#I am tired of having to scroll past these everytime I search my own blog
Hey writeblrs?
I mean this in the gentlest way possible (I love you guys) but these massive reblog chains of tag games are getting out of control. Some of them are getting as long as the colour of the sky post.
If someone tags you please make your own post to respond (and save all our dashes). Don't reblog their post with your addition. If you want an easy way for you/your followers to view the post of the person who tagged you:
click on the three little dots at the top right of their post
select "copy link"
select some text on your own post
press ctrl+V
Your post will then have a link embedded into it like this.
It's still good writeblr etiquette to reblog the post of the person who tagged you. Just reblog it separately from your own response to the tag. (As well, poor OP gets notified of every single addition to their post, no matter how far down the reblog chain. It's gets weird opening your notifications to see the mutuals of your mutuals' mutuals' mutuals adding snippets of their writing onto your (for example) Heads Up 7 Up post.)
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