#I can’t look at blu medic or scout the same way tbh
xfxiryfoul · 2 years
People after watching Emesis Blue seeing a blu scout and blu medic together in game like
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uber-den-pyromanen · 4 years
Sniper X Reader Ch. 10
TBH don’t remember what’s happened up until this point and I’m afraid to ask.
    When I awoke I was missing a shirt. I shook my head, Mick could easy out smart a Spy if he wanted to. I stood and walked back to my room. I opened the door to see Miss Pauling. "This is my fault..." She was standing at my desk. "It has nothing to do with you. Honestly I think it's the enemy Spy trying to get under Sniper's skin." Miss Pauling turned to me, her face had tears on it. "Sweet heart..." I went to hug her, she pushed me away. "...It's ok, we're dealing with it." She hushed her sobs. "I want in." I smiled to her. "I'd go talk to Spy then." I walked to my bedside table and picked up a tissue box. "Here." I held it out to her, she quickly took one. "I refuse to watch another teammate die..." I looked at her puzzled. "Who died?" Her expression changed. "Doesn't matter... he's alive again... some how." Miss Pauling tossed the tissue into the trash, walked by me and out of the door, closing it behind her. I took this time to shower and change for today training. I walked into the common room to see a handful of our teammates. "Who died?" Medic looked from his chess game and with a crazed smile. "Sniper! My worlds greatest achievement!" I was confused. "So... Mick replaced..." I was cut off by Demo. "No... He died and was brought back by Medic... who killed him in the first place." I was very confused. "I didn't kill him, I was just their when he died." My shock and confusion must have been plastered to my face. "I should explain..." Medic stood. "The Blu team before this one's Sniper killed our sniper, I just happened to be working for them since their medic died." I was lost for words. "Of coarse this was the Administrator's idea, I was to sabotage them... Unfortunately Sniper died in the process... So I brought him back... He was only dead for a few hours..."
"I was gone for 12 hours!" I looked to Mick who was nonplussed about the conversation. "And you weren't their to sabotage them, you needed the money for organs!" I deadpanned. "What the fuck!?" I looked between Medic and Mick. "No way in hell I'm believing that Medic is Doctor Frankenstein." I walked away from the group and out side. I walked a few yards from the base and leaned against my car. "You hurt his feelings." I turned to Mick, he was lighting a cigarette. "It's impossible!" Mick chuckled. "That's what everyone thought till they saw me." I removed myself from my car. "I just..." Mick took his shirt off and flung it over my solders. "See these." I looked to the deep scars on his arms. "There's what Medic calls a 'y' incision on my chest and another nasty one where I got shot." I touched the scars on his arms. "I... I can't honestly believe it..." Mick shrugged to me. "Me neither. I'm why you can respawn." I shook my head and looked up to him, he was smiling a cocky grin. I sighed and smiled back. "This has to be the most weird thing that I've ever heard." Mick chuckled; "Try not to think about all the weird organs that Medic's stuck into while you were sleeping..." My eyes went wide. "What!?" Mick put his shirt back on and walked away.
    I suck my way into the training room. Everyone was working at their own thing. Most of them were running. Except Spy and Sniper they were sparing. I pulled my hair up and joined in on the running. I was able to keep pace with Solly. He didn't shout at me like he did the other day. He glanced to me, and went to speak. "I will protect you like I protect my Zhanna!" I looked to him; his jaw was clenched and his knuckles were white. Zhanna? Did this idiot have a woman to go home to? Solly began to speed up his pace. I was soon left running on my own. "Sharpshooter!" It was Spy. I stopped running and headed towards him. "Do you know hand to hand combat?" I looked to the boxing ring, Mick was sitting in the floor of it leaning against one of the poles. "I know enough to defend myself..." Spy let out a single 'Ha!' "That's what your Copain said." I furrowed my brow to what he said, the lack of speaking a foreign language back stabbing me. "Alright, lets see if you're the better fighter." I hopped into the ring and squared up to Spy. He took a sing at me and I threw my arms up in defense. "At least your fighting reflexes are better." Spy shot a glance to Mick, and I took the chance to knock him in the face. Spy gracefully grabbed my fist. "Although he may be better at offence." Spy released my fist and turned back to me. "I'm long distance..."
"Not anymore." Spy adjusted his suit and got into a fighting stance. "Right." I got myself into a fighting stance and began to spar with Spy. It was all over in a flash...
    ...I awoke in the infirmary. "What..." I heard someone throw back the curtain. "Spy accidentally knocked you out..." I looked at Mick, he had gotten all his bruises fixed up. "Don't worry I made sure Medic didn't add any more organs." Mick was teasing me. "Although I can if you want! I do have a few spare bamboo..." Mick cut him off by cursing at him; "Oi! Leave her alone you wanker!" Me and Medic laughed. "Oh! I did save something from when I brought you back!" I heard a fridge open. "Where did I put it..." Medic rummaged around in the fridge for a moment; "Ah! here it is!" I heard him close the door and start walking towards us. I looked to Mick kinda worried, he had his head in his hands. "Here!" Medic dropped something into my lap, I dared not look at it. "It's Sniper's old heart!" I put my hand over my mouth and tried not to barf. "No thanks, Medic... You keep it..." Medic picked up the mussel from my lap and walked back to his fridge. "Well it's always here if you want it." Mick handed me a bed pan, I pushed it away. "I'll take his heart, in a metaphoric manner..." I heard Mick shuffle in his seat, I turned to him. "...It's less weird that way." A blush dusted his face, and I reached up and grabbed his hat. "Oi!" His blush deepened, as I placed his hat onto my head. "Suits me doesn't it?" Medic let out a gagging sound. "What haven't ya ever been in love Doc?" Jeremy joined the party. Before he could inter the make shift room Mick grabbed his hat back. "The only love that I know ist mein work." Jeremy threw the curtain open. "I think it's discount organs and not work..." I smiled to Jeremy. "...Glad you're awake (Y/N)." I nodded and went to get out of bed. "Same, what time is it?" Jeremy shrugged, he was never one for keeping time. "I think it's about dinner time... I believe Demo ist cooking tonight..." Medic made a sound of disgust. Jeremy gave a cheeky grin. "Hey Snips, why don't ya, spare our friend here Demo's cooking and, oh, I don't know take her out?" Jeremy proceeded to nudge Mick's arm with his elbow, hoping he'd get the point. "Ja! Scout has a good point Herr Sniper." The room soon became very awkward. I looked to Mick, he seemed confused. "I guess, but it's not my fault if we get hung by them crazy towns folk." Mick stood and walked away. I gave Jeremy a confused look. "Don't worry about it... They won't hang you guys." Jeremy helped me out of the bed. "I can make it back to my room just fine." I left the med bay and headed back to my room.
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