#I can imagine hayato on stage and singing
berrimelon · 7 years
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This Precious Tone ~ 
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puzzlefamily · 3 years
So I need to cheer up a little so while I’m away from my tablet have some headcannons for Judai and singing
Disclaimer: I know this is probably out of character but I thought it was funny and nice so let me have fun :P
Judai is probably one of the most extroverted people in the world, you’d never think he was afraid of anything when it comes to social events
Turns out he has stage fright when it comes to singing
He won’t even sing in front of his dads it’s bad
First time Sho and Hayato hear him sing it’s because they caught him belting out his favorite song thinking he was the only one at the dorms
And he can sing
When he finally notices they’re there he stops mid note
His face goes as red as his jacket and he’s just hiding his face in his hands while Sho and Hayato compliment him over and over
Imagine there’s a festival or like a school spirit day coming up too so they start saying he should preform and he just. Starts stuttering and refusing.
His friends are surprised to hear he has stage fright but respect his wishes cause that’s what friends do, yeah?
Whoops, Cronos hears about it and being his lil shit pre seven stars self puts Judai in for a preformance at the event with a music group that’s been looking for a singer
Now Judai has to sing cause if he backs out the band he was put with can’t preform and he doesn’t like letting people down so he gets himself fired up to do this and
First rehearsal comes and even though he’s practiced the songs he was given so much at his secret place he clams up the moment he has to preform in front of other people
He apologizes profusely cause he knows the songs he’s practiced so much but when he’s with other people he just can’t get his voice to work
The others are surprised cause this is Judai Yuki, the kid who beat instructor Cronos, who dueled a monkey, they never expected he’d have a fear of singing in front of people
He goes back to the dorm and is just all frustrated and Sho and Hayato aren’t sure what to do to help him out
They end up coming up with an idea to have a karaoke night in their room
They invite Asuka, Misawa, even Manjome and Ryo join in
They all take turns singing and laughing and just having fun
Eventually they convince Judai to try a few songs
It takes a while but he gets into it and eventually even does a few songs on his own
After that he feels a bit better about the whole preforming thing and goes to rehearsal all excited, and even though it’s a rocky start at first he gets into it and soon enough he finds himself looking forward to even the preformance
Big day comes and he makes the mistake of peeking out at the audience from backstage and holy hanah that’s a lot of people
He’s about to just nope out but the others help him calm his nerves
Curtains open and he’s a bit frozen at the start until he sees his friends in the crowd
Deep breath and here we go time to sing
As the show goes on he starts getting more and more into it
They even do an encore
Still ends up a blushing mess at the end of it though
After it’s done he helps the band find a more permanent singer cause while he had fun it’s really not his thing
Fast forward to season four and the band asks him to do a song or two with them at the graduation party for old times’ sake
He’s not really up for preforming considering everything that’s happening but he feels bad for being so distant from his friends so he says he’ll try to go to rehearsals
He misses the first few rehearsals and his friends are asked to see if he’s okay cause the band knows he’s been through a lot recently even if they don’t know all the details
It takes a while to find him, but his friends track him down and ask him what’s up
It’s clear to see he hasn’t been sleeping much but he still apologizes cause he really was going to try and go join the band one more time
In an attempt to help him have at least a lottle fun Sho suggests they have another karaoke night cause it’s been years since they’ve done anything like that
Judai hesitates at first cause the situation with Darkness is still a thing, but his friends insist cause he hardly ever really smiles anymore and he just needs a break from the seriousness
This time Rei Kenzan and Fubuki join them, and it’s just a whole night of singing and fun
Even Judai gets into it and finally lets himself relax a bit
After they all leave, they wait for him at rehearsal the next day to make sure he gets there
They get a little discouraged cause not only has he missed his classes again that day it’s been thirty minutes and he still isn’t there
Cue the doors slamming open and an out of breath disheveled Judai is standing there looking like he just woke up
He did
Turns out after everyone left the night before he passed out on his bed and didn’t wake up till he needed to be at the rehersal room so he rushed his way there
He goes to reherals as much as he can after that and once all is said and done with Darkness he has fun preforming at the party
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cryxtaltime · 6 years
please do not reblog
It has occurred to me that I’ve never actually shared on any of my Tokiya blogs the kind background & alterations I have for my prism seven twin verse. probably because I have it all on my Hayato blog and just forgot that it mattered here. Anyways some of this is based off of audio drama summaries & translations I read back when I was first studying up on Tokiya where he made several excuses about Hayato to S & A class guys.
Which makes me feel both dumb and terrible considering I’ve been playing with two different Hayato-nii-san for as long as these HC have existed. storyteller-prince & musically-inclined-idol are free to use these with me as they like, or give more ideas or help me change ideas. I’m so sorry guys, I should have done this so much sooner than now,
First things first I believe that Tokiya and Hayato actually had a really good and close relationship as children. They probably did almost everything together and shared a room for a ridiculously long time. Even once they had their own rooms I imagine if they got spooked at night they’d sneak into the other’s room and climb in bed with them for the rest of the night.
Tokiya’s always the more cautious twin, but as a kid it was more “Hayato-nii are you sure?” rather than “Nii-san no.”
I also head canon that they made some sort of promise about being famous together. So the two of them started lessons and everything at the same time, and did a lot of their practicing together.
Hayato was always the better singer, and that’s originally why Tokiya wanted to sing so much despite being tone deaf. He wanted to do the same thing as Hayato.
Tokiya was always the better actor though. Probably because whenever he would read stories to or with Hayato he’d end up acting out some parts of them so he’d have to memorize chunks of the story first.
As child actors in Fukuoka they were able to get work together quite frequently since they two of them would simply tag team during takes.
After they moved to Tokyo Tokiya and Hayato both auditioned for the same contract knowing full well that only one of them would get it. Hayato was the one who got it, and Tokiya was actually really proud of, happy for, him.
It wasn’t until Hayato started gaining popularity that Tokiya’s attitude towards him started to grow cold. He started having trouble getting people to accept him for work because he looked just like Hayato. Others at school started approaching him to try and get closer to his famous brother. To make matters even worse the brother he was used to having around all the time to help when things got rough was barely ever home, or already asleep by the time Tokiya got home, because of his tightly packed schedule.
Tokiya also realized that he didn’t even know if he wanted Hayato’s help with all of this because then he couldn’t be sure that it was him who had earned it, or if it was just given to him because his rising star brother asked.
So he ended up taking out his frustration on Hayato thus becoming the cold and mean Tokiya that we get at the beginning of the utapri series.
Alright, you still with me? now we’re onto the recovery path.
Shining, who once worked with the twins when they were smols, finds Tokiya and offers him a spot at the Academy. If he can pass the year Shining will take Tokiya as an idol of his company, if not… Well they’d work on that part later, probably.
Had Hayato called in a favor? Could he trust his TV dad? The world may never know, but Tokiya took the offer as his last chance to get onto the national stage where his brother was and agreed to Shining’s terms and conditions.
Once in the academy grumpy Tokiya meets lots of people and through The Power of FriendshipTM learns that it’s ok to be himself.
Ok but no seriously by getting to be friends with Haruka, Otoya, and the rest of the STARISH crew Tokiya realized that he doesn’t have to try so hard, and that there are people who will take him or him not just because he’s Hayato’s brother.
So now he’s kinda sheepish and feels bad and is doing the Tsundere thing because he doesn’t really know how to apologize to his brother for more or less throwing a giant several year long temper tantrum.
By the way he did debut. Just saying.
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yukikinomiya · 6 years
Your favorite Gene concert: Speedster or Mad Cyclone? Why?
Dear Anon,
 I am really sooooo incredible sorry that it took me so long to answer your question but it’s first of all a kinda quite difficult question and I really wanted to watch both concerts again to answer it properly. Thank you so much for this question. I never thought about it in this way and it was the first time that I actually watched it without being distracted by anything else.
Sooooo let’s go 😄
It was my first Gene Live and my first Japanese Live with let’s say such dimensions (Lives of Solidem or X4 are so much smaller) and I was completely stunned. The stage was just f*cking awesome with all the streets and yeah it was the first time that I saw such a stage and it really made me speechless in the beginning. There were people everywhere, not only in front, but also on the side and in the back. I really liked how variable the middle part of the stage was with the stairs and everything. The CGI backstory about the Mad Clowns was just awesome. The Background Sound is great and I really think that they should be available on iTunes. They were really looking amazing in their Mad Clown outfits, but I also liked their „shiny“ suits which they put on before Tell me why.
The concert started with AGEHA (I won’t go into detail with every song, because then it would be a much much longer post, but you can ask me anytime…now I should be able to answer more quickly). When it started, I could really feel my pulse speeding up and it makes you dance immediately. The second song (OMG) was Evergreen. I wrote it already before and I think it’s kinda obvious that it’s my all-time favourite Gene Song. The live version is just sooo amazing because the stage is completely green and the dance sequence is longer. This song, especially the dance break, always reminds me of Hayato, so it’s kinda his song and I was totally happy when he was in the center. Fun Fact: when Ryuto turned his back to Ryota facing Yuta he made so silly faces and Yuta had to hold back his laughing. Never let you go is kinda on place 2 on my most played songs and I really love it. I liked how the guys were goofing around and it’s one of the songs I really miss during Live Performances. For Tell me why they changed the stage setting to NY and it was looking incredible good. And Ryuto hitting the high notes still causes shivers running through my spine. Their painful faces during the Rainy Room performance were so heartbreaking like aaaah….I want to hug them all. And the choreo by Yuta is just awesome. He’s such a talented choreographer so I can really imagine him doing this in the future and I really can’t wait for his lessons for EXPG Online. The Acoustic medley completely caught me off-gurad. I never thought that somebody can make me cry like this, but yeah here we have Ryuto and Ryota, who did this. The acoustic/piano version of 花 was so incredible, you really have to listen to it. I loved that the crowd was completely silent during the song (something you don’t see that often during western concerts). But this version is unbelievable great. Beyond everything. Do I really have to talk about 片想い?? Thx … dead … bye.  The Performer Showcase in short: the guys were so awesome and I really need the sound and somebody who teaches me the choreo. It always amazes me what Hayato is doing with his feet (so it’s not surprising that he needs cool bags on his legs after performances). His style is called Chicago Footwork and he’s the first Japanese performer joining them (So proud of my sunshine). His dancing style is also the reason why I am starting with street dance next semester and started with EXPG Online Studio (dying through the R.Y.U.S.E.I. choreo - but Kenjiro is doing a great job). I always have to jump when Sing it loud comes during a live. I have to sing and jump, it’s impossible not to. They also showed videos from their Generations EX Tour and sang parts of the song in English 🙂 . I didn’t like Organ Donor ~OFF DA HOOK~ in the beginning, but now OMG. It’s in the top10. The song is catchy, the choreo in the MV amazing and totally love it now. I totally love what they did with Gene’s version of Burning Up. The flags and the pyro is just wooooow. Hard Knock Days: you can really feel their energy. It’s song where you have to dance. Like sing it loud but with lots more energy. And yeah the performers minus Hayato were just rude. I fell in love with Namida from the start. I totally like their stories in the MV especially Mandy’s because yeah I’m a small girl and it was soooo cute. Also Hayato’s story was incredible cute. I like that the ending of his story was not so sad as the one of the others. So I was really excited for the live and they did an incredible job (I mean they can never disappoint me anyways).  So during the second part of Speedster they changed the setlist. The beginning of Namida was acoustic and OMG (still dead). The performance was a little bit different but still totally stunning. The Vocal acoustic medley was a little bit different this time. No piano, but they sang 片想い, Story (love this one a little bit too much), I remember and Always with you.  The Mad Show (or the Performer’s show case) was as great as expected and I am really running out of words. I really have no words left for Hayato because his performance always leaves me speechless. Alan and Reo … aaaah …. So extra 😄 Run this Town is just pure energy and power. You can really feel it when you watch it. And now we come to Pierrot … this song is just yeah I don’t know why but it always drives me nuts. The MV is just incredible and seeing it live was just OMG. The choreo is really awesome especially in the MV.
Mad Cyclone
The stage was this time a centre stage because yeah arena tour with the huge screen moving up and down and the stage was rotating during most of the performances. The stage had extensions (I’m not sure to call them like this but yeah) to both sides so the fans could enjoy it from all sides. The CGI Backstory continued from Speedster transforming them into the Mad Jesters. I totally liked the bridge to PKCZ with the laser lights in the arena and Alan’s before the DJpart. The live started with Mad Cyclone. I didn’t like it in the beginning, but now it’s such an awesome song and I get goosebumps every time I hear it. It has an incredible dance break (OMG) and every time they face each other is just wow (I guess they had lots of fun during RH 😄 ). The second song was 太陽も月も. And I think I love this song a little bit too much sometimes. It’s also the first song I hear in the morning (to kinda wake up). The choreo is awesome and during Gene High School TV you can learn it (also for AGEHA and BCR). During the dance break the performers had short solo dances and I totally loved the combination from Yuta and Hayato, because they spend so much time with each other working on their acrobatics. Seeing them doing CF together just made my heart burst 😄 And Reo and Alan next to each other with these hair styles totally look like brothers. Pierrot is my favourite MV of all (minus Evergreen) and also one of my favourite songs. The choreo is just awesome and I loved how Yuta and Hayato could show off their acrobatic skills during the performance. Cuteness overload or live performance of Togetherness. They were so cute especially Hayato, Ryota, Yuta and Alan goofing around with the camera. And aaaaaaah all the happy smiles. And yeah kinda off-topic: I really, really, really want Ryota’s leather jacket. I mean I have already the same Humanmade jacket but aaaaaaah. I really liked how Yuta was in the centre of the stage during Sound of Love  showing why he’s also in charge of chores and being all adorable with this huge smile. Yeah Make you mine or holy sh*t….ALAN…COULD YOU PLEASE NOT….PUT THAT F*CKING SHIRT ON…HAYATOOOO….NOT THAT GLANCE….REO…AAAAAAH TOTALLY SWEATY CLOSE UP…. ALAN….WHERE THE F*CK IS MY HOLY WATER…GO AWAY DEMON… So yeah that was my reaction to this performance. Also for the bridge to Stupid ~真っ赤なブレスレット~ It should be illegal to look that good. Really. I totally loved their solo dance parts during Namida while sitting on the stairs. And that’s just my opinion but Ryota’s voice improved a lot since Speedster. At least that’s what I hear and of course I can be wrong but he was incredible. Love you more in short: thx … dead … bye … They took 4 girls from the crowd, seated them on two sofas and sang for them. Ryuto must have killed them. Those girls will never be interested in anyone else. Looking at the girl while singing “I need you in my world“ would kill me. … Aaaah and the ending …. Both of them singing while facing the girls again … so cute (I would just die there). The performer showcase was called Mad Cyclone Alley this time and it was really kinda funny. Yuta with the flute, Alan with the scooter and Reo acting like the little brat he is. I am still not sure how Reo and Hayato could dance with the backbags on their backs but awesome. I really love how they all have their own style and it really kinda resembles their personalities. I still need an album for DJAlan. His remixes of Gene songs are just soooo amazing. His smiles were so cute during his part and you really see how much he enjoys it. Sing it Loud was the most amazing remix he did. He enjoyed it so much that I am pretty sure that the fans are going to enjoy a DJAlan part during United Journey 🙂 Hard Knock Days Is just aaaaaaaah. I can’t even. Especially Mandy’s rap part. He’s allowed to rap (and he’s really great) but so not allowed to sing. Reo and the skiing goggles…just too funny…but I would love to have Supreme skinning goggles…I am pretty sure I am skiing more than him 😄 During Run this town Hayato (KEEP YOUR F*CKING TONGUE WHERE IT SHOULD BE) had more time for his solo performance and OMG he’s so talented. His acrobatic skills have really improved a lot (yeah I always kinda worried about him but I know that he knows what he’s doing soooo). During the Be the one performance you could really see how incredible adorable they are. The last time I watched it I also made screenshots because it was just too funny to watch. The huge balloons in YMCA were great, but the performance was just f*cking awesome. With the rotating stage and the performers getting microphones (Hayato = pure energy - such a sunshine 😄 and Reo = little brat teasing Mandy as always). I think I talked already enough about Evergreen but in short I really love their group hug at the end of the song … just sooooooooo cute. Next was written by Ryuto and it’s also on my playlist of songs I have listen in the morning to survive the day 😄 It’s an incredible great song and I totally love the MV (It’s kinda the Making Off of Sora while they were in the US - the MV is sooooo adorable … Yuta and the alien 😄 ) During Speedster the opening was AGEHA. This time it was the ending of Mad Cyclone. I love how the taught the song during Gene High School TV and it’s soooo easy to learn. You just have to dance to this song when you hear it. It’s an amazing, catchy song and I’m already excited which song they are going to choose as opening song for United Journey (since they announced United Journey as a song on the next single I would go with this one but we will see).
Sooo as conclusion … I really can’t give a proper answer. Both Lives are amazing in their own way. It also depends a lot on my mood but let’s say 70% of the time I prefer Speedster because of the setlist, but when it comes to the stage I would 100% say Mad Cyclone. It’s completely my opinion but I prefer Speedster when it comes to cuteness (don’t ask why) and Mad Cyclone for all the uptempo songs (never been jumping around so much). The more often I watch Mad Cyclone the more I love it. So maybe if you ask me again in six months then my opinion might have changed.
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imaginefireemblem · 6 years
could I get stages of love with hayato (fates)?? ;;v;; canon pls, I know dragon classes aren't rlly in fates, but I can only rlly see myself being a manakete or something. I'm kind of shy but I try to be positive and helpful when I can, I don't like feeling like a burden. I have separation anxiety, but I'm happy just being near people I love. I love to sing, and I'm kinda easily excitable. Feel free to ignore mine if it's not good/too difficult or anything!
first meeting: “are you using those?”
you turned to your side, and there stood a Diviner, a finger on his chin, his eyebrows furrowed at the herbs you had gathered. once he saw that you were staring, however, he quickly broke his focus, a rosy hue on his cheeks and a jump in surprise.
“i-it’s for a medicine I’m making, and you have exactly what I need!” 
you didn’t ask, but he seemed desperate to tell you. you were planning on using these herbs for a concoction of your own, but seeing as the young Diviner also needed these, you didn’t see the point in not letting him have any. so, with a grin wide on your face and the nod of your head, you slid the herbs to him.
“wait, are you serious? all of them?” sure, why not? “that’s… oddly generous for a stranger. but thanks, I appreciate it.” 
well, on the contrary, he wasn’t really a stranger. as a Manakete, you were a great addition to Lady Corrin’s army. you had only joined a week ago, yet you had seen this boy around camp every now and then. this was now your first meeting. 
taking the herbs and placing them into a pouch, the Diviner nodded toward you. “I’ll repay you for this, don’t worry. time is of the essence, and these herbs are really hard to find… I don’t even know how you got access to these but I guess that’s none of my business.” he looked at the pouch and grinned, then turned toward you. “by the way, my name is Hayato. guess we’re not strangers anymore.”
first date: and strangers you were not! it didn’t take long for you and Hayato to become close. as a Manakete, Hayato was deeply interested in your roots and stories. he had only ever lived in the Wind Tribe – knowing someone who had traveled across the globe, met dozens of people, and experienced several life-threatening situations was incredible! though he had a crush on you from the beginning, Hayato had trouble formally asking you on a date. so, informally asking you would have to work.
“hey, I, uh– I need to go to a nearby brook for a specific mineral… do– er, would you like to come with?”
for as confident as he always appeared, asking you to simply walk by a brook was a difficult task. nonetheless, you obliged. 
Hayato was oddly quiet as you traversed the running water. when you inquired what was on his mind, he quickly became defensive.
“gods, n-nothing!” he got quiet. he heaved in a breath. and then: “actually… [Name], I think you’re incredible. you’ve been all around the world, you’ve seen things I can’t even imagine! you’re kind and you don’t scold me when I let my behavior get ahead of myself. I wanted this to be a date, but,” he gritted his teeth, “I couldn’t even ask you to do that.”
grinning, you knew exactly what to do. you took his hand in your own.
“I-I! a-ah, [Name]...!!” obviously he wasn’t expecting that. but in a few seconds (and after his blush cooled down), Hayato loosened up and laced his fingers with your own. “…thanks, [Name]. you always know what to do. just… please ignore how sweaty my hands are, okay?”
first kiss: it happened on the same day as the date. once you had returned to camp, Hayato once again fell silent. finally, you felt him squeeze your hand. you looked at him, and before you could do much else, Hayato cupped your cheek with his free hand and lightly pecked your lips. it was short and sweet – much like himself.
but as quick as it happened, Hayato released your hand and escorted himself back to his studies. but wait, that couldn’t be it, could it?! you called out to him, asking him to wait.
“yeah, what is it?”
you grabbed him by his arm, pulling the Diviner into a longer, deeper kiss. nothing dirty, nothing sloppy, just a longer version of the first kiss. you could feel yourself grinning in the kiss, and as Hayato reached to pull you closer to him, you could feel him smile too.
first time meeting the parents: Hayato was a wreck. he was panicking over what to do and how to act – he wasn’t just meeting your parents, but centuries-old Manaketes as well! how could he, a mere human, impress them?! even though you tried to console him, that your parents were like any other, Hayato didn’t seem to listen. he consulted Fuga on what to do and say, how to act and be polite, and most of all – how to not offend them. how does one even interact with dragons?
despite his best efforts, Hayato was unprepared to meet your parents. he was shaking and stammering, palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms were heavy. he made a decent impression, but he could have done better had he bore more confidence in himself. perhaps next time, Hayato!
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