#I am so abnormal about the soul minions
viaphni · 5 months
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Them. I love them so much,
IQ's below the line
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eligos-venator · 5 years
Questionnaire :: Eligos Venator
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FULL NAME: Eligos Cen Venator NICKNAME: Eli AGE: 27 BIRTHDAY: He forgot it and just counts up at the start of a new year. ETHNIC GROUP: Garlean [Born with an Atavism] NATIONALITY: Garlemald LANGUAGE/S: Common [Eorzean], Hingan, Garlean, Thanavarian SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Straight RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Disinterested HOME TOWN / AREA: Garlemald CURRENT HOME: Mists Apartment PROFESSION: Mercenary, Minion-for-hire
[ Cut due to length. Read the rest below! ]
HAIR: Short, jet black hair that is rarely combed properly. EYES: Gold, highly reflective FACE: Somewhat Angular LIPS: Thin COMPLEXION: Pale BLEMISHES: None SCARS: Only the one across the eye. Body is abnormally free of them otherwise. TATTOOS: None HEIGHT: 5′10” WEIGHT: Average BUILD: Athletic build. Highly Muscular. FEATURES: Canines are longer and are sharp fangs as a result of the atavism. Has a short, well groomed beard. ALLERGIES: None [He claims stupid people, but that’s a lie.] USUAL HAIR STYLE:  Short and messy. USUAL FACE LOOK: Smiling and seeming carefree, though well aware of current surroundings. USUAL CLOTHING: Magitech Armors if working. Long-sleeved jackets and suits when not working. Short-sleeved clothing only when weather is extremely hot or at home.
FEAR/S: Starvation. Wasting Away. ASPIRATION/S: To amass wealth so that he can retire in peace and luxury. POSITIVE TRAITS: Extremely intelligent. Tolerant and patient when dealing with others. Curious and eager to learn. Reliable and honors his contracts to the letter. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Massive Ego. Untrusting. Amoral. Easily Distracted. TEMPERAMENT: Calm, Friendly, Cheerful SOUL TYPE/S: Gunbreaker/Machinist ANIMALS: Ibri, a hunting hawk with a foul attitude. VICE HABIT/S: Loves to gamble, but will try to rig each game to be in his favor. FAITH: Only in himself. GHOSTS?:  No AFTERLIFE?:  No REINCARNATION?:  No POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Disinterested EDUCATION LEVEL: Nearly graduated from the Magitek Academy in Garlemald as a bioweapons researcher. Finished remaining education on own time after.
FATHER: Caledon Cen Venator MOTHER: Palmira Cen Venator SIBLINGS: None EXTENDED FAMILY: None NAME MEANING/S: Eligos is the name of a demon of Ars Goetia. The demon in question knows the future of wars and is depicted as a goodly knight. Eligos takes this and tries to incorporate white armor in some fashion to honor his namesake, even if not all of the armors he has used are knightly in appearance. HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: N/A
BOOK: Anatomy books for research. Is happy with any science-fiction book for inspiration. DEITY: Worshipping gods is as bad as worshipping Eikons, as far as Eligos is concerned. HOLIDAY: None [Rarely gets hired during holiday seasons] SEASON:  Winter PLACE: Indoors, either in front of magitek or in bed with a good book in hand. WEATHER: Snowfall & Light Rains SOUND / S: Rainfall upon a roof. The hiss of hydraulics. SCENT / S: Burning Ceruleum. Oil. TASTE / S: Aged Red Wines. FEEL / S: A soft bed with a heavy blanket. The feel of a pan or kitchen utensil in hand. ANIMAL / S: Loves all animals, but they tend to hate him in return. NUMBER:  5: The number of cards in a poker hand. COLORS: Black, White, Gray
TALENTS: Magitek Construction & Design. Creation of Explosives. Skilled Tactician. Close Ranged Combat. Cooking & Cleaning. BAD AT: Being Humble. Being Courteous. Respecting those who shun technology. Showing Empathy. Filtering own words. TURN ONS: Self-Confidence. Independence. Sharp Wit. Strong Will. Physical Strength. Good Style. TURN OFFS: Stupid or Slow People. Nervousness & Uncertainty. Willful Ignorance. Short Tempers. HOBBIES:  Cooking. Magitek Disassembly & Construction. People Watching. TROPES: The Combat Engineer. Demolitions Expert. Combat Pragmatist. QUOTES: "Don't rely upon gods or man to deliver a miracle in your hour of need. Manufacture it yourself."
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?  Unfortunately, Glorious Bastards is already taken. So instead it would just be a comedy, in the same style as The Dictator, featuring Eligos’s view of Eorzea and the problems encountered in trying to adapt to life in it.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like? “Machines Collide” by Frank Klepacki and most of the MGS: Revengeance soundtrack for combat. “The Devil You Know” by Blues Saraceno for social interactions.
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character? I wanted a change of pace, really. My prior character was patient, but he was also not outgoing enough to engage people on his own terms nor able to really carry a conversation. I also wanted to play a character that was more upbeat and less depressing, and so the overly cheerful bastard Garlean was conceived as a character.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?  Design, design, design. I am not ashamed to admit I’m extremely picky with armor types and equipment when making sets. Slight clipping drives me up a wall and I’ll often scrap a set due to some overlap or small detail that doesn’t look right, like the metal trim colors not lining up perfectly. Using a Hyur model for the Garlean meant I could wear almost all armors and have them look right, versus the issues I ran into playing Au Ra and Elezen characters who are a bit stretched out and so they are more limited in choice that works really well.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.  Eligos tends to look down on those around him that he feels can’t keep up with him. He is very technology oriented, and because of that he also tends to view those who refuse to adapt to the times as lesser, simpler beings.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?  We both are very easily entertained beings. It doesn’t take much to amuse me, and Eligos is much the same in that he seeks joy and finds it in the small things in life.
Q7 :   How does your muse feel about you?  Eligos would get bored very quickly and just walk off. He would probably just forget me within ten minutes of meeting me.  
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?  Can’t say! Each person he’s met so far has managed to draw different aspects of his personality out and into play. With some he’s more patient and quiet, letting them speak at length, and yet with others he’s played the part of unwanted pest, peppering with questions that are borderline insults as he prods to see what makes Eorzeans tick the way they do and trying to understand them better.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse ?   Mostly it’s music that inspires me or urges me to write more for Eligos. I have a playlist I tend to listen to when I want to write the character, or I play a song or two by Sabaton.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete ?  I didn’t track the time. At least an hour.
Tagged by: @roleplay-aficionado [Thank you for the tag!] Tagging: @divine-ruin @nocturnedreaming @arcurisrilanox @mitsunerokuyari @ivyffxiv @trahja-tia @wildgirlcinna @shroudkeeper @againstthewiind @cottoncnyandy @cadrenebula @jorandalkitor @handofcards @twelvesavethequeen @theshieldedhero @mteshi-ffxiv @of-shadow-and-storm and anyone else interested in doing this!
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elibelt-blog · 7 years
Forgotten - Peter Pan
Pairing:Peter Pan/ Y/N + Storybrooke oc
Summary: Peter’s old soul-mate return, however you are under the StoryBrooke curse.
Warnings: very small mention of childhood trauma 
Word count: 1453
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The familiar green forest surrounded the lost boys who danced gleefully and howled at the delicate pipe that played in the background. Wind blew forcefully against the lit fire sending the occasional spark however the young boys continued their liveliness.
 Dried brown leaves that have fallen many autumns ago rustled near some fresh bushes at the edge of the camp. The gentle music stopped as a boy stood swiftly making his way towards the thicket. All the youth stop their movement standing still weapons raised, one of the tallest stepped forward crunching each twig with a foot. He gazed past the hedge to see nothing except a few broken twigs scattered around some scrapped dirt.
 "Someone was here." The tallest boy stated as he turned back towards the worried faces of his minions. A moment passed after the leader furrowed his eyebrows, he gave a nod demanding that they go and look for the mysterious person. After a time consuming two hours, they returned with nothing but broken arrows. The lost boys sat around the fire which continuously swayed with the cool breeze. 
"Who was it, Felix?" The leader asked feeling marginally disappointed with his crew not able to catch this outsider. Felix simply shrugged his shoulder hiding, something important, something he wasn't telling him. "Felix?" he asked more aggressive than before, feeling animosity toward the cluelessness.
 "A girl." Felix squelched tightening his grip on his wooden club that has been warned out by how much he's been bashing it into creatures of the night. "She was too sly for our liking." His knuckles turned ghostly white as the grip stayed compacted. The leader clasped his hands together in amusement, he smiled slightly before disappearing into the forest. 
 Inappreciably fast, the boy roamed the woodlands searching for this damsel that abnormally disappeared with no presence to track. Peculiar was the only way to describe it. He placed a rugged palm against the shaded bark to try and pick up some sort of unwanted presence. Suddenly, a pair of fast yet delicate hands pinned the boy against a tree with his knife onto his neck.
 "Oh you're the girl." He smirked at the hooded figure releasing the tension that build up in his muscles. The sharp knife dug deeper into his neck spilling small amount of blood. 
"Where am I?" She demanded an answer pressing up closer, the knife staying where it was. It was only at that moment he realised her clothing. She was from another realm, the realm without magic. "Answer me jerk." Her voice was even more aggressive than before.
"Neverland. You are in Neverland." His voice shook as if he was scared. It was all an act. The obvious darkness clouded his eyes making them dark than ever. His exposed hand grabbed her knife and the pushed it toward her neck as he pulled off her hood. His eyes fell astonished. There before him, the girl he believed was lost forever. "Y/N?" The heartthrob he lost finally lost returned.  
The sunset coloured the whole sea orange as Peter and Y/N sat along the beach they came many times before, however tonight was different. Tonight was most likely the last time they will see each other. The pirates of The Jolly Rodger has rumoured that they have made a deal with the dark one; Rumpelstilskin, he is known to give anyone what they wanted with a price. The deal was apparently if they have a way to freeze Peter for a hour. 
 Peter always tried to keep her safe but this time he didn't know she was in danger. Y/N never told him, she wanted to go down alone without anyone dying for her. 
 "You're acting different." Peter stated the obvious. Y/N shrugged her shoulders kissing his jawline as that was the only thing she could reach at that moment. Before she could return to her natural position Peter pinched her chin pulling it towards himself kissing her softly. 
 "We should go." Y/N broke away from Peter, leaving him desiring more. "The lost boys are going to miss their piper." She giggled standing up, her bare feet shuffled in the fluffy yellow sand before pulling up Peter. They travelled through the forest nudging each other jokily and talking about how they were so happy to be young together forever.
Y/N would pretend to agree and hid the fact that she will soon be taken by pirates.
Night has fallen, the lost boy have scurried off to their tents after a dish filled with hunted meat and nuts. Y/N and Peter went to their shared tent. Peter stayed oblivious to the soon ambush and attacking as he fell fast asleep next to Y/N. She, however, laid still on her side wide awake. Her eyes moved to every sound that the woodland would create.
 Suddenly, a familiar man; Captain Hook stepped into the blanketed tent.
 "Oh how sweet." Hook muttered to himself as he looked over to the two youngsters close together on the cramped bed. He poured a sparkling substance onto Peter first, his body turned a shimmering blue as he made contact with his heart. The 'devilling handsome' pirate repeated his actions with Y/N as Peter began to awaken. She screamed as Hook picked her up, Peter attempted to move but didn't nudge the slightest bit. 
 "Let me go you bas-" Y/N mouth was covered with a grey rag which passed her out. She hung loosely over Hook's shoulder as he exited the tent heading for his ship.
 That was the time Peter believed Y/N has died. He released the knife from her neck and kissed her. Something he has missing for these last thirty or so years. The puzzled girl pushed him away almost instantly, punching him square on the chin afterwards.
"What was that for?" He moved his jaw cracking the joint.
"Sorry? Are you not meant to protect yourself from getting raped?" The girl questioned sarcastically. Peter looked at Y/N as if she was a complete different person. 
"Y/N, I...I-" Peter stuttered, confused. "Hold up! I'm not this Y/N, my name is Esther." She spelt out making sure he caught her name. He mumbled something too quiet for Esther to hear. "Don't you remember me? Peter?" He asked worryingly a hand rested on her shoulder. She shook her head lightly.
The unusual boy pulled Esther forcefully through the green lands and into the clearing where lost boys sat sharpening knifes and throwing certain objects toward a rough oak tree. Esther slumped back obviously not caring about how this is extremely life risking. The brunette teen released her now bruise wrist when they entered the multi patched tent; a plain chest was placed next to the entrance of the door which was parallel to the simple bed. The tent was empty but it was comfortably quiet. Peter pushed open the chest revealing various objects of complete nonsense. When he reached the bottom he pulled out a old folded piece of paper. 
"Do you remember this?" He asked opening it then showing her. 
 A little girl no older than five ran across the beach with a small piece of paper. She ran to the silhouette at the other side standing with arms open. "Peter!" She slurred as she jumped too him. "Look what I drew!" She giggled giving him the torn paper. Y/N came to Neverland in her dreams since she was four. 
She absolutely loved it however whenever Peter realised why Y/N was here it made him feel guilty even though he didn't do anything. 
 "This is us!" She eagerly pointed out showing two stereotypical round people with stick legs and arms. "We're getting married Peter!" She seriously stated pulling her hair behind her ear with the palm of her hand. Peter smiled sitting on a nearby rock with Y/N in his lap. 
He honestly had no idea how to look after, talk to or even entertain an infant however Haven enjoyed having Peter with her most of the time when she's here. 
 "How about we show all the other lost boys? They're eating right now." Peter suggested giving the drawing back to her. Y/N smiled and jumped off his lap. 
"Am I meant to?" Esther questioned pulling the sheet away from him. A squiggly groom and bride were standing in the middle waving whilst a hooded figure stood in the corner smiling and two extremely small people were in the corner with crosses over their eyes as if they were dead. "Slightly dark for a infant don't you think?" Esther asked folding the paper and giving it back to him.
"You have no idea." He smiled at his inside joke. The boy placed it back in the chest. 
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