#I am now 200 dollars richer >:D
moss-and-marimos ยท 1 year
this is a Free Rant Pass. please share anything u want to please pass go and please collect 200 dollars
oh my god I need to go feral about jrwi right now
(spoilers for jrwi riptide up to episode 95 bc thats where I am right now) this is going to be a long nonsense ramble that jumps around a lot just so you know
godddddddd I love albatrio, they make me really happy, but also really sad vbhjhdj
seeing like how much they've grown over the course of the campaign makes me really emotional, and like learning about their backstory stuff and their similarities and differences from eachother. gill and jay understand eachother more than like chip and gill for example, because both were raised to be weapons and to see things very black and white. jay went undercover because she wanted to find out who killed her sister, under the idea that all pirates were evil. gill was raised to think that all humans were evil and must be killed, but as soon as he comes to the surface he finds out thats not true, even if he second guessed sometimes like after the things with episode 15. and seeing how differently episode 15 chip handled their fighting to episode 86 is so much character development, he knows how much it meant to gill and he stayed up all night to build an arena so that they could fight, and it was a much more fair fight, because he knew he shouldn't have kept the secret about edyn from gill and im rahhhhhh
also when theyre just having fun together, I love them a lot, theyre so ridiculous /aff like theyre a pirate crew and they make a waterslide out of ice like its a cruise ship, they have the worlds most intense game of tag/hide and seek because one of them can fly, the other is a fish guy, one has such wild stealth or persuasion or something I forget which rolls that he automatically gets at least a 25, in the weirdest way possible they are very evenly matched, and theyre doing that to make the small boy they keep on their ship happy, who also happens to have a belt of giant strength and so chip is very outmatched here as the only like normal human besides his high rolls vbjdfd
at the carnival when we got to see flashbacks to how they were as kids it makes me really emotional, gill was covered in bruises, wearing armor too big for him, holding a sword he could barely lift. chip was incredibly malnourished, he looked like he hadn't eaten a day in his life, and jay looked like the more 'normal' kid of the three, but knowing her family her childhood wasn't great either.
theres so much depth to all of these characters and it makes me go wild, and like everything is connected even if we dont know it at the start. chip was one of the black rose pirates as a kid before it crashed, drey, jays uncle, was too. so was Finn, gills grandpa.
chip has said before that he didnt believe in destiny until he met gill, but now he can't imagine a life without them, and I think about sometimes how different things could have been. if jay hadn't taken that undercover mission, or if they left a day earlier or later. if they left at any different time they might not have found gill, freshly exiled, just floating in the sea.
they mean so much to eachother and its so so clear. they find out their best friend might be doomed to destroy the world in some capacity? "I would drown the world for you" is chips response. they are the trio ever. "we're not just friends, we're a crew"
they are simultaneously the worst and best pirates in existence, they dont know the pirate code, the only rule of it they know is 'dont piss your pants' yet somehow they manage to follow it better than most pirates, because they actually care about helping people and being honorable and things. they were a crew held together by trust for the longest time, rather than any actual oath, and when they did make an oath it was sitting on a rooftop, comforting chip. and the oath they came up with was "I do solemnly swear to fuck shit up, to help those in need, and to be the best goddamn pirates anyone has ever seen."
something something about cycles, about how chip keeps nearly breaking down realizing that hes been trying to recreate what he had as a kid and the guilt from that
something something gillion realized because of his friends that the teachings of the undersea were wrong, that he was raised as a weapon, that he didnt deserve the awful awful things they did to him, that hes worth more than what he can do for other people, that hurting himself, throwing himself into danger all the time, hurts his friends too
something something jay, realizing that not all pirates are bad, and that she gets to be her own person, defined not by her family but by her choices, and that even when she betrayed her friends they didnt give up on her, even when she quite literally shot them
its gill hyping jay up when she has to call her grandma, its jay comforting gill when he had to face the council again when he was stuck in the dimension bc of the deck of many things, its chip trying to sand out the 'millennium chipper' from the ship, thinking they don't need him, and jay carving it back in because they need him more than he knows. things like that
also the less interaction-ey things, like them all making deals with Niklaus to save other people, considering themselves to be worth less than the crew even though theyre supposed to all be equals. its chips seal with Niklaus being where a tramp stamp would go vjbhdfjbh and also having a constantly updating tattoo across his ass of how much debt theyre in from the goldfish loan, its gill constantly showing their money off the ship to appease said goldfish and pay their taxes- theyre a pirate crew who pays taxes. what the fuck guys. one of chips pranks was literally just drawing boobs on their pirate flag. its jay getting bit by Anastasia and gill, asexual icon, stopping drowning just to go "what the fuck." when she was into it vdbjhbdfhj, also for some reason jay is into mimes. actually no she broke into a maximum security prison in a clown costume. theyre ridiculous vdbjhfvh
aaaaaaaa i dont have the words for the rest of this but just the way they comfort eachother and stuff, like chip knowing he wont be good at comforting gill so he asks jay to do it because of her similar background to gill and stuff, I just rahhhh theyre co-captains !! theyre closer than friends !!! co-captains or a crew really is just the best way to define how they feel about eachother and I like them a lot and they love eachother a lot and yeah I rotate them in my mind
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