be on in this scene?
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The truth is, you're in the closet, Michael. We've all seen these images before and how he has his eyes open, yada yada, but the light literally means truth here, and its framed on his head, like he's thinking of the truth.
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In literally the first scene in season 4 with Mike, as we know, we see a closet. That's almost comical. Not only that, but the light is on. Meaning, the truth is, Mike's still in the closet, again it's framed near his head. (Pair this with the one way sign, it's very obvious what they're trying to say here)
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Let's talk about this image right here:
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First of all, the light is literally shining out of the closet, not just in a blurry fashion, but it's literally a ray of light pointing at Mike who's standing in front of it. This being in the very first scene with Mike in it sets up the sort of arc he has in season 4, the fact that the truth is he's in the closet, but the one way sign shows he's still in it.
I showed this image to my friends during the presentation and the one I mentioned earlier also said that the set designers put the lamp where it is for a reason as well. The lamp in Mike's room is, of course, lighting up Will's drawings on his notice board as well as the buff guy posters. So, his true feelings are that... he likes men. Yah
2. Lights on Will
In the Van scene, everyone knows about how they spent a reallyyyy long time getting the lighting just correct, and if it was meant to mean truth, it all makes sense. (Also to get that heart in Will's eye lmao)
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In this shot, (not particularly this frame but yknow) Will is literally bathed in sunlight, and it could just mean that Mike's seeing him in this light because he's pretty to him or something, or it could mean that Will's literally telling the truth/ Will is Mike's truth. Playing D&D and Nintendo for the rest of their lives is really what he wants, as established in season 3.
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(my fave byler scene yes pls) When I showed this photo to my friends in my presentation, my film studies friend literally laughed. Yes, it is very very clear what they are trying to tell viewers here. The light is purposefully shining perfectly on Will only. Mike is completely cut off from the light and is in the dark. Some think that it's because he's 'in the dark about Will's feelings' (and yeah he is) but I think it's because by the end of season 4, Will has kind of admitted the truth to himself. He loves Mike, but Mike hasn't admitted his truth, that he loves Will.
However, we get clear foreshadowing for the next season in this scene because:
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Mike reaches into the light, for the truth. It also foreshadows him supporting Will more in season 5 perhaps, but the fact that the next shot is this:
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kind of just makes it super duper obvious that he's going to (very cheesy but) 'find his truth' or true feelings with Will/ in the next season.
Okay thanks for listening to me ramble about how light = truth, i would love to hear any other moments that could also mean the same thing :) Anyways, byler endgame.
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marsoid · 3 months
Im sorry, hi, don't need to respond to this ask lol, buy Gabe is closeted?? Lol. I saw him suchen dich on my tumblr dash and I haven't even read the comic.
(followed you cause of the gay car crash redraws and stuck around cause I rlly like the characters and art, just don't have the commitment to read comics, sorry:'))
Have a lovely day, was just dumbfounded xgdbgxhdg
HFJDSKF LMNFAO yeah canonically int he comic he is closeted. But on patreon he is a slutty little man
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seraphimaa · 6 months
Tactical Communication
I had such a dumb idea that wouldn’t leave my head but it has been making me cackle every time I think of it.
Low int Tav tries to warn Astarion that Raphael is, in fact, a fiend during their first encounter. It could have gone better. Bad comic attached at the end to better explain this dumb idea.
(Hinted Raphael x Tav Hinted Astarion x Tav)
Warnings: none
Imagine Tav recognises Raphael as a fiend quickly during their first encounter, despite his disguise.
She wasn’t sure where the stranger was taking them but she had to warn her new travelling companion of the danger they were no doubt following him to.
The fiend walked in front with his back to them and seeing an opportunity to get Astarion’s attention without alerting him, she began to wave her arms above her head like a mad woman. When she saw his gaze fall on her, questioning she panicked as she thought of a way to visually communicate that the man before them was actually a devil.
She knew what to do. Raising her fingers to either side of her head like horns and began to hop manically between her legs. She screwed up her face and wagged her tongue around in a way she hoped screamed Look, I’m big scary devil.
The elf looked deeply disturbed.
She frowned back, raising her eyebrows at him in frustration and continuing her strange dance, wondering why he wasn’t catching on to her obvious communication.
Spinning to the left she yelped and stumbled back as she came face to chest with the disguised fiend. He was sneering down at her, clearly unimpressed.
“Are you quite done?”
Staring at the ground, she nodded quick and sheepish.
“Yeah. Sorry.”
He considered her, holding her in his authoritative scowl, their noses almost touching, until she considered crawling out her own skin in order to escape it. When she had finished flushing a deep cherry red in embarrassment, he took a step back. And cleared his throat.
“Let’s continue, if you think you are capable to do so without further…tomfoolery.”
She would have snorted at the choice of words if it hadn’t been spat so menacingly at her.
It was only when in camp that night, after the devil had made his proposition and released his form that Astarion chose to address the Hollyphant in the room.
“What in the hells was that?”
“I was trying to communicate tactically?”
“And what exactly were you trying to communicate? That your tadpole has chewed through whatever functioning brains you have?”
He sniffed at her, rolling his eyes. Gods, if this was his only ally in the fight to come he may as well toss himself off of the nearest cliff face.
“No. He smelled of sulphur. I was trying to tell you that he was a devil…obviously.”
She considered not adding that dash salt to the wound but he was so rude sometimes.
He sighed and they both sat like that, arms crossed and pouting in silence. It was only broken as he rose to take his leave like he usually did at night, for whatever strange reason.
“Maybe, try the magic, telepathic bloody tadpoles liking our subconsciouses next time…Darling.”
That bastard.
(Please forgive the comic. I just needed to get this tomfoolery out of me as quickly as possible so I can actually focus.)
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
—rum, fighting, and pirates
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SUMMARY | you really need to stop letting jack get involved with bar fights
PAIRING | jack sparrow x reader
WARNINGS | violence, drinking, all around piratey things
AUTHORS NOTES | hm. would you look at that. another man for me to be gay for. well i'll be
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You knew better. Of course you did. You had been sailing with the crew of The Pearl long enough to know when to pick and choose your fights, albeit through lots of trial and error. Which would be all fine and dandy—if Jack Sparrow wasn't your captain.
You're really not sure how any of this happened. One moment you were sitting at some dingy bar in Tortuga with rum clutched fervently in your hand—Jacks arm resting drunkenly on the top of your head while Gibbs and your other crewmates flapped their gums about some tall sea tale. And the next, you were crouching behind a bar as various objects whizzed by your head, the drunkest man in the pub directly next to you—who just happened to be your captain.
Next chance you got, you would have to talk to Jack about who and who not to punch in the face, no matter what they were saying about his hat.
That talk would preferably be held far away from any rum on hand.
Far, far away.
"You know—" Your words were cut short as a broken bottle nearly grazed the top of your head, resulting in an impromptu string of curses to slip. "—sometimes I think the only reason you ever come ashore is to look for some new people to piss off."
"It would hardly be a trip int' land without a bit of action darlin. Otherwise why would I ever leave th' sea." Jack grinned, winking at you in response as the yelling continued from over the cover of the bar.
"A refill?" You shook an empty bottle of rum in his face for emphasis, his grin turning into a comical pout as he twisted his neck an unnecessary amount to stare into the empty container. The warped glass turned his brown eyes into an unnatural golden color, like the sun on the horizon, which confused you for noticing.
"You make a fair point love." He slurred. "What's to say we steal as much rum as these ol' arms can carry and make for The Pearl, aye?"
"I'm fine with anything that involves us getting out of here at this point." You sighed with faux exhaustment. Jacks grin only grew exponentially at your words, jumping up out of excitement before ducking back down as a wild candlestick knocked his beloved hat off.
"Ah." He blinked. "Forgo' bout that."
You laughed at the look on his face, picking up his hat from the floor and placing it crookedly on his head with a ruffle of his hair. "Yeah. I can tell. Now let's get out of here before they notice all the drinks are gone, alright?"
"I like the way you think, love." His eyes glittered with mischief as the two of you rounded up what you could of the booze and the crew, running out the pub's doors with what was soon to be an angry crowd hot on your heels in pursuit. But this was Captain Jack Sparrow. Nothing could catch him and his crew.
You supposed this was the day those people would never forget. The day they let Jack Sparrow and his right hand man (Y/n) get away.
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transcript for the marina toybina interview
if you haven’t seen it already, gerard’s costume designer for the us leg of the tour, marina toybina recently did an interview for the john campea show. i saw some people looking for a transcript and i didn’t see that someone already made one so i did one!
here’s the link, the interview starts around 22:06
transcript under cut :)
INT (Robert Meyer Burnett): Well, now you just finished working with My Chemical Romance, which is a band that I dig. Gerard Way, is also a comic book writer and artist, created the Umbrella Academy.
INT: So first of all: how did you get that job, because there’s a design, there’s a design—the look of that band and what they like to do and what they’re influenced by, they’re not just your typical rock band. So what was it like, how did you get that job? And you designed the whole tour, right?
M: Um, I collaborated with the lead singer, yes, with Gerard. Um, okay. Everything kind of has its place in time.
M: 15 years ago, 15-20 years ago, I was a huge fan. I am a rock girl at heart. Back then, a lot of their music was like, music to my soul. It got me through some of the harder times, a lot of my friends were musicians, and I-I never saw them live, never could afford tickets to their shows, but knew one day that in my heart, I’m like, there probably will be an opportunity one day. They were like my top five favourite bands and he was just already an artist I’ve always wanted to work with. And, this past summer when I was designing So You Think you Can Dance, I just happened to turn on their music—nope, let me rewind, I’m so sorry.
M: So a year ago, I was reading a release that they’re coming back together on tour and they’re playing LA on my birthday. And I look at my team and I was like, I’m gonna be at that show, we’re gonna go to the show, we’re all gonna go together and I just jokingly said I’m like, “I’ll probably dress them.”
M: And a lot of things in my career have happened to manifestation, like I’m a huge believer in that. And I think my intentions were so clear into the universe and I believed in it so much that that happened a year ago, and then this past summer, I was driving to work, I was listening to their music, and I just happened to text my agent and I’m like, you know I really wanna get back into music. It’s what I used to do, I used to do a lot of live performances, I used to do a lot of music videos. I need to feel that again. Even though I’m surrounded by music all the time, and I’m doing all these shows. But there’s some—there was a disconnect in my career where it’s like, I love live entertainment.
M: And she’s like “Who do you want, like are we going after pop stars?” And I’m like no, I’ve done all that. I want to go back to my roots, like I want Incubus or My Chemical Romance—
INT: Nice!
M: Red Hot Chili Peppers, I’m like, get me back to rock and roll. 
M: And she was like, “Well, they’re touring but, let’s just put it out there.” 
M: And then, within two weeks I get an email from her and be like “Hey, their managers want to meet with you, he wants to meet with you.” And one of the biggest things about their aesthetic is—probably one of my top 3 costume designers is Colleen Atwood, [and she] did their Black Parade album, and it was so incredible and I, back then, I was always a step behind. It’s like, they did the Black Parade, and then I met the photographer later, then I worked on a project with him. So it was always like, some better late than never I guess. And I’m like, I’m gonna work with him someday, I love her work, I’ve been told by many people we’re a lot alike, you know? And I’m like, why not.
M: And so, we get this email that he would like to take a meeting, see what we can do. And I never expected to do the tour. I just wanted to open this door of opportunity to just collaborate, maybe do one thing together.
M: And he just showed up in my studio, and it was just, an amazing artistic, like-
INT: Were you starstruck? I mean Gerard Way is like, one of your-
M: I was trying to hold it together! I mean, before they came in, I can’t tell you how much I paced. And usually there’s like, 15-20 people at my studio, and this was the time, the day that I was alone, you know. I didn’t know what to do. And of course, my expectations were just to do like, present myself, and see if I would be a good asset to them, or something, because I love their music. I love what he’s about, and it’s also like, it’s not just the frontman for me. I think he’s a brilliant artist.
M: So there were a lot of things, I just wanted our worlds to merge somehow. And within the first five minutes of a conversation, I’m like “Oh, I get his brain.”
M: And I told him my story, I told him that this is like, 20 years in the making, and probably sound like a crazy fan costume designer. We shared ideas, he kind of walked me through the concepts of things he wants to do on this particular tour. They haven’t started doing the US leg of the tour, I didn’t know if they had a designer, and he did mention Colleen was doing something for him. And I was like, okay, how can this-can this be a triangle? [laughs] Can I come in on the picture?
M: It was just a beautiful collaboration. It was like, a genuine artist to artist conversation. Like. “Let’s do something interesting.” He walked me through his concepts, his ideas. And I’m like. alright, let me come up with some creatives, see if we’re on the same page. Again, as much as I wanted to be like, “Hey, we’re doing this tomorrow.” I also felt like it’s important, now, in my career and possibly in his, to make sure the relationship is good, you know? Like this is the right artistic match to one another. And it worked.
M: From there it was just like, amazing fittings, amazing collaboration, and some iconic things that went viral.
INT: I love hearing this from you, because this is like, the joyous experience when, “Oh my God, I’ve dreamt of working with somebody.” And you finally get to do it. 
INT: But I want to take you back to that, because I’m curious. How would that process even begin?
M: Right.
INT: You’re working with somebody that, you already know their music, you already know his vibe. And Colleen Atwood, who I’ve interviewed on the show by the way, she’s incredible. Our interview, she was in the middle of the work day so it was a short interview. But, how does a collaboration like that work with somebody like Gerard Way? How do you guys start working together? How is that process?
M: It was just like, an initial conversation, you know? I introduced myself, my work. They already did some background, kind of checking out to see where I stand, what my aesthetic was like. And I felt like, in a place in my life right now, in my career, I was able to bring something new. And that’s where my confidence, I think, came from. At the same time, I didn’t want to change the artist that’s in front of me. I think that’s always so important when working with music. You’re dealing with a fanbase and a reputation, an aesthetic approach that’s far beyond any artistic reach of anybody coming in.
INT: Right.
M: So for me it was, you know. Having a conversation, understanding what characters he wanted to bring forward. This was a very playful tour. This wasn’t about dressing up the whole band. This was about him being in this world of iconic characters and, how can we bring this to life, and what can we do that’s very recognizable to his fans, at the same time, a little bit of a shock value, you know.
M: But at the same time, I wanted him to be him. And he was in this beautiful place in his life and career right now, where he felt great, felt confident, and I just wanted to uplift that. We went through the creative decks, went through the conversations, which characters we wanted to go with. These are the shows that he had, I knew which city we kind of wanted to play off, like where was the right time, like Halloween was right around the corner, what do we do. 
M: So it was like, very strategic conversations, but at the same time, room to play and be creative. So I had just gathered the top 10 characters that we had discussed, and kind of started doing my own thing, and keeping him and the music in mind, and had an amazing fitting.
M: And I’ve never worked with an artist that’s so clear. Not just like, directional and very precise and very distinct on his own style, but it was just even clear for me when we were doing fittings that this is somebody that knows his body. This is somebody who knows his aesthetic on stage. This is somebody that knows how they’re going to perform. It just made it so much easier for me to be able to fall into his world. And do the fittings to where: Is this going to come off, is this piece staying on, are we going to do options, you know, is the character going to evolve on stage, is the character going to come down on stage. All those conversations happen in our fittings and then I just packed it all up with distinct notes, and sent them off, and then kept checking in making sure everything was okay, and yeah.
INT: So would you, when you had a direction for the characters, were you doing sketches first?
M: No, not at all! This was something that I kind of felt like, needed to have the research? It wasn’t just about designing something on paper.
INT: Right, okay.
M: When he mentioned to me, “I want to be a vintage cheerleader.” I’m like, okay what era are we in? 50s, 60s, 70s, you know, 40s? And then he was like, “Find me something that’s within, possibly, this color scheme.”
INT: Okay.
M: And for me it was like, the image that went viral when he did wear the cheer uniform. It was probably like 10 different vintage stores that we went to. And I’m like, okay everything’s size zero, or like, what am I gonna do, you know? This stuff doesn’t exist anymore, if I get it from Etsy it’s not gonna come in on time. There was so much.
M: And it happened to be as we were leaving one of the stores I look on the sale rack. And I find this damaged, weird, like, vintage cheer dress that had no zipper, that had no hem, and I was like. I love this. 
M: I love this because I can reconstruct it, I can go and get the fabrics we need to still keep it original and authentic. And that’s how we start working. I build out a dress size, I had a mannequin his size at my studio. Put it on, we reshaped it, took the whole thing apart, reconstructed it to be his measurements, and still kept it authentic.
M: And after he wore it, the pattern I think for the actual thing was sold out.
INT: Wow.
M: His fans loved it so much that we were getting notifications that people actually found the original pattern of this 1940s uniform and were buying it out.
INT: That’s crazy!
M: Oh it’s amazing. I think, to me, it’s like that’s when things are just meant to be. Not only did my work translate into something beautiful on stage, but then he becomes this incredible persona on stage that then delivers the character and plays it off. We did that throughout every single look, every single look went like, became a fan favourite, or crazy yeah.
INT: in terms of time, what was the process when you first got the gig and then to the first show that was performed using your work? What was the time-frame?
M: I think I had about a month to get it all together.
INT: Wow, so that’s not much.
M: At the same time, I had another huge project in the works. So it was going back in forth, but. I could not tell you, like, I’ve had difficult projects in the past. And I’ve had difficult times with artists, you know, finding our own language, how to execute some things. This was so easy, that time didn’t matter to me.
M: It was such a great collaboration and so it flowed, like Bruce Lee would say, like water. It just made sense. No matter how difficult my other project was, or what was going on at the same time, it was like, the universe showing me: this is how it’s supposed to be. This is what’s inspiring me. 
M: And at the end of the day, the one thing I told Gerard, “You made me fall in love with music again. You came into my life as an artist that I’ve admired and wanted to work with for almost 20 years.” And there was a big part of my beginning, that just made me look back at this now and be like oh. That was that feeling that I had when I was 16, 20.
INT: Well that’s amazing. Congratulations on that. 
M: Thank you.
INT: What an exciting project! That you did so quickly.
M: Yeah, it was amazing.
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spamtoon · 3 months
DCRC Book Club TWO !
for last week. oops. i'm so sorry puffy school and driving have been kicking my metaphorical ahh BUT. i need to read more of the funny uno comic. you have uno it came free with your ducklair tower (has said this joke like five times)
PLEASE know this is just going to be like. liveposting. rather than an analysis im typing this all while i'm reading the comic
pkna spoilers. again long post do not feel like you have to read unless you want to
please know that every time i look at an evronian now i think HOLY SHIT ! its Agron from Evron! me and my friends had a very enjoyable reading of issue 1 but this bad boy is allll me baby
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i was going to say wow this penguin guy looks sick i wonder if he's an actual charcter and then i realized the big metal thing is NOT armor that is their WEAPON and i am more dsappointed but yknow what sure. we need more penguin representation in duck.verse aside from those fuck ass penguins (referring to tus.kernini's penguins)
i would also like to note that the italian sound effects are very funny. i am told there is a SPAM later in the comic and i would like to see that come to fruition
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ooh? you're already at the making breakfasts stage donald? how fascinating... sorry no matter if i get an attachment to uno i will acknowledge he is forever donald's alright. the fucking way uno looks back i'm so... he's so goobity. he's such a thing. such a goober in fact
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well you see uno. this vandal is a club penguin fan and is looking to recreate the box dimensio--nevermind he's not taking any of the boxes joke cancelled HAH NEVERMIND HE IS TAKING THE BOXES see i told you
your AUNT is a mutant. obsessed with the idea of donald duck using your aunt instead of your mom because of his family being full of a whole bunch of uncles and aunts its beautiful i think
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angus fangus can you please get your bitch ass out of here and into the other hemisphere for me? thanks. you made donald sad. you made him so fucking sad im so (feat lyla lay swagger)
cog i ough. from what i understand from other comics the publication that tries to frame them is almost never Actually On Their Premises. this could lead to some interesting setups...
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donald yyou little fucking shit. i see where the 87 triplets get it from. i mean i approve but you little fucking shit. i love that uno just goes along with it like yeah this guy's a dick let's mess him up
im appreciating how they write lyla okay. she's so Manipulative but not in a bad way you know. yes she just said she was the duck avenger but she's doing it in order to gague donald's reactions, or as donald thinks possibly tip him off? she clearly knows a lot more than anyone gives her credit for and yet here we are.
oh she fucking knows knows actually alright. alright i see where they're going with this (i dont) (i am reading with Intrigue...) wait wait my epic brain thoughts alright.t they're doing the thing where they set something up and then they have a reveal so lyla lay. just might be a mutant like time fucky wucker was talking about eh? eh?
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the fucking fight scenes int his comic... the way they show the differences between weapons and just like. play with the panels. it might be standard for th medium and i just havent read hat many comics but i love shit like this
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please know that if uno didn't exit camera 9 would be my favorite character. spamcore. to me. and the fucking way they portray time travel here ough. cool as fucking hell. the slow stepping forward and the Wind Effect oho. ohoho.
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uno's fucking face sory i just. i too wonder how the fuck they're gonna outliquida.tor themselves out of this one becuase this. guy does in fact seem overpowered but donald probably has to deal with many more overpowered people
2 issues in and we've already introduced time police dear lord i wonder how it's going to snowball from here.
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the duck avenger version of the everyone's an idiot d.arkwing falacy. everyone's a fucking snoop and its beautiful. donald is so serious here and yet everybody else is like five steps ahead of him
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uno smiling is so fucking precious i don't care what anyone says its so fucking precious okay. please know i'm starting to feel important is making me emo but im writing the rest of this post immedaitely after rewatching a goo.fy movie with people so... and after three episodes that make em fucking nsnngamgsnmgngnsmgab you know
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the fucking way i actually went :O over this i'm so predictable omg. that's so cool. robots... are so cool holy shit. so there's just robots everywhere alright thats Fucking Sick Actually. i retract the thing i said in vc today acab does not apply to her i think she's... a silly girl...
hey uno. you see with uno. i dont even know much about him yet. i don't want to say it for certain right now but it feels like. not quite a bright spark in terms of Level yet but like. like bright spark in that i feel like him rejecting me would make me feel good you know. yes please list all the ways that though i am mechanical i am a disgrace to all robotkind, with my primitive technology and even more primitive habits. this could change. i am on the second issue of this long running comic. but at this point that probably isn't the case. uno makes me feel like a rat in that he's beautiful and i will prioritize saving him over the various citizens in the city. not that he needs it
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gay ahh wink from this mega.mind lookin ahh... dude i literally went to movie night and then when i came bakc there were like. two three pages left. but y'know what i ough. as i've said before i am invested in this thing and i have homework to do but i also kinda wanna do week three right now y'know. oughghghg i just. i'm so glad that they like gave l.yla lay an acutla purpose like i knew she had to be the only pk.na character in mudae for a reason but from her introduction i was SO worried they were just gonna have her be. The Girl Friend Character but she is shaping up to be so so so much more than that.
thank you dipshit duck for getting me to like. suck it up and be comfortable with reading comics because theres so much duckverse has in store for me and i cant wait to experience it all
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
You're Just Like Quicksand
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Batman Beyond
Summary: Jason Todd is ready to go into semi-retirement after fifteen years working with troubled youth, but one case in particular forces him to confront the sins of his youth and painful memories from his past.
Chapters: 4/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Terry McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Bruce Wayne, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): TBA
Additional Tags: Protective Jason Todd, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Retired Jason Todd, Multiple POV, Hurt/Comfort, Parent-Child Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, Angst, Mourning Jason Todd
Chapter Four: No Man's Land (Terry McGinnis' POV)
I sat across from Jason, working on my history paper, struggling to write the page on how that applied to Gotham today. Jason sat behind his computer, transferring files using the scanner. “You look like you’re stuck on something. What’s up?” Jason asked without looking up.
“You were a kid during No Man’s Land, right?” I asked.
“I was in a coma, so I wouldn’t be much help there,” Jason answered. “I have a brother who was alive during that time… When’s the paper due?”
“Rough draft’s due Thursday,” I replied.
Jason checked his watch and pressed three buttons on his office phone. “Hello?” a man’s voice answered.
“Bernie? Bern, tell Tim to come to the phone. One of my kids has a few questions for a homework assignment. Let him know he doesn’t have to speak to me if he doesn’t feel like it. This is for the kid,” Jason stated. He pushed his hair back, shutting his eyes as he breathed through his nose.
“I’ll get him… Wait a second, okay?” the man whispered.
“Who’s Bernie?” I asked.
“He’s my brother-in-law… He’s a good guy. Phenomenal cook. My kids love him-. Loved… They loved him,” Jason mumbled.
“Jason, what’s this about?” a stern voice questioned.
Jason looked at me. “I’ve got a student here who needs to interview a person from Gotham who was alive during No Man’s Land,” Jason explained, “I was in a coma, but I figured you might remember something about that time.”
“I do… How’re you doing? Kenny came home from school last week and asked about you,” Tim whispered.
“Did he get my gift?” Jason questioned.
“He did. I think he’d rather see his uncle… And despite our problems, I see no need in you avoiding Ken. He adores you-.”
“You’re on speaker, and I-. You know why I stay away… Tell him I love him, and I’m proud of him,” Jason interrupted, “No more small talk, okay? The kid’s paper is due on Thursday… And I’m sure it’ll take time for him to take notes today.”
Tim cleared his throat. “Okay… Fine. Hi, I’m Tim, Jason’s younger brother,” Tim introduced himself.
“I’m Terry. I guess you could say I’m a client of Jason’s… Are you busy?” I asked.
“Not particularly busy… Jason called the right person. I was in Gotham when it started, and my dad pulled me out to keep me safe,” Tim explained.
“Let me see your history book for a second,” Jason whispered. I passed him my tablet, and he read the pages to himself. “This is Tim. He’s right here.” Jason showed me a billboard of one of the missing kids in Gotham.
“That’s your brother?” Terry asked.
“Jason, don’t tell him that-.”
“Yeah, the search for him was like a nationwide incident-.”
“Okay, Terry, you had questions about that specific time, right?” Tim asked.
Jason gestured for me to answer him. “Tim doesn’t bite. He’s harmless,” Jason joked. I grinned.
“Tim, how old were you at the time?” I questioned.
“I was fifteen,” Tim answered.
Jason typed something into his personal phone. “Can you describe life in Gotham before, during, and after?” Terry asked.
Tim described Gotham as a crime-ridden city with a system of order kept neat by vigilante justice and police work before No Man’s Land (NML). During NML, the only system was that of criminal persuasion. The government abandoned the people, who were forced to fend for themselves against the different factions of super-powered and gimmicky criminals in their respective areas. Tim snuck into Gotham after it’d been shut off and got stuck there. When he returned home to Gotham after everything opened up, Tim’s dad enrolled him in boarding school. “A lot of us didn’t adjust well to being back in Gotham, and tons of kids, including myself, didn’t finish high school,” Tim replied.
“What did you do?” I asked.
Jason stood up, leaving me in his office alone. “Family business… But Gotham saw the problem in the school system and made it easier for kids to go to school and get their GEDs, go to college, and do whatever they had to to get on their feet,” Tim replied.
“Thanks for the help,” I smiled, “I-. Is Jason by himself a lot?”
“Jason, isolates… It’s what he does. He’s-.”
“Dad, is that JT?” a voice in the background questioned.
“I’m talking to one of his protégés,” Tim answered.
“Tell the kid to tell JT that ice cream’s on the house,” the voice replied.
“Okay, Kenny… I will. Now, make sure your father doesn’t cause a three-alarm fire making pizza again,” Tim warned him.
“Can do… Pop! You don’t need to put gasoline in a wood burner!” the voice yelled.
“That’s my son… Um, how old are you?” Tim asked.
“Fourteen,” I answered.
“He wouldn’t have called me had it not been for you… Jason must really like you. I haven’t heard from him in years. So, it was nice to hear his voice today. He almost sounded happy,” Tim whispered. His voice was soft. “I’ve gotta go. It’s dinnertime, but I want you to know it was a pleasure speaking to you, and I hope you get an ‘A’ on your history paper.”
“Thanks, Tim… And I’ll pass along your son’s message. Bye,” I replied.
“Bye, Terry.”
Jason returned with pizza and a large to-go container of fries. “Your dad texted me. He’ll be home late, so you’re having dinner with me. I hope you don’t mind pizza, breadsticks, and french fries. I didn’t plan on eating dinner tonight,” Jason stated without thinking. “Did I-? I meant-. I planned on having a drink, a piece of cake, and going to bed. Did Tim give you all the info you needed for your paper?” He seemed frazzled.
I nodded. “Someone wanted me to give you a message. I think it was your nephew,” I mumbled. Jason shook his head.
“No… It’s okay. Don’t tell me,” Jason whispered. I wrung my hands. “I’m not upset with either of you. It makes things easier when I don’t hear from the kids. That includes Ken… He’s my favorite, so that makes it even harder.”
“Oh… I almost forgot to say I watched your cage match against Michael ‘The Meat Grinder’ Gallucci. I had to watch it like ten times. How’d you do that so fast?” I asked. I had to change the subject. And well… He owed me a story.
Jason ate a fistful of fries and pushed the to-go plate my way. “Mm… That was my first match, but it wasn’t where the move originated. My oldest son was the first one to do the Thunderclap. He was eight, and we were play-fighting on the living room floor when he put his hands together, swung back, slapped me on one side of my face, swung, and hit me on the other cheek. I was so stunned-. I think he was too. He didn’t mean to hit me. I think he forgot it was only a game,” Jason replied. I don’t think he was convinced. He knit his brows together, a pained expression painted by the wrinkles in his brow and the tightness of his lips. I wondered what bubbled beneath the surface of his mind. Jason was interesting. Sad… But interesting. “You gave me a look.”
“I-. Jason, can I be honest with you?” I questioned.
“I’d like that,” Jason replied, “Don’t pull punches. I can take it.”
“He hit you, but he didn’t forget you were playing… He got carried away, didn’t he? He had a history of getting carried away-.”
“He did, but he was my little boy, and I loved him. Something in him was just-. Terry, there are things you’ll never understand in life until you experience them for yourself. I hope you never have to experience that, though,” Jason interrupted, “But you’re right. I covered over the truth. That was a great observation. I don’t mind being caught in a lie, so you can call me out as much as you like. No hard feelings.”
The truth. So, I felt compelled to give him the same heartfelt honesty. “Your son was lucky… I-. My dad loves me, but sometimes I can tell he doesn’t understand me. Sometimes I feel like a stranger to him,” I mumbled, “Maybe there’s something wrong with me.”
“I don’t think so… I don’t think parents and children are meant to understand each other… I think we’re meant to love each other despite the mystery. It’s easier to understand a complete stranger than to comprehend how a human you brought into existence, whose little face you washed and watched grow-. You wonder why they’re so different,” Jason whispered. His voice was soft and broken. It made me miss my dad. “Warren loves you more than most dads ever love their sons. I don’t know… It might be a psychological thing. Most dads hate their sons, but he adores you.”
“That’s nice to hear,” I replied.
“It’s the truth,” Jason stated. We both reached for a slice of pizza at the same time. “You remind me of myself, Terry… When I was young, I could’ve been anyone or anything. Don’t become one thing, Terry. You owe yourself more than that… Because once you trap yourself in one thing, it’s all you ever get. There’s no escaping it.”
“Did you get trapped in one thing?” I asked.
“Yeah, and I’ve spent my whole life trying to escape the ramifications of one misstep I made when I was fifteen,” Jason replied. And that stuck with me.
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distant-velleity · 8 months
Summary: Jamil (probably) doesn't have any ulterior motives, but Jack is not so quick to trust that. Word count: 900+ A/N: I literally started writing this as soon as I got out of dance class today so do not expect it to be good 😭 I just thought it would be so funny if Jack judged Yu's taste in guys. He's always looking out for his friends and keeping an eye out for those who might be unsavory so, you know;; lol. Just wanted to write a little bit of silliness to make up for... everything I've posted in the past few days lol. Enjoy!
“There’s this friend of yours,” Jamil murmurs, eyes darting aside as he hands a plastic container to Yu. It seems this time he’s foregone the excuse that he happened to make extras the night before. “Jack, was it?”
(The container is nice and warm, and there’s faint sparkles that indicate it’s been enchanted to stay that way. How sweet.)
Yu tilts his head. “What about Jack?”
“He… I don’t mean to sound paranoid”—“Cute attempt, even if you kind of do”— “but he always seems to become excessively alert when I’m around you. Hostile, even.”
Even someone as unobservant as Yu can immediately recall what Jamil’s talking about—Jack isn’t very good at hiding his body language, so it’s easy to notice when he does subconscious things like raising his tail or stiffening his ears upwards. Or when his fur stands on end, making him look somehow sharper and dangerous. And—
“Oh yeah, didn’t he growl at you once when you clapped me on the shoulder?”
“What did he think I was going to do, punch you?” Jamil asks exasperatedly. “I can keep my hands relatively to myself.”
“But not your eyes,” Yu mutters. “If he knew about winter break, he’d probably kill you.��
Jamil grimaces.
“…that was a joke,” quickly adds Yu.
“If he keeps baring his canines at me, it won’t seem like one.” Jamil rubs his temples. “I’d ask what I’m doing wrong, but I know for a fact everything I do for you is harmless.”
Yu smiles, a little apologetically. “Well, sometimes he doesn’t notice his own behavior, but it’s because he cares so much.” 
“That doesn’t make me feel more reassured.” 
“Maybe you should spend more time around us. He’ll warm up to you.” At Jamil’s skeptical little eye roll, Yu continues with a growing smirk. “I mean, even if it looks like he doesn’t, it’s not like he’s gonna do anything to you if you don’t do anything crazy. He’s a biiig softie, it’s the only reason he hasn’t beaten Ace up yet.”
Jamil scoffs. “Soft or not, I’d rather be on decent terms with him so it’s easier for me to…” He trails off all of a sudden, leaving Yu to abruptly notice the heavy footsteps behind him.
“So it’s easier for you to do what?” asks Jack in his usual low, rumbling voice—with a distinct tone of warning. Although he towers over the both of them, Yu doesn’t feel threatened with how Jack stands right behind him; it feels like having a big guardian puppy around.
While Yu waves to his friend, Jamil says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “For me to be friends with Yu. I’m not sure what I’ve done to offend you, but I can tell you for certain that I don’t have any intentions to hurt him.” 
Maybe the way it sounds so smooth and practiced is more suspicious to Jack. “Uh-huh. You’d better be able to prove it with more than just words. Yu, can I have that container?”
“Yeah, just don’t toss it or anything. Jamil works diligently to prepare meals, you know.” When Jack nods reluctantly, Yu hands it over without complaint.
As the resident poison-tester, Jamil settles for a resigned look on his face as Jack sniffs for signs of unsavory magic or ingredients. 
The beastman seems satisfied after a solid half a minute of inspection, at least until— “Wait, haven’t you been eating stuff marked with the same magic for the past few weeks? Was it all from this guy?”
It’s comical how Jamil sputters. “So I’ve been reduced to ‘this guy’? And how come you only start sniffing it out once you know I gave it to Yu?”
“‘Cause I have no clue what your real intentions are,” Jack argues, ears pointing up with tension. “You used to fade into the background but all of a sudden you start getting buddy-buddy with Yu, of course I’m gonna think there’s something up with that—”
“Jack, it’s fine,” Yu interrupts. “Jamil can be a douche”—“Excuse you?”—“but he won’t try anything. You, well, you smelled it for yourself, he didn’t put anything in the food and I haven’t been acting weird since I started eating it.”
“Except for trusting him…”
Jamil gives them both a Look™. “Have I not been proving myself trustworthy?”
The way Jack narrows his eyes slightly at Jamil and vice versa feels like something straight out of a manga. Yu can practically see the black background effects of hostility. “You have, and that’s why I’m giving you a chance…” He trails off, seeing Jack’s fur stand on end. “Guys, this is getting ridiculous. You ever think there’s a reason why Crewel calls you ‘unruly pups’?”
“I’m not being unruly in the least,” Jamil says coolly, not disengaging from whatever the hell is going on.
“You’re not helping your case,” Jack grumbles, crossing his arms and glaring even more fiercely. 
Yu closes his eyes. “You guys, seriously—”
The ten-minute warning bell rings, and Yu has never been more grateful for a glorified “hurry the fuck up and get to first period” message. 
Jack backs down right away, mumbling something about not wanting to be late for Trein’s class. As soon as he’s out of earshot, all 190+ centimeters of him disappearing down the hallway, Jamil turns to Yu.
“So… what was that about him being a ‘softie’?”
Yu rolls his eyes. “You skeptic. I mean, me too, but—c’mon. I’m sure he’ll warm up to you someday.”
“...Uh-huh.” Jamil sounds unconvinced. “We’ll see how soon that day comes, then.”
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popculturebuffet · 29 days
Finally for Disney TVA, who is your favorite character from the cartoons made for Jetix with: Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go, Get Ed, and Yin Yang Yo? And since 2007-21 was covered already, gonna throw in favorite character from the newest Disney TVA shows from 2022 onward with: The Proud Family Louder and Prouder, Monsters at Work, Hamster & Gretel, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur, Kiff, Hailey's On It, Zombies the Re-Animated Series, and Primos?
Oh yeah we covered that a long ass time ago. Okay let's throw out from the get go Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go (Only saw it once or twice), get ed, Monsters at Work, Hamster and Gretel and the last three (havent' seen any of them)
Yin Yang Yo: NOt sure. I did really enjoy the show though. Fun, well paced, and funny. It was great stuff
Louder and Prouder: Bobby Proud Ya'll. Made that clear last time and his new 90's getup still slaps. The show itself.. is fine. I thought I made that clear but yeah. It changes a few things for the better, queer representation, less sterotyping, Penny's friends not stabbing her in the back often but it didn't change enough for me to stay on. Oscar, despite the first episode hinting at it, is still an overprotective dick, sugar mama still abuses him.. it's stuff that SHOULD hvave been left behind. Also the lack of research int he junteenth episdoe and my lack of research into the book mentioned still bother me. But I can repsect them trying new anythings, making a very good queer episode and an episode about autisim at the very least.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Yeah kind of asmall one to go out on. Faviorite character is The Beyonder: he's the discord we needed for the 2020s, a delightful shit that turns a character that was either one note or...
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... This into a delightful shit weasel with a great deisgn and performanc by Laurence Fishburn and a neat arc going forward.
The show itself is fantastic. Season one was decent, with aseops that didn't feel patronizing, great comedy and excellent characters, taking Lunella from a bit of a brat in the comics to a flawed but loveable character and a neat break from teh usual uber positive I can do anything leads disney has. Not sayingI hate that group, I love Webby and Luz, but it's nice to have a change of pace. Season 2 has so far upped the ante, with a nice bit of serlization mixed in, added stakes, and a throughly chilling tragic new villian. It's truly great and I can't wait for more and hope it gets more than these two seasons.
Kiff: FUCK ALMOSTM FORGOT THIS ONE. Candle is a lot of fun and usually hilarous when she shows up. I need to watch more of this show but I enjoy what i've seen, a fun, simple zany slice of life story with kimiko glenn in the lead. how could I not love it?
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gnar-slabdash · 2 years
I know some otherwise intelligent people that can't seem to appreciate "Leverage". How can this be?
I mean I feel like mostly the answer is "because different intelligent people naturally have different tastes" and also "one does not control the special interest." But here's a few possible answers just for kicks: 1. If you can't get them to START watching, are you sure you're meeting them on their level? I've been telling my bff about Leverage for years and he's never been interested. Then I remembered that he was never interested in MCR either until I showed him the Danger Days music videos, because what he IS into is apocalypse stories and comics and classic anime. BAM, he was obsessed. So I told him about all the people from STAR TREK who work on Leverage and he was like "WHY did you never tell me this before???" He still hasn't actually WATCHED it because he's just become a full-fledged Ivy League professor and also has ADHD up the wazoo, but now it's actually on his radar because I started where he's at.
2. If they've started watching and aren't getting into it, make sure they're watching in the CORRECT ORDER. As with a certain other halcyon 2000s show, the episodes were originally aired in the wrong order, and that's the order that streaming services usually retain (I believe the DVDs have the intended order). You can just google to find the right order, I usually find it in imdb's trivia section. How big a difference the change makes will vary by person, but for me watching int he wrong order made the emotional storylines make a lot less sense. Episode 3, for example, was SUPPOSED to be the Wedding Job, not the Two Horse Job. So it feels like she's really jumping the gun when Eliot's ex tells him he has a new family now -- really, he's known these people for like a month?? Well, that was supposed to come later. And likewise, this was supposed to be the point where Sophie freaks out because she doesn't know where her relationship with Nate was going. But because they moved THAT to later, it feels like she's happily settled into the status quo and then blows up out of nowhere. I legitimately didn't like Sophie at all when I first watched the first season, and it's NOT HER FAULT -- it's because they fucked up her emotional storyline by putting the episodes in the wrong places.
3. A lot of people fucking hate that the main character is a white male tortured asshole genius trope. Yeah there are lots of other characters they can focus on, but Nate is kind of a lot if that's not what you're into. I will never in my life UNDERSTAND not being into it because that trope is literally what got me into the show, but I realize I'm in the minority there.
4. Gotta get a little more serious now. One thing I appreciate about the Leverage fandom is we usually don't get hung up in arguments about what's problematic about the show and what issues people "should be talking about." We realize it's a show from the late 2000s created by a couple of white guys and it's not perfect, and then we focus on all the great stuff it was able to accomplish anyway. I LIKE that. BUT. It means when we go to recommend it to people, we sometimes oversell it. "It's a queer poly band of thieves trying to take down capitalism!" Well, no, it actually isn't. Just because JR likes to talk about how the OT3 is so totally canon actually doesn't make it true. He says he did everything the network allowed him to do, but now that he's making Redemption the way it is, we can guess that's not entirely true either. I think there are actually no canon gays except that one lady cop. And speaking of cops, there are a lot of those, and they're sometimes corrupt but they're very often good guys and sending the bad guys to jail is very often written as a major win, and that is understandably a problem for a lot of people. And finally, they are not actually trying to take down capitalism. I think it was Latimer who told them that they were actually just trying to REGULATE the system, not take it down -- and HE WAS RIGHT. They're trying to fix the system by taking down the Bad CEOS and replacing them with Good CEOS, which is an easier sell on 2000s network TV than it is to a new watcher today. There are other issues that might be more problematic to some people, I'm just using these ones to make my point that some of the most commonly mentioned selling points of Leverage aren't entirely accurate. So just be realistic when recommending it to avoid some serious sticker shock.
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j2spntranscripts · 6 months
★ 2007 SDCC
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Official name: Comic-Con International 2007 (Supernatural Screening and Q&A) Location: San Diego Convention Center, Room 6CDEF, San Diego, California Time: Saturday, July 28, 2007, 2:45-3:45 (GMT-8) Panelists: Craig Tomashoff, Jensen Ackles, Eric Kripke, Ben Edlund, Sera Gamble Last episode: 2x22 "All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2" May 17, 2007 Next episode: 3x01 "The Magnificent Seven" - Oct 4, 2007
Question Index: 1- First Comic Con experience (Kripke, Jensen, Gamble) 2A- Season 3 teasers (Kripke) 2B- Season 3 Plan (Kripke) 3A- New Characters "Ruby, Bela" (Kripke, Jensen, Edlund) 3B- New characters (Jensen) 4- Returning Characters (Gamble) 5- Dean's 1 year 6- Sam and Dean fun, Pre-finale thoughts, spn's main theme (Jensen, Kripke) 7A- Hollywood Babylon 2x18 (Edlund, Kripke) 7B- Hollywood Babylon 2x18 "Exec Notes" (Kripke, ) 8- Origin "Reaction" (Kripke) 9A- Favorite Episode (Gamble) 9B- Favorite Episode (Jensen) 9C- Favorite Episode (Kripke) 9D- Favorite Episode (Edlund) Int- Charity "Fandom Rocks" (Kripke, J2) 10- Impala 67 "Engine" (Kripke, Jensen) 11- Mary and Azazel (Kripke) 12- Paranormal on Set (Jensen) 13- Pranks (Kripke, Jensen) 14- Favorite One liners "Dean" 15- Deleted Scenes (Kripke, Jensen) 16- Pre-series Sam and Dean (Kripke, Jensen) 17- Cinematography "Tall actors" (Kripke, Jensen) 18- Impala 67 "Sam driving" (Jensen, Kripke) 19- SPN Music "Album/Playlist" (Kripke, Jensen) 20A- Set Mishaps (Jensen) 20B- SPN Music "Film Reel" (Kripke, Jensen) 21- Season 2 DVD "Promos" (Kripke) 22- SPN Music "Deciding" (Kripke)
(video playlist and transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts or found more video coverage of the con please point them out thanks*👍)
◘Supernatural at Comic Con 2007 Part 1 by hmfergie◘
Holly Ollis is on stage, standing in front of the podium mic with Craig Tomashoff sitting beside her. To the right of Ollis is a long clothed table with mics and name cards for each of attending panelists.
Holly Ollis: Okay, I have a little news for you first. Um, Jared Padalecki really wanted to be here today. (audience aw’s) But, unfortunately he was working making.. the first episode of the new season of the show till six in the morning and missed his flight. (audience aw’s) So, I’m sorry. However! (holds finger up) we have Jensen Ackles in the house, (audience cheers) (briefly raises up her fists in cheer) who will more than make up for it, and (gestures to the right of the stage) in addition to our other producers. (audience chuckles)
And- Yeah, no pressure. And I just wanted to introduce our moderator. It’s the West Coast Bureau Chief for TV Guide, Mister Craig Tomashoff. (audience claps) (?He’s getting to introduce?) you into the show and some videos, and then he’ll be back to introduce our panel. (audience cheers and claps)
Ollis exits the stage. Tomashoff stands up and takes the podium.
Tomashoff: Thank-Thank you guys, uh, for coming. I- I’m actually totally fascinated by the concept of the Winchester girls. Um. (audience screams) (holds out hands) Hey, I don’t know if you rank out, by the way, but I could always use that sort of fanbase. So. (audience laughs) (?Everything- Everything-?)
Audience member: (?Orange Howage?) has TV Guide in the TV. (audience cheers and claps)
Tomashoff: Alright. (shrugs) Thanks for letting me on to the, uh, the feedback. And, uh, just get me my own crew and then we’re set.
Um, I just wanted to say something, like, really quick. It’s actually an, uh, honor moderating for this one. I’ve been doing a lot of- of over this weekend but, uh, I actually really love the show. I’m just e-excited (audience woo’s) (?And apparently you’re too excited..?) (gestures hand) (?to be here one time?) (?) (audience claps and cheers)
It’s just that the- the beauty of the TV reminds you of, like, as a kid you just stay up late to (gestures) watch, like, the Chiller Theater and all that kind of stuff. Only you, like, (raises hands up) get into this show and get the excitement.. uh, without the used car ads and all that kind of stuff. It-It- It’s just- It’s-It’s a really entertaining show, one of the most fun that we have on TV.
Audience member: Yeah! (audience cheers)
Tomashoff: So, what- I wanna tell you what we have coming up for you before we get to our panel. Uh, we have a couple of surprises, uh, and things for you to look at. Uuum, first of all, we have, uh- uh.. a world premiere of a “Script to Screen,” uh, video. It’s going to be from the season 2 dvd collection, uh, (audience cheers) Sept. 11th. A beside the scenes making of last season’s season finale. Which I’m going to guess you all know the name of.
Audience: “All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2!”
Tomashoff: All- All, uh, “All Hell Breaks Loose”.. (holds two fingers up) “Part 2” (audience cheers) Uuuum, It just shows why they never leave the gates of hell open, by the way. (audience laughs) (holds up hand) If I could leave with any bit of advice today, never open ‘em. And, if you open ‘em (gestures) (?check?) it quickly. (audience laughs) Because nothing good is coming out. (audience laughs)
Um, we’re gonna follow that with a 2 in a half minute hightlight reel put together by the producers, exclusively for you guys. (audience cheers) (?) all the stuff, and we’ll be back.
Tomashoff leaves the podium and stage. Video skips to Tomashoff back at the podium.
Tomashoff: -(?Can’t these guys?) (?) like, one day j-just wake up, sleep late.. (audience laughs) get a sandwich, go to a movie.
◘Supernatural at Comic Con 2007 Part 2 by hmfergie◘
(0:00-H2)- introduction
Tomashoff is standing at the podium mic
Tomashoff: First up, producer, Sera Gamble.
The audience cheer and clap. Gamble walks across the stage to the far right of the stage to sit in the last seat with a name card.
◘Jensen Ackles at Comic Con 2007 by emyrize (0:00-0:34)◘
Tomashoff: Okay, next up, a-a man you’ll recognize, duh, Eric Kripke, (audience cheers and claps) executive producer and creator.
A stage assistant walks up to the front of the table and fixes a name card. Kripke walks up on stage and stops near the chair that is the third seat to the right of the podium. Kripke waves and then sits down. The woman leaves.
Tomashoff: Alright, uh- uh, a young man who’s, uh, you know, getting a break with the show. And, uh, hopefully, uh, things turn out for him pretty well. I think they might. Uh, Jensen Ackles.
The audience screams and claps. Jensen walks on stage. The stage assistant returns to the front of the table to signals to Jensen where to sit. Jensen waves at the crowd, touches Kripke’s shoulder and then sits to the left of Gamble.
Tomashoff: And the last, and never, never least in anyone’s hearts, co-E.P., Mr. Ben Edlund.
The audience cheers and claps. Gamble and Jensen clap. Edlund walks on stage and sits to the left of Kripke. Tomashoff leaves the podium and goes to sit in between Kripke and Jensen. The stage assistant taps on the table and then leaves.
◘TV Guide Supernatural Interview SDCC 2007 Pt 1 by Gonturan74◘
Tomashoff: Alright, first, thank- thank you guys for being here.
Kripke: No, thank you.
•(1:06-H2, 0:08-G1)-SDCC07;Q1- First Comic Con Experience (Kripke, Jensen, Gamble)
Tomashoff: (looks at his right) But it- Now, I, uh- (looks at towards his left) This is your first Comic-con, right? (Jensen and Gamble nod) (looks back to his right) Were your first like full-on Comic-Con experience for you guys?
Jensen shrugs and nods at Gamble. Gamble nods back.
◘Jenen Ackles/Eric Kripke talk about Season 3 by XKathy09X- (0:08-0:31)◘
Kripke: Yeah, we screened the, uh, Pilot, uh, a couple years about, but, uh, none of us were here, so this is (raises hand) our first interaction with, uh, Comic-Con. We’re overwhelmed. (audience cheers and claps) So, thanks for showing up!
Tomashoff: (looks at Jensen) Um, w-what do y’all think so far? (shrugs) What would you rate the experience?
Jensen: I’m- I’m still- I’m waiting for my heart race to.. (waves to himself) (audience and Kripke laughs) (?um, stop racin- stop racing.?)
Gamble: That’s more cameras than I’ve (raises hand) ever seen pointed- (laughs). (audience laughs) (laughs to Jensen) I should sit next to you all the time. (audience and Jensen laugh)
Tomashoff: Alright. So (?I think?) the only problem you’re going to have today is people aren’t very enthusiastic. (audience chuckles) (to the audience) So, I think, uhh, you’ll have to amp it up a little bit for these guys. That would be great.
Um, yeah. I guess, ehhh, what I want to do is sort of start with the end, with the finale we saw a little bit of. Iiii- I mentioned before, y-you gotta know if you leave the Gates of Hell open… it’s not going to be good. So, um-
Kripke: No, no, it’s rarely good.
Tomashoff: Yeah, but a- a couple seconds, maybe.
•(2:02-H2,1:04-G1)-SDCC07;Q2A- Season 3 teasers (Kripke)
Tomashoff: So, what’s, uh, what’s in store? What, uh, what can you tell everybody that, uh, we got to look a little bit forward to?
Kripke: Yeah, uh.. You know, f-y- season 3 is the, um- a-a war time season. Uumm, which, uh, in the- it’s- it’s a giddy time inside the writers room. (audience chuckles) Uhhm, because, you know, we’ve had, you know, two seasons of.. mythology. And- and quite frankly, (undulates his hand and repeatedly nods) the mythology is starting to get.. a little complicated towards the end there. And, um, and so to be able to kind of.. (swipes) wipe it clean and have a fresh slate and (gestures) lead organically into, uh, you know, a-a-a much bigger escalation and a much more vital storyline.
Jensen is making an exaggerated face while pouring himself some water. The audience giggles.
Kripke: Which is, “it’s the end of the world,” like, “pick of arms, choose a side.” You know, “try to fight it,” ummm.. and, uh- and just, you know, “raise some hell.”
So, um, you know, we’re- we’re really excited, um, for this season. And we think, you know, we’ve always aimed for kind of like the big picture of mythic storytelling of like Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings, and Matrix. And, there’s always a point, in which.. you know, you kind of set the chess board, and it’s kind of time for the fun stuff to begin? And, it’s time for the fun stuff to begin. (audience cheers and claps. Jensen nods.)
Tomashoff: (?Season’s been-?) (shrugs) It’s been kind of fun so far. But, uh,
Kripke: Yeah, it’s been fun so far. But it, you know, it- it’s time for the battles and it’s time for the good stuff. And, we’ve been, like, the whole time when this show got picked up I was like, (prays) “Oh, please make it to season 3, because season 3 is when all hell breaks loose.” (audience giggles) And, uh, I’m glad that here we are. And, uh, and we’re looking to deliver for the fans. (audience cheers and claps)
•(3:27-H2, 2:29-G1)-SDCC07;Q2B – Season 3 Plan (Kripke)
Tomashoff: (?That said?) have you ever mapped it out? Have you mapped it out that much in advance? (Kripke: It’s-) Uh, have you mapped it out to (gestures) “Okay, we to season 3 we’re going to be here, and four and five.”
Kripke: Y-You have kind of like a rough map, you know? You very intentionally leave a large, gaping holes in it because (gestures) certain storylines..(nods) accelerate and certain storylines take longer than you think. But, yeah, (gestures) there’s like a rough plan that (looks at Tomashoff), you know, that we’re still, uh, vaguely on track with, yeah.
◘TV Guide Supernatural Panel SDCC Part 2 Season 3 Spoilers by Gonturan74◘
•(3:51-H2, 0:00-G2)-SDCC07;Q3A- New Characters “Ruby and Bela” (Kripke, Jensen, Edlund)
Tomashoff: (?That said-?) Now, I know there’s, y’know, (opens hands) some things you can maybe say about the, uh, n-new season. Uh, some new characters. Uh, (Kripke nods: uh-huh) two, uh, female characters.
The audience starts clapping. Kripke points out into the audience and laughs. Jensen raises his eyebrows and claps. Gamble claps and then straightens her hair behind ears.
Tomashoff: (?) (nods and briefly gestures to the audience) uh, apparently the Winchester girls! Uh, (looks to his left) What can you guys tell us-
Jensen: Thank God. (audience laughs)
◘Jensen Ackles at Comic Con 2007 by emyrize (0:37-0:54)◘
Tomashoff: I see. So, well, how often have you had to go into the writers’ room and say, just, you know. “Come on.”
Jensen: Just anybody but Jared, for cryin’ out- (audience and Gamble laugh) Something! Someone! (smiles)
Gamble: You’re saying that now.
Jensen: (nods) Yeah. (smiles)
Tomashoff: That’s why he’s not here.
Jensen: Yes.
Tomashoff: So, uh- So, we can say those kinds of things. What- what can you say, uh, about the new, uh, (looks to Kripke) characters? The two new females that are coming in?
Kripke: Ummm- uh, Well, y’know, a- a couple of things. There’s- one is, and this is sort of to fans and certain misconceptions and whatnot. Um. (audience laughs. Jensen smiles) There- there not brought in to be the boy’s girlfriends. (Jensen shakes his head) There-there’s not going to be the four of them, like, riding in the impala, (The audience laughs. Jensen laughs to himself) like, eating Scooby-Snacks, and.. (audience laughs) You know. An-and, like, you know, and-and playing like- that’s not the intention at all.
There-there brought in to be, um, a-antagonists and obstacles to the boys. (Jensen nods his head) Um, they thread in and out of stories the same way a lot of our other characters did, like, uh, you know, Gordon, or Agent Hendrickson, or Bobby (audience woo) and Ellen. (a few audience woo’s and claps) And we’re working really hard to introduce them.. correctly and making them part of the fabric of the show that the-the universe was always going to expand, and there’s always going to be these new characters. And so- different characters.
And, so, we’re introducing them right. And, um- and they’re both very different. (Jensen nods) You know, Ruby is kind of unhinged and a little ruthless, a little dangerous. Um, tune in for episode two. There’s a big reveal on Ruby. She’s sort of (Jensen nods) not who she seems to be. Umm, and, uh, Bela, who I’ll let Ben because Ben Edlund created her.
◘Supernatural at Comic Con 3 by sarahmonious◘
Edlund: Ah. (Jensen smiles. Some of the audience woo’s and claps) Hi, um, (audience laughs) Well, Bela is, uh, you know, in this world. Uh, pretty much everyone who’s got contact with the Supernatural, the stories we’ve been telling, they’re cause-based, right? I mean, like, it’s a- it’s a heroic struggle of good verses evil. And, Bela is designed to be, uh, not that. You know, she doesn’t really have a cause. She’s in it for herself. She is a, uh.., a thief basically.
And so, we’re going to play, I think, um, some pretty interesting games with her. And, uh, she’s going to be kind of a constant foil for, um, the boys’ intensive activities. Not constant like Scooby Doo kind of foil. (audience chuckles) That’s not what I’m talking about. Um, (big nod) but, yeah! So, she’s pretty cool. She’s a cat burglar.
Kripke: Yeah.
Edlund: She’s hot. (audience and Kripke laugh)
•(6:28-H2, 2:40-G2, 0:59-S3)-SDCC07;Q3B- New SPN characters (Jensen)
Tomashoff: That helps. (turns to Jensen) Um, Jensen, what do you think about having the newww characters in here? Ehp, no love interests, apparently. (Jensen laughs) So, you know, skip that. But, uh.
◘Jensen Ackles at Comic Con 2007 by emyrize (0:55-1:53)◘
Jensen: Um, well, you know, I- I think it’s, uh- I-I know from Jared and I’s perspective it’s very welcoming to have, uh, to have people come on the show to- You can actually, um-um, build a relationship, form a-a structured relationship with someone. I know that, um, you know, we’ve had a couple of characters come in and out. Umm, you know, we had Dad on for a while, and that was, uh, (a few audience woo’s) you know, great to have him. And-and every time he’d come on, there was just this (gestures) dynamic that- that we felt very comfortable in, because it was something that was familiar to us. Uh, same thing with, uh, you know, with-with Jim Beaver who playing Bobby. (audience cheers and claps. Kripke nods.) (Jensen nods and claps)
Um, you know, it’s just- you get to- you get to really.. dive in and explore a relationship between two characters when you get to work with them more. So, uh, I think to- to introduce, uh, characters that are going to be around a bit more, whatever they might be, you get to see more of the dynamic between those characters, between the-the two brothers and it just- (gestures) It adds more layers to an already very layered show. (nods)
•(7:28-H2, 3:40-G2)-SDCC07;Q4- Returning Characters (Gamble)
Tomashoff: Okay. Ah- (shrugs) I-I probably can’t say a whole lot about who’s coming back, whether it’s Dad, whether it’s anybody. I don’t- (gestures) Sera could you maybe talk a little bit about the other things coming back from ll-last season?
Gamble: We’re going to see Gordon again. (audience woo’s) Gordon is… bad things, bad things are in store for Gordon (laughs). (Jensen and audience laugh)
Tomashoff: (?) You say that very sadistically. So
Gamble: I- Gordon is one of my favorite characters, and it just so happens that we were working on something for him this past week, so I’m- I’m really stoked. And that he’s such- Sterling K. Brown is a fantastic actor and that we were really lucky to get him. And he’s, um, an Army Husband on “Army Wives,” so we don’t have him for long. So, we wanted to make sure we took advantage of him.
And, um, we’re- we’re really exploring Bobby this season. We’re telling his story (audience cheers and claps) for the first time. (nods) (Jensen pumps his fist) And we have- we have these two women. And they’ll be right in the boys’ faces. But, they won’t make them happy or satisfied (Jensen chuckles. The audience laughs) in any way. (laughs) (Jensen smirks and briefly raises his eyebrows) It’s just more pain and torture, because that’s what our show is. (audience claps)
Tomashoff: (to Jensen) You will regret being happy about this, by the way. (?Uh, now that they’re on-?)
Jensen: (shrugs and leans forward in his chair) I-Hey, I don’t know. (shakes head) Just any-anything- anything.
Gamble: I’m sorry, you’re the star on the most nihilistic show on network (Jensen briefly drops his head) television. (laughs) (audience and Kripke laugh)
◘Jensen Ackles at Comic Con 2007 by emyrize- (1:57-2:05)◘
Jensen: Fantastic.
•(4:49-G2)-SDCC07;Q5- Dean’s 1 Year (Jensen)
Tomashoff: Okay, looking at this one now. In-in theory anyway, Dean has a year to live.
Jensen: (nods) Yes.
Tomashoff: Right? Uhh, you know, there’s always the story, “If you had a year to live, what are you gonna do?” So, uh, you got a year to live. What are you gonna do?
Jensen: (laughs) (audience laughs) (briefly tilts head) Well.
Tomashoff: Well, apparently.. battle the (?demon of your life?)-
◘Jensen Ackles at Comic Con 2007 by emyrize- (2:06-3:03)◘
Jensen: Well, what would Dean do? Uh, (laughs and wipes lip) I think it’s fairly obvious what Dean would do. (audience laughs and catcalls) (nods) And, uh, he plans on doing that. (audience laughs) (turns to Kripke and laughs)
◘Supernatural at Comic Con 2007 Part 3 by hmfergie- (0:00-0:20)◘
Kripke: Lots!
Jensen: (to the audience) Lots, lots of that.
Tomashoff: (?You can see the weekend show on?) Cinemax, Friday nights after midnight.
Jensen: Yes. (Kripke laughs) (?All of a sudden the game show?)
Kripke: “The Dean Winchester Diaries!” (The audience laughs. Jensen laughs and claps.) (laughs)
◘Supernatural at Comic Con 5 by sarahmonious◘
Jensen: Um, you know, so- so you mix that in and-and also trying to- to stay true to what he is and what he does with his- with his brother. And-and- and keeping that, uh, you know that- that road show (gestures) and that heroic force going. But also, uh, you know, having that knowledge of knowing that, “Hey, I got limited time.” (shrugs and then looks at Tomashoff) “I’m gonna make the most of it.” (looks back at the crowd) And, uh, his idea of making the most of it is, uh, (laughs) (audience laughs)
Gamble: That’d be a European (Jensen: Good times.) ver- movie. (laughs)
Jensen: (nods to Gamble) Yes.
Tomashoff: H-Hopefully no torture though.
Jensen: No.
◘Supernatural Panel TV Guide Interview Pt 3 by Gonturan74◘
•(0:31-S5, 0:03-G3)-SDCC07;Q6- Sam and Dean fun, pre-finale, theme (Jensen, Kripke)
Tomashoff: Seems like they’d torture you. Um, although you actually raised one point. I-I sort of thought, again watching that, that I feel kind of sorry for- for Sam and Dean. And, like, really- How much fun do you ever get to have? It’s dark. It’s- you beat (Edlund laughs) demons all the time.
Have you ever thought of doing, I don’t know, the Hawaiian episode or something like that. (audience laughs) You know?
Kripke: He’s-
Jensen: I have often been trying to pitch the demon surfer… (nods at Tomashoff) (audience laughs) in Hawaii.
Kripke: That’s true. There-there- That’s true.
Tomashoff: (looks at Kripke) You’re on the spot now. (?You got to turn this one?)
Kripke: Um, you know, it’s-it’s- that’s not really the show.
The audience aw’s and laughs. Jensen slaps the table and then briefly slumps into the back in his chair, looking away off stage. The audience laughs.
Kripke: I mean-I mean.. I mean, we’ve been (shrugs) it’s- You know the- you know, like, uh, it was a-a- I think it was a quote from a-a Sam Raimi actually. Uh, which is (audience woo), you know, uh, “Invent characters you love and then torture them.” (The audience laughs. Jensen pumps his brow, smiles, and nods) Um-And-and, you know, Sam and Dean, that’s their heroic struggle, man. (Jensen nods) I mean, you know, we’re-we’re.. hoping for a happy ending for the Winchester boys when it’s all said and done.
But, um- But, you know, they’ve- they’ve got a lot of work to do. And then- You know, but, they have fun along the way. I mean, you know, it’s just their fun is sort of, you know, kind of reckless-cowboy fun. It’s roadhouses and beer and loose women (Jensen looks at Gamble and then smiles big and nods. The audience laughs) and.. you know!
◘ Supernatural at Comic Con 2007 Part 3 by hmfergie- (0:21-0:40) ◘
Tomashoff: Y-You say that like a negative. (?you know what I’m saying?)
Kripke: Ye- No, I’m not- It’s not a negative. I’m saying there- there’s like a real- (Jensen smiles) you know, part of this show is it’s-it’s, you know it’s on the road. And-and there’s sort like a wish fulfillment to just be able to.. ditch your job, ditch your life, (Jensen nods) get in a muscle car, and just cruise the country. And.. that’s fun too! I mean, that part.. you know, that “Great American Road Trip.” Uh, you know, there are moments so, uh, you know, it’s not all bad. It’s, uh.. You can’t have a horror show and (Edlund laughs) have, like, nice things happen, like, (Jensen and the audience laugh) “What a delightful piece of pie.” (audience laughs)
◘Jensen Ackles at Comic Con 2007 by emyrize- (3:05-3:20)◘
•(1:36-G3)-SDCC07;Q7A- Hollywood Babylon 2x18 (Edlund, Kripke)
Tomashoff: You guys, you know, one of the- one of my favorites from last year was the, I think Ben, you wrote, the, uh, Hollywood episode.
◘Jensen Ackles at Comic Con 2007 by emyrize- (3:05-3:20)◘
Kripke: Yeahh. (Jensen nods)
Tomashoff: Which was the- (The audience cheers and claps. Jensen claps) They really know you.
Edlund: Yeah. (laughs)
Tomashoff: Um, I mean, where did that come from? It was- It was kind of a funnn one off sort of thing.
Edlund: Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, you know, the- that sort of just kind of.. proves that they can have fun in a way. It’s more we have fun.. than they have it. You know.
Kripke: (laughs) Yeah. Right. That’s right. (Jensen smiles and nods)
Edlund: They have a lighter moments here and there. And, that one I think came from.. Well, I mean, really the Hollywood episode is the challenge for every kind of show, you know what I mean? Like, you’re eventually going to take a look at something like this, (Jensen nods) especially if you don’t.. Ah, you know, if you’re getting around the country this is a show about Americana in a lot of ways. Probably, because these big, you know, central kind of draws, Americana, American ghost stories take place there.
Um, but that was just really, really lots of fun to do. I don’t know.
◘Jensen Ackles at Comic Con 2007 by emyrize- (3:21-4:12)◘
Kripke: An-And we became, uh- We became enamored with the idea of.. that they make- they’re making, basically, an episode of Supernatural.. (Edlund: Right) in the show. And, um, you know, one thing that I’ll completely admit this, and (Edlund laughs) if I get busted for it, I don’t really give a crap. (audience laughs. Jensen smiles.) The, um, the Gary Cole was this studio executive, you know? (audience woo and clap) And every note he gave.. the production were real notes we got from the network. (Jensen laughs. The audience oo’s, and claps)
So, if you go back and look at it, we have had to suffer every one of those notes like, “Why can’t it be brighter?” (Edlund laughs) And-and you know, and “Why?” and all those things. And then.. we hung him. And, (Edlund: Yeah.) (Audience laughs. Jensen laughs) (mimics his neck snapping) And snapped his neck! And then, so we’re like, “Well, that’s our response.” (Edlund laughs. The audience laughs)
◘ Supernatural at Comic Con 2007 Part 3 by hmfergie- (0:41)◘
Tomashoff: Finally get even after all this time.
Edlund: A lot of catharsis in that show. (Jensen shrugs)
Kripke: Yeah, it was very cathectic, if nothing else. (Jensen wipes his forehead, laughing) So.
Gamble?: (?)(?crying?)
•(3:17-G3, 0:55-H3, 3:55-E)-SDCC07;Q7B- Hollywood Babylon 2x18 “Exec Notes” (Kripke, Edlund)
Tomashoff: I-I-I’m curious what you heard when you were pitching the show. D-Did you guys do it? (?)
Kripke: You know, it was the funniest thing! The notes call us.. and we’re you know-
Edlund: They were loving it!
Kripke: They loved it.
Edlund: Yeah!
Kripke: “We-We loved it! It’s so funny!” And we’re like, “Really? Because we’re ripping on you.” (audience and Edlund laughs. Jensen silently laughs.) Umm, but they loved it. So. yeah.
Edlund: Yeah.
Kripke: Yeah.
Edlund: They really do. Well it’s-
Kripke: They have a sense of humor.
Edlund: It’s-It’s true. It’s a fun house mirror. I like those. (Kripke and Edlund laugh) I like to look like- to look like a little round one and then a tall, skinny one.
Kripke: He does. He does a lot.
Edlund: I really do. I’m stuck on the tall, skinny one.
Tomashoff: you have them in the office or do you just walk by and (?)
Kripke: He just likes to go to carnivals. It’s a weird thing for him. (audience laughs. Jensen smiles and shakes his head)
Edlund: I’m glad you hired me. (Kirpke and audience laugh) It’s nice to have an address to show up to everyday (Kripke laughs). Keeps me grounded. (audience chuckles) Thanks.
◘Supernatural Panel clips - Comic Con 2007 Part 6.5 by mobycat33◘
•(4:02-G3, 1:39-H3, 0:00-M6.5)-SDCC07;Q8- Origin “reaction” (Kripke)
Tomashoff: Uh, you know what? Actually, d-uh, I’m curious if you could step back to the beginning of the show when you’re pitching it around just to get (Kripke nods) it on the air, what the reaction was. I mean, was it- (gestures) was it the same, “Yeah, but could we get them a dog?” (audience laughs)
Kripke: Uh, (laughs) No. No. You know, it- it was- it was an idea or a version of an ide- of an idea that I had for.. probably like eight years before it got set up. And-and it used to get a (Tomashoff nods: mhm) cold response. Um, but there were (gestures) different versions of it. And some of them sucked out loud. (audience giggles) And, like, you know, one of them was an anthology, and one of them was a reporter, and, you know, there’s all these different versions of the show. And- and it always met with a collective yawn.
Um, but, it, you know, it just goes to show you, it’s like, you know, you hold on to an idea long enough and-and (gestures) sooner or later the market kind of turns and, you know, the- the market of what people are looking for just kind of turns in your favor. And, I happen to be pitching it just by a fluke of timing right as “Grudge,” and “the Ring” were, like, tearing up the box office. So, you know, it was a really easy pitch to sit down in front of, you know, a network and say, “ You know, “the Ring” and “the Grudge” are doing” (Edlund laughs) “you know, in box office. I wanna do that on TV.”
Um, and of course, (gestures) you don’t- the show isn’t really that. (Tomashoff: Yeah) In your heart you know what you want the show to be. (gestures) But, you just need a pitch to get them excited. (shrugs) And-and they, you know, they were- they were really excited.
We were actually in a bidding war on- over the Pilot once (gestures) once the time was right. (Tomashoff nods) So, um, you know, a lot of enthusiasm for the idea. Um, and then I wrote it and then they said, “We hate it.” (Edlund and audience laughs. Jensen smiles) But-but at least the pitch sold.
I-eh- that’s really true. I spent three months on the script and was like, “I love- Here’s my baby.” (mimics carefully handing over his script) (audience giggles) And I showed it to them and they were like, (mimics flipping through the script) “This is- this is unreadable.” And they tore it up (mimics tearing the script) (audience aw’s) And-and-and they said, “We hate it.” And-and so I, uh, me and you know, co-executive producer Peter Johnson- (gestures) I spent three months on the first draft. We tore it up. We re-broke. (gestures) And, the entire story, (looks at Tomashoff) I wrote it in ten days. And-and that was the pilot that got shot.
Tomashoff: (nods) (audience woo) I can see why you hung ‘em, uh, (thumbs) hung the guy and broke his neck now. (audience laughs)
Kripke: Yeah, well (shrugs) you know.
◘TV Guide Interview Supernatural Panel PT 4 SDCC by Gonturan74◘
•(3:38-H3, 0:03-G4)-SDCC07;Q9A- Favorite Episode (Gamble)
Tomashoff: It made you feel better, and then you got it out of your system. Um, the- going back actually to the Hollywood episode makes me also wonder, going down, everybody (gestures to his left) tell me your favorite episode. Do you have a particular one? Maybe, you know, (shrugs) whether you wrote it or you had a big part in it. (gestures) Was there one you looked back, like, “Yeah. You know, that’s, uh, that’s the one.”
◘Supernatural at Comic Con 4 by sarahmonious◘
Gamble: No. (laughs and shakes head) No, I’m kidding. (the audience laughs. Jensen smiles) Uh, I- Well, I really like “the Pilot” still. (audience woo) Uh, I fell in love with the show when I saw “the Pilot.” (audience clap) The second I saw the ghost for the first time? I was like, (nods) (stage assistant goes up to the table and talks to Tomashoff) “That is the show I’m working on. For sure.” (Stage assistant leaves. Jensen nods)
And, um- You know, I just think we do really good season openers. (nods) I really liked, um, “In My Time of Dying” a lot (?). (audience cheer and claps) (nods) Yeah. Yeah. (leans forward to look at Edlund) And everything Ben Edlund ever wrote. (Jensen laughs. The audience laughs and then cheers.) (laughs) (?I’m the worst?)
◘Jensen at Comic Con by Cynthia boris◘
Edlund: Thanks. Let’s trade. (laughs)
•(4:26-H3, 0:50-G4, 0:34-S4, 0:07-C)-SDCC07;Q9B- Favorite Episode (Jensen)
Tomashoff: (gestures to Jensen) Go on.
◘Jensen Ackles at Comic Con 2007 by emyrize- (4:15-5:21)◘
Jensen: Uh, I-I-I got- I mean, I’ve got a few that are very dear to me. Uhhh, I know- I mean, obviously the pilot is-is- stands among- among all the rest. But, uh, “Dead in the Water” (scratches the back of his head), um, holds kind of a special place in my heart. Dum, It’s kind of the first time where I really got a sense of who Dean was, and I was able to peel back some layers.
Uhhm, but I think more recently, I think my-my favorite, just because the amount of, uh- uh, the toll that it took on me personally, was the, uh, the season finale of season 2, uh, “All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2” (nods) (audience cheers and claps) Um… You know, after building a relationship both on-camera and off-camera with, you know, the guy that plays your brother, uh, on the show (gestures) and then have to play scenes, uh, in a room with him (gestures) dead, uh, was (briefly looks at Tomashoff) (Tomashoff nods) very, very, you know, hard and emotional for me.
And at the end of the day, I was just- I was completely spent. And so, I think that, that really- cause I- I was able to kind of go someplace and-and do that. And, um, you know, what- those are kind of.. defining moments for me as an actor to be able to do that stuff and-and really feel proud about it. (nods and looks at Tomashoff) (Tomashoff nods and then turns towards and gestures to Kripke. The audience claps and cheers)
•(5:35-H3, 2:00-G4, 1:41-S4)-SDCC07;Q9C- Favorite Episode (Kripke)
Kripke: Um… I mean, you know. I mean, I love them all. I mean, they’re all kind of, you know, different versions of my kids. (audience chuckles. Jensen smiles) But, um- uh, my favorite in- my favorite- my single- if I had to choose one single episode in season 2 as my favorite, it’d been “Nightshifter.” The, um.. (Jensen nods. The audience cheers) Ben’s- Ben’s bank robbery episode. It’s just (gestures) the-the concept was so tight. And-and it was so well written.
And-and Phil Sgriccia, the director who’s directed some of our best episodes. I mean, if you look, the ones he did they are always some of our best. And he just shot the hell out of it. And, um, and-and it was the most enter- probably it’s- for me the single most entertaining episode of the season.
Edlund: Alright. (Kripke turns to Edlund) Thank you.
Kripke: Yeah, you’re welcome. (Edlund laughs)
•(6:13-H3, 2:36-G4, 2:20-S4)-SDCC07;Q9D- Favorite Episode (Edlund)
Edlund: Um-
Kripke: If you don’t choose from me, (Edlund: Yeah) (wispy voice) you’re fired! (Audience and Gamble laugh. Jensen smiles)
Edlund: They’re all from you. (Kripke laughs) (spooky voice) They’re- All of them. They’re your children. (audience laughs) (clears throat)
Yeah. Uh, I like, uh, I like a lot of them. You know, um.. (points at Kripke) Oddly enough! I was- before you said that, I was actually thinking of the genie one. (audience woo’s)
Kripke: Oh, (nods) (?directorial?)
Edlund: Your directorial debut.
Kripke: My directorial debut!
Edlund: Um, (Kripke: Thanks, man.) but also, (points at Jensen) You-you know, Jensen, you went through a hell of a lot in that one too. Wasn’t (Jensen: Yeah) this like, directly- it wasn’t as built, you know, the big..(gestures) lose-your-brother thing, but there was an emotional place that, that got to.
That thing- I really loved that. And the story conceit worked really well. (taps knuckles on table) Uhm, (to the audience) this is a good show, I think. I like it. (audience gives an affirmative response back, and then claps and cheers)
Uh, I also really- the thing I really got me into the show.. Um, I mean like, more so than I usually get into.. TV, yuh- at all, it was the, um.. the-the run, uh, the end, like, three episodes of the first season, (Kripke nods) when it really started to do its first, like.. you know, “curl.” The “curl,” of the mythology started to crash on its first shore was really great. And the way that the- that just: the plotting, the breaking, and the intensity of it, erum, rocked! So, good. (Kripke laughs.) Well done! (audience laughs)
Kripke: Thank you.
◘Fan Questions Supernatural Panel SDCC Part1 by Gonturan74◘
•(7:37-H3, 0:15-GF1)-SDCC07; intermission- Charity “Fandom Rocks” (Kripke, Jensen)
Fan: This actually isn’t much a question as, uh, two comments. One, Jensen, I just want to see “Ten Inch Hero” on Wednesday, first off. (audience claps and cheers. Jensen nods) (?) And, two, I’m here on behalf of some people on Fandom Rocks, which is an orgazia- a group of fans looking to donate money to charity. And they have some letters for you, Mr. Kripke, Jensen, and also one for Jared, before he wasn’t here. Is it alright if I bring this up to?-
Kripke: Thank you.
Tomashoff: (points) You can pass it to- over there to the Warner Brothers people.
Kripke: To the lovely woman whose there.
Jensen: Thank you.
Kripke: They will get to us. Thank you very much.
Tomashoff: Thanks. Alright, next.
Fan: Hi
◘Supernatural Panel clips - Comic Con 2007 Part 10 by mobycat33◘
Kripke: Hey
•(8:08-H3, 0:47-GF1, 0:01-M10)-SDCC07;Q10- Impala 67 “Engine” (Kripke, Jensen)
Fan: Um, so I’m sure there’s a couple of different cars that you use when you’re filming the show. Obviously, this is a car question. (Edlund laughs) I just wanted to know what size engine.. is in it?
The audience woo’s. Edlund looks at Kripke. Kripke rotates his head in a circular motion. Edlund laughs. Sera and Jensen laugh. The audience laughs.
Kripke: You- (laughs) I- (laughs) Is that an entendre or…? (audience laughs)
Fan: I like classic cars.
Kripke: (turns to Tomashoff and laughs) It felt like one didn’t it?
Tomashoff: (?I was waiting for a certain word to show up?) (nods) Yes, (?I was sure it was one?).
Kripke: Um, I-
Fan: It could be. If you want it too. (laughs)
Kripke: I, uh, (looks at Jensen) Do you know? I don’t- I honestly, you know, like there’s the Transpo. Department up there-
Jensen: We got a 427 in one, I know, uhhh
Kripke: Nice.
Gamble: That’s awesome.
Jensen: And then that’s the biggest- That’s-that’s w-
Kripke: So, tough. (audience laughs)
Jensen: (sits ups closer to the mic) That’s the biggest one we got. That’s, uh, that’s-that’s (rubs forehead) that’s the stunt one. That’s the one- we got, uh, we got some- some hydraulic brakes. We got skid plates on that one. We’ve got some stabilizing bars underneath it, uhm (audience wows)
Edlund: Jensen is a man.
Kripke: Yeah, he’s a real man! (audience laughs. Jensen laughs. Gamble nods. The audience starts screaming)
◘Jensen Ackles at Comic Con 2007 by emyrize- (5:25-5:38) picks back up around here◘
Fan: Thank you. (Edlund laughs)
Kripke: Wow.
Jensen: And then we have a few others that are just kind of, you know, “picture cars.” That you know, “run” But, none of ‘em- none of ‘em feel as (looks at Kripke) good as that one. (audience laughs)
Kripke: I’m impressed, man.
◘ Supernatural Panel clips - Comic Con 2007 Part 11 by mobycat33◘
Fan: Hello. I think it’s aawesome that I’m here.. to see you.. cause
◘ Fan Questions Supernatural Panel SDCC Part 2 by Gonturan74◘
◘ Supernatural at Comic Con 2007 Part 4 by hmfergie (0:00-4:32)◘
Kripke: Cool. (Jensen nods)
Fan: You’re really nice.
•(0:04-H4, 0:07-GF2, 0:05-M11)-SDCC07;Q11- Mary and Azazel (Kripke)
Fan: Um. My question is, um, in “All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1,” (Kripke nods) um we find out that Mary has some connection with the Yellow-Eyed Demon. I’m wondering if, uh, that will be elaborated on in, like, the future because the Yellow-Eyed Demon is.. dead? (audience chuckle)
Kripke: Right. Well, uh, you- you leave Sam as sort of the sole survivor of all that. So, um, yes. The question is sort of, you know, uh, “Which path is, you know, Sam going to go down?” And, but for now- for the time being, you know, with the Yellow-Eyed Demon dead, it’s, you know, he’s not having visions anymore. He’s not having any of his premonitions. He’s just back to being a regular blood- uh, red-blooded guy, fighting demons, you know? Uuum, and-and it’s-it sort of (gestures) leads into the-the bigger issue of this war and all the demons that they, you know, have to fight.
Um, but yeah. You know, There’s- there are those issues and we certainly don’t drop that thread. You know, we’ll (gestures) continue it throughout the season. (gestures) But no more psychic kids. (Fan: Yeah) I got sick of them. (audience, Edlund, Tomashoff, and Jensen laugh.)
Um (briefly looks to his left and then gestures) But-but one. You know, Sam’s left, but all the other ones, I mean, they were great actors and great episodes, but by the end, I was like, “Okay,” (gestures at his neck) “We need to kill them all.” (audience laughs)
Jensen says something off mic to Kripke.
Kripke: Yeah, yeah. And, in the- in the second episode there’s like a (gestures) big sort of reveal about Mom. (gestures) (Jensen nods and mouths yup) (Fan: mhm) Because, if you remember in.. (points to fan) that episode you’re referencing, it’s like, (gestures) “Wait, Mom knew this demon? And what’s the connection?” (Fan: yeah) And we-we definitely track through as well.
◘ Fan Questions Supernatural Panel SDCC Part 3 by Gonturan74◘
Fan: I’d like to make a comment. Uh, I like how you used “Carry On, Wayward Son” for the recap- (audience woo)
Kripke: Sweet. (Jensen nods. The audience cheers and claps) (?No way?)
◘ Supernatural Panel clips - Comic Con 2007 Part 12 by mobycat33◘
Fan: Hey, uh, thank you guys for all being here. That’s pretty sweet. (Kripke nods: Sure.) (Jensen nods) Uh, you guys have the greatest show I’ve ever seen. So. (Jensen tilts his head and nods)
Kripke: Cool man! Thanks! (audience cheers and claps) Thanks a lot!
•(1:40-H4, 0:21-GF3, 0:08-M12)-SDCC07;Q12- Paranormal on Set (Jensen)
Fan: Uh, I was just wondering, you guys are dealing with a lot of dark material, obviously, like, uh, urban legends and references to.. paganism and stuff. And I was just wondering, if you got, uh, anything supernatural or unusual going on set (?usually?)?
Kripke: (looks at Jensen) Jensen? (audience giggles)
Jensen: Uum, (laughs and then shakes head) Everyday, man. (Kripke and audience laugh) (looks at Kripke and laughs)
◘Jensen Ackles at Comic Con 2007 by emyrize- (5:40-6:08)◘
Jensen: No, it-t-there’s- ther-there’s- there hasn’t been anything- I mean, we’re so used to-to, you know, a hundred plus people working on set, so the (gestures) bangs and the things drop, and then the, you know, just working on set is- is, s’you know, scary in its own right. But, uh.. (audience chuckles) I don’t think we’ve had anything, you know, to write home about as far as being, “Whoa!” (leans back) or “We’re dealing with something that’s actually present.” (audience laughs) Um.. And if we are? We’ve got the means to take care of it. (audience laughs)
Kripke: Right! (audience cheers and claps. Gamble nods.)
Fan: Thank you. (Jensen nods)
◘ Supernatural Panel clips - Comic Con 2007 Part 13 by mobycat33◘
Audience member: I love you, Jensen! (Jensen smiles and nods. The audience laughs)
Jensen: I love you too. (Kripke and the audience laugh. The audience cheers and claps.)
Fan: I love you too. (Edlund, Jensen and the audience laugh) Okay, first off, I just wanna say, thank you for making a fantastic show. I’ve been with this since “the Pilot,” and I loved every episode. (Jensen nods)
Kripke: Cool. Thank you.
•(2:45-H4, 1:27-GF3, 0:15-M13)-SDCC07;Q13- Pranks (Jensen, Kripke)
Fan: Um, with all the.. long hours that you guys were working, and the time that you put in, I’m sure that, you know, pranks and jokes are pulled. (audience giggles) And, Jensen, I wanted to know, what’s the favorite that’s ever been pulled on you, and that you pulled on somebody else? (audience giggles)
Jensen: (looks to the side) Oh, man. Uuum, (audience laughs)
Audience member: You got this!
Jensen: Let me get out my list. (audience laughs) Uhh, you know, Kim Manners, uh, writer- uh, not wri- uh-uh, director and, uh, executive producer of the show, uuuum, got us pretty good last- last season. He, uh, he-he actually (leans forward on the table and briefly looks at Kripke) changed the entire schedule- shooting schedule around, so that he could have this one shot done at the end of the day. Uhm, which was, uh, Jared and I (points down) climbing down into a sewer.
(gestures) And they built up this-this big long, probably, 15 foot pipe with a ladder in it on set that we were, uh- to climb (points down) down. (points down) I s- I climbed in first and I was all the way down at the bottom. There was nowhere to go because it was a set. (points up) And, um, Jared’s coming, you know, he’s.. He’s coming in from, uh, from up top. And, uh, right as soon as (gestures) he gets all the way in and I’m down (ducks) there kind of crouched, waiting… two five-gallon bucket of water… (mimics dumping buckets) (audience laughs and oo’s) (briefly looks at Kripke) come over the top. (looks up) And I looked up and I’m just like, “That’s not in the script.” (The audience, Gamble, and Kripke laugh) (looks at the audience and shrugs) Too late. So, uh.. But, uh, we got ‘em back. (smug smirk) (audience woo’s)
And, then there it contin- You know, it’s, uh- another thing people are always asking, y’know, “What-What pranks do you play on Jared? What-what pranks does he play on you?” And, we’ve, uh, we’ve-we’ve quickly decided that, uh, to pit each other against eas, uh, each- to pit ourselves against each other was (shakes head) not the way to go. (audience laughs) (nods) So, we actually get crew members and-and people that come up (Edlund laughs) and it’s, uh, (looks at Gamble briefly) it’s more of a.. more of a team effort. (audience laughs and claps) (leans back)
Kripke: The, uh- By the way, the water getting dumped on him, (gestures) we rolled camera on, (audience woo and wows) um, to film it. It’s on the season two gag reel. So, (Jensen nods his head. The audience screams and claps)
◘ Supernatural Panel clips - Comic Con 2007 Part 14 by mobycat33◘
•(3:22-GF3, 0:00-M12)-SDCC07;Q14- Favorite One liners “Dean” (Jensen, Kripke)
Fan: Hi. I’m a really big fan. I was just, um.. wondering- I mean, Dean has a lot of one-liners that are s- hilarious that crack the fans up. I know two of my favorites are, “I hope your apple pie is freakin’ worth it.” (audience cheers. Jensen smiles) And then, “I full on Swayzed that mother.” (audience laughs. Jensen laughs) So, I wanted to know what your favorite is, Jensen.
Jensen: (rubs his forehead) Oh, there’s so many. (audience laughs) Uhhh, I-I’m not sure I have a favorite. I-I, you know, there’s.. ehhhh, they-they come- I- (shakes head) they make me laugh out loud a lot of times, you know? (leans forward and looks at Kripke while shaking his head) I don’t know, Eric. W-what are some of your favorites?
Kripke: Man, right now?
Jensen: I know right, it’s like…
Kripke: (looking up) Trying to think of them it’s like…
Jensen: There’s so many
Audience member: “Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole!”
Kripke points towards the direction of the voice and nods with his eyebrows raised. The audience, Jensen, and Gamble laugh.
Kripke: That’s one of them. (turns towards Jensen and nods)
◘ Supernatural at Comic Con 2007 Part 4 by hmfergie- (4:33)◘
Jensen: (Claps and then points at the voice) Get her a drink!
Kripke: (points at voice) Yeah, that one! (audience laughs) (turns towards Jensen) Yeah, I’ll go with that one.
Jensen: Yeah. (shrugs) Hey, why not?
Fan: Thank you.
Jensen: (nods) Yeah. Thank you.
◘ Supernatural Panel clips - Comic Con 2007 Part 15 by mobycat33◘
◘ Fan Questions Supernatural Panel SDCC Part 4 by Gonturan74◘
•(4:47- H4, 0:06-GF4, 0:00-M15)-SDCC07;Q15- Deleted Scenes (Kripke, Jensen)
Fan: I’d like to know if anyone on the panel has one scene that they think is their best work and it was cut for time, and you’re still kind of sad. (audience giggles and aw’s)
Edlund: That opens up a very, very bad.. can of worms.
Kripke: (laughs) Ooh no. Um. No, we actually, uh- Season one used to have that problem a lot, where there were whole scenes we would lift. But no, I mean, by their very nature, they’re liftable, y’know? So, if you can tell the story without ‘em, I mean, a lot of times, you just don’t- you-you don’t need them.
And, season two, actually, we rarely had that problem. We sort of learned what the hell we were doing and we kind of came on- on track. So- No, I mean, if you guys see the, you know, again, the-the deleted scenes and all that stuff, like.. I don’t know if there’s a d- You know, we-we (gestures) put every deleted scene on the- on the DVD. (looks to his left) And I don’t know if there’s any that would, like.. blow you away. (laughs)
Jensen: (makes a grimace) Really stand out.
Kripke: (laughs) yeah. Rea- They can be like, “Oh, yeah, they cut that! Yes, smart! Smart!” (audience and Jensen laugh)
Jensen: (shakes head) Not your best work. (nods) (Kripke and audience laugh)
◘ Fan Questions Supernatural Panel SDCC Part 5 by Gonturan74◘
•(5:44- H4, 0:03-GF5)-SDCC07;Q16- Pre-series Sam and Dean (Kripke, Jensen)
Fan: Hi, uh, my question’s about season 3 and whether or not there are any plans to show t- uh, the Winchester boys, um, pre-series again like you did in “Something Wicked”? (audience cheers and claps)
Kripke: Um, we’re.. broken on story ideas through the first ten at this point. (audience whistle) There’sss currently no.. plan for that. But, we love that idea. Um, you know, the lil’ Winchesters are- (audience and Jensen chuckle) are sort of like a (?gag? or ?yeah?) or soft of like a fun thing to go back to. And if we find the right story.. Um, you know and it gives- it gives Jared and Jensen some time off, so they’re always like, “How about the little Winchesters?” (Jensen mimics falling on the table. Audience laughs. Kripke laughs.)
Jensen: “Yeah, the kids!” (claps) “That was a Great idea!” (turns towards Kripke)
Kripke: “Yes, I loved that idea!”
Jensen: (rotates his finger in the air) “Follow the act!”
Kripke: “No, no. We should do that! We should have a whole series!” (Jensen and audience laugh) But, um.. I mean, I do like that notion. A lot o fit is actually on- on Jefferey’s availability, (Jensen nods) because, you know, you-you can’t have the kids without Dad. (Jensen nods) And that’s sort of what’s interesting about it.
And he’s- you know, he’s a very busy man these days, but if we were to ever to make it work out, I mean, we love that idea and something that could work out great for us.
◘ Fan Questions Supernatural Panel SDCC Part 6 by Gonturan74◘
Fan: Thanks. And a great season. And, whoever came up with the idea of using “Renegade” at the end of “Nightshifter” was awesome. (audience cheers and claps. Jensen nods)
Kripke: It was Ben. (thumbs to Edlund) It was Ben.
Jensen: You know, I think to date that’s my favorite (Audience member: Yes!) music cue.
•(7:09-H4, 0:29-GF6, 0:01-M17)-SDCC07;Q17- Cinematography “Tall actors” (Kripke, Jensen)
Fan: Um, do you have any production problems shooting actors that are so, uh, tall? (The audience, Edlund and Jensen laugh)
Kripke: Yeah, we build- we build this (laugh) trough (audience laughs) that (gestures) Jared just walks back and forth in. (Jensen and Edlund laughs) He’s actually 7’3”. (audience, Jensen, Edlund, and Gamble laugh) And, uhhh. No, no, no! (shrugs) I mean, you know. I mean, na- he’s a- (Edlund nods) We call him- Kim affectionately refers to him as Sasquatch. (audience and Gamble laughs) Uumm, But, um, No! You know, we- Sometimes we have issues (gestures), um- (thumbs to Jensen) We don’t never have issues with the two of these guys, because, you know there- you know there both strapping young men.
The audience woo’s and catcalls. Jensen sits up straighter with his brow lifted and adjusted his seating position. He then he briefly picks up a cup and then nods to Gamble. Jensen smirks and then pours himself some water.
Kripke: But, um, every mo- (Kripke looks at Jensen and laughs then returns to the audience gesturing) But, uh, but e-b- but every so often, like, when we bring in, like, you know, a-a, like a female, uh, guest cast, um, I mean it’s like- it’s like, (tilts head and looks up at the ceiling) (audience giggles) “Well, Sam” (Edlund and audience laugh) And- And so that we, uh- (gestures) A lot of times, yeah, we absolutely stand them on apple boxes off camera. So, they’re standing on (gestures box shapes), you know, they’re standing on like, you know, a little two-foot riser to just kind of get up into Jared’s orbit. (Edlund and audience laughs. Gamble smiles)
And- And so that we, uh- (gestures) A lot of times, yeah, we absolutely stand them on apple boxes off camera. So, they’re standing on (gestures box shapes), you know, they’re standing on like, you know, a little two-foot riser to just kind of get up into Jared’s orbit. (Edlund and audience laughs. Gamble smiles)
Jensen: It’s true because if you have a shot that’s over (mimics shot), you know, over her shoulder, looking at Jared (Kripke: Y-) if it was without any lifting-
Kripke: The camera’s going to be like- (mimics high camera) (Gamble looks up)
Jensen: (mimics camera with a low angle shot of his nose with three fingers) It would be up his nose. (Kripke nods. The audience laughs. Gamble smiles) (nods and mouths “yeah” to Kripke)
Kripke: Yeah. (Jensen shrugs and mouths “yeah”)
Fan: Thank you.
Jensen: (shakes his head) Which nobody wants that. (The audience, Gamble, and Kripke laugh)
•(8:26-H4, 1:46-GF6)-SDCC07;Q18- Impala 67 “Sam driving” (Jensen, Kripke)
Fan: Hi. Um, in season 2 s-
Kripke: Check out the Metallicar shirt. That’s sweet. (audience cheers and claps. Jensen smiles and nods) Right on.
Fan: In season 2, Sam didn’t get to drive the Impala on screen, at all. Is there a reason behind it? And is he going to drive in season 3?
Jensen: (leans forward to the mic) Because it’s my car. (audience cheers and claps) (Jensen smiles)
Kripke: (?Woah, love that?) That’s- that’s the answer, man. (Jensen shrugs) Personally, in the room, I always get pissed when they’re like, “And then Sam drives the Impala.” And I’m like, (bangs the table) “Why does Dean let him drive it!?” (audience laughs. Jensen smiles) (laughs) Y’know? So, yeah. It’s Dean’s car. (Jensen laughs and nods)
Gamble: And we’re like, “Because Dean just got shot in the leg.” (audience laughs. Jensen throws a hand up and nods)
◘Supernatural Panel clips - Comic Con 2007 Part 19 by mobycat33◘
Fan: Um, while she’s still standing this is the woman who does the plastic Winchester fansite online.
Kripke: Oh! (audience claps and cheers. Jensen claps)
Fan: And she actually has them with her but she’s too embarrassed to ask if you could hold them while she takes a picture? (audience laughs)
Kripke: What are they?
Tomashoff: Nope, (shakes head) ma’am. (negative gesture)
Fan: The Plastic Winchesters.
Tomashoff: They can’t do that, ma’am.
Kripke: Yeah, sorry.
WB Rep: Go to the Warner Brothers’ booth after this. They’re all going to be at the Warner Brothers booth at four. (Jensen nods)
•(2:46-GF6, 0:23-M19)-SDCC07;Q19- SPN Music “Album/Playlist” (Kripke, Jensen)
Fan: Okay. (Kripke: Yeah) So, now on to my question. (Edlund laughs) (WB Rep: I’m sorry) Um.. The music. Everyone has said, you know, the music on the show is just fantastic. (audience woo’s) Thank you so much for bringing good music back to the American Television (?Land?). (audience claps and cheers. Jensen nods)
On the CW boards, we have a thread where we, y-you know, try to pick out what the music is from each episode. We have some holes, and we have some cases where.. we don’t.. have the music. We know what it is, but we don’t.. we can’t find it.
Kripke: uh-huh.
Fan: Is there ever going to be an official list of all the songs that are on the show? And then, are there ever going to be.. (Edlund laughs) ways where we can download it? Or see the "official" soundtrack, which would be just awesome. (Jensen turns to talk off mic to Kripke) And tomorrow (?)-
Kripke: We- We tr- We tried and just because, you know- (gestures) I hear you, this music is, you know-
Fan: Phenomenal.
Kripke: My-m-my passion (Edlund laughs) And, you know, so- We tried, actually, to do an official soundtrack. (gestures) The-the- Honestly, maybe, you know, I don’t know, find the right person to write it at Warner Music. (gestures) They-They weren’t interested. (audience gasps and aw’s) They said- they said, because- because there’s so many classic rock compilations, that Supernatural would just be another one, and they didn’t quite see the market for it? (audience boo’s) I KNOW!
Tomashoff: Are they here? (Jensen shrugs)
Kripke: It’s not like we’re biased or anything! (Edlund laughs)
Gamble: (turns to Jensen, leans back, and places hands on chest) (?Horrible Idea?)
Jensen: (?) I know. (puts hand on chest) (?All of them?)
Kripke: Um, I know. And-And so,- and so, uhh, (gestures) we- we actually tried. And they- and they said no to m- us. (audience aw) But, um, but (gestures) maybe, you know, w-I mean, t-that’s a cool idea. And we do certainly have the list, so, you know, if nothing else we could, you know, put a playlist together on iTunes or something and- (audience woo’s) People could- (chuckles and then turns and points towards his left) Somebody- somebody in our gang write that down. (audience claps) And let’s.. deal with that on, uh, Monday.
Fan: Give me your email address, I’ll-I’ll tell you (?what the method is?)
Kripke looks at the table and nods. The audience, Jensen and Edlund laugh. Gamble smiles.
◘Supernatural Panel clips - Comic Con 2007 Part 20 by mobycat33◘
Fan: Thank you.
Kripke: Thank you.
◘Fan Questions Supernatural Panel SDCC Part 7 by Gonturan74◘
Tomashoff: We have time for just a couple more.
Edlund: (?Go ahead.?)
Fan: Hi.
Kripke: Hi
•(0:08-GF7, 0:06-M20)-SDCC07;Q20A- Set Mishaps (Jensen)
Fan: Um, I know somebody already asked about the pranks and everything but, uh- What has been, and this is for everybody- What has been, like.. Has there been a moment whereee something really amusing or something really just out of the blue has happened while-during production that’s been.. funny or strange? Or just- Not supernatural or anything, but um, (laughs) no pun intended.
Jensen: Oh, there’s stuff that happens all the (scratches forehead) time. I mean, even just yesterday, I was shooting a scene with aaa- with a little boy, eh, who comes up and gives me a hug (gestures), and he has this, like, uh, (mimes something in his hand) Nintendo case in his- in his hand, and- and it hooks to my jacket and as he takes off.
Jensen flicks his hand to represent the boy taking off. And then Jensen jerks his body forward on to the table arm first. The audience and Gamble laugh. Jensen gets back up.
Jensen: You know and that was- that was just- Another tim- Yesterday as well, I was- (mimics reaching and grabbing) I was supposed to reach in the Impala and grab my bag, while the-the- the props person had shut the bag’s strap in the door. So, when I went to get it out, it was like-
Jensen mimics grabbing and then pulling on a bag strap but meeting resistance and failing in response. Edlund and the audience laughs. Gamble smiles.
Jensen: (throws up hands) “What is with the-?” (audience laughs) You know, so. (nods) It’s a.. It’s a-It’s a-It’s a constant occurrence and usually you’ll see them on the (tilts head and nods) gag reels.
•(1:08-GF7, 1:05-M20)-SDCC07;Q20B- SPN Music “Film Reel” (Kripke, Jensen)
Fan: Um, one quick question and really random. What was the music for the, uh, film reel that was played?
Kripke: Oh! (Jensen leans forward and looks at Kripke) That’s a Robert Rodiguez song
Jensen: Robert Rodiguez song, yeah. (Gamble nods)
Kripke: for I think, “Once Upon a Time in Mexico.” (audience woo’s) And, uh, Phil Sgriccia, again, he cut that, (Jensen nods) uh, at the end of last season instead of working. (shrugs) (audience and Edlund laugh. Jensen smiles) So. (laughs) But yeah.
◘Supernatural Panel clips - Comic Con 2007 Part 21 by mobycat33◘
Fan: Thank you.
Tomashoff: Okay. (holds up two fingers) Next, probably get two more? (?)
•(1:32-GF7, 0:05-M21)-SDCC07;Q21- Season 2 DVD “Promos” (Kripke)
Fan: During the last season you did some really, really excellent promos. Uh, I was really glad to see the ProMax BDA.. (Kripke nods) giving five awards for, uh, for those promos. Um, I was wondering if you are preserving those? Wool they-Will they be available on the DVD collection, things like the- the Johnny Cash, “God’s Gonna Cut You Down”?
Kripke: Oh. (nods and then shrugs) (Jensen nods)
Fan: Yeah.
Kripke: Um… Uh, ther-uh, No, but what a great idea. (Edlund and the audience laugh) Um, uh, you know, the season two DVD’s are already done. And, unfortunately, uh, those promos aren’t on them. But, um- But that’s a really great idea for the future. I mean, yeah.
Some of those are really, uh, badass. And.. actually, I hav-I have to give the- you know, uh, There’s two guys, Anthony and Chris at the CW who are, like, (gestures) as passionate about the show as everybody here. And they’re (gestures) always cutting (Jensen nods) these promos and showing them to us. And they did-they cut that Johnny Cash thing. And, they’re, you know- They’re really kicking ass. So, um. But.. But no, not on the DVD, unfortunately. But maybe, you know- maybe we’ll figure out someplace.
Fan: Fantastic. I hope there are some people here who never seen “Supernatural” who are now going to go home and start watching it! (audience claps and cheers. Jensen tilts head and nods)
Kripke: Thank you.
Tomashoff: Okay, last- last question.
•(2:40-GF7, 1:14-M21)-SDCC07;Q22- SPN Music “Deciding” (Kripke)
Fan: Hello, I just wanted to know who the genius behind the music, if it was one person, or a group effort on choosing.
Kripke: Uh, it’s a group effort. (Jensen nods: ?definitely?) Uh, uh, you know, I’m the one who says, “Don’t even bring me anything after 1980.” (Edlund and audience laughs. Some audience woo’s) Um, but, uh- but, uh, Phil Sgriccia and we have a music supervisor, Alex, and, um- and everyone’s always (gestures) combing for like, you know, “What’s- What’s a Foreigner song?” or you know- or-or, you know, “What’s the classic rock song we haven’t heard yet that we all remember but haven’t heard in like 10 years that we can put in the show?” So, no. It’s definitely a- definitely a team effort.
Fan: Well, it’s all very, very good.
Kripke: Thanks.
Fan: Thank you.
◘ Supernatural Panel clips - Comic Con 2007 Part 22 by mobycat33◘
(3:18-GF7, 0:00-M22)- closing
Jensen: Thank you.
Tomashoff: Thank you. Now before, uh, we’re gonna have to wrap it up,(gestures to Kripke) but I know you have something you wanted to say?
Kripke: Yeah, the one thing I wanted to say is- is- is a- a (gestures) kind of a combination.. Thank you so much, and also sort of a mission:
Um, Season 3, guys, we got (gestures) It-it was a little touch and go whether (Jensen nods) or not there was going to be a season 3. And I want to make sure that there’s a season 4. And- (audience cheers. Jensen nods) We-we love the show, (scratches chest) uh, we love the show and we’re passionate about it. And-and (gestures) what we always talk about amongst ourselves is, we have, uh, some the (gestures) smartest, most passionate, most intelligent fans of any show on television. (audience woo’s. Jensen nods. Edlund claps.)
Um, and- (gestures to audience) and I- and I would ask you. I mean, you know, in a certain way season 4 is in the audience’s hands. And so, (gestures) tell your friends and spread the word and-and-and spread the gospel of Supernatural, (Edlund laughs) because we’re gonna keep- we’re gonna keep making ‘em as long as, you know, we have the audience to watch it. So, um, I would- I would ask for your help.
And-and it’s a team effort. We’re sort of all in this together. But-but (gestures) for now, yyou guys are the greatest. And we have- we have, again, we have the best fans. And thank you so damned much. (The audience claps and cheers. Jensen and Edlund clap.)
Tomashoff: And, uh, we’re giving a reminder the (holds up card) autograph, uh, the autograph signing is going to be at the Warner Brothers booth #4329, starting at 4:00.
(turns back and forth and gestures all around) Thank you guys for coming! (Jensen starts getting up) And thank everybody up here.
Kripke: Thank you.
Everybody starts getting up and moving around. Edlund, Jensen, and Gamble leave the stage. Then Kripke follows. Last to leave the stage is Ollis and Tomashoff. Then video ends.
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hachichimitsu · 1 year
Bendy [Wendy / Bebe] “Follow That Egg” Canon Compliant Script
hello! i realized i never posted this script [despite having it finished and revamped around late last year], but in honor of pride, i thought it’d be cute to share this bendy script i wrote that follows the events of “follow that egg”. you can read this as either platonic or romantic bendy, but just know that since it’s canon compliant, they’re all still kiddos here. >:] 
to all my besties who read this like a long time ago, i fixed a few things, so it isn’t the same script it once was. but the essence is still there [hopefully]. maybe i’ll post this in ao3 if i ever make a fic version of it, or draw it in comic form if i have the time. i don’t know. i hope you will all enjoy it regardless.
Inspired by the events of “Follow That Egg.” Wendy is still fretting over her lost egg. Bebe is there to help see her through it. 
The scene takes place in Bebe’s family kitchen. Wendy is already seated at the dining table, with Bebe walking towards her chair with colorful paper, glitter, coloring supplies and arts n’ crafts at hand. 
Bebe: (hops on her chair and places each item individually with much enthusiasm) Boy, am I glad you’re the one I got paired up with in the end. I thought my egg was gonna be a goner for sure!
Wendy doesn’t reply. Instead, she is looking out in the distance, with an empty stare. Bebe looks at her, with a slight worried expression. 
Bebe: Uhhh, Wendy?
Wendy continues to be unresponsive. Bebe leans from her chair towards her. 
Bebe: (waves her hand in front of her) Earth to Wends?
Wendy blinks and her body subtly jolts. She finally looks at her. 
Wendy: Huh? 
Bebe: (sighs) You okay, girl?
Wendy drags her hands to her face in a slow, stressed out manner. 
Wendy: Ugh, sorry. I-I know this is stupid, but…
She uncovers her face, looking as if she’s trying to piece together the right words internally. Left empty-handed, she lays her head face-forward on the table, defeated.
Wendy: (sighs)
Bebe: Wendy, it’s okay. I won’t judge.
Wendy turns her head to the side, with her cheek on the table scowling at Bebe.
Wendy: Yeah right! You screamed your lungs out when I told you about my crush on Cartman back then! 
Bebe (defensively): Well, I mean- You caught me by surprise!
Wendy: Yeah. Exactly.
Wendy sits upwards with her arms crossed. Her gaze and expression still fixed.
Wendy: And your reaction was anything *but* non-judgmental.
Bebe shrugs. 
Bebe: Yeah, but, my advice worked, didn’t it?
Wendy vividly remembers the events of “Chef Goes Nanners” and resigns with a heavy sigh. She looks to the side with a mixed expression on her face. 
Wendy: It’s-It’s about the egg.
Bebe: ….Right.
Wendy shifts her body a bit out of embarrassment. 
Wendy: The truth is, I went to Kyle’s house to see it.
Bebe: Okay?
Wendy: Just to see if it’s safe.
Bebe continues to stare at Wendy, expecting to hear more from her. But it’s met with more silence. Wendy can see her trying to think of an appropriate response.
Bebe: Yeah but Wendy, that isn’t your egg anymore.
Wendy (humiliated): God, you sound just like Kyle!
Bebe: I mean, I understand why you would be concerned. Stan *is* the worst egg partner in the world. At least from my experience. 
Wendy shuts her eyes and groans. 
Bebe: …But I’m sure they’ll figure something out!
Wendy sighs while covering her face with her hands again. 
Wendy: I’m sorry, I know this is stupid.
Bebe looks at her apologetically. 
Bebe: Awww, Wendy. It’s not stupid. It’s just, uh, really weird.
Wendy (sarcastically): Oh gee thanks Bebe! I feel better already! 
Bebe: Maybe you can ask Kyle to give it to you afterwards?
Wendy (uncovering her face, still with a resigned expression): He will.
Bebe: Oh, then, see! If Kyle says so then it must be true! Knowing him, I’m sure he’d refuse to get an F for sure. 
Wendy (waves her hand side to side): Yeah I know, I know. It’s just- ugh…
Bebe stares at her for a while. Silence permeates the room. She sighs.
Bebe:  ….Is it about Stan?
Wendy: Maybe.
Bebe: Maybe? I thought you were over him?
Wendy: No, I-I think I am? It’s just- (sighs) I feel really, *really* guilty about it. In class, I can feel his gaze burning at the back of my head, and I feel awful knowing *I* did that to him. I mean, you saw him! He started hanging out with the goth kids and dressed up like that out of nowhere. And he clearly doesn’t want to talk to me anymore.
Wendy slumps in her chair
Wendy: Especially after I dated Tolkien. I even broke up with him too because I couldn’t handle the guilt. I don’t know– I just feel like an asshole.
Bebe looks at her with an apologetic expression. The silence deafening. 
Wendy: Bebe, am I coward?
Bebe (sucks in her teeth): No, but…I mean, you did make *me* be the one to tell Stan that you’re breaking up with him instead of doing it yoursel- 
Wendy: God, I’m so terrible.
Bebe: Is that why you’ve been acting so weird lately? Are you seriously projecting your insecurities onto your egg? Do I need to call the paramedics?
Wendy: Maybe.
Bebe: Wends, seriously. Dont worry about it. Your egg will totally be fine. You and Stan are over and done with, and we will totally get our A.
Wendy: Maybe I don’t deserve that A.
Bebe: Wendy, listen to yourself! You’re making *our* egg feel bad.
Wendy looks at their egg on the table, with its circular red orbs staring back at her, mentally morphing a sad frown on that little egg face. She unconsciously mirrors that frown a bit and turns the egg to make it look away.
Wendy: Sorry, that was out of line. I guess I’m still carrying that weight. I know my- THEIR egg will be fine. It’s just- I left it when it needed me the most. Like a, like a coward…
Wendy sinks down from her chair.
Wendy: I’d make such a terrible mom. 
Bebe (whines): Wendy, noooo! I hate seeing you like this. Let’s just (pause) let’s just decorate our egg! You *need* to get out of this rut. It’s for your own good.  
Wendy: Isn’t it already decorated though? 
Bebe: (scoffs) Puh-lease, after its slobber fest with Stan’s dog, I think he’s in need of a new updo.
Wendy: (rubs her other arm up and down) Oh, I don’t know….
Bebe grabs a small shiny tube from her supply pouch to wave it in front of Wendy’s eyes. 
Bebe: (in a sing-songy voice) But Wendyyy~ it’s limited edition custom-made Sparkletts glitter glue~
Wendy: So what?
Bebe: (still in the same sing-songy voice) It has a transparent color palette that doesn’t seep through the paperwooork~
Wendy: Wait, what?
Time has passed. We cut to the egg looking exactly the same, except less unkempt, ruffled and with lighter colors. Bebe and Wendy stare at it with clutters of glue, white paint and colored paper around them.
Wendy: Is it just me or does it look like nothing’s changed appearance-wise? 
Bebe: We probably would’ve added more features if *someone* didn’t use up all the glitter glue!
Wendy: I needed to test to see if it worked for all colors of paper. 
Bebe: Yeah, in which, once it dries up, it’s impossible to remove!
Wendy: I got some on its hair at least.
Bebe: Yeah, because what it really needed was some sparkly dandruff on its hair.
Wendy: Well, I think it's perfect just the way it is!
Bebe: I mean, it’s not my *best* work. But then again, I *was* the one who did its initial design while Stan was zoning out the entire time, so I’ll take you not doing any huge design changes to our egg as a compliment.
Wendy: At least the bed that we made for them makes up for it. 
Bebe picks it up. 
Bebe: Yeah, now this. *This* is a beauty. Let’s tuck it in now actually. It’s getting late.
Wendy removes the tiny satin handkerchief of the sparkly box container with Bebe carefully situating their egg in its proper place. Wendy placed the handkerchief back on. They both put their hands to their jaws to stare at it with awe. 
Bebe: Isn’t it beautiful, Wendy? 
Wendy: Yeah, like a sweet little angel.
Bebe: That wasn’t so bad now, was it?
Wendy: (rolls her eyes with a smile) I admit, it was kind of fun. 
They bathe in the initial quietness, with soft smiles on their faces as they continue to stare at their egg. 
Bebe (softly): It’s never too late, Wendy.
Wendy: Huh?
Bebe: To make amends. 
Wendy glances at her a bit, taking in her words. 
Wendy: Yeah…
Wendy looks at the egg one more time before carefully closing the box. 
Wendy: I guess you’re right. 
Bebe laughs and nudges her with her shoulder. 
Bebe: Let’s go get dressed. I’m tired of wearing these jeans all day, and we still have 2 hours left for a movie!! 
Wendy: Yeah.
Bebe: You know, I’m surprised your mom allowed you to stay the night over. She never does school nights. 
Wendy: Yeah, well, she saw how depressed I was lately so- I guess that was her way of trying to cheer me up. 
Bebe: (giggles while giving Wendy a back hug) Well, it’s a good thing I’m here, right?
Wendy (sighs while looking away, smiling): Yeah. 
The scene cuts to Wendy and Bebe wearing their pajamas, sitting in front of the living room TV. A movie is being played on-screen, preferably a family, coming-of-age movie. They’re both sharing a family-sized bag of marshmallows as they watch. 
Wendy: Bebe?
Bebe: Yeah?
Wendy: I’m sorry for getting you wrapped up in all of this.
Bebe: Wendy, we’re best friends! I know you’d do the same for me.
Wendy: Yeah…
Wendy flashes a quick smile towards her before her eyes fall to the floor. 
Wendy: I just still feel kind of bad for Stan.
Bebe: (rests her chin on her palm) Wendy, why did you even break up with him in the first place? 
Wendy: I guess….it’s hard to rely on him sometimes. 
Bebe: Oh. Well…I mean, I’ve only had Stan as my egg partner for 2 days, and I’d say the exact same thing-
Wendy: It’s not just that. It’s just. Stan has…..he’s been distant lately. I think he’s afraid to commit to me fully. I mean he stopped vomiting, but other than that, our relationship is completely stagnant. I’m always the one that has to initiate things, and when I’m not, it’s like he completely forgets about me. I don’t hate him. I just…
Bebe gives Wendy a side hug and lets her head rest on her shoulder. 
Bebe: I know, Wendy. Stuff like this is….complicated. I think even if you broke up with Stan as delicately as you possibly could, he was never going to take it well. I’m not gonna be the one to say that breaking up with Stan indirectly was the best thing to do. But even he was doing it too. Like.…remember when Stan was playing “Shock the Monkey” in front of your house? 
Wendy: Yeah?
Bebe: Well, he actually talked to me about it beforehand. He tried to force me to tell you that he loves you instead of confronting you personally. And then I made that suggestion instead. 
Wendy (puzzled): But why “Shock the Monkey” though?
Bebe: I told him to play Peter Gabriel. (rolls eyes) I thought he’d take the hint.
Wendy: (laughs) Guess he’s never seen Say Anything.
Bebe: I should have never put too much faith in boys.
They both quietly chuckle until it quickly dies down. Wendy sinks in the couch, stuffing more marshmallows in her mouth. She swallows.
Wendy: Bebe, do you think I…did the right thing? 
Bebe pops a marshmallow in her own mouth. 
Bebe (muffled): What do you mean?
Wendy: You know…break up with him?
Bebe contemplates for a bit. She shrugs
Bebe: Who knows.
Wendy: Are you serious?
Bebe: Wendy! If you felt the relationship has ran its course, then it was for the best. It doesn’t make you or Stan a bad person. Sometimes these things….just happen.
Wendy: (sighs)
Bebe: Maybe you can apologize to him tomorrow. It’s the last day for this project anyways. 
Wendy (defeated): But he hates me. He *so* hates me. I already know I won’t be able to get a word in edge-wise.
Bebe: But it’s worth a try! It’s better to have at least tried and failed than it is to just…fester in guilt for not having done anything. If you feel bad for not being direct with him, then now’s the chance to fix that.
Wendy: You’re right. (sighs) God…
Bebe: And hey…
Bebe puts her hand on Wendy’s shoulder comfortingly. 
Bebe: I’ll watch over to see if anything goes wrong. I promise.
Wendy: Aw, you really don’t have to, but….
Wendy smiles softly at her.
Wendy: Thanks, Bebe. 
Bebe: No problem.
They sit in silence for a bit, letting the movie play in the background.
Bebe, You know, I was really happy when Ms. Garrison paired us together.
Wendy: Why? Because we get to sleepover like this?
Bebe: No, silly. It’s because….I think you’d make a great mom. 
Wendy: Really?
Bebe: Yeah! I thought my egg was going to be toast at the end of this project. But when we made the switch, I knew there was hope for it after all! And look at our egg now, sleeping peacefully in the bed we made for it. 
Wendy: (sighs) I’m glad I didn’t mess this one up despite everything.
Bebe: Oh Wendy, shush! You were going to be a good mom to my egg no matter what. That’s how much I trust you. 
Wendy looks at the TV.
Wendy: Do you ever think about having children? Like in the near future, when we’re both old and hopefully married to someone decent with our own things going on. 
Bebe: Hmmm maybe? If it’s just as obedient as Eggward here, then I might consider it.
Wendy: (smiles) Since when did it have a name?
Bebe: Uhh, just now? Didn’t yours have one?
Wendy: Oh, I…I guess Kyle and I never made it that far.
Bebe: (nudges her) Guess that makes two of us.
Wendy gives out a genuine laugh. A sound that Bebe hasn’t heard for days now. 
They just recently passed the bill for same-sex marriage. Bebe is watching Wendy talk to Stan and Kyle from afar. She can vaguely hear the conversation they’re having 
Wendy: Stan, I'm sorry I doubted you. You really made a great dad.
Stan: Like I give a crap about what you think, Wendy.
Bebe gives a sympathetic frown as she sees Wendy walking away, dejectedly.
Bebe: No luck?
Wendy: (sighs) No. I can tell he wants nothing to do with me.
Bebe: Well, forget about him then Wendy! Did you ask about your egg?
Wendy blinks in astonishment. 
Wendy: Huh, I guess I forgot. 
Wendy gives a relieved smile towards Bebe. 
Wendy: Thinking about it now, I guess I *was* being a little dramatic. (Wendy turns to view Stan and Kyle.) That’s theirs now. I like our egg.
Bebe jumps on Wendy and puts her arms around her shoulders.
Bebe: Yeah, our egg is awesome!
Wendy (takes the box from her pocket): It really is.
Wendy opens the box with the egg still there in pristine condition. 
Bebe: Whew! Now that that’s over with, I know what I’m having for breakfast!
Wendy holds onto the egg box tightly with a frightened expression. 
Wendy: Bebe!!
Bebe: Relax Wends, I was just kidding.
They walk off together with their backs turned towards the horizon. 
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keepsmagnetoaway · 7 months
X-Men: First Class 8 (April 2007)
Jeff Parker/Roger Cruz
This is the last of First Class...except it's not. The original series as conceived ran for eight issues and "ends" here, but it did well enough that it was followed by a couple of special issues and a new monthly series that ran a while longer, which my invaluable guide suggests I continue reading at this point, so that's what we're going to do. Sorry to anyone who was hoping to go back to the 60s...
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While reading this issue I was struck with a sudden worry that I'd become desensitized to just how bad the art here is, so please take a look at the above panel to refresh your memory. We're in theory looking through a window pane here - hence the inexplicable plant up the middle that muddies up the composition. And what is Jean's face. Anyway, as you can see, Xavier is away and Jean has a psychic vision of him being in trouble. But where is he?
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Oh right, he's in a six hundred mile radius west of the Congo. What?! Apparently this makes perfect sense to the X-Men, who head out there and discover a helpful local, the beloved (?) major (??) classic (???) Marvel character Gorilla-Man.
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Gorilla-Man is an authentic 1950s Marvel pulp character, predating any of the X-Men and most of their superheroes, which is sort of cool. Of course he's also a white dude (in the body of a gorilla) hanging out in Africa talking about "the natives" and their supersitions, so, yeah.
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There's some hippo action which is an almost exact retread of the alligator action in the Lizard issue, right down to Bobby freezing the water. This was like three months ago guys, this is lazy.
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Eventually they find Xavier in a Lara Croft-style temple, with a total absence of villains: he's trapped in a psychic pit of despair that the temple generates, and the rest of them all succumb too until Gorilla-Man breaks them out. The end, I guess?
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Presumably this all sold quite well, well enough for the subsequent issues I mentioned above, which I'll be reading next. As you can tell, aside from flashes of interest - almost all related to references to the original comics, which are extremely fresh in my mind - I really didn't like it, and this issue illustrates why.
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The story, as with all the other stories, is triggered and wrapped up a single issue: why is this the last in the run? Nothing particularly important happened in it. To some degree the writers must have felt hemmed in by existing 50-year-old canon, but they had eight issues in which they could have built small arcs and themes and they absolutely didn't. The next run is longer - 16 issues, I believe, and a couple of specials - so maybe they'll feel a bit more confident int hat one.
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Mostly it's just that I hate the art, though.
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Thank you for asking!!!!! Love a chance to talk about myself.
The way I got this ask and like IMMEDIATELY forgot any piece of media I have ever consumed?? If I forgot any of my faves... sorry to them!!
Also, a running theme for most of my faves is that they have overcome being otherized and/or trauma and came out being pettier and more self righteous, lol.
Uchiha Sasuke from Naruto. Pettiest bitch alive and he DESERVES IT! Should be pettier.
Wei Wuxian from MDZS/The Untamed. Went through hell, kinda literally, and did awful things but still chose to do the right thing, every single fucking time.
Fenris from Dragon Age. Watching him emerge from such an awful place and learn to let people in, while remaining sooo rough around the edges, was lovely.
Spock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From both TOS and AOS, less so from Disco/SNW, because he's just so fucking funny and also watching him be so repressed and then be forced out of that repression is fun. I love him. Baby boy.
Joy from EEAAO. Loved watching her anger, loved watching her creativity, and I loved watching her anger make her mother change. I love that she was able to give up the anger because she was finally seen and her hurt was legitimized.
***** ****** from ******* ******** because *runs away*
NGL.... it's still my boy Edward Elric. In many ways, I should let him go. But he was my first rep of atheism in literally the funniest fucking way ("Yeah I've seen God but... nah.") and I still enjoyed his journey, even if I now have major issues with the narrative and apologism and recognize Scar as a far more compelling character than Edward. Sorry to everyone but when I saw Edward at age.... 13, I did not realize what war crime apologism looked like. At least I let go of stanning Mustang. Cause I wanted that man carnally for a long time.
Sook-hee from The Handmaiden. Watching her fuck shit up was cathartic.
I need to finish my watch through (bingewatching two seasons in a week was mentally taxing, tbh) but Flint and Max from Black Sails. Again... love a selfish character who has felt left behind by the world and so they take what they can from the world. They deserve it!
Recency bias I guess but I'm REALLY loving Frieren from... Frieren. Watching her learn to value other people while going around with her lil :3 face is nice.
I feel like this list is leaving a lot of faves out--my lovely Sailor Jupiter who I imprinted on like a baby duck and have carried in my heart ever since, Dimitri Fire Emblem, Qifrey, and probably so many more. The characters that I love just for horny reasons (Yae Miko, Kaveh, Tighnari my beloveds). Characters I love for their potential (Finn, Poe, and Rey from Star Wars)(Also Cassian but I guess I could love him more if I watched Andor but I will not be watching Disney+ shows.) Characters who I love now (Louis, Lestat, Claudia from IWTV the show) but haven't finished their arcs yet, so idk how I'll feel int he future. Etc etc.
I will also say that this list feels a biiiiiit swayed by characters who I have experienced more in fandom. There are characters from one off books, video games, comics that I CONNECT with more, maybe idolized more, but engage with less often because there's no fandom, so they come to mind less immediately. And they've been butchered less by fanon, so I don't project onto them as much. Like they are FULLER vessels, which means they have less room for me to go "Oh, yeah, we are exactly the same. Let me into your brain."
This list is mainly of characters I love to play with like bratz dolls in my brain and is less about like... maybe heavily fucking with them while consuming their media and then being able to let them go when I'm done.
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hellrobin · 1 year
#shush esme -> general screaming into the void
#esme talks comics -> comic and other superhero musings. may sometimes overlap with the first one
#esmes headcanons -> yeah i think this one speaks for itself
#holy shit esme writes?? -> fic tag
#holy shit esme draws?? -> art tag
#marvel -> anything marvel related. may have other tags just to categorize
#dc -> anything dc related. may have other tags just to categorize
#[first name of character] tag -> characters
#[character] and [character] is how i tag non romantic relationships and such. older character will be first.
characters in groups will be tagged as such (ie, spideys, batgirls, robins)
ships will just be tagged as such
int he case of character with the same name, i’ll probably tag their last name (ie, #pryde tag for kate pryde, #bishop tag for kate bishop, #kane tag for kate kane… there are a lot of kates)
uhhh yeah. reminder that i interact from @stars-and-birds
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