#I can be mentally ill and struck by the gift of prophecy
starlightaxolotl · 2 years
is it mental illness or is it actually a dodgeball, only time will tell.
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forgedwild-arch · 4 years
repost, don’t reblog
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basics !
FULL NAME. August Wesley Wilder NICKNAME. Gus. Gus the Grizzly. GENDER. Cis-Male (He/Him) HEIGHT. 6′9 AGE. unknown, physically appears around 55-60 years old. ZODIAC. taurus sun / libra moon / virgo rising. earth sign dominant chart babey!! SPOKEN LANGUAGES. fluent English, Spanish, and French. has picked up a little Dakota-Siouan from frequent run-ins with the Ghost Nation over the years. he’s not really fluent in it, just knows enough to talk himself out of trouble lmao.
physical characteristics !
HAIR COLOR. salt and pepper grey, with natural black undertones.  EYE COLOR. light hazel that fade to a deep forest green around the edge of the iris (central heterochromia) in both eyes. SKIN TONE. he’s white but he’s very sun-weathered and darkly tanned, with lots of sun spots and freckles all over his body. BODY TYPE. broad, big, bold and bear-ish. just the dictionary definition of a Gentle Giant. well, mostly gentle unless pushed. ACCENT. southern appalachian drawl. VOICE. deep, husky, and gravelly yet nothing short of soothing. his voice claim is Colter Wall. DOMINANT HAND. he’s ambidextrous! POSTURE. Gus is always generally seen standing tall and proud. he’s definitely a man who’s comfortable in his body, and the stark juxtaposition of his formidable physique and utterly gentle nature often catches the townsfolk and westworld guests by surprise.  SCARS. deep, jagged scars that run diagonally across his back and over his biceps. supposedly a bear gave him the scars when he fought one off a young boy. in reality, he fought a guest off one of the teenage hosts in one of his first loops, and said guest struck August down with a searing hot fire poker from his forge while the young android ran for safety. that was the first and last time Gus was ever killed during his loop, and he has rarely been updated since. TATTOOS. he has some beautifully intricate tattoo sleeves on both arms, each image representing one of his favorite western tall tales that he often retells to his forge guests (especially crowds of kids). Gus actually gave himself the tattoos to hide the scars on his arms (the ones he could reach anyway), and the westworld writers never corrected the feature since they found them aesthetically pleasing and appropriate for his host role as both a blacksmith and self-proclaimed cultural mythologist / historian of the town.  MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). we stan a sweet old android with dimples and laugh lines. and those bright eyes of his visibly twinkle when he smiles!
childhood !
PLACE OF BIRTH. Technically? The Westworld Mesa Hub. But for his written backstory, his birthplace is unknown.   HOMETOWN. Hinton, West Virginia. a small railroad and coal town that sits at the edge of the New River in the Appalachian Mountains. when Gus was a boy, the town was essentially split between “trash” and “old money”. Gus came from the run-down side of the tracks, raised as a laboring blacksmith’s son, but he had a happy childhood. FIRST WORDS. “god dammit” after hearing his father shout it when he struck his thumb with a hammer. Almanzo found it hilarious, but also spent days trying to get the baby to say something else, ANYTHING else because the town population at the time was made of a few hundred southern baptists. suffice to say, Almanzo’s efforts were fruitless, and little baby August shouted it to the world in the middle of that sunday’s church service. his hometown community loved him dearly, but he’d always been labeled a little troublemaker ever since. and he was quite the prankster in his youth. all harmless of course. Gus hardly has a cruel bone in his body, but won his peer’s attentions and affections by being a bit of a class clown. SIBLINGS. none that he knows of. PARENTS. Almanzo “Manny” Wilder. should be noted that Almanzo is not August’s biological father. Gus was dropped at the door of his forge as a baby, and the identity of August’s biological family remains a complete mystery to both him and his caretaker. Almanzo played himself off as his biological dad for some time, but once Gus shot up to be about twice his old man’s size at age fifteen, well. he kind of figured it out on his own. he never resented Manny for it, though. in his mind, he is his real father. his only father. since he was the only one who was ever there for him. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  Almanzo was a very attentive surrogate father and loved Gus with everything he had. Gus always had a sharp mind and vivid imagination as a kid, and Manny told him time and time again that his brain was far too big for a place like Hinton, always urging him to apply to those fancy universities along the coast or over in England and become a novelist or engineer. August looked up to his father however, and wanted to grow up to be just like him, and therefore was not only Almanzo’s child, but also his apprentice. He stayed in Hinton until Manny died from lung cancer, and by which August was about 25 years old or so and a freshly professional smith. He took over the family business, sought to pave his own way out west, and has been tending to the needs of the people in Sweetwater ever since.
adult life !
OCCUPATION. a blacksmith and self-proclaimed “cultural mythologist”. fancy way of saying he really loves to wow kids with the tall tales of the west. CURRENT RESIDENCE. his forge that sits on the edge of town. CLOSE FRIENDS. well he spends a lot of time with his two pets, Teddy Bear and Sundance Kid. they’re about the closest friends he has. oh he cares about the other hosts of Sweetwater, dearly! and he craves human connection something fierce. but his work (and his emotional walls) keeps him a bit too busy to really... dive deep in any of those friendships. sadly. RELATIONSHIP STATUS. single, although was married to @forgedwest​ in a past loop. FINANCIAL STATUS. he’s definitely not filthy rich, but growing up poor taught him to be good with his money and while he doesn’t have a luxurious life by any means, he has all he needs. lower class but not at all bothered by it.  DRIVER’S LICENSE. N/A. CRIMINAL RECORD. a few bar fights, but he was never guilty of starting them. just ending them.  VICES. if you ask August, he’ll say he sleeps in just a little too long on Sunday mornings, rolling and smoking hashish to unwind. if you ask me, i say don’t buy him more than three amaretto sours if you wanna have a drink with him. he can generally control himself and hold his liquor, but he can get to a point where he won’t stop lmao. luckily, he’s a happy drunk. also enjoys cigars, but smokes them more for celebration of special occasions. 
sex and romance !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION. biromantic  PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. submissive  |  dominant  |  switch   PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. Submissive  |  dominant  |  switch ( he’s primarily a service top ) LIBIDO. average, i guess? i wouldn’t say his libido is anything insane, otherwise he’d REALLY be suffering being the lonely bachelor he is lmao. but he likes sex! TURN ONS. he loves a good sense of humor and has a weak spot for well-meaning troublemakers  TURN OFFS. people who take advantage of others. that’s a broad category, but it’s a personal thing. LOVE LANGUAGE. gift-giving, physical intimacy, protection and quality time! he’s not so good at expressing his feelings with words, but you will absolutely know if he fancies you because his actions will show it. you will NEVER wonder about his intentions. the old boy wears his heart on his sleeve. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. despite how obviously loving he is, August has a tendency to assume people don’t want to be with him. one could argue it’s likely rooted in an abandonment issue of some kind. Almanzo was a plenty attentive and very caring dad, but the knowledge that one was orphaned and dropped off on someone’s front step is would be a little jarring when just about anyone hears it. though it’s likely less so much that, and more so how his peers in school were downright TERRIFIED him just because of his intimidating physique alone (despite his kind nature). he was taken advantage of a lot in his youth due to just how naturally people pleasing he can be to compensate for his scary appearance, and his kindness was therefore mistaken often for stupidity. its a compulsion that he’s gotten better about controlling as he grew older, and is now much more discerning re: who deserves the clothes off his back. but little insecurities regarding it remains, and as such his assumption that no one harbors affections for him has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. August is very sweet and outgoing, plenty handsome, great with kids and would make a very loving husband and lifetime best friend! but he doesn’t exactly make himself romantically available.
miscellaneous !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. “ take me home, country roads ” by john denver. shocker, i know. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. he’s a blacksmith by occupation, but August can make just about anything with any material you can think of. he’s a jack of all trades type, and spends a lot of his rare spare time gardening, sketching while he’s people-watching, writing stories, blowing glass, and creating little animals and character figurines from his stories out of hide / wood/ metal. the latter are gifts that he gives to any young park guests who come to the forge. he also likes playing his guitar or banjo and singing to himself on warm summer nights. MENTAL ILLNESSES. i mean. everything truly traumatic that ever happened to him was basically wiped clean from his slate so u kno. none. for now lmfao.  PHYSICAL ILLNESSES. N/A. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. right-brained, i guess. he can be plenty logical, but he’s definitely a creative type!  FEARS. there is a Vague Fear that he will die alone but it’s not pertinent enough to cause him a lot of anxiety. because he’s generally pretty independent. more so, it’s just a source of intense longing when he’s got a crush, but then he never actually acts on it. also, he’s got a bit of a fear of vulnerability. mostly because his kindness has been used against him plenty and no, it has not made him any less kind, but he doesn’t want that kindness tied into real emotional potency and then turned against him. vulnerability and intimacy also come with the pre-conceived knowledge of loss, because relationships ( be they romantic, friendships, family etc ) either end in break ups or death. and yes, it’s better to have loved and lost than never loved at all, but that doesn’t make August’s unease re: loss any less real. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. hmmm. i’ll say about an 6 or 7 out of 10? he’s plenty sure of himself and his abilities, he just keeps himself humble like the well-mannered mountain boy he is. VULNERABILITIES. best way to hurt him is to strike anyone close to him. cares WAY MORE about others. though on a kind of....emotional note? personal note? idk. he’s quite aware of how he’s perceived to be a bit “simple-minded” all due to his accent. it’s something that Gus will get defensive about if you poke at him for it. not out of pride, but out of love for the people and culture from where he hails. he LOVES Appalachia deeply, and while he admires the west for all of its available adventure and promise, the people of the Blue Ridge Mountains remain the kindest he’s ever known. don’t talk bad about them, he’ll be quick to knock you into next tuesday. 
tagged by: @noiseofthunder​​ thank u grunk u always tag me in the Quality Shit (n this really helped me finally flesh some character basics out) tagging:  @forgedwest​ bc i’m the worst friend n force erin to do every dash game ever. also @copiesofme​​ @defactomatriarch​ @bountyman​ & thieves are valid.
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dystovian · 7 years
can u do a demigod AU???
I didn’t know if I should do Gods/Goddesses or demigods so I just did demigods because holy cucjdmf f
The Children of Zeus—— Zeus: The God of the Sky, Lightning, and Thunder—Children of Zeus are typically natural born Leaders. Sometimes though, even when thrown into leadership against their will, they’re a natural and know what they’re doing. From the young age of 6 onward, they tend to be rather independent, and will never ask for help on things amongst their strong suit. These demigods are also known for having a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong, and will make sure to make it known if need be. These particular children of a God, are most common. Zeus tends to….move around, a lot more…. if you’re picking up what I’m putting down. They are also known for being high in power, as kings, lords, owners of companies, and even areas like the President of The United States. They are also internationally known as athletic.
—Abilities|| •Enhancements in: Talents -Depending on whatever these demigods show interest in, they are almost always good at it. Art, Writing, etc. •Partial Immortality -Life-spans are a lot longer than a mortals, and they tend to keep their younger looks. And seemingly stop aging around 21 •Enhancements in Durability and Strength: -Being the children of the God of the Gods, strength and durability is a strong suit of theirs. They can deal with things twice their weight and can go days being beaten. Including weeks without food or water.
———Abilities involved with Element|| •Thunder and Lightning Manipulation: -These demi-gods tend to express their feeling through this. When emotions are at their brim, storms begin. Happy, sad, and even mad is when this usually occurs. But naturally, they can use it for battle as well. Their thunder is so powerful it can cause earthquakes in regions on the other side of the Earth. •Air Manipulation: -Basically Air Bending, they can use the air around them to do just about anything. From making balls of air, to changing the direction of the wind in the area. Typically used to their advantage! •Teleportation: -Although when this ability is first discovered, it’s quite difficult to master. And they tend to falter and become mist, they could still be injured when fleeing during this time of learning.
——Characters I Believe Could Potentially Be Zeus’s Children:
•Takashi Shirogane
The Children of Poseidon—— Poseidon: The God of the Sea, Earthquakes, and of Horses—Children of Poseidon are typically known to have a confident exterior, but also tend to bottle things up, such as their feelings. They do not wish to bother others. They are mostly natural born leaders, greed particularly doesn’t overtake them, so they will only lead if need be. These demi-gods predominantly can speak and read Latin and Greek. They are always kind-hearted and full of sympathy to those who deserve it. Their confidence level is not very high, though they very much believe in themselves if it means doing good for others. In large droughts of sadness, they tend to force happiness upon themselves and lift the spirits of those around them.
—Abilities|| •Enhancements in: Durability -When these demigods are engaged in battle, they can be beaten and battered to an extent far higher than mortals. •Enhancements in: Strength -The strength of the human is half the strength of these demigods naturally. But at full ability, they can lift things almost 10x their own weight. •Enhancements in: Reflexes -When faced against those with quick movements and wits, children of Poseidon typically can sense and avoid things like that. Sadly, it’s only 90% of the time, and a small percentage of his children are not graced with such a gift. All of them move like water, smooth and placid.
———Abilities involved with Element|| •Aquatic Adaptation and Respiration: -When underwater, they can usually adapt and learn a lot quickly than other demigods. They can breathe underwater, and even create air bubbles that last a lifetime. •Water and Blood Manipulation: -Children of Poseidon 100% of the time control water, though Blood Manipulation is very uncommon. Those with Blood Manipulation can control life and death within itself if they needed to. •Water Generation: -In the first stages of this ability, it’s required that they are near water at all times in order to probably generate enough of use. After a year or two, they can generate water even miles away from any source.
——Characters I Believe Could Potentially Be Poseidon’s Children:
•Lance McClain
The Children of Athena——Athena: The Goddess of Wisdom, Craft, and War—Athena’s children are natural born fighters, whether it’s physical battle, or mental. They are extremely independent and know right from wrong, from birth onward. Though sometimes, without proper guide, they are easily corrupted and drawn within themselves. Also, they are known to be very attached to those they love, no matter what, and will do anything in their power to make them content. Even if it means being cruel to do so.
—Abilities|| •Enhancements in: Strength + Durability: -Same as children of Zeus and Poseidon. •Photographic Memory: -Although photographic memory is common in mortals as well, Children of Athena can remember everything. When remembering a moment, they remember what they heard, saw, and even smelt. •Immortality: -This is sadly uncommon, but almost every child of Athena doesn’t die. Unless they are murdered, they can strive and live forever. Their aging process stops at the age of 28.
———Abilities involving Element|| •Infinite Knowledge: -Demi-Gods of Athena have infinite knowledge, they know everything there is about anything even if they had no idea they did. You can ask them a question about something they’ve never heard of before, and they’ll spew out information before they even realize. •Immunity to Curses: - When it comes to being cursed, they aren’t affected. Although there are side effects, such as dizziness and sickness in general. Whatever said curse was, it doesn’t work. •Hammer Clash: -Although every child of Athena is giving a sword and shield, at times, some children reach a certain point in mentality where they are granted a giant hammer. With this hammer, they can cause Earthquakes. And lift curses.
——Characters I Believe Could Potentially Be Athena’s Children:
•Princess Allura•Pidge Gunderson/Katie Holt
The Children of Apollo——Apollo: The God of Music, Healing, the Sun and Light, Truth and Prophecy, Knowledge, and Poetry—Children of Apollo are usually cocky and over-confident. But, when it comes to their thinking process, it’s smooth and well thought out. They never act on something without bringing it into further thought. They are also known for doing things for others, even in times of their own despair. Sometimes, they’ll even risk their life if it meant someone were to live for one minute longer, but they wouldn’t admit to that, they’d probably say something like, “well if I didn’t do it my dad would scold me so…” As for their healing ability, they often go as far to praying to every God and/or Goddess for a solution to other’s sadness. When someone is ill, or injured, these demi-gods can simply sing or hum, it may not completely heal, but just enough for it to further heal on its own. They are most of the time, tall and have bright hair. They are commonly quick on their feet, and quick in their mind.
—Abilities|| •Enhancements in: Flexibility -Most of the time, these demi-gods could most likely pass as gymnasts! •Natural Archer/Musician: -No matter what they do, they can never mess up. They aim; they fire; bullseye. This goes for their music skills as well. •Advanced Knowledge: -Although they aren’t as smart as Athena’s Children, they are close! They know everything there is about history, music, and healing! And always use it to their advantage.
———Abilities involving Element|| •Invisibility: -Not only can they become invisible themselves, they can also make others invisible as well. Sadly, you can still bump into people and can still be injured and heard. •Pyro Abilities: -As a child of Apollo, you can summon and use fire to your will, though when you are first learning the fire tends to build a mind of its own. Including, you can use solar cream as well to help you fly. The solar cream was named by Apollo, and it’s usually the color of nebulas; they tend to appear wispy like whipped-cream, and flow quite smoothly. •Truth: -Because Apollo is the God of Truth, his children inherited that as well. They cannot lie; but sometimes, due to being half mortal, they can. They never do so on purpose and never to hurt anyone. They also can pry the truth out of anybody, no matter who, (Gods and Demi-gods included) But in order to do so, they must painfully dig their fingers into a part of their skin, usually to know if it’s working, their fingers seem to manifest into golden liquid and even drip like melting popsicles.
——Characters I Believe Could Potentially Be Apollo’s Children:
The Children of Ares——Ares: The God of War—These demi-gods are usually hot-headed, and tend to always have some form of attitude. They are mostly extremely confident, but know when the line has been crossed and will be quite apologetic. Despite how physically strong they can be, mentally-wise; they are always at 100%. Although they can be struck with doubts, they always snap back and use the last of their strength. These Gods are also insanely stubborn, it’s hard to get them to step down from something, and if you’ve ever managed to make one cry, then I believe you’ve broken them~
—Abilities|| •Physical Enhancements: -Everything is enhanced for these children! Height, strength, durability, flexibility. You name it, and it’s most-likely apart of that list. •Invulnerability: -Unfortunately, this only takes action whenever their physical strength is at 0. But! Their mental strength is at 100. •Weaponry: -They can battle using any weapon! Even a God’s! But, they cannot do so unless their intentions are good.
———Abilities involving Element|| •Sonic Boom: -Although these children are teased for their cliché Marvel Superhero power, it’s quite deadly! It can come to be whenever they are angry. They can hit something, or stomp their foot. This causes everything in the vicinity to be effected. It usually has a strange sound, that no one can seem to describe. Though Lance described it once as “A Tuba going up the note scale!” Hunk had said “it just sounds like a bass to me?” •Emotion Manipulation: -These Gods, usually when older, are given a certain war. The war can be large, or a small one between a family. They often visit the area is which they’re in and can choose which side will win in the end. They put the anger within mortals. This usually happens on camp, and is used to stop fighting. (Unfortunately, it can’t be used on themselves or their siblings.) •Mental Touch: -Although they seem cold-hearted and tough, they’ve still got a heart. Sometimes, if someone is battling a war within their mind and are suffering rather harshly. They use their large hands and grasp their head tightly while speaking words of encouragement. Sadly, it doesn’t always work, and it’s said that the mind has always been stronger than Gods themselves.
——Characters I Believe Could Potentially Be Ares’s Children:
•Prince Lotor
The Children of Hephaestus——Hephaestus: The God of Fire, and MetalWorking—Children of Hephaestus are known for their kind heart, and pure doings. They rarely do anything cruel, as they prefer to stay away from the line of fire. They tend to be very talkative, but everyone knows whenever they are being serious or whenever they’re are speaking about something important. They are usually never ones to brag but they wouldn’t care if they did, it’s only natural to when you have genuine abilities such as theirs.
—Abilities|| •Enhancements in: Physical Strength and Durability -These Gods are very similar to the Children of Zeus and Athena. Their strength is enhanced to the top tier, and their durability is as well. Their skin can never be pierced. •Knowledge on MetalWorking, Forging, and Sculpting: -Due to the fact their father is Hephaestus himself, they are extremely talented and knowledgeable on things in this field. They can create any weapon, and can even create a weapon that can only be used by certain people. Though, the weapon they create is specially designed for the person who asked for it, so it suits the way they move and work themselves. •Curses And Spells: -Strangely, despite their father, it’s unknown where this gift came from. It’s believed to be in the veins of Hephaestus himself but he’s unable to use it. With this, these demigods can use the sand around them to implant curses or spells into the pores of an enemy. They can take it out themselves. But once it’s in their, the demi-god who put it in must take it out himself.
———Abilities involving Element|| •Fire Mimicry: -They themselves suddenly can become fire itself! The only thing really noticeable on the body after this are their now white eyes. They have the ability to burn through the face of the Earth. They can choose to do so, though. In this state, they cannot be touched, unless you’d like to have 3rd-Degree burns. Water does not affect them. •Melting: -Using heat, they can melt anything in their hands. Most of the time, they are melting metal or even tar/concrete! During this, their hands appear to look like hot lava. •Magnetism: -Rather self-explanatory! Using mental strength, metal from a 3 mile radius (Beginner) or 30 mile (Advanced; Expert) gravitates toward them.
——Characters I Believe Could Potentially Be Hephaestus’s Children:
•Hunk Garrett
The Children of Hades——Hades: The God of the Underworld—Being a child of this God is quite difficult, considering Hades is known for being the ruler of the Underworld, the dead, and riches. People tend to be frightened of them, as when pissed off they can easily control life and death itself. Literally or figuratively. Also, they’re pretty hot-headed as well, but they consider and know that it’s one of many weak points. They tend to avoid others and avoid close relationships unless they know for sure how to control other abilities. It’s hard to hold or touch living things without fear of killing them, so they usually steer clear. They actually tend to be found in pairs; them and children of Hephaestus can easily become close friends. Hades’ kids always ask his children if they can create things for them, metal isn’t ‘alive’ like plants,animals, and people are. So there is less risk of death when it comes to a tin knick knack.
—Abilities|| •Immortality: -Self-Explanatory! They can live forever, but! Sadly, they can still be killed by outside forces. Their aging process stops at 21. •Enhancements in Strength, Durability and Flexibility: -Children of Hades can lift anything, when a beginner though, it requires more effort and it’s not as easy as someone who’s done it a while. As for durability, their skin can almost never be pierced, but their are some godly weapons and creatures that can. Lastly, flexibility makes them seem like cats. They’re similar to acrobats and tend to use this to their advantage during fights. They ca jump rather high and climb mountains like they’re nothing. •Black Emission: -A strange ability yes, but with this, children of Hades can absolutely devour someone with black goo. It looks like tar, but its smell is very different. It’s smell is supposed to lure you in, remind you of something or someone that you deem ‘home.’ You don’t die immediately, but as soon as you’re completely engulfed, you see plenty of memories in your life. But the strange thing, is that it can be quiet different. There are times where survivors say that they just say their life flash before their eyes, slowly. Others say it shows moments where they were blind, a moment where they made a mistake they never even knew about, (ex: not asking someone if they’re okay, only for them to pass due to a certain circumstance). And lastly, it’s said that it shows times they missed out on, what would’ve happened if they did a certain thing.
———Abilities involving Element|| •Mental Sense: -They can sense the mental health of the people around them. Though, they can do nothing about this as they do not have the ability to act on such a thing. Whenever they are touched by someone who is pure, and has never been corrupted, their skin crack and flake off. This is uncommon, because the life of a demi-god is difficult. •Necromancy: -Using this ability, these demigods can summon the dead, and even potentially bring them back. They are directly connected with the Fates, and whenever a favor is needed they can contact them through thought. •Shadow Manipulation: -Self-Explanatory as well, but when used, they can shape how the shadows work around them. Usually, their eyes become black and the skin by their eyes flake. They can capture people in their shadows, and keep them frozen for as long as they please. When protecting themselves in shadows, they’re unaffected by everything, but it doesn’t last very long. At most 20 hours.
——Characters I Believe Could Potentially Be Hades’s Children:
•Keith Kogane
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daughterofapollos · 7 years
Uranus in the 12th House
Those with Uranus in the 12th house are hiding something. It is a secret need to be unorthodox, different and out of the box. The ‘Closet rebel’ is what it is commonly called and it is imprisoned requiring the key to freedom. The individual could experience an underground individualistic character within, and this is something that has been inherited that has been passed down the generations of the family. The individual may have to learn to fully express their highly creative side, until then, Uranus often feels like it is being forced into a straight-jacket into a place that is filled with untapped potential.
The person, often inventive, bright, even brilliant, possesses an immense energy source of creative juices waiting to be released. The Uranian gifts might reveal themselves through sudden revelations, dreams and prophecies of the future with the ability to see patterns in nature. I am not implying the individual is the next Nostradamus, but they are open to vivid insights, unusual feelings and can be mediumistic –they receive currents connecting them to collective wisdom. Still, this openness in relation to the unconscious side of the personality can burst through violently. Jeff Green described it as the person feeling as if they are ‘going nuts’, there may also be a mental breakdown a feeling of the self as disintegrating. What is more the attraction of a sudden illness, problems with the nervous system or accident is another way the unconscious makes itself known. The individual may need to settle the sea of powerful creative impulses and find a channel and outlet for this spirited instinct.
In childhood there might have been someone who made the person feel guilty for expressing their individualistic side. Usually 12th house energy needs unlocking, similar to hypnotism when the individual opens the doorway to the unconscious, one often needs to express their uniqueness freely. The area where Uranus is in the natal chart represents the sphere of life that we need to be free, it can often indicate accelerated growth, a place to break out of the mold, but is also carried with it a compulsive feeling.
The 12th house rules hospitals, jails, institutions, and places of solitary – libraries, museums, and monasteries. The person may be a great reformer in these areas, bringing fresh ideas and different ways of operating, but also wanting to break others free from isolation. The person may work with the misfits of society, those rejected, and who have felt alienated there is a deep sensitivity felt and a figure one can recognize within their own psyche. It often accompanies a feeling of being odd, different from everybody else, with an often unheard revolutionary spirit beating to its own inner drum. The difficulty is being able to express this figure, many have been made to quiet Uranus down, to be normal and follow others. However, it can be incredibly difficult to keep the Promethean fire bottled up, sometimes resulting in the person struggling with these psychological limitations. The individual is an inspirational channel, and voice of the collective with this urgent need to express their artistic, intellectual or creative ability.  One may feel an inner chaotic world swirling in a disruptive emotional state; the person may find it hard to relax with their unconscious overflowing with new revelatory symbols, glimpsing ideas, and futuristic visions. It is great for artists and musicians and even psychics that rely on the channel of inspiration. It can sometimes represent someone with an unusual imagination with the ability to awaken others on the spiritual or inner level bringing the senses completely alive.
Richard Clayderman, musical genius at the age of 12, was accepted in Conservatoire de Paris, a music institution, winning acclaim in his adolescent years in classical music. Unfortunately, his father’s illness (Mars conjunct Saturn, representing challenging limitations in the 4th house of the parent squares Uranus in the house 12th house forestalling his bright future. Uranus here in the twelfth can represent frustrations and the urge to be free is subdued for the individual, often feeding fire to the rebellious Uranus inside. Clayderman became a studio musician to support his father. The instrumentalist with the bright blue eyes, has recorded 1,300 melodies, and has created a new romantic style combining originals with classics and pop standards. The artist is placed in the Guinness book of records for being the most successful pianist in the world.
The person with Uranus in the 12th house of the horoscope may also be interested in subjects such as astrology, psychism, parapsychology, radical ideas, New Age and spiritual movements. Perhaps secret societies operating under their own rules, or unusual behind the scenes work. Often the person becomes interested in these things by being jolted into awareness by some event that has a profound impact, like those moments of suddenly being struck by lightning. The person enjoys their inner-life, it brings clarity to the hidden meanings of the metaphysical landscape, for the individual is a seeker of the truth on the hidden level of their being, and the unconscious mind is being liberated.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Psycho thrillers: five movies that educate us how the attention cultivate
Power, savagery, fatality and reality the movies can educate us plenty about lifes large-scale concerns. From the Godfather to Groundhog Day, five psychologists pick the cinemas that tell us what realizes humen tick
Ten days ago in London, the Hungarian director Lszl Nemes hosted a preview screening of his film, Son of Saul. He explained that if beings didnt want to stay for the Q& A afterwards, that was fine; he wouldnt take personal offence. The gathering chuckled politely. Thats the last laugh youll have for a while, he told them.
Son of Saul Photograph: Rex/ Shutterstock
He was right: Son of Saul out in the UK on Friday is what you might call a taxing watch. Set in Auschwitz in 1944, it presents a era in living conditions of a Sonderkommando, a Jewish captive forced to work in the gas chambers, disposing of the deaths organizations. Almost every frame is filled by the beyond brutalised face of a mortal fated to die and already living in hell.
The film armies you to grapple with “the worlds largest” frightening moral selections imaginable. Should you delude your fellow prisoners into thinking theyre just going for a shower? Can you square a duty to truth-telling with a responsibility not to justification farther damage? Son of Saul requests topics few dare to pose about the human condition. Numerous movies from the sacred to the debase do the same. Here, five leading psychologists look at the classic movies that explore how human beings work.
Groundhog Day by Philippa Perry
Freud caused his patients the chance to re-edit their narrations
Andie MacDowell and Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Image: Allstar/ Columbia
In Groundhog Day, weatherman Phil Connors lives the same day over and over again. At one point, he has a schmooze in a forbid with two drinks: What would you do if you were stuck in one region and every day was exactly the same and good-for-nothing you did mattered? That simply summing-ups it up for me, replies the wino. Summarizes it up for a lot of us.
Freud inspired patients to tell their narratives and got them to free-associate around their narrative to find out how they thought and experienced about themselves. This rendered his patients the chance to relive, re-examine and maybe re-edit their narrations in terms of the room they impart themselves in the present. Our earliest context has a profound impact upon the americans and anatomies, to a great extent, how we watch and interact with the world.
When we firstly satisfied Connors, played by Bill Murray, whatever happened to him in his past has shaped him grumpy, contemptuous, disruptive and insulting. He is trapped in the narcissistic defence of assuming he is superior to everyone else and we consider parties being circumspect around him and not enjoying his company. In psychotherapy, we often talking here self-fulfilling revelation if you expect everyone not to like you, you behave defensively and, hey presto, your prophecy starts true-life. Being caught in the same day is a metaphor for how he is stuck in this pattern.
Groundhog day also illustrates object relations belief: the hypothesi of how we find bad objects( a negative influence from our past) in objectives that are around us in the present. To find our bad object we search for and find negative characteristics even when, in other peoples sees, there used to be none. For precedent, at the Groundhog Day gala that Phil reports on from the small town of Punxsutawney, he can only determine hypocrisy and satire, whereas the TV creator, Rita( Andie MacDowell ), discovers the grace of institution and the delight it brings to the people. In object relations theory, the relevant recommendations is that the psychoanalyst was becoming good object for the patient, and with the psychoanalysts facilitation individual patients learns good objects where hitherto they could not. Rita is Phils good object and the catalyst in Phils transformation. Her influence begins to rub off. He detects the joy of educating himself in literature, art and music. He acquires out about beings, assisting them and befriending them rather than writing them off and finds out that this has its own reward.
The tradition of Punxsutawney is that if the groundhog, too called Phil, can see its shadow on Groundhog Day, the town will get six more weeks of winter. It takes Phil the weatherman quite a long time to see his darknes more, but when at last he does, the working day miraculously moves on. In Jungian assumption, the darknes refers to negative various aspects of your own personality that you reject and project on to others. There are also positive aspects to the darknes that is still conceal from consciousness. Jung said that everyone carries a shadow and that the less it is embodied in the individuals awareness life, the darker and more destructive it has the potential to be.
Although we dont have the indulgence of living in the same day for as long as it is also necessary in order to recognise how we sabotage ourselves, our missteps do have a garb of happening often enough for us to become aware of them. What remains of our lifespan is hour enough to do something about it.
Philippa Perry is a psychotherapist and the author of the graphic tale Couch Fiction .
The Godfather by Steven Pinker
It explains why the impulse for savagery derived to be a selective programme
James Caan and Marlon Brando in The Godfather Photograph: Moviestore/ Rex/ Shutterstock
The Godfather is not an obvious choice for a mental movie, but its stylised, witticised savagery alleges often about human nature.
Except in war zones, beings are extraordinarily unlikely to die from savagery. Yet from the Iliad through video games, our species has always apportioned time and resources to destroying simulations of violence.The brain seems to run on the adage: If you want quietnes, prepare for conflict. We are mesmerized by the logic of promontory and menace, the psychology of alliance and sellout, the vulnerabilities of their own bodies and how they can be employed or shielded. A likely interpretation is that in our evolutionary record, brutality be a major enough threat to fitness that everyone had to understand how it works.
Among the many subgenres of violent presentation, one with perennial appeal to brows both high and low is the Hobbesian thriller a storey set in a circumscribed zone of chao that saves the familiar trappings of our times, but in which the exponents must live beyond the reach of the modern leviathan( the police and judiciary ), with its monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Examples include westerns, spy thrillers, battlefield dramas, zombie holocausts, seat tale and movies about organised criminal. In a smuggled economy, you cant sue your rivals or call the police, so the credible menace( and occasional expend) of violence is your one protection.
The godfather of Mafia movies is, of course, Francis Ford Coppolas The Godfather trilogy. The screenplays are a goldmine for remarks on the human condition in a state of nature, beyond such constraints of modern institutions. Four wrinkles stand out: in the opening stage, Vito Corleone, having promised to mete out some bumpy justice on behalf of a victimised undertaker “whove been” abandoned by the American leviathan, demonstrates how reciprocity provides as the plaster of traditional societies: Some era, and that day may never return, Ill call upon “youve got to” do a service for me. But until the working day, accept this justice as a gift on my daughters wedding day.
The opening panorama of The Godfather
Following the tragic death of his eldest son, Vito addresses the heads of the rival violation households and shows the tactical rationality of evident irrationality: Im a superstitious male. And if some unlucky coincidence should befall my son, if my son is struck by a bolt of lightning, I will accuse some of the people here. Elsewhere, he elaborates: Coincidences dont happen to people who plow collisions as a personal insult.
A foot soldier of one of these adversaries explains why the inclination for savagery advanced to be a select programme , not an indiscriminate bloodlust or a hydraulic pressing: I dont like violence, Tom. Im a businessman. Blood is a big expense.
And for all our hotheaded counsels, Michael explains the knowledge of ensure your ardours: Never hate your foes. It feigns your judgment.
Steven Pinker is Johnstone family professor of psychology at Harvard .
Rushmore by Dacher Keltner
It shows us that to consolidate in dominance, we must unite others
Jason Schwartzman in Rushmore. Photo: Rex Shutterstock
All art, French social theoretician Pierre Bourdieu debates, is an expression of social class, from the music you experience to the trinkets you put on your walls. Few cinemas, though, have undertaken the class subdivide between the haves and have-nots as imaginatively as Wes Andersons 1998 cinema Rushmore.
The film reveals at Rushmore Academy, a prep school in Houston, Texas, and tells the story of the friendship between schoolboy Max Fischer( Jason Schwartzman ), the son of a barber, and rich industrialist Herman Blume( Bill Murray ). They both fall for a lately bereaved teacher at the school( Olivia Williams ), and resort to misguided tactics to triumph her affection. As this timeless strife undoes, the film illustrates various following principles class and dominance uncovered in psychological science.
The first that affluence is rising unethical and socially detached action is on display at a birthday defendant for Blumes sons, who attend Rushmore Academy with Max. The two sons greedily shred through a collection of presents( and are most enjoyed by a crossbow ). Nearby, Blumes wife flirts blatantly with a young man, while Blume sits far away from the mayhem, languidly convulsing golf balls into his dirty pool.
The puddle vistum in Rushmore
This scene captivates recent considers showing that upper-class individuals are more disposed to impulsive and socially aloof behaviour, including misconstruing others ardours, swearing, lying in recreations to win prizes and flouting the regulation of the road.
Navigating power structure, such as prep schools, is the cause of stress for lower-class individuals, and can heighten levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol. To adapt to such social emphasizes, people from lower-class backgrounds reach out and is attached to others a second principle of class and influence. Studies find that it is parties from lower-class backgrounds who share more, collaborate, attend to others carefully and do acts that unite others, a intend by which they can rise in strength when paucity the advantages of lineage. With brilliant detail, Anderson accompanies this principle to life in Maxs defining social inclination: forming sororities. Max is at the head of every imaginable guild, including the beekeepers culture, the kung fu golf-club and the astronomy squad all touching, quaint acts that discover a deeper principle at participate: to increase in dominance, we must unite others in common cause.
Dacher Keltner is a prof of psychology at University of California, Berkeley .
Altered Nation by Sue Blackmore
It plays with the question of what we mean by reality
William Hurt in Altered Regime. Image: Moviestore/ Rex/ Shutterstock
Ken Russells Altered Position is based on a wild time in the 1970 s, when a whole lot of professors took hallucinogenic drugs. One of them, John Lilly, started working with isolation containers where you swim in saltwater in total stillnes, resulting in absolute sensory deprivation with resultant vivid imagery and bizarre sensations.
The films hero is a scientist called Eddie( William Hurt) who starts experimenting with psychedelic drugs to explore other countries of consciousness and our notions of actuality. At one point he emerges from his isolation tank having been transformed into an parrot but Im not so interested in this kind of hopeless fantasy. What interests me is how the cinema manages the altered commonwealths of consciousness. We know that when you take hallucinogenic drugs of this kind, a very early hallucinations are simple, colorful, geometric decorations. Passages and spirals are common, as they are in out-of-body and near-death knowledge. The movie has batch of passageways, and a wonderful maelstrom near the end, where Eddie is being sucked away into oblivion. That is all extravagant cinema material, but the maelstrom leaves a good suffer of hallucinatory know-hows, and is rather well done.
Lilly was trying to understand the nature of actuality, and thats what this movie gamblings with. What do we make by world, regardless? You might say that what we know, and what Eddie in the film presupposed, is that there is a physical actuality and our intelligence interprets it, and that hallucinations are not real. But if you make a hallucinogenic drug into most peoples mentalities, they get remarkably similar experiences.
A lovely detail in the film is where Eddie starts for a formality with an indigenous tribe in Mexico. He is given a tonic, goes into an extreme adjusted territory and considers flows of idols coming out of his body. The hotshots are not real in the sense that there are no white-hot lights flowing from us, but lots of people who take those same doses appreciate the same thing so there is a kind of reality here, a kind of shared experience.
In consciousness analyzes, we struggle with the hard question of consciousness. It is a deep riddle how do subjective know-hows arise from objective intelligence task? We dont know. Numerous people, myself included, say there isnt actually a hard problem. We become dualists in childhood we think that recollection and psyche are divide and thats why we have a problem: how can the knowledge arise from the intelligence? Somehow, we have to see how the two are the same circumstance. Many people have these hallucinatory suffers, or go through intense customs, and claim to have achieved non-duality. We dont get that explanation in this film, but it would be amazing if we did.
Sue Blackmore is a writer, professor and visiting professor at Plymouth University .
The Seventh Seal by Susan Greenfield
Its about the psychology of parties the hope you are going to be better
Ingmar Bergmans film is so striking and implacable, unlike most movies nowadays. A knight, returning from the Crusades to plague-ridden Sweden, is visited by Death, a pale-faced, black-cloaked attribute. They play out a chess coincide which, if the cavalier triumphs, will stave off his demise.
The Seventh Seal
The fact The Seventh Seal is in black and white and was reached in the 1950 s is evidence of its staying appeal, in the same way Greek misfortune weathers it is something that speaks of eternal appraises, folks hopes and anxieties, and is not dependent on current culture. It has been satirised, most famously by Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life, in a sketch in which Death transforms up at a middle-class dinner party. Its funny, but it doesnt detract from the original, where everyone is fated at the end. It is the opposite of the joyous stops of movies we have now.
The film has a very dark, nihilistic feel to it in an age when people are soft and easy. There is one panorama where one of the specific characteristics, an actor, is up a tree, and Death comes to looked through it. He expects him who he is, and Death says he has come for him. The man adds its not his time, he has his performance to do. Death enunciates: Its cancelled. Because of death. All the fantasies and hopes you have are annulled because of death.
Im not recognizing also that Bergman was inevitably expounding any particular mental assumption, but he does talks about the silence of God, which perhaps for many parties echoes true. I think it is about the psychology of beings the hope that you are going to be better and different, to think that you can get away with things.
The knight goes to confession and starts to tell the priest about the chess move he is going make and, of course, the clergyman is Death. You cant overcome fatality and all of us are playing chess with demise, in a way hoping well be the one who wont get cancer, wont have a heart attack, that this happens to other people , not us. I think there is that mentality in numerous parties, and this film brings it home to you. I am an rosy party, and it clears me appreciate life because of its highly transient and arbitrary nature.
Susan Greenfield is a scientist, scribe, broadcaster and a member of the House of Lords .
The post Psycho thrillers: five movies that educate us how the attention cultivate appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Psycho thrillers: five movies that educate us how the attention cultivate
Power, savagery, fatality and reality the movies can educate us plenty about lifes large-scale concerns. From the Godfather to Groundhog Day, five psychologists pick the cinemas that tell us what realizes humen tick
Ten days ago in London, the Hungarian director Lszl Nemes hosted a preview screening of his film, Son of Saul. He explained that if beings didnt want to stay for the Q& A afterwards, that was fine; he wouldnt take personal offence. The gathering chuckled politely. Thats the last laugh youll have for a while, he told them.
Son of Saul Photograph: Rex/ Shutterstock
He was right: Son of Saul out in the UK on Friday is what you might call a taxing watch. Set in Auschwitz in 1944, it presents a era in living conditions of a Sonderkommando, a Jewish captive forced to work in the gas chambers, disposing of the deaths organizations. Almost every frame is filled by the beyond brutalised face of a mortal fated to die and already living in hell.
The film armies you to grapple with “the worlds largest” frightening moral selections imaginable. Should you delude your fellow prisoners into thinking theyre just going for a shower? Can you square a duty to truth-telling with a responsibility not to justification farther damage? Son of Saul requests topics few dare to pose about the human condition. Numerous movies from the sacred to the debase do the same. Here, five leading psychologists look at the classic movies that explore how human beings work.
Groundhog Day by Philippa Perry
Freud caused his patients the chance to re-edit their narrations
Andie MacDowell and Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Image: Allstar/ Columbia
In Groundhog Day, weatherman Phil Connors lives the same day over and over again. At one point, he has a schmooze in a forbid with two drinks: What would you do if you were stuck in one region and every day was exactly the same and good-for-nothing you did mattered? That simply summing-ups it up for me, replies the wino. Summarizes it up for a lot of us.
Freud inspired patients to tell their narratives and got them to free-associate around their narrative to find out how they thought and experienced about themselves. This rendered his patients the chance to relive, re-examine and maybe re-edit their narrations in terms of the room they impart themselves in the present. Our earliest context has a profound impact upon the americans and anatomies, to a great extent, how we watch and interact with the world.
When we firstly satisfied Connors, played by Bill Murray, whatever happened to him in his past has shaped him grumpy, contemptuous, disruptive and insulting. He is trapped in the narcissistic defence of assuming he is superior to everyone else and we consider parties being circumspect around him and not enjoying his company. In psychotherapy, we often talking here self-fulfilling revelation if you expect everyone not to like you, you behave defensively and, hey presto, your prophecy starts true-life. Being caught in the same day is a metaphor for how he is stuck in this pattern.
Groundhog day also illustrates object relations belief: the hypothesi of how we find bad objects( a negative influence from our past) in objectives that are around us in the present. To find our bad object we search for and find negative characteristics even when, in other peoples sees, there used to be none. For precedent, at the Groundhog Day gala that Phil reports on from the small town of Punxsutawney, he can only determine hypocrisy and satire, whereas the TV creator, Rita( Andie MacDowell ), discovers the grace of institution and the delight it brings to the people. In object relations theory, the relevant recommendations is that the psychoanalyst was becoming good object for the patient, and with the psychoanalysts facilitation individual patients learns good objects where hitherto they could not. Rita is Phils good object and the catalyst in Phils transformation. Her influence begins to rub off. He detects the joy of educating himself in literature, art and music. He acquires out about beings, assisting them and befriending them rather than writing them off and finds out that this has its own reward.
The tradition of Punxsutawney is that if the groundhog, too called Phil, can see its shadow on Groundhog Day, the town will get six more weeks of winter. It takes Phil the weatherman quite a long time to see his darknes more, but when at last he does, the working day miraculously moves on. In Jungian assumption, the darknes refers to negative various aspects of your own personality that you reject and project on to others. There are also positive aspects to the darknes that is still conceal from consciousness. Jung said that everyone carries a shadow and that the less it is embodied in the individuals awareness life, the darker and more destructive it has the potential to be.
Although we dont have the indulgence of living in the same day for as long as it is also necessary in order to recognise how we sabotage ourselves, our missteps do have a garb of happening often enough for us to become aware of them. What remains of our lifespan is hour enough to do something about it.
Philippa Perry is a psychotherapist and the author of the graphic tale Couch Fiction .
The Godfather by Steven Pinker
It explains why the impulse for savagery derived to be a selective programme
James Caan and Marlon Brando in The Godfather Photograph: Moviestore/ Rex/ Shutterstock
The Godfather is not an obvious choice for a mental movie, but its stylised, witticised savagery alleges often about human nature.
Except in war zones, beings are extraordinarily unlikely to die from savagery. Yet from the Iliad through video games, our species has always apportioned time and resources to destroying simulations of violence.The brain seems to run on the adage: If you want quietnes, prepare for conflict. We are mesmerized by the logic of promontory and menace, the psychology of alliance and sellout, the vulnerabilities of their own bodies and how they can be employed or shielded. A likely interpretation is that in our evolutionary record, brutality be a major enough threat to fitness that everyone had to understand how it works.
Among the many subgenres of violent presentation, one with perennial appeal to brows both high and low is the Hobbesian thriller a storey set in a circumscribed zone of chao that saves the familiar trappings of our times, but in which the exponents must live beyond the reach of the modern leviathan( the police and judiciary ), with its monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Examples include westerns, spy thrillers, battlefield dramas, zombie holocausts, seat tale and movies about organised criminal. In a smuggled economy, you cant sue your rivals or call the police, so the credible menace( and occasional expend) of violence is your one protection.
The godfather of Mafia movies is, of course, Francis Ford Coppolas The Godfather trilogy. The screenplays are a goldmine for remarks on the human condition in a state of nature, beyond such constraints of modern institutions. Four wrinkles stand out: in the opening stage, Vito Corleone, having promised to mete out some bumpy justice on behalf of a victimised undertaker “whove been” abandoned by the American leviathan, demonstrates how reciprocity provides as the plaster of traditional societies: Some era, and that day may never return, Ill call upon “youve got to” do a service for me. But until the working day, accept this justice as a gift on my daughters wedding day.
The opening panorama of The Godfather
Following the tragic death of his eldest son, Vito addresses the heads of the rival violation households and shows the tactical rationality of evident irrationality: Im a superstitious male. And if some unlucky coincidence should befall my son, if my son is struck by a bolt of lightning, I will accuse some of the people here. Elsewhere, he elaborates: Coincidences dont happen to people who plow collisions as a personal insult.
A foot soldier of one of these adversaries explains why the inclination for savagery advanced to be a select programme , not an indiscriminate bloodlust or a hydraulic pressing: I dont like violence, Tom. Im a businessman. Blood is a big expense.
And for all our hotheaded counsels, Michael explains the knowledge of ensure your ardours: Never hate your foes. It feigns your judgment.
Steven Pinker is Johnstone family professor of psychology at Harvard .
Rushmore by Dacher Keltner
It shows us that to consolidate in dominance, we must unite others
Jason Schwartzman in Rushmore. Photo: Rex Shutterstock
All art, French social theoretician Pierre Bourdieu debates, is an expression of social class, from the music you experience to the trinkets you put on your walls. Few cinemas, though, have undertaken the class subdivide between the haves and have-nots as imaginatively as Wes Andersons 1998 cinema Rushmore.
The film reveals at Rushmore Academy, a prep school in Houston, Texas, and tells the story of the friendship between schoolboy Max Fischer( Jason Schwartzman ), the son of a barber, and rich industrialist Herman Blume( Bill Murray ). They both fall for a lately bereaved teacher at the school( Olivia Williams ), and resort to misguided tactics to triumph her affection. As this timeless strife undoes, the film illustrates various following principles class and dominance uncovered in psychological science.
The first that affluence is rising unethical and socially detached action is on display at a birthday defendant for Blumes sons, who attend Rushmore Academy with Max. The two sons greedily shred through a collection of presents( and are most enjoyed by a crossbow ). Nearby, Blumes wife flirts blatantly with a young man, while Blume sits far away from the mayhem, languidly convulsing golf balls into his dirty pool.
The puddle vistum in Rushmore
This scene captivates recent considers showing that upper-class individuals are more disposed to impulsive and socially aloof behaviour, including misconstruing others ardours, swearing, lying in recreations to win prizes and flouting the regulation of the road.
Navigating power structure, such as prep schools, is the cause of stress for lower-class individuals, and can heighten levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol. To adapt to such social emphasizes, people from lower-class backgrounds reach out and is attached to others a second principle of class and influence. Studies find that it is parties from lower-class backgrounds who share more, collaborate, attend to others carefully and do acts that unite others, a intend by which they can rise in strength when paucity the advantages of lineage. With brilliant detail, Anderson accompanies this principle to life in Maxs defining social inclination: forming sororities. Max is at the head of every imaginable guild, including the beekeepers culture, the kung fu golf-club and the astronomy squad all touching, quaint acts that discover a deeper principle at participate: to increase in dominance, we must unite others in common cause.
Dacher Keltner is a prof of psychology at University of California, Berkeley .
Altered Nation by Sue Blackmore
It plays with the question of what we mean by reality
William Hurt in Altered Regime. Image: Moviestore/ Rex/ Shutterstock
Ken Russells Altered Position is based on a wild time in the 1970 s, when a whole lot of professors took hallucinogenic drugs. One of them, John Lilly, started working with isolation containers where you swim in saltwater in total stillnes, resulting in absolute sensory deprivation with resultant vivid imagery and bizarre sensations.
The films hero is a scientist called Eddie( William Hurt) who starts experimenting with psychedelic drugs to explore other countries of consciousness and our notions of actuality. At one point he emerges from his isolation tank having been transformed into an parrot but Im not so interested in this kind of hopeless fantasy. What interests me is how the cinema manages the altered commonwealths of consciousness. We know that when you take hallucinogenic drugs of this kind, a very early hallucinations are simple, colorful, geometric decorations. Passages and spirals are common, as they are in out-of-body and near-death knowledge. The movie has batch of passageways, and a wonderful maelstrom near the end, where Eddie is being sucked away into oblivion. That is all extravagant cinema material, but the maelstrom leaves a good suffer of hallucinatory know-hows, and is rather well done.
Lilly was trying to understand the nature of actuality, and thats what this movie gamblings with. What do we make by world, regardless? You might say that what we know, and what Eddie in the film presupposed, is that there is a physical actuality and our intelligence interprets it, and that hallucinations are not real. But if you make a hallucinogenic drug into most peoples mentalities, they get remarkably similar experiences.
A lovely detail in the film is where Eddie starts for a formality with an indigenous tribe in Mexico. He is given a tonic, goes into an extreme adjusted territory and considers flows of idols coming out of his body. The hotshots are not real in the sense that there are no white-hot lights flowing from us, but lots of people who take those same doses appreciate the same thing so there is a kind of reality here, a kind of shared experience.
In consciousness analyzes, we struggle with the hard question of consciousness. It is a deep riddle how do subjective know-hows arise from objective intelligence task? We dont know. Numerous people, myself included, say there isnt actually a hard problem. We become dualists in childhood we think that recollection and psyche are divide and thats why we have a problem: how can the knowledge arise from the intelligence? Somehow, we have to see how the two are the same circumstance. Many people have these hallucinatory suffers, or go through intense customs, and claim to have achieved non-duality. We dont get that explanation in this film, but it would be amazing if we did.
Sue Blackmore is a writer, professor and visiting professor at Plymouth University .
The Seventh Seal by Susan Greenfield
Its about the psychology of parties the hope you are going to be better
Ingmar Bergmans film is so striking and implacable, unlike most movies nowadays. A knight, returning from the Crusades to plague-ridden Sweden, is visited by Death, a pale-faced, black-cloaked attribute. They play out a chess coincide which, if the cavalier triumphs, will stave off his demise.
The Seventh Seal
The fact The Seventh Seal is in black and white and was reached in the 1950 s is evidence of its staying appeal, in the same way Greek misfortune weathers it is something that speaks of eternal appraises, folks hopes and anxieties, and is not dependent on current culture. It has been satirised, most famously by Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life, in a sketch in which Death transforms up at a middle-class dinner party. Its funny, but it doesnt detract from the original, where everyone is fated at the end. It is the opposite of the joyous stops of movies we have now.
The film has a very dark, nihilistic feel to it in an age when people are soft and easy. There is one panorama where one of the specific characteristics, an actor, is up a tree, and Death comes to looked through it. He expects him who he is, and Death says he has come for him. The man adds its not his time, he has his performance to do. Death enunciates: Its cancelled. Because of death. All the fantasies and hopes you have are annulled because of death.
Im not recognizing also that Bergman was inevitably expounding any particular mental assumption, but he does talks about the silence of God, which perhaps for many parties echoes true. I think it is about the psychology of beings the hope that you are going to be better and different, to think that you can get away with things.
The knight goes to confession and starts to tell the priest about the chess move he is going make and, of course, the clergyman is Death. You cant overcome fatality and all of us are playing chess with demise, in a way hoping well be the one who wont get cancer, wont have a heart attack, that this happens to other people , not us. I think there is that mentality in numerous parties, and this film brings it home to you. I am an rosy party, and it clears me appreciate life because of its highly transient and arbitrary nature.
Susan Greenfield is a scientist, scribe, broadcaster and a member of the House of Lords .
The post Psycho thrillers: five movies that educate us how the attention cultivate appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Psycho thrillers: five movies that educate us how the attention cultivate
Power, savagery, fatality and reality the movies can educate us plenty about lifes large-scale concerns. From the Godfather to Groundhog Day, five psychologists pick the cinemas that tell us what realizes humen tick
Ten days ago in London, the Hungarian director Lszl Nemes hosted a preview screening of his film, Son of Saul. He explained that if beings didnt want to stay for the Q& A afterwards, that was fine; he wouldnt take personal offence. The gathering chuckled politely. Thats the last laugh youll have for a while, he told them.
Son of Saul Photograph: Rex/ Shutterstock
He was right: Son of Saul out in the UK on Friday is what you might call a taxing watch. Set in Auschwitz in 1944, it presents a era in living conditions of a Sonderkommando, a Jewish captive forced to work in the gas chambers, disposing of the deaths organizations. Almost every frame is filled by the beyond brutalised face of a mortal fated to die and already living in hell.
The film armies you to grapple with “the worlds largest” frightening moral selections imaginable. Should you delude your fellow prisoners into thinking theyre just going for a shower? Can you square a duty to truth-telling with a responsibility not to justification farther damage? Son of Saul requests topics few dare to pose about the human condition. Numerous movies from the sacred to the debase do the same. Here, five leading psychologists look at the classic movies that explore how human beings work.
Groundhog Day by Philippa Perry
Freud caused his patients the chance to re-edit their narrations
Andie MacDowell and Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Image: Allstar/ Columbia
In Groundhog Day, weatherman Phil Connors lives the same day over and over again. At one point, he has a schmooze in a forbid with two drinks: What would you do if you were stuck in one region and every day was exactly the same and good-for-nothing you did mattered? That simply summing-ups it up for me, replies the wino. Summarizes it up for a lot of us.
Freud inspired patients to tell their narratives and got them to free-associate around their narrative to find out how they thought and experienced about themselves. This rendered his patients the chance to relive, re-examine and maybe re-edit their narrations in terms of the room they impart themselves in the present. Our earliest context has a profound impact upon the americans and anatomies, to a great extent, how we watch and interact with the world.
When we firstly satisfied Connors, played by Bill Murray, whatever happened to him in his past has shaped him grumpy, contemptuous, disruptive and insulting. He is trapped in the narcissistic defence of assuming he is superior to everyone else and we consider parties being circumspect around him and not enjoying his company. In psychotherapy, we often talking here self-fulfilling revelation if you expect everyone not to like you, you behave defensively and, hey presto, your prophecy starts true-life. Being caught in the same day is a metaphor for how he is stuck in this pattern.
Groundhog day also illustrates object relations belief: the hypothesi of how we find bad objects( a negative influence from our past) in objectives that are around us in the present. To find our bad object we search for and find negative characteristics even when, in other peoples sees, there used to be none. For precedent, at the Groundhog Day gala that Phil reports on from the small town of Punxsutawney, he can only determine hypocrisy and satire, whereas the TV creator, Rita( Andie MacDowell ), discovers the grace of institution and the delight it brings to the people. In object relations theory, the relevant recommendations is that the psychoanalyst was becoming good object for the patient, and with the psychoanalysts facilitation individual patients learns good objects where hitherto they could not. Rita is Phils good object and the catalyst in Phils transformation. Her influence begins to rub off. He detects the joy of educating himself in literature, art and music. He acquires out about beings, assisting them and befriending them rather than writing them off and finds out that this has its own reward.
The tradition of Punxsutawney is that if the groundhog, too called Phil, can see its shadow on Groundhog Day, the town will get six more weeks of winter. It takes Phil the weatherman quite a long time to see his darknes more, but when at last he does, the working day miraculously moves on. In Jungian assumption, the darknes refers to negative various aspects of your own personality that you reject and project on to others. There are also positive aspects to the darknes that is still conceal from consciousness. Jung said that everyone carries a shadow and that the less it is embodied in the individuals awareness life, the darker and more destructive it has the potential to be.
Although we dont have the indulgence of living in the same day for as long as it is also necessary in order to recognise how we sabotage ourselves, our missteps do have a garb of happening often enough for us to become aware of them. What remains of our lifespan is hour enough to do something about it.
Philippa Perry is a psychotherapist and the author of the graphic tale Couch Fiction .
The Godfather by Steven Pinker
It explains why the impulse for savagery derived to be a selective programme
James Caan and Marlon Brando in The Godfather Photograph: Moviestore/ Rex/ Shutterstock
The Godfather is not an obvious choice for a mental movie, but its stylised, witticised savagery alleges often about human nature.
Except in war zones, beings are extraordinarily unlikely to die from savagery. Yet from the Iliad through video games, our species has always apportioned time and resources to destroying simulations of violence.The brain seems to run on the adage: If you want quietnes, prepare for conflict. We are mesmerized by the logic of promontory and menace, the psychology of alliance and sellout, the vulnerabilities of their own bodies and how they can be employed or shielded. A likely interpretation is that in our evolutionary record, brutality be a major enough threat to fitness that everyone had to understand how it works.
Among the many subgenres of violent presentation, one with perennial appeal to brows both high and low is the Hobbesian thriller a storey set in a circumscribed zone of chao that saves the familiar trappings of our times, but in which the exponents must live beyond the reach of the modern leviathan( the police and judiciary ), with its monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Examples include westerns, spy thrillers, battlefield dramas, zombie holocausts, seat tale and movies about organised criminal. In a smuggled economy, you cant sue your rivals or call the police, so the credible menace( and occasional expend) of violence is your one protection.
The godfather of Mafia movies is, of course, Francis Ford Coppolas The Godfather trilogy. The screenplays are a goldmine for remarks on the human condition in a state of nature, beyond such constraints of modern institutions. Four wrinkles stand out: in the opening stage, Vito Corleone, having promised to mete out some bumpy justice on behalf of a victimised undertaker “whove been” abandoned by the American leviathan, demonstrates how reciprocity provides as the plaster of traditional societies: Some era, and that day may never return, Ill call upon “youve got to” do a service for me. But until the working day, accept this justice as a gift on my daughters wedding day.
The opening panorama of The Godfather
Following the tragic death of his eldest son, Vito addresses the heads of the rival violation households and shows the tactical rationality of evident irrationality: Im a superstitious male. And if some unlucky coincidence should befall my son, if my son is struck by a bolt of lightning, I will accuse some of the people here. Elsewhere, he elaborates: Coincidences dont happen to people who plow collisions as a personal insult.
A foot soldier of one of these adversaries explains why the inclination for savagery advanced to be a select programme , not an indiscriminate bloodlust or a hydraulic pressing: I dont like violence, Tom. Im a businessman. Blood is a big expense.
And for all our hotheaded counsels, Michael explains the knowledge of ensure your ardours: Never hate your foes. It feigns your judgment.
Steven Pinker is Johnstone family professor of psychology at Harvard .
Rushmore by Dacher Keltner
It shows us that to consolidate in dominance, we must unite others
Jason Schwartzman in Rushmore. Photo: Rex Shutterstock
All art, French social theoretician Pierre Bourdieu debates, is an expression of social class, from the music you experience to the trinkets you put on your walls. Few cinemas, though, have undertaken the class subdivide between the haves and have-nots as imaginatively as Wes Andersons 1998 cinema Rushmore.
The film reveals at Rushmore Academy, a prep school in Houston, Texas, and tells the story of the friendship between schoolboy Max Fischer( Jason Schwartzman ), the son of a barber, and rich industrialist Herman Blume( Bill Murray ). They both fall for a lately bereaved teacher at the school( Olivia Williams ), and resort to misguided tactics to triumph her affection. As this timeless strife undoes, the film illustrates various following principles class and dominance uncovered in psychological science.
The first that affluence is rising unethical and socially detached action is on display at a birthday defendant for Blumes sons, who attend Rushmore Academy with Max. The two sons greedily shred through a collection of presents( and are most enjoyed by a crossbow ). Nearby, Blumes wife flirts blatantly with a young man, while Blume sits far away from the mayhem, languidly convulsing golf balls into his dirty pool.
The puddle vistum in Rushmore
This scene captivates recent considers showing that upper-class individuals are more disposed to impulsive and socially aloof behaviour, including misconstruing others ardours, swearing, lying in recreations to win prizes and flouting the regulation of the road.
Navigating power structure, such as prep schools, is the cause of stress for lower-class individuals, and can heighten levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol. To adapt to such social emphasizes, people from lower-class backgrounds reach out and is attached to others a second principle of class and influence. Studies find that it is parties from lower-class backgrounds who share more, collaborate, attend to others carefully and do acts that unite others, a intend by which they can rise in strength when paucity the advantages of lineage. With brilliant detail, Anderson accompanies this principle to life in Maxs defining social inclination: forming sororities. Max is at the head of every imaginable guild, including the beekeepers culture, the kung fu golf-club and the astronomy squad all touching, quaint acts that discover a deeper principle at participate: to increase in dominance, we must unite others in common cause.
Dacher Keltner is a prof of psychology at University of California, Berkeley .
Altered Nation by Sue Blackmore
It plays with the question of what we mean by reality
William Hurt in Altered Regime. Image: Moviestore/ Rex/ Shutterstock
Ken Russells Altered Position is based on a wild time in the 1970 s, when a whole lot of professors took hallucinogenic drugs. One of them, John Lilly, started working with isolation containers where you swim in saltwater in total stillnes, resulting in absolute sensory deprivation with resultant vivid imagery and bizarre sensations.
The films hero is a scientist called Eddie( William Hurt) who starts experimenting with psychedelic drugs to explore other countries of consciousness and our notions of actuality. At one point he emerges from his isolation tank having been transformed into an parrot but Im not so interested in this kind of hopeless fantasy. What interests me is how the cinema manages the altered commonwealths of consciousness. We know that when you take hallucinogenic drugs of this kind, a very early hallucinations are simple, colorful, geometric decorations. Passages and spirals are common, as they are in out-of-body and near-death knowledge. The movie has batch of passageways, and a wonderful maelstrom near the end, where Eddie is being sucked away into oblivion. That is all extravagant cinema material, but the maelstrom leaves a good suffer of hallucinatory know-hows, and is rather well done.
Lilly was trying to understand the nature of actuality, and thats what this movie gamblings with. What do we make by world, regardless? You might say that what we know, and what Eddie in the film presupposed, is that there is a physical actuality and our intelligence interprets it, and that hallucinations are not real. But if you make a hallucinogenic drug into most peoples mentalities, they get remarkably similar experiences.
A lovely detail in the film is where Eddie starts for a formality with an indigenous tribe in Mexico. He is given a tonic, goes into an extreme adjusted territory and considers flows of idols coming out of his body. The hotshots are not real in the sense that there are no white-hot lights flowing from us, but lots of people who take those same doses appreciate the same thing so there is a kind of reality here, a kind of shared experience.
In consciousness analyzes, we struggle with the hard question of consciousness. It is a deep riddle how do subjective know-hows arise from objective intelligence task? We dont know. Numerous people, myself included, say there isnt actually a hard problem. We become dualists in childhood we think that recollection and psyche are divide and thats why we have a problem: how can the knowledge arise from the intelligence? Somehow, we have to see how the two are the same circumstance. Many people have these hallucinatory suffers, or go through intense customs, and claim to have achieved non-duality. We dont get that explanation in this film, but it would be amazing if we did.
Sue Blackmore is a writer, professor and visiting professor at Plymouth University .
The Seventh Seal by Susan Greenfield
Its about the psychology of parties the hope you are going to be better
Ingmar Bergmans film is so striking and implacable, unlike most movies nowadays. A knight, returning from the Crusades to plague-ridden Sweden, is visited by Death, a pale-faced, black-cloaked attribute. They play out a chess coincide which, if the cavalier triumphs, will stave off his demise.
The Seventh Seal
The fact The Seventh Seal is in black and white and was reached in the 1950 s is evidence of its staying appeal, in the same way Greek misfortune weathers it is something that speaks of eternal appraises, folks hopes and anxieties, and is not dependent on current culture. It has been satirised, most famously by Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life, in a sketch in which Death transforms up at a middle-class dinner party. Its funny, but it doesnt detract from the original, where everyone is fated at the end. It is the opposite of the joyous stops of movies we have now.
The film has a very dark, nihilistic feel to it in an age when people are soft and easy. There is one panorama where one of the specific characteristics, an actor, is up a tree, and Death comes to looked through it. He expects him who he is, and Death says he has come for him. The man adds its not his time, he has his performance to do. Death enunciates: Its cancelled. Because of death. All the fantasies and hopes you have are annulled because of death.
Im not recognizing also that Bergman was inevitably expounding any particular mental assumption, but he does talks about the silence of God, which perhaps for many parties echoes true. I think it is about the psychology of beings the hope that you are going to be better and different, to think that you can get away with things.
The knight goes to confession and starts to tell the priest about the chess move he is going make and, of course, the clergyman is Death. You cant overcome fatality and all of us are playing chess with demise, in a way hoping well be the one who wont get cancer, wont have a heart attack, that this happens to other people , not us. I think there is that mentality in numerous parties, and this film brings it home to you. I am an rosy party, and it clears me appreciate life because of its highly transient and arbitrary nature.
Susan Greenfield is a scientist, scribe, broadcaster and a member of the House of Lords .
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