#I can’t in good conscience rec Simone’s bg run bc I haven’t read it myself so once again MAJOR DISCLAIMER there
dyketectivecomics · 5 months
{{ Who is Alysia Yeoh? 8O Sure I could look it up, but I'd rather get your personal take on why she's exciting.
Zira I’m 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Okay, gonna give a tl;dr BRIEF OVERVIEW SNAPSHOT, with unfortunately not a lot of recs bc I have failed in actually reading in a significant capacity for her character 😭
Alysia was introduced as Babs’ roommate during Simone’s n52 Batgirl run (with which I’ve heard ymmv, have yet to read myself, tbh not looking forward to it, but it’s something that I’m determined to read for myself). From what I understand she’s set up as a civilian foil for Babs bc Alysia comes out to her as a trans woman (something something, superhero IDs are inherently queer something something). She’s shown up sporadically in bat-books since that time. Most notably in last year’s Pride issue iirc? (Nope looked it up, it was ‘22’s! I remember enjoying the story overall!) my first intro to her was actually in Bombshells (which is its own mixed bag, but was def formative for me Really Getting Into Comics & sticking with them) She was one of the bat-girls in it and just 😭😭😭💕💕💕 ahhh all of the batgirls were so CUTE THEIR LITTLE BASEBALL UNIFORMS GET ME!!!!
I’m very *marge potato meme* think she’s neat! & with most of the things I have seen with her, she’s very much written like most civilian friends to the batfam, which is nice in that she’s not like. Treated badly (FROM WHAT IVE READ, DONT @ ME OR SPOIL ME YALL IF SHE HAS BAD MOMENTS. LEMME READ IT FOR MYSELF) by being associated with the bats. It v much also depends on the writer obvsly, but I always appreciate when civilian characters just like… Friend Figures & give our heroes that sense of normalcy to balance out the Usual Hero Insanity.
We need more trans main characters in Gen too, but I appreciate her as one of those stepping stones in rep. God knows we didn’t have much in the way of trans characters even just 10-15yrs ago and it’s like… seeing how many more pop up over time it’s just!!!!!!!!!!
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