#I am just sick of people treating luffy like a child
zoluulife · 7 months
I really hate those mf who treat Luffy like he’s a child that doesn’t know anything about anything as a way to justify them shitting on zolu, they act as if he’s never heard of a crush in his life “ I don’t know how you can ship Luffy with anyone he’s so innocent “ (yes someone has actually said that to me) like Luffy? The man that fights to free people of oppression? He’s not 2. He’s seen and been through stuff most adults wouldn’t be able to handle ,he is so emotionally intelligent and it’s shown throughout the show. Shipping him with someone that makes complete sense is not that fair of a stretch.
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chaosverseline · 11 months
Imu sama as monkey d luffy great grandmother
I had a crazy idea
It a mixture of a lot of one piece theories regarding luffy’s family.
First off , Instead of imu sama being luffy’s mom.I am making imu sama as luffy’s great grand “mother”.
Because here is how it works,
Imu sama is the immortal ruler of the world government (pronouns are them and they. despite this they prefer female fashion),But secretly yearns for freedom , but can’t because of the responsibility of running the government.
Quoting from a Reddit post, “To make it simple: Imu ……..related to ya boi Joy Boi and because she is a a ruler she Needs to act like one in front of everyone….”
Imu sama may not be able to experience “full freedom”. however ,when they did have free time ,they would traveled around the world and go sightseeing in a disguise.
During this they met a young man named……….
……..xebec d rocks.
Yes that rocks.
But during this time ,rocks isn’t a pirate yet.
Or maybe he was just starting out .
What happens between imu and rocks was what started out as a friendship ,Then to lovers and yeah they banged.
Resulting a adorable baby girl ,The princess of Mary geoise. For now, we call her “Yriaf” for simplicity sake.
After Yriaf birth, rocks loves his daughter but still left to continue his pirate career.Which made imu bitter and harbor a grudge against pirates.
Imu and xebec broke up and went on to their separate ways,Imu takes Yriaf with them,But allows xebec to call from den den mushi ,writes letters and sent presents to their daughter ,Using a cipher pol agent (who swore secrecy )to deliver the mail.
Yriaf grew up to be a kind and benevolent woman despite being the princess of Mary geoise. She disliked the attitude of the celestial dragons and slavery. She treats people like her equal and tries her best to free the slaves and help treat/heal/nurse the injure/sick ones until they are healthy to go home or stay with her (she would pay them with wages)if they don’t have a place to stay.Sadly, she was banned from buying more than six slaves per month by imu sama
Imu sama didn’t do this to be cruel,They are worried about Yriaf getting the wrong people’s suspicions. Imu sama honesty didn’t like the whole slavery system ,But the majority of the world nobles wanted this and imu have to go along. otherwise imu will become unpopular and risk getting deposed or worse case scenario,Getting Killed.
As much power imu has,Imu can’t protect Yriaf if all the world nobles voices their disapproval (Kinda like Garp’s situation ).
because of this ,Imu is strict with their daughter.Eventually Yriaf ran off to her father’s ship to get some fresh air from the royalty business. There she met her father’s crew and develop a relationship with one of the crew mates. Rocks is fine with it,after a long shovel talk.
Imu sama,However…… is a total different story.
Imu straight up disapproves.
But there is nothing imu can do, Other than sending cipher pol assassins to watch but not kill the crew mate who caught their sweet daughter’s eyes.
Yraif marries the crew mate,Whose name is Edward Newgate,Yes that Newgate.
Their child would eventually be known as crocodile.
Yes that crocodile.
Then imu noticed changes in rocks as the years goes by,How by each passing year,Xebec getting even more crueler and unhinged, starting to have bloodthirsty ambitions thanks to his devil fruit that messed up his brain, until imu can no longer recognized the man they had used to loved.
For now,Xebec’s sanity is barely keeping together thanks to his paternal love for their daughter .But imu is not taking any chances if one day xebec snaps and cause irreversible harm to his own crew and potentially to imu’s family. Besides,Imu is still mad about xebec choosing career over them and the lack of child support other than toy stuff animals and unhealthy snacks. Yes ,imu can be petty like that.
So imu hires a hit on xebec, saying xebec is a terrorist threat and a crazy manic. Then sends a message to the elders to inform the world government of this dangerous individual.
Battle of god valley happens and imu takes back Yriaf. Gives her a decision to either take crocodile and never met up with Edward again or hand the custody of crocodile to Edward and forbids yriaf from meeting them again, save for one day per 5 years. Imu allows for calling via den den mushi for during the whole time but that’s it .
The princess chose the 2nd option and tearfully waved good bye to her love and child.
Years pass, crocodile left the white beard pirate crew and joins the revolutionary. Also get knocked up by monkey d dragon.
When Imu founds out , they are not pleased , But At least they gotten a great grand child out of it.
His name is ……
Monkey d luffy.
Pure Chaos.
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
I would like to know how Sanji feels regarding Yasopp from a Sanuso perspective. Because there are two situations that I would love to write in a fic format but I'm not sure which one would fit best.
1. Sanji resents Yasopp more than Usopp does. Usopp explains to Sanji that his father left him and his mother to become a pirate and that's fine with him because he left to follow his dream, a dream that now Usopp is achieving too by his own hand and that will get him to see his father again. And even if there's resentment there, he's always like: "Well, he left us and I found out he spent time with another kid that is coincidentally our captain and my best friend but, y'know, it's fine because I know he loves me and at the end of the day we will find each other again. And my mom was the one to support him on his adventure, I can't really complain about that, can I?". And Sanji doesn't take that well because he knows how little Usopp thinks of himself and he knows that, behind all of that, there's more pain than what he says out loud. The mere fact that Yasopp dared to leave him behind makes Sanji's blood boil and he can't accept that Usopp isn't angrier. He should be angry! Furious! His father, the one who left him on his own with his sick mom, does not deserve Usopp's forgiveness. He makes Usopp know this: "What?! Usopp, mon trésor, you cannot possibly be saying this right now." / "What? I- It's not like he left me because he didn't love me, he left me to follow his dream. I think you of all people should understand that." / "And I do, dear, but- His dream should not have been more important than you in the first place and what he did is disgusting and outrageous and he doesn't deserve-!" / "Sanji, don't-" / "Somebody that leaves his child behind is not a good perso-" / "Could you shut up?! The fact that your father doesn't love you doesn't mean that mine is the same! My dad had a dream to follow, yours just didn't want you!" Oh. And that's when Usopp knows he's fucked up real good. But Sanji doesn't get mad and doesn't accept Usopp's apology because he's aware that he's been acting like a jerk too, talking without knowing anything about Yasopp, actually. They end up talking things out, of course, they make up. Usopp keeps telling Sanji that he's dying to see his father only to tell him that he's okay and, whenever he isn't, he has his boyfriend with him who will protect him even from his own father if he hurts him. Which is not the ideal situation, but at least Sanji is ready to do anything to anybody that hurts the love of his life.
And then there's the second possibility, which is still angsty and follows the same dynamic except that it's reversed:
2. Usopp is being insecure about what Yasopp feels for him. He's always known his father loves him and only left to follow his dream. He knows his mother is the one who supported him, too, and it's not Yasopp's fault that she got sick and he wasn't there. But sometimes the thoughts of not being wanted by his own father (especially after knowing that he enjoyed his time with Luffy, of all people) haunt him. And, you know, sometimes Sanji just can't take it. Seeing his boyfriend drown in self-deprecating thoughts and the assumption that his father doesn't love him is his nightmare. Because it's exactly what has always happened to him, and Usopp doesn't- He just doesn't know. "Usopp, I know- I know that what we did is fucked up and you're allowed to be mad-" / "I am not mad, Sanji! I am- How- How am I supposed to react when I see him? Uh, yeah, it's totally fine that you left me and mom alone. By the way, she's dead and you weren't there! But guess who was there? Me! A kid! On his own! Thank you very much, how's the pirate life treating you? Remember Luffy? Well, I'm sure you fucking do-" / "Darling-" / "I know he loves me, Sanji! Or whatever! He said he did. Was it that hard to show it a little bit, though? Because whenever I think about-" / "At least your father wants to see you again, doesn't he?! Okay, he might've fucked up big time and I get it, Usopp. I fucking get it. But he's out there and he's probably waiting for you and he tells people about you! He told Luffy about you, goddamnit. He loves you. If Zeff hadn't found me if- If for God knows what reason Zeff hadn't found me, I wouldn't even have had the chance to call somebody that truly loves me 'dad'. So stop complaining that he wasn't there and start thinking about how he's probably waiting for you. He had to make the hard decision to leave you with your mom, my father didn't fucking think twice before locking me up away from the rest of the world." Sanji knows he has talked too much when he sees Usopp's startled face. And following the last idea, the ending is pretty much the same. Apologizing for things they probably don't even truly think and accepting that they both have different experiences and that they're allowed to feel the way they do.
I honestly prefer the first one for a lot of reasons, especially Sanji's protectiveness and sense of justice and also the fact that I think Usopp's behavior is closer to canon. However, the second idea explores more the envy Sanji could probably have when it comes to biological fathers (which can still be there even if he doesn't consider Judge his father at all and has Zeff. He's still haunted by his past trauma, yay).
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torosiken · 7 years
Question do you like WCI arc? What are your thoughts on it? What do you like or do you not like about it?
hi anon thanks for asking me this question XD *cracks fingers* hoo man this is gonna be long. To anyone, please don’t get offended on what I am going to write- just in case you get the wrong idea.
well, before I start I have to admit that I am a BIG *COUGH* Sanji *COUGH COUGH HACK* fan. And the idea of Sanji Year excited me nonetheless when it first came out, along with the Vinsmokes and marriage theme. I expected a lot of things happening during this arc. And in one side, I do am pleased with the revelation of Vinsmokes and all the new characters. I liked them, however I have to really say I am really displeased with Oda’s writing during this entire arc.
The entire arc was a disaster for me. Not because I expected big things or so. Ever since Sanji’s second backstory was mentioned briefly by the wedding invitation, I already expected this arc will full of cliches and oh-my-god I hate cliches so much. Yet I put my faith in Oda- because maybe he will pull shit out nicely like he always did. But no, we got a horrible rushed-off writing instead.
My guess it’s because Oda announced Year of Sanji back in 2016, and in result, he was rushing himself to write this arc and it ended up having a horrible writing. The idea of this arc was nice- but it was lacking execution. If you have been reading what my friend Malky wrote @sleepdepravity​ about this arc, I agree most of it with her- this arc has no point of character development. Sanji is kind, but the flaunting of that fact in this arc is only shoving that idea in the reader’s face- to make people go “Ooooh Sanji is so kind he is a salvation angel” instead of actually making this a redemption or some short.
The Straw Hats are adults, at this point- character development might not really presented and it was obvious especially ever since the timeskip. They are solid and are collected. And then suddenly this arc happens. If this arc is only going to show how harsh the New World is, it’s not. Because during the entire arc I don’t even get scared at all that Sanji or anyone is going to be killed for that matter. We had that heart attack that Law might get killed back in Dressrosa, but no. Also, apparently Law’s hand can be sewn back just nicely in the end of the arc. It makes me losing the feel that Sanji might actually lose his hands in this arc. Because, for hell if I knew- they could be sewn back just like ho Law’s hands were.
Most of people are disappointed that the SH are separating again, but for me- it’s to be expected. Especially that back in Dressrosa we got mossywara as a group with Luffy. So it’s to be expected that guruwara will be the only team presented in this arc. With addition of Pedro and Carrot in the gang, that was acceptable. I liked the minks when they were first introduced. But then, Pedro and Carrot joining SH on their trip out of nowhere is way too random. Kinemon, Bartolomeo, and Cavendish joining the war as a gang is actually more established than Pedro simply joining by -assigned-. Carrot joining the gang was written out nicely, however I am displeased on how she is portrayed after that.
Don’t get me wrong, I liked Carrot as a character. But don’t you think she is too overpowered? Hey, it’s great to get a strong, badass female character. And she is cute too. HOWEVER- CONTEXT IS she is YOUNG, and she was joining the trip RANDOMLY. She never been outside before. Yet she could stand up against BM’s troops? Dude. Remember the SH back in the early days? Remember how crazy strong Zoro depicted as? He was still struggling and BADLY too at some of low-rank enemies. This is Carrot’s first adventure out of Zou. And she could handle things NICELY without getting much injuries. Even if she is depicted as a strong character, this kind of writing is just too rushed for her character.
Next is Pudding. Oh God. PUDDING. I LOVE LOVE LOVE PUDDING SO MUCH. When she was first appeared, I already liked her cute attitude- and hell, I wouldn’t mind IF she stayed cute like that at all. And then there was EVIL PUDDING revealed with the memory powers. Dude, that really makes me into her. HOWEVER then Oda decided to fuck things up. Because one second, she was shown with a flashback with Lola and then the next second, she was evil. And then, suddenly she was crying just because a MAN calling her THIRD EYE BEAUTIFUL. The backstory was cool. But… are you SERIOUS??? Then she decided to fall in love with SANJI JUST BECAUSE THAT ONE LINE??? I wouldn’t mind if there was MORE BUILD UP between the two. Maybe like— make their exchanges longer during the pre-wedding scenes??? So Pudding can be more touched by Sanji’s gentleman-y and kindness aftermath??? But come on… the build up was so lacking it makes Pudding like an inconsistent little kid. Come on. Also, give us more screentime of that memory power won’t you Oda? What’s the use of mentioning it if you aren’t going to make Pudding USE IT???
And then there’s Big Mom herself. As many have pointed out about Big Mom, it makes ZERO SENSE that she wanted everything to live in peace BUT THEN SHE CLAIMED PUDDING’S THIRD EYE AS UGLY… WHAT??? It bugs me out especially that she is a Yonko. Strong and powerful. One second she agreed to marry her child with Capone for power, but next second she tried to murder the Vinsmokes to gain their power- I mean- dude??? that was so random????? She could’ve go along with the marriage like all the other times but she decided to go against a fucking nationality filled with assassins out of all deals??? What makes her to think of that??? Why didn’t she murder the other marriage dealers instead??? Didn’t she knew the Vinsmokes were rumored to be so strong even if they actually was clueless in this fucking arc? There was no caution to the Vinsmokes at all?????
And now here comes the Vinsmokes. BRO. You were rumored to be a strong ass kingdom and then they are… this STUPID??? I love the power rangers-esque outta them. But like… dude. You are a fucking nation with science basis. And they are apparently so stupid. Falling on BM’s trap just LIKE THAT? You are trying to make a deal with a PIRATE. Are you expecting things to go simply as that? You have troops. What kind of royalties are you? There wasn’t any soldiers at the wedding party. COME ON. YOU ARE TOO DUMB. Also if I were Judge I might as well kept Sanji for his brain and use him as the tactical commander. Or maybe at least KEEP HIM FOR A FUCKING BLOOD AND ORGAN SUPPLY IN CASE ANY OF THE FRONT ROW TRIPLETS ARE INJURED IN A FIGHT. ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TRYING TO BE AN EVIL GROUP OF PEOPLE? THEN YOU FAILED WAYS TO BE EVIL GENIUSES. YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO BE EVIL GENIUSES.
And now I am talking about the Straw Hats. Jinbei joining the SH statement was EPIC but like… then I felt nothing. There was no impact to that or whatever. The only MVP in this whole arc is Brook. And I love Luffy. At least bless the Gods that he never changed. Nami in this arc was… horrible. She is suddenly just being a whiny moody kid. She kicked ass nicely in the last chapter action but like- during the entire thing she was just…. there. We are not seeing much action from her NEW WEAPON that was actually there to be a new fighting spotlight. I mean… come on???
And now we got Sanji. Oh god oh god oh god. Why.
I am not going to comment on how he is crying and shit or beating up Luffy. I actually understand why he does all of that. My only concern here is in the WRITING ON ALL OF THOSE SCENES AND NOT HOW SANJI iS ACTING DURING THE WHOLE THING. Sanji is still Sanji, and how he acts is actually still very in-character and it was nice. Including how stupid he is to think to leave the SH. And then we suddenly got Sanji saving the Vinsmokes on the fucking table scene- like a salvation angel coming from the depths of hell. I knew it was supposed to be symbolic, but it was FAR TOO CLICHE and this fucking arc is shoving down “LOOK AT HOW KIND SANJI IIIISSSSS” in reader’s face too much and I’m hella sick of it. You could’ve done that WITHOUT THAT. YEAH SURE. EVERY OP FANS WHO FOLLOW THE ENTIRE OP SHOULD’VE KNOWN THAT SANJI IS NICE ALREADY TBH YOU DOn’T NEED TO FLAUNT IT OVER AND OVER TOO MUCH SLKGSJKGjsKGS
Also Sanji’s second backstory is suddenly changing EVERYTHING about him. It makes as if the first backstory about starvation never happened. No, of course the readers know it’s still there. But suddenly in this one arc it’s treating like it was all that was about- making him sounded like an entire new and different character instead of the Sanji we are all know all these whole time. Character revealations are good, guys. But last time it happened- it was Luffy with his second backstory(ASL). It didn’t change our view on Luffy at all. However, on Sanji- everything did change. All of sudden people are talking about “look at how weak he was! He is not weak anymore! Look at how he never had a proper family and now he does!” when in fact that past was already long gone and Vinsmoke Sanji was dead- he was already reborn as simply Sanji and he was not weak or not having a family. This arc is talking as if he was never having anyone when he actually does.
There’s also Reiju- talking that she couldn’t disobey her father. Yet she occasionally does. This mechanism was confusing in any matter. Also there was the Vinsmoke brothers showing emotions at each other… everything is too inconsistant. Sanji’s resolve to be a chef is not even as strong as I thought it would be. and especially for fucks sake he is a prince, and he is aware that he is one. The fucking kingdom’s system is too fucked up even though I have to admit I liked the kingdom’s concept…
And suddenly I fogotten what else I wanted to write and everything ended up going into a loop without clear points of what I wanted to actually point out /shot
WCI has too many characters to introduce and to be offered. The thing with BM’s head chef is also written as too sudden. I have no surprises if Sanji and that cook is going to have a battle in the future chapters. The classic countdown thing is a thing in OP battles, like in Dressrosa- the time limit existed before the birdcage closes. During this arc, there was the one day to marriage- and the runaway- and to calm down BM’s rage. Time limit wise, it was great to portray all of the characters hurrying and all however- WRITING wise, it was not good to rush things just to make everything fits in into the deadline.
Events in CP9, Marineford, Dressrosa and many many others were having time limits on them, however they were not as rushed as how WCI’s writing was. Oda could’ve managed to sort out more build ups to make this arc flows better thus fitting all of the characters backstories without making things too cliche or rushed.
New World is a harsh place. And I have to admit- I would’ve prefered Sanji to lose his hands or at least a leg. Or maybe even die to make the whole thing flow better. If Oda is trying to portray New World’s harshness with WCI war- the least he could make is to make the characters severely injured- or at least leave some mark off permanently to show how harsh this adventure is.
I am too tired with this arc’s horrible writing that my mind focuses on things to enjoy like “oh look at how uke sanji is in this arc” /shot
Thanks for reading my stupid rant and I hope none of you gets this to the wrong side… hopefully X”D
I am pretty sure i wanted to rant more about this arc but I forgotten what I am displeased with halfway to this answer wwww :”D
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