#I am so. SO fucking mad at Pump and Susie’s parents
whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
Okay. I watched Spooky Month 6 and I loved it! I truly did!
…..But god…it’s gonna eat at me alive if I don’t say anything about Pump.
I feel bad for Pump…and Susie- I truly do!
Which is why I have to rant, about how much I HATE their parents!
(Spoiler warning at the bottom, oh and I swear a lot too-)
You may not hear how angry I get but god damnit was I fucking angry at Pump’s parents each time they were mentioned.
It hit me the moment Pump ran to the phone immediately thinking it was his parents calling but got sad only realizing it was just Skid’s mom. And I can say with certainty that he WAITS for the day they call him. Remember the 4th ep where he said, and I quote: “Call them, they never answer!” so NONCHALANTLY.
Not only that but his Grandpa even looks back to him and you could clearly see, the GUILT on his face. That man does not only feel bad but I KNOW he feels guilty for their absence. HE has to take care of them, HE has to practically raise them now because their parents can’t come home. And HE had to fake bringing Pump a toy saying it was from his parents when in actuality HE was the one that bought it for him!!
I’m sorry- WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?? What do you mean Grandpa has to literally fake bringing him a gift from his parents?? What do you mean they never fucking call them??? I’m usually not one to get so angry BUT THIS HAS ME ENRAGED.
What type of low-life down right shameful parents can’t contact their own fucking kid??? No matter how busy they are, no matter if they can’t visit them- because you know what? I would’ve given them a pass if their work was the reason why they couldn’t come home which probably still is the case- I won’t blame you! Some people just gotta travel for work!…BUT YOU’RE TELLING ME THEY CAN’T SPARE ONE FUCKING SECOND TO CALL THEIR CHILDREN??? Let alone they’re what- 6YEAR OLD KID??? (I think that’s Pump’s age-)
You’re telling me they can’t even send them a letter?? Not even one fucking letter??- Just letting their children know that they still give a fuck about them- THEY CAN’T EVEN DO THAT??
And don’t even get me STARTED on how they make Pump feel- HE FEELS LIKE A BURDEN?!?! A CHILD AT HIS AGE SHOULD NEVER- AND I MEAN ABSOLUTELY NEVER FEEL LIKE A GODDAMN BURDEN (same thing does to Skid!)!!!
It fucking infuriates me…
Listen, I get it…If you gotta work and travel fine!- Do it!….But you can’t just do that without consoling your children!! At least tell them- message them- at least show that you CARE. What type of dipshit parents just ignore their children like that??…
Listen, I might be getting it wrong so go ahead, explain and I mean THOROUGHLY explain why Pump and Susie’s parents aren’t bad. Because to me, this is the shittiest move you can make to your own children.
The Grandpa cares more about them. HE takes care of them. If that doesn’t show how fucked up their situation is I don’t know what is. Never be like Pump’s parents. Do better. And shame on you if you are.
Thank you.
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