#I am the queen of these short drabbles lmaoooo
toji-girl · 26 days
tags: married fem reader + oc! husband + some suggestiveness
It wasn't a surprise by now and you weren't even sure why you let it bother you still, maybe it was because the man you married wasn't anything like he was when you first met five years ago and now it was a dead end relationship with nowhere to go, not even up.
Smoke billowed from under your hood and thanks to your lucky stars your car blew up in the driveway you shared with your neighbor Toji who happened to be on his balcony watching you anyway.
You coughed on the white cloud and attempted to fan it away as best as possible, trying to see what caused the issue. "Husband ain't home to help?" Toji called down to you with a huff, not that he was upset with you, but rather the excuse of a man you married.
No man should ever leave his woman stranded or with a car that could give her troubles. You turned to look up at him with a soft smile that never reached your eyes, none of them did expect when you talk to him. "Never is, do you mind? I owe you another months of rent."
It was a running joke between the both of you since Toji did most of your housework like fixing your washer when it began to leak and you needed clean work clothes. "How about just some dinner?" He counteroffered when he came closer to stand next to you.
"You haven't eaten?" You mused squinting your eyes at him making him shrug and smirk as he looked under the hood with a low whistle, one that made your skull burst with a headache, it wasn't good.
Toji didn't answer your question and pointed to a line that connected to your engine. "This is your problem, your best gettin' a new car darlin'." He told you, the use of that nickname that failed to make you quiver and flush with heat as you leaned in more to look at the issue.
Your sigh was pulled deep from your soul that was crafted from all the stress that accumulated from work and being married to your husband who seemed to drain you more than anything. "I don't think I can afford a new one right now, and I have to get to work."
"Take my car." It was so nonchalant that it made you do a double take so fast you were scared your head would screw right off as your mouth flopped open then shut a few times as he handed you his keys.
He uncurled your fingers watching you with a slight smirk. "I won't no for an answer, I have my motorcycle, unless you want to ride that?"
His words had a double meaning and you hated yourself for wanting to ride that man like he was the motorcycle. "I--no, thank you. I owe you that dinner, how about tomorrow night? He has to stay last as usual." You told him and leaned your head against his arm.
It's been two years since you've known Toji and his son who came by whenever his ex-wife allowed him to see his father, you knew their relationship was more than rocky and he just wanted to see his son.
"I'll have Megs with me if you don't mind." His voice was thick with something as you both turned to look at each other, his intense gaze made you want to buckle underneath his eyes.
"Of course, I never mind. He's a cutie pie and since we don't have any children it gives me a glimpse into what it would be like." You murmured and shut the hood with a loud thunk.
Toji rubbed at his chin watching as you dropped his keys in your purse. "You'd make a good mom, the best mommy." His words made your belly fill with butterflies as you nodded unsure what to say.
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