#I am sticking to Aizo and Yujiro!
lys-lilac · 2 years
Just one question.
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(Hello Prince Charming.)
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Why is Asuka not in the anime?! I would have loved to watch him T-T
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But I loved this scene too where Aizo and Yujiro doll her up and protect her, haha!
This scene will be there in episode 6, only Asuka will be replaced by her childhood friend! Let’s look forward to it~
MV Link here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpIsjz-oLOQ
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
If I Went on a Trip with You: Chapter 5
hi this is the worried housewife aizo chapter. cheers.
Previous part (Chapter 4)
Next part (Chapter 6)
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Aizo: Geez! What the hell’s up with that guy…?!
Aizo: He keeps saying selfish things like “How troublesome” or “I don’t want to walk”...!
Aizo: (But, those are what his true feelings are, huh.)
Aizo: (To Yujiro, all I am to him is “the other half of the same unit”...)
Aizo: But I already knew that from the very beginning!
Aizo: (But there should be more to it than that, right? We did talk to each other outside of taking the pictures and all…)
Aizo: Well, that’s not the kind of guy Yujiro is, huh?
Aizo: (I heard that there are some units that don’t even see each other in private, so I guess that we’re better off than them, at least.)
Aizo: But, he’s still being a little too selfish, though.
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Aizo: …He’s late.
Aizo: Oi, oi, isn’t he being way too selfish right now…?!
Aizo: (It’s already late at night… Why is he still not back yet?!)
mona: Whoa! Why are you wandering about at this hour?!
Aizo: Ah, have you seen Yujiro?
mona: I haven’t seen him, but… did you guys go around separately?
Aizo: We went out together, but that guy told me to head back first, so…
mona: How astonishing. Did you fight with him again like always?
Aizo: We didn’t… Has Yujiro contacted you, though?
mona: Of course not, we don’t even have each other’s contact info. But he would’ve contacted your office if anything happened to him, right?
Aizo: Ah, that’s true…
Aizo: I’ll give them a call! Thank you, mona!
Aizo: (Don’t tell me, he hated going on this trip with me so much that he returned to Tokyo first…?)
Aizo: (What about the photobook?! How could he manipulate others’ feelings like that…!)
Hiyori: It’s Suzumi… Shibasaki? What’s wrong? Why’re you calling at this hour?
Aizo: Have you… heard anything from Yujiro?
Hiyori: I haven’t… Did something happen?
Aizo: He still hasn’t come back to the inn!
Hiyori: Eeh?! Did you two go off on your own? Don’t tell me, another—
Aizo: We didn’t fight or anything!
Aizo: (Well, there was a little argument, but…)
Aizo: When we were at the aquarium, he told me to return first because he wanted to look around it by himself for a while longer… and that’s all that happened.
Hiyori: Isn’t it kinda strange that he’s not back yet, then?
Aizo: Right?! Maybe something happened to him after all…
Hiyori: I’ll also try to call Someya, and I’ll tell the Pres about it too, okay?
Hiyori: I’ll remain in touch, so just stay in the room, got it?
Aizo: How come?! I’m in the area, so why can’t I go looking for him?
Hiyori: It would be reckless to go looking for him in such an unfamiliar place. More importantly, though, you shouldn’t go out at this hour.
Aizo: But!
Hiyori: Someya may be on his way back. It would cause a bigger problem if the two of you passed each other by, right?
Aizo: …Got it.
Hiyori: I’ll talk to you later, then.
Aizo: Dammit… Even though it’d be faster for me to go looking for him…
Aizo: (That guy has no sense of direction. I hope he’s not standing around in place after getting lost…)
Aizo: (Or, what if, he got into an accident after wandering out onto an unfamiliar road…)
Aizo: What the hell am I thinking?! That guy’s more level-headed than I am, so he’s definitely okay…!
Aizo: (If I stay here, I’ll just end up thinking about unnecessary things. It should be fine if I stick to searching around just the surrounding area, right…?!)
Aizo: Eh…?
Yujiro: …Where do you think you’re going at this hour?
Aizo: Yujiro…?!
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