#I can only imagine his pain thougg
another-identityofmine · 10 months
•••••I just don’t know, hun•••••
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Author’s note: This was inspired by Elvis’ beautiful and wholesome masterpiece, “Mama Liked The Roses.” I hope that this will not be the Christmas piece for me. It’s kinda depressing, not gonna lie.
Author won’t shut up: I feel that this is kinda went on during the first Christmas without Gladys, but just inserting reader.
warnings: grieving, crying, quietness, just sad
Everything was so silent. An uncomfortable emptiness, in every aspect of the Graceland home. Vernon tucked up and away upstairs in his bedroom above where you seat. Where you and Elvis lay, on the big couches of the living, neither of you can help the memories that flood into your minds.
That warm smile that could fix no matter what type of bad day.
The aroma that filled the entire house, trailing into the kitchen where baked goods and foods were kept and made, that would make any man’s tummy rumble for more. Even after having a feast.
Your attention is back on Elvis, who seems so still and lifeless almost on your lap. His dark black curls that slick and lay against your skirt, as his cheek nuzzles against your thigh. The rest of his long body is limp on the couch, not knowing how to feel.
Neither anyone bothered to decorate. With the maids and housekeepers gone and up, it was empty and dark. Dust collecting on desks and furniture, the whole home that used to be warm and bright. Was now dark and gray.
“Are you hungry, hunny?” You spoke up in a soft whisper, gently petting his head of dark-raven hair. He can only hum out a sound, shrugging slightly against you.
“Mama liked the roses. She grew them in the yard. And winter always came around…and made the growing way too hard.” He then out of the blue, spoke nothing above a whisper. He wraps his arms around your thighs and you feel hot tears poor down his cheeks.
“It’s not Christmas without her. What are we gonna do without her? W-what am I gonna do, pillow?” He cried softly into your lap, dampening your skirt, and you frowned at the poor, tired soul before you. Your heart would’ve fluttered at the pet name he called you since highschool, but it just didn’t seem right to have flushed cheeks at this moment. Will it ever?
You gently cupped his cheeks and brought up his chin, you looked at the broken man that held onto you like you’d disappear if you didn’t. Those blue eyes were now cloudy and gray, filled with raw heartache and depression.
what are we going to do?
Your mind couldn’t help think, as your eyes continued to trail down his trembling features. His quivering lip couldn’t stop wobbling, even as you bent down to pepper comforting kisses against his face. He then hugged you so tightly to his chest, sniffling and burying his face into your neck. Burning tears ran down his chilled cheeks and onto your skin. You can only sigh, and pet the back of his head. Only able to support him on such a level, knowing only a dollar on how much his mama meant to his dear soul.
“I just don’t know, hun.” You say gently, and you hated to admit it. You honestly didn’t know what you’d do. Neither of you doubted things would get back to how they were before, you both doubted that you’d ever truly be happy or really get over her passing.
Would Elvis ever be the Elvis that you knew? Would Vernon continue to have this quiet, chill energy? Would Graceland always be cold and dark…
I just don’t know, hun…I just don’t know. You think you to yourself as your ears continue to hear the small sniffles and cries that Elvis owns.
You can only hope that things turn out better in the future. That maybe, just maybe, you’ll both find a way to be happy again. If the heavens above shine some ray of sunshine, some way, some how into this black, sorrowful cloud.
Just maybe.
Author’s note: I really don’t know what’s going on with me… I’ll try, but cannot promise, that I’ll make a happier snippet for the holidays. Mwah, love you all
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