#I can only catch them if I reread via mobile o.o;;;
athyrabunlord · 7 years
Have you ever considered getting a proof-reader? Not to offend you or anything (I LOVE your works) just that there are occasionally some small grammar mistakes which could be avoided!
Oh I’m not offended at all Anon XD;;; I know my writing has a bunch of typos/grammar stuff that could’ve been avoided if I’m not blind and I had a beta - I’ve actually long considered getting a beta for multi-chapter & longer writing such as oneshots. During my rereads, I cringe at those horrid typos :’D
The issue is, I have only ever worked with @ghikij in the past (which is why my past writings were relatively more refined lmfao), so getting a new beta would take… time to get used to, though I understand the necessity.
Therefore, in conclusion, for any future proper writing (ie. LLSHP AU ch14), when it is completed,I will be asking for beta candidates (I’ll write a proper post about it at that time) and we’ll go from there.
For stuff like impulsive blips though, such as the Prompt List Bliplets I’ll be posting, I’d like to just post them and get them out of my system ヾ(・|
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