#I can listen to his clarity album on repeat for literal hours
dedmowcinco · 3 years
I will never get tired of Zedd’s music, I swear.
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kyotohub-ktv · 5 years
金貨 | The Idol Watch
A few months prior...
Tozai, Some time around 9PM
Laughter filled the room, mixed with the unmistakable sound of glasses noisily clinking against the bar top. Mr.Inoue sauntered to the door to click off the neon sign that read ‘open’. The manager shook his head as he turned to make his way back, a smirk spreading across his stubbled face as he eyeballed Okita rummaging through Tozai’s liquor selection.
“I could have sworn we got all the rats out of this place.” Kenji said jokingly as he slid behind the bar, ominously towering over the teenage boy. “Ah, I think you missed a big one.” Okita teased with a conniving smirk, pointing at Mr.Inoue, causing the older male’s eyebrow to twitch. Mr.Inoue folded his arms as he replied to the mischievous blonde. “Normally I’d wring your collar for that, but since we’re celebrating… I’ll let it go, now move your ass.” Okita chuckled again, bolting his way to his beside his band-mates.
Except for one...
“Speaking of celebrating… where the hell is Shino?” Nami questioned the group as she glanced at the time on her cellphone. “Hmm…” Wataru held his chin in thought before he spoke. “He’s probably on his way with Gin or something.” As they pondered their frontman’s whereabouts, the chime of entry bells caught their attention.
“Speak of the devil.” Okita exclaimed as Gin and Satsu strode inside.
“Yes. Evil incarnate himself has arrived. You rang?” Gin said sarcastically as the pair headed for a seat at the bar. “Ah, Yes... On your journey from hell, did you happen to see Shino anywhere?”
“You mean he’s not here?!” Satsu exclaimed with utter disappointment.
The threesome shook their heads before Wataru replied. “We thought he’d be coming with you guys.”
“He might be on his way with-...” Gin paused as Satsu already retrieved his cellphone, quickly sliding his fingers across the screen before pressing the device to his ear.
“Oi… Satsu!”
All eyes watched as the phone continued to ring.
“It went to voicemail…”
“What the hell? We can’t celebrate the recording wrap without him!” Nami said as she twisted her face into a pout.
“Nonsense!” Mr.Inoue shouted as he blindly began pouring a liquor concoxion into a shaker. “He’s just going to have to catch up when he finally decides to show up.”
Shino swiftly uncapped a bottle of water, nearly chugging the entire thing in a single sip as he sat hunched over in the recording studio. He gasped for air as he swiped his arm across his mouth and adjusted his headphones. His finger ridgedly made its way to the audio play button, pressing the key as he bit his lip with focus and determination.
You’re an ocean’s tide.
You crashed into me like a storm.
Beautiful ocean’s tide.
You left me like the summertime.
You drifted away after fooling my trust, leaving without saying goodbye.
So far away that I could never see you again.
Shino pinched the bridge of his nose as his digit slammed on the control panel, ceasing the audio from assaulting his ears again. During the past several hours he’d probably heard those lyrics tugging at his conscious over a hundred times by now.
“I must be fucking crazy...” The frustrated boy cursed out loud to himself as he peered over at his notebook that rested on the wooden stool beside him. His bloodshot eyes scanned the writing on the page as his knee began to bounce restlessly.
SNOW’s self-titled album was finally complete, after nearly a year of literal blood, sweat, and tears. Yet here he was, torturing himself over his own fucking self consciousness. On the night of the wrap party on top of that. The song was meant to be a release of his deepest thoughts into the universe, a call out to a faceless memory. A melody made for the listeners own determination.
That was until that distant memory burst to the forefront and his life stopped making sense.
The vocalist pulled the headset to rest around his neck as he pulled the notebook to his lap and clenched his pencil in his grasp. The page had become tarnished; scribbles and markings tainting his beloved lyrics while his poetic prowess continued to dwindle by the minute. As his gaze scrutinized the words he’d written, he sighed into the air.
You came to my side silently.
You didn’t need my permission.
You approached me unprepared
And sang with such a beautiful voice.
I thought this was special and I dedicated myself to you, believed in you.
When I opened my eyes after giving away all my trust,
You had washed away into the ocean like the sand.
 You’re an ocean’s tide.
You crashed into me like a storm.
Beautiful ocean’s tide.
You left me like the summertime.
You drifted away after fooling my trust, leaving without saying goodbye.
Far away so that I could never see you again.
I couldn’t see ahead because of my tears and grew tired from missing you.
My heart had dried up like a fish out of water,
I was so broken and I shut everyone out.
The world’s most beautiful lie is forever.
The world’s most beautiful promise is also forever.
You’re an ocean’s tide.
You crashed into me like a storm.
Beautiful ocean’s tide.
You left me like the summertime.
You’re an ocean’s tide.
It’s okay that it wasn’t forever.
Beautiful ocean’s tide.
I know I’ll be okay after you drifted away.
You crashed into me and showed me I could live, 
even though you left me behind, leaving tears.
You’re an ocean’s tide
Beautiful ocean’s tide
Beautiful ocean’s tide
His heart wrenched as he finished his countless examination of those damn lyrics. Ocean’s Tide was undoubtedly his most cherished song on the album, if not his favorite work to date. Unfortunately, there was no way in hell he could bring himself to bare his truth now that Daichi was reintroduced into his life, albeit being clear now that Daichi had no idea who he was, or worse, didn’t care. 
Another frustrated sound pushed through clenched teeth as his conflicting thoughts tore at each other, twisting the vice that pressed at his temples even tighter. Should I just leave the lyrics after all? Would Daichi even hear the song?
What if he knew the song was about him?
Shino’s stomach did violent somersaults at the mere possibility, causing him to clutch the fabric of his t-shirt. His body’s reaction was all he needed to make his final determination.
He needed to do something about this damn song tonight, even if it means the whole band would rip him a new one.
...とんとん (tap)
...とんとん (tap)
He tapped his pencil anxiously against the surface of his notebook, the sound and speed mimicking the likeness of his beating heart.
“If I my damn heart wasn’t fluttering so much, maybe I could make some progress....” Shino spoke out freely as he usually did when he was alone. Suddenly, his rapid pencil jittering came to a halt.
“Fluttering….” The boy repeated in a hushed whisper, the word lingering like a bait and hook. Gradually, his hand began to move, scrawling down the word in all its variations. Kanji, Hiragana, English, the whole page began to resemble a nonsensical makeshift dictionary, nostalgic of his journals from his childhood.
He whispered to no one but himself as he lifted his pencil from the written Kanji.
“You’re a butterfly…” Shino sang in a gentle vocal, the words still not quite sitting right.
“Close... But-... How can I-...” He stopped himself before diving back into his notebook.
♪ “She’s a butterfly...” ♪
And the lyricist within the frantic boy began to arise from the depths of despair as he flipped the page. It’s blankness was inspiration, much like his thoughts gaining clarity.
Within the next 10 minutes, Shino had the newly branded song on paper. Now all he had to do was record the vocals, and if he were lucky, no change in the instrumentals necessary.
A few hours later…
Tozai, Possibly Midnight.
Shino had made a quick stop by the apartment to change his sweat-stained t-shirt before he finally made it to Tozai.
“I bet everyone’s pissed…” He thought as he cautiously pushed the door of the dive bar open, preparing himself for a verbal attack from his friends and bandmates.
“SHINO!” A collection of voices called out amidst the door chime from the crowd consisting of his little Yoba family.
“Well, well, well.. Look who finally decided to show up!” A plastered Mr.Inoue teased as he raised his glass in the guy’s direction.
Shino self consciously rubbed at the back of his head as his bandmates came barreling over. “Shinoooo~ We thought y-you *hic* freakin’ d-*hic* died or something!” Nami slurred, her face brimming with a drunken smirk.
“Yeah, Shi-.. We were pretty worried!” Okita laughed between his words as he slung his arm around the tall boy’s shoulders. A much awaited sense of relief washed over him seeing that his bandmates had certainly gotten far too drunk to be that upset.
“So where were you, big guy?” Wataru was the first to question as he lazily tossed his arm around Shino’s other shoulder.
“It’s… a long story.... Maybe I’ll fill you guys in after I catch up.”
His grip on the microphone loosened and his hand collapsed at his side as the song came to its graceful end. Wataru’s final piano notes echoed throughout the stage as the spotlights dimmed on their cue, sending the lightly panting Shino into darkness. For that brief second, he could finally allow himself to think before the eruption of applause broke out across the audience.
Like a raindrop splashing atop his cheek on the hottest day of a Seikyo summer, a feeling of regret suddenly came pouring out down.
What if I had the nerve to keep the lyr-... 
Like a roll of thunder, Shino’s band-mates had made their way from behind their instruments in a matter of seconds to join him at the center stage. Being as energetic as ever, the group came crashing against him, bumping their fists and shoulders with their infectious carefreeness that put him at ease for the moment. While the singer softly smiled at the group, he felt a purposeful nudge from Nami, her head gesturing towards the direction of applause. Hesitantly, the guy snapped to attention and poked his head towards the microphone. As the storm in his consciousness prepared to surge, he managed to get out a few words of gratitude.
“Thank you everyone, from the bottom of our hearts…”
Another swell of acclamations graced the group following Shino’s statement before they gave their final bows and headed from the stage. The sound of Kenta K and Mitsuri’s praises and bantering faded into a muffled echo as they dashed behind a curtain for a few seconds to recuperate.
“Ho-..ly-... SHIT! Shino, that was amazing!” Nami congratulated as she pulled the silently tormented boy in all directions, followed by Okita’s turn to partake in the game of Shino tug-o-war. Shino put on his best face as usual, wrapping his arms around the rambunctious pair’s shoulders in a brotherly fashion before he nodded at the quiet Wataru to get his ass over there.
“It wouldn’t have been much without you guys…”
Wataru shook his head as he bumped his fist against the vocalist’s chest. “You’re damn right, I think we all kicked some ass out there.”
The guy was right. The performance couldn’t have gone better, yet the rain clouds that brimmed with hesitations and regret was still steadily approaching. After all the trouble he’d put himself through on that sleepless night in the studio, not to mention the days he agonized before going through with his decision to ease his conscience.
As his performance soared from one crescendo to the next, not a second went by that he wasn’t picturing the boy he’d met on the beach. The one that still remained somewhere hidden in the notes that poured from the deepest places of his heart. The little Daichi that could possibly still remain in that scowling boy that probably glared at him from the gallery.
Would he still look at me like that if I-..
“Now it’s time to see what WISH is all about…” Nami interrupted his thoughts in a curious voice, peeking her head to attempt to get a view beyond the curtain. Just then, the small clip-board holding woman from earlier appeared; this time with a smile across her face. “Y-you guys were pretty great..” Quickly, she cleared her throat, shedding away her fan-girl moment to remain professional.
“Alright, follow me to the gallery. The next performance begins in 5.”
Shino sucked in a tepid breath through his nose to brace himself for what he’d have to deal with next. The vocalist made long and slow strides behind his band-mates as they made their way to the viewing gallery adjacent to the stage. His heartbeat began to throb in erratic rhythms as he perched himself at one of the four bar stools. Already, Okita and Wataru were making their idle comments of observation as they anticipated WISH’s performance.
“Look at all that equipment Kagayama has in front of him!” Okita blurted out as he tapped his hand against the quiet Shino.
“He’s gunna be using all of that?” Wataru questioned in response to Okita’s statement.
Shino couldn’t bare bringing himself to look up; even the sound of his name made his fingers twitch. With his averted gaze, he noticed a pair of shoes approach him as he suddenly felt a plushness hit his cheek.
“You were really amazing, Shino.” Satsu enthused as he applied a few touch-ups to his anemic complexion.
He managed to chuckle, glancing up as he timidly replied. “If I get anymore flattery, I think I’ll drop dead…”
The tall makeup artist shook his head, laughing as he retrieved a small comb from the styling bag at his hip. “Well, in that case, you were total shit.”
“Thanks, Satsu, that really helps too.” The boy said sarcastically just before a voice called out in the distance.
“A minute to live!”
As Satsu shifted to continue his touch ups down the line, Shino got the perfect view of center stage. Reminiscent to them a few moments earlier, WISH huddled together with their arms interlocked.
He swore he’d rather do their whole performance again in nothing but his boxers than sit through this performance. It was certainly not that he didn’t enjoy WISH’s music, but rather for the sake of maintaining his fleeting composure.
About a month before WISH had officially been signed to MUSE’s label was when Shino first heard of their existence. During one of Mr.Inoue’s drunken ramblings, he’d blurted out that MUSE was interested in a five member group and were most likely going to sign them. Shino simply shrugged before the guy heeded him with a warning. 
“Now-.. People are ‘gunna t-talk*hic*.. There’s a lotta people out t-there that’re ‘gunna compare you guysh-... Probably pit you kids a-against*hic* each other..”
His slurred forewarning was a complete mess, but he got the gist. Shino never didn’t care for what the media said, or negative comments from uneducated assumptions. The only way he’d accept the term “rival” is if they’d personally gave him a reason to.
Competition? Maybe. 
There wasn’t a damn thing Shino could criticize even if he wanted to. WISH’s music instilled a sense of wonder and possibility that he felt not many artists could produce these days. The uniqueness of their theme, the raw and authentic sound of the vocals; and most especially the lively instrumentals. Shino savored the mystery behind WISH until the very day he’d seen them in the auditorium.
Somehow it all made sense after the fact㇐ He wondered how he didn’t realize it was Daichi in the first place, even though he knew that would’ve been impossible.
“Alright! We’re going live in 10…”
Like a pulse, the producer began the countdown, accelerating Shino’s pounding chest into overdrive.
His hazel eyes anxiously lifted to the stage, watching each member charging to their mark with adrenaline obviously pumping through their veins.
Shino stole the chance to fixate his gaze as Daichi slid behind the mixing board, noting his electric violin resting within arms reach.
The blonde’s posture was relaxed and ready, his fingers moving with purpose as he pressed his headset firmly against his ear.
“And now! Introducing our next performance!” Kenta K announced with his enthusiastic voice.
Mitsuri followed her co-host, her voice leading with anticipation.
“Please welcome..”
The pair spoke in unison as they gestured towards the group, as if eyes weren’t already glued to the stage.
The audience came to a silence as an ambient melody took reign over the room, setting the tone for the performance. The strum of Inari’s guitar oscillated between Kirra’s bass tones that penetrated the chests of its listeners. Each other worldly sound lingered with Ryu’s echoing back vocals for what seemed like an eternity before fading into a pause that left the room lock and loaded with anticipation.
Inari’s opening riff kicked the song off into it’s lively core. The synthesized beat from Mina’s drum pad picked up the momentum, the electric percussion tapping in intricate patterns that Shino couldn’t help but tap his feet to. Ryu’s energetic movements commanded the stage as he marched from one side to the next, wrangling the attention of everyone in the room as their eyes follow his every step. His excitement was so infectious it made Shino wonder if he could have that kind of stage presence. Kirra’s bass became the backbone, caressing every note as her body swayed in time with her lithe fingertips.
Then there was-…
Shino’s body reacted instinctively as he leered forward in his chair, his silver eyes lidded as he watched Daichi confidently grasp his idle violin. It was like watching the end of eclipse when the blonde rested the instrument under his chin. The lights dimmed to an ambient blue against the blackness of the audience, swirling orbs of white cascaded around the stage like shooting stars. An aura fell over the entire room when the bow struck the strings like when the sun meets the horizon㇐ even SNOW could feel it.
The cold-eyed boy that Shino had become acquainted with had melted away like his emotions had been resting dormantly until he had music flowing from his fingertips. Suddenly, he felt the radiating heat in his chest flourish up his neck and settling on his face with every fiery tone.
He noticed the way his back arched into every mastered movement of his bow. How his stance shifted each time he tossed his head back when breezing through the vigorous chord progressions. It was obvious he was born to be there. The passion that exuded from the blonde when he owned the stage left Shino’s heart edging for more.
It was incredible how just watching the guy on stage had made him lose all inhibitions as he couldn’t take his eyes off the blonde for a second. Whether he was flipping his stage pedals, adjusting something at the mixing board, or simply brushing the hair from his face. The guy was utterly mesmerizing just fucking standing there.
The contrast between the person he saw on stage and the boy that scowled his way through the halls of KPA was bittersweet, yet his fascinating was steadily piquing.
What kind of person is he now… His thoughts began to roam again as the chorus of the song took over. Shino knew the only way to find out… was to actually try and talk to him. Even still, just the idea of that made his throat run dry.
As the song came to it’s climax, Ryu sauntered off to the side of the stage, leaving his echoing vocals in his wake. All eyes in the room where now on Daichi, and the guy knew it by the way his confidence planted his feet firmly at center stage. His fingers moved so effortlessly across the strings, sending the song to new heights as the solo captivated those lucky enough to hear it.
He’s… Shino thought as a shiver ran its way up his spine, sending the hairs at his neck to stand on end.
The boy’s lips parted just enough to sigh with a whisper.
It was obvious that the entire room was left energized by the electric solo by the cataclysm of applause that radiated from the audience in the aftermath. It took just about all Shino had to keep from cheering himself, causing him to realize he’d been gripping the edges of his seat nearly the entire performance. As the song started coming to its vibrant close, the vocalist began gaining back some of his self awareness. Finally, he took his eyes from the stage, glancing over at his band-mates. Luckily for him, they seemed to be just as preoccupied with the performance to notice he’d might as well of been drooling the whole time. With the final strum of Inari’s guitar, the uproarious screams and chanting had already begun as WISH had certainly left their mark on that stage. 
Shino finally loosened his fists, now feeling that previous sense of nervousness prickling at his fidgeting fingertips. His eyes began to roam frivolously, only making passing glances over the members of WISH as they came together at the front of the stage.
Kenta K’s voice rang out, quelling the applause as he attempted to speak over their cries.
“Oh.. My… God!” He said in his enthusiastic voice. Even for his TV personality, it was obvious he was impressed.
Mitsuri followed suit, clapping her hands together in a way that would rival an american cheerleader.
“Woooow~ What a performance, Am I right!?” The woman rallied the audience once again before she turned to give the members their chance to speak.
As Ryu breathlessly spoke into the microphone, Shino felt a tap on his shoulder. Startled, the guy spun his head around to see the rest of SNOW beckoning him from the gallery as they were led backstage.
“Come on, Shi!” Okita mouthed as he gestured him to follow. As Shino quickly lifted from his chair, he couldn’t help but take one last glance at the stage.
I gotta say something to him…
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starf · 8 years
StarF’s Top Ten Albums of 2016!
Whatever, I always have fun putting this list together! 2016 was tough! There were a ton of amazing albums released last year and sorting it out was really hard. What was actually even more difficult though was coming to the realization that my top three this year were so unbelievably good that they all completely overshadowed everything else. Seriously. I love all the albums on this list, and there were a ton of other great releases, but the amount of time I spent on the top three albums here far and away took up most of my listening time in 2016.
The last year was also, unfortunately, not a super strong year for hip hop music - at least for me. There were some great releases that definitely were contenders for the list but at the end of the day they didn’t make it. So I’d like to give a quick honorable mention to the following albums: More Than Ever by Sims, Cut The Body Loose by Astronautalis, and Floss by Injury Reserve.
10. Microwave - Much Love
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Sitting at number ten is an album that took me completely by surprise! I had never heard of this band before purchasing this album. I simply bought it on a whim because it was coming out via SideOneDummy Records, and I trust them to put out good music! It turns out my blind purchase was rewarded with one of my favorite things I heard last year!
Microwave reminds me of a more alternative version of PUP in some ways, blending aggression and self-deprecating lyrics with catchy melodies and incredibly well composed music. The entire thing ebbs and flows very naturally and is simply a joy to listen to. Plus the song Lighterless may be one of the best songs I’ve ever heard.
9. Chris Farren - Can’t Die
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Well would you look at that, another perfect record from Chris Farren! For as much as I love Chris and his music this record didn’t immediately grab me in the way that I figured it would, but over time it’s been growing more and more on me. This isn’t to say that I didn’t like it when I first heard it, but it definitely took a little bit of time to solidify as the wonderful piece of art that it is in my mind.
Seriously though if you want to hear some light-hearted power pop songs that are incredibly enjoyable look no further than this record! Chris also has managed to write the most honest love song ever written on this record with the track Flowers.
8. Marc With A C - Unicorns Get More Bacon
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A true mainstay of my top ten lists, Marc With A C is back again with yet another wonderful record. This time around there some sense of balance between the crowd-pleasing efforts of Popular Music and introspection of Exactly Where I Am. The new record, Unicorns Get More Bacon, blends these two perspectives into a product that is fun, thought-provoking, and often very self-aware in the most entertaining of ways.
Whether questioning the state of the future in tracks such as Where’s My Giant Robot? or breaking down the fourth wall in I Hate This Song, this record will not let you down if you’re looking for an entertaining listen that you can sing along with.
7. Get Dead - Honesty Lives Elsewhere
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This is another band that was completely new to me in 2016! I discovered them while reading New Noise and decided to check out their new album only to be completely blown away by it. Honesty Lives Elsewhere certainly delivers on its mission statement to simply say something plain and simple, to the point. Mired in a world of contradictions, fluff, and flat-out lies Get Dead works to find something a little more real on this record.
This is honestly a very refreshing punk record to come out recently and I’m stoked to see where these guys go from here. They also provided one of the most standout lines of the year for me in the song She’s A Problem with the lyric “you’re home alone, she’s in the back of a car // using her mouth like an ATM card.”
6. The Nighty Nite - Until The Horror Goes
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Have you ever heard an album that actually terrified you? Because if you haven’t you may not be prepared for the ride you’re in for with the new album from The Nighty Nite. Born out of the ashes of the pAper chAse, John Congleton’s new band picks up where the last left off and manages to be just as disturbing as ever.
Seriously from the very moment that you start this album it just goes, and it doesn’t stop. The true surprise from this album is that it appears to be the long lost sequel to the final release from the pAper chAse, Someday This Could All Be Yours, Part One. Finally getting clarity after all these years was incredibly satisfying, even if this album totally creeps me out. I don’t think I’ll ever be more uncomfortable listening to music than I am when I hear the song Just Lay Still. Don’t get me wrong though, this album is a fantastic listen and a true piece of art.
5. Lemon Demon - Spirit Phone
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When I heard that there was finally a new Lemon Demon album coming out I couldn’t contain my excitement. Then when it actually did come out I think I continued screaming in joy for another month or so. Lemon Demon has always made such a unique variety of pop music that plays to every one of my sensibilities. The quirkiness, the bizarre humor, the subtle dark undertones, everything about it is fun in the most ridiculously infectious way.
Lemon Demon has always had a way of transitioning seamlessly between making a serious point and a ridiculous joke, and that is no different on Spirit Phone. Going from a song like As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It to I Earn My Life should cause major emotional whiplash but Neil does it in a way that not only feels logical, but natural. The album also explores topics and stories that no other music has touched, such as an arcade cabinets that are actually sentient, a man made of clouds looking for love, among other things. It also contains what may be the most insanely catchy song of the year with Touch-Tone Telephone.
4. Direct Hit! - Wasted Mind
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In late 2015 I was turned onto the band Direct Hit! with their album Brainless God, which was a really cool record that was only enhanced by the fact that there were music videos detailing an entire narrative story running through the album. When I heard that they were releasing a new concept album I was already on board, and boy did Wasted Mind deliver. This time around instead of being a narrative the concept is simply that this entire record is about drug use.
Now I’ve heard a lot of songs and even records that revolve around drugs in various ways, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything come close to being as good as this one is. Examining all sides, from parties to drugs created in government labs to rehab to strained relationships and more, Wasted Mind wraps everything up inside masterfully crafted pop punk. Whether it’s the in-your-face delivery of Paid In Brains or the singalong infectious hook of Hospital For Heroes, this album is gonna grab your attention and keep it.
3. PUP - The Dream Is Over
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Oh boy here we go, the top three. These are the three albums that completely overshadowed everything for me in 2016 and to be honest these are all my number one pick. Don’t be fooled, these top three are all just as good as each other and I’m only ranking them out of necessity.
The Dream Is Over is an incredibly impressive album that somehow not only met my expectations but exceeded them. After I fell absolutely in love with PUP’s self-titled release I had no idea how they would match it, let alone top it. And yet here we are with The Dream Is Over, an album that had me screaming along with it mere hours after it had released. I probably had this album alone on repeat for two straight weeks after it released.
PUP is the ultimate in blending aggression with pop sensibilities, forging a record that is both angry and fun. Something that is both down-to-earth and outrageous. Whether they’re literally tearing each other apart on a track like If This Tour Doesn’t Kill You, I Will, or lamenting the reality of life as a twenty-something fuckup in Can’t Win, the constant here is that every song is as engaging as it is well-executed. For an incredibly high-energy record that begs you to join in look no further. And if you want to see some of the best music videos ever created, check out literally every one by PUP.
2. Aesop Rock - The Impossible Kid
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Here you have it: The only hip hop album that 2016 needed. And like I said that’s not to say that there wasn’t some excellent hip hop that came out last year, but literally none of it comes even close to touching the masterpiece that is The Impossible Kid. Aesop Rock has always put out tough records. His style isn’t necessarily for everybody, and even I took a long time to really dig into his discography. But something about this album specifically grabbed me immediately, and then continued to drill into my head all year.
I feel like this is really the album that Aes has been working towards creating ever since the unfortunate passing of his friend Camu Tao. It’s always been talked about in his music ever since, but this album seems to be the ultimate reflection on what it’s really put Aes through. A 48 minute therapy session with the world that even takes a moment to step back and examine itself on a song like Shrunk, or even briefly in Kirby where his therapist advises him to get a kitten.
The Impossible Kid is an impressive album by any measure, and easily the best hip hop album to come out of 2016. On first listen the songs are punchy enough to get your attention, but on subsequent listens there is so much to dig into and decipher. Just getting to the bottom of what’s going on in the opening track Mystery Fish took me at least a week, and I’m still noticing new things all the time!
1. Jeff Rosenstock - WORRY.
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Is it any wonder that this was going to be at my number one spot? I SWEAR IT’S NOT EVEN DUE TO BIAS, I genuinely believe that this belongs here (alongside PUP and Aesop Rock because like I said these are technically all tied). I’ll never understand what magic Jeff Rosenstock uses to somehow make literally every record even better than the last. You’d think that at a certain point one of them would have to fall flat, and yet here we are. Jeff’s millionth billionth album and still something to marvel at.
Perhaps it just has to do with the climate of the world in which the album came out in. While Jeff generally sticks to music that is quite introspective and often self-deprecating (Which was essentially the entirety of the album We Cool?) he takes more of an outward look approach to WORRY., which examines not only the self but the world that self occupies. WORRY. is just as much about worrying that you’re not doing the right thing as it is about worrying about what the world around you is doing, which is exactly where most fans of this record are probably standing right now considering the political standings of the US.
This album is the rallying cry of a generation afraid that the world is going to fall apart. It is the nostalgia for a simpler time, the struggle to find footing in an increasingly troublesome world, and a call to action. It’s realizing that maybe we don’t need to try to be perfect, because hey, perfection doesn’t exist.
(You can also download WORRY. for free here!)
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