#I believe the shotgun players are supposed to release a recording but. idk when
sneakystorms · 1 year
Do you prefer the Broadway or Off-Broadway cast album of Great Comet?
DEFINITELY the Broadway one because denée Benton is The Natasha of my heart like I'm sorry but I'll take this opportunity to turn this into a denée Benton rant. The naturalness and artlessness and sincerity she imbues Natasha with is staggering and imo gets right at the heart of what her character is about but then her moments of dignity are so on point as well and her anger is Natasha & Sonya is like my favourite part of the entire performance!!! Phillipa soo is great but whenever I see or hear her performance it seems a little too sweet to me whereas denée Benton plays her with such earnest and powerful emotions... Ok denée Benton rant over I also love Josh grobans voice (Dave is a good Pierre in many respects and it's awesome to see him perform this role he clearly identifies with but his voice never felt right to me) and of course dust and ashes!! One of my favourite songs!!!! The only thing I hate is the removal of Natasha lost from the studio version it's my favourite Natasha solo and I love the music in it...
Which brings me to the conclusion which is that with great comet the bootleg will always have my heart a thousand times over either studio recording. The strength of the emotions just doesn't come across as well as when the singers can belt the notes out in a theatre and besides the audience reactions and crackly audio quality give it a certain vibe that suits this show well... I think I compared it to listening to an actual recording of a live vaudeville or cabaret show!! Also in the studio version you miss out on bits like the opening "NO!!" and stuff!! So yeah live recording all the way. I dearly wish they'd release an official one already
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