#I can't decide between the hot square glasses look and the cute round glasses look
ishiitake · 1 year
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He's all up in my mind
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no shelf control
bucky barnes x fem reader
words: 1.3k
a/n: this is very not serious but i think it's p cute hehe. any and all mistakes are mine. feedback is encouraged & welcomed ♡
part 2 ❀
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The only reason Bucky is even in the public library is because Steve asked him to pick up a book he reserved. They'd only hold it for so long, and he got caught up at work, so he'd asked Bucky to grab it for him.
He figures he’ll browse while he’s here. Perhaps something will catch his interest.
And, well… Something definitely catches his interest. But it's not a book.
He wandered the stacks for about fifteen minutes before giving up and deciding to go ahead and collect Steve’s book. But then he saw you standing behind the circulation desk, scanning returned books back into the system and setting them on a waiting cart to be put in their respective spaces.
There's a cute pair of tortoise shell frames perched on your button nose, a furrow between your eyebrows as you concentrate on separating the books on the cart. Your cheeks are adorably round and your lips pouty. Your hair is pulled back by a butterfly clip and you're drowning in a large, pastel sweater.
You're the exact opposite of who he is, at least in appearance, exactly his type–all soft curves and sweetness etched into your being. There's no way in hell he’s going to leave this place without asking you out.
Bucky squares his shoulders, gives himself a quick mental pep talk, and marches over to you. He puts on his most charming smile as he rings the little bell on the counter.
You glance at him over the top of your glasses, looking almost bored. “May I help you?”
He clears his throat. Okay, so he’ll have to try a little harder. That's fine.
“My friend asked me to pick up a book that's being held for him,” he explains, placing both hands on the desk as he leans in a little more.
“What's the name?” you ask.
“His or mine?” Bucky replies, winking.
You tilt your head slightly. “Is the book being held for you?”
His smile falters. “Uh. No?”
“Then I’ll need his name.”
He squints. “Steve Rogers,” he finally replies after a beat.
You type the name into the computer and click around for a moment, then you turn around and bend over to rifle through stuff under the counter. It gives Bucky a fantastic view of your ass, and it can't be an accident.
“Ah, here you are,” you say, returning to your full height with a book in your hand. You scan it and slide it over to Bucky with a customer service smile. “All done. Tell your friend he has two weeks until it's due for return.”
“Thanks,” he mutters, biting the inside of his cheek when you immediately go back to work, ignoring his presence.
He can't just give up now, though. His pride is on the line. Quickly, he looks around for an excuse to continue talking to you.
“So, like, there's a lot of books here,” he blurts.
His ears grow hot when you pause, looking at him again with a single eyebrow raised.
“Yes,” you say carefully. “It's a library.”
Bucky forces a laugh. “Right, yeah! I just mean, uh, you might have one I’ve been trying to find for ages,” he lies.
You nod slowly. “That is very likely, yes.”
“What do you like to read?” he questions, suddenly, trying to save himself from further embarrassment.
You open and close your mouth, thrown. “What?”
“Could you recommend something for me?” he asks. He nods toward the cart. “Anything in there worthwhile?”
You look at the cart, then back to him. You're clearly struggling to follow, which he has to admit to himself is understandable, because he's also struggling. He's never had to work this hard and it's messing him up.
“There's a book on the history of Romania?” you suggest like a question.
“That sounds cool. I'll take it,” he grins.
“Really?” you reply, incredulous, before shaking your head with an embarrassed twist to your mouth. “I mean–sorry. I'll get that for you.”
But Bucky panics as you turn and grab it, because, “I don't have a library card,” he rushes to say. He's struck with inspiration, though, and quickly follows up with, “But can you still check me out?”
He tries to conceal his smirk, feeling supremely proud of himself for that pickup line. However, his celebration is short-lived.
You blink at him, frowning. “No, I'm afraid not. You need a library card to check out books, sir.”
His smile drops entirely. “Are you doing this on purpose?”
You frown harder. “Doing… what? My job?”
“No, pretending like I'm not hitting on you,” he huffs.
Your glasses slip down as your eyes widen, jaw slackening in surprise. “What?” you squeak.
It's so cute, but Bucky can't take it anymore.
“Look, I've been trying to ask you out for the last five minutes, but I can't tell if you're blowing me off or not.”
“I… I didn't know,” you confess, averting your gaze, pushing your glasses back up your nose. “I'm not used to someone flirting with me.”
Now it's Bucky's turn to be incredulous. “Seriously?” At your tentative nod, he scoffs. “What the hell is wrong with people? You're so cute, and sexy. How could anyone not wanna ask you out?”
You bring a hand up to your own cheek bashfully, and Bucky’s about to combust. If he was a betting man he'd wager your skin is warm to the touch.
“How about this,” he begins, leaning on the counter once again, even closer than before. He loves the way your doe eyes blink up at him. “Why don't I start over and make it abundantly clear what my intentions are.”
“O-Okay,” you reply.
He grins, and this time he gets a reaction out of you. You bite your lip as you fidget with the too-long sleeves of your sweater.
“Hi, I'm Bucky. I think you're insanely attractive and I'd love to take you on a date.”
A soft giggle from you and he knows it deep down to his very core–he's a goner.
“Hi,” you reply, shyly tucking some loose strands of your hair behind your ear as you offer your name. “A date sounds fun.”
He lifts his hand and gently nudges under your chin, catching you by surprise. “Wonderful. Here,” he says, reaching into his pocket for his phone and handing it over, “put your number in.”
Still adorably flustered, but with an ever present smile that makes your round cheeks bunch up in the sweetest way, you take his phone and input your number. After you give it back, Bucky sends you a text right away.
“Now you have my number, too,” he announces happily. “I expect to hear from you soon, yeah? Let me know when you're free.”
You nod. “Yeah, of course.”
“Bye, darlin’,” he says with a wink, grabbing Steve’s book as he begins walking backwards.
You cover your cheeks with your hands again. “Bye,” you mutter quietly.
Oh yeah. This is perfect. Bucky doesn't turn around, eyes still locked with yours, until he bumps into one of the kiosks. You muffle your giggles into your sleeve as Bucky flushes. His grin doesn't waver, though.
He waves and feels like he floats out of the building, and still feels like he's floating when he makes his way to Steve’s apartment later that evening. When Steve answers the door, Bucky plants a messy, loud kiss on his cheek, ignoring his disgusted and outraged exclamation, saying an emphatic, “Thank you,” before he hands the book over.
Steve stares in bewilderment as his best friend hums the whole way to the elevator. He hasn't got the slightest clue what put that dorky smile on Bucky’s face, but he's sure he’ll find out soon enough. He looks down at the book in his hand as he closes his door and stops in his tracks.
“This isn't my book,” he states dumbly.
The History of Romania sits innocently in his grasp. He sighs deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. He’s gonna kill Bucky.
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First Date | Park Jimin
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a/n: this was requested by @bangtan-sonyeonddaeng thank you love, I hope you like it 💕 I'm sorry this took so long but it was so cute and fun to write! I also made a mood board for you^^
BTS Masterlist ← find all my works here~
Pairing: Jimin x reader
Genre: Fluffy fluff uwu
Warnings: none ^_^
Word count: 2.6k oh sit, I went a bit crazy...I hope y'all like this.
Summary: Jimin finally worked up the courage to ask you out, and now? He just hopes everything goes according to plan.
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Park Jimin...
The Park Jimin, asked you to go out on a date with him...?
You weren't sure exactly what happened at the time. You were at the boys' dorm, having been their friend for almost a year now. You were playing board games with Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin, while Seokjin, Tae, and Jungkook settled for video games instead. Now, you weren't gonna lie, you'd had the biggest crush on Jimin since the very first time you met him when Namjoon introduced you to the rest of the boys.
His sweet smile and caring personality won you over and you knew it was all over for you then. Then that one night, as you all talked and cheered and fought over the paper money that Yoongi was trying to claim as his 'fair and square'. Seokjin and Jungkook were shoving each other playfully trying to distract the other one while playing Mario Kart, while Tae quietly got ahead of the other two; having pretended to be uninterested in winning, and scored first place, pumping his fists in the air and saying over and over again, "yes yes yes!!" As the two other boys groaned in disappointment. You laugh at the three of them and turn back to see Hobi and Yoongi each clutching a side of the fake money, neither one willing to let go first, and Namjoon sitting there with his head in his hands as the two bickered back and forth. You look at Jimin who's sitting across the game from you and he smiles and shakes his head, silently agreeing with you that they were all fools. Lovable fools. But fools just the same.
You smiled back, willing yourself not to blush, and mouthed to him that you were gonna go get a drink. He nodded and smiled again and you stood up, gesturing at him, wondering if he wanted something as well. He shook his head and mouthed 'no thank you' back. Picking your way carefully over everyone you finally made it into the kitchen for some water.
"Jimin, what are you doing? Have you asked her yet?" Namjoon whispered to him in his ear once you disappeared into the other room. Jimin turned positively crimson then shook his head slightly. He looked up and saw Jin gesturing toward the kitchen like a mad man with his head, eyes wide, telling Jimin to do it now. Jimin stood up quickly and tried not to stumble going through the crowded room, and trying to ignore the giggles coming from the other excited members. He'd liked you since the day he met you, you were super sweet, friendly, and funny too. They knew that he liked you and it was maddening for them to watch him try again and again to get the courage to ask you out. His heart pounded as he rounded the corner and saw you leaning on the counter, drinking a glass of water.
He was finally doing it.
You saw Jimin come around the corner suddenly and you choked on your water, sputtering and wiping your mouth, cursing yourself for being so jumpy all of a sudden.
He walked over to you, concern written all over his cute face, "you ok y/n? Sorry if I scared you. I-I, I decided I d-did need a drink." You shook your head and smiled at him then brushed it off quickly, "I'm fine, a little water never hurt anyone haha." He smiled again and his eyes crinkled up, his cheeks all bunching up and oh gosh you wanted to squish them.
What. No. You did not just think that.
He grabbed a glass and filled it up then took a sip before he turned to you. He gulped, it wasn't the water he was swallowing, he was so nervous. Just blurt it out Jimin, he thought to himself, just do it, it's now or never.
"Uh, y/n?"
"Yeah?" You tried to sound nonchalant, why were you so nervous? Jimin was your friend.
"Um, uh, I just, I was wondering, that is, I mean, can I, do you, maybe, could, uh..." The poor boy couldn't get a single sentence out, stuttering and blushing profusely. You reached out before you could even think, and touched his arm lightly, "hey, it's okay Jimin, what is it?" He seemed to relax with your soft tone and touch and he straightened up a bit, then said in a rush, "I was wondering if you'd like to go out–with me–on, on a date...maybe...?"
Well that was unexpected.
Of course you had said yes, probably a bit faster than you should have, but Jimin was all smiles and the tension between you two that night disappeared quickly. The rest of the boys were over the moon with relief that night after Jimin related what had happened to them, after you had left of course, and they were all super excited for the both of you.
A few days later and you're sitting on your couch, fiddling with your hands that are starting to sweat a little. You have no idea why you're so nervous, Jimin was your friend and this wouldn't change anything between the two of you. Except, maybe it would. You aren't sure but now was not the time to be dwelling on such things. The doorbell suddenly rings and you jump up, from excitement and partly surprise.
You hurry over, grabbing your purse and opening the door to see Jimin standing there smiling–he looked very handsome in a long sleeved black shirt and pants, that contrasted with his blonde hair.
You smile back and step outside to walk with him to his car.
"You look beautiful, y/n." He says it shyly but you can hear the smile in his voice. Seeing as you spent a lot of time getting ready, you're so grateful that he said that. You turn and look at him, trying to keep your blush under control, "thank you Jimin, you look very nice as well." He really did, and you can tell he's trying his very best not to blush too as he says a quiet 'thank you'. It wasn't awkward at all, just new for you. You two get to the car and he opens your door, waits for you to be seated comfortably and then shuts it before trotting over to his own side. You smile at him through the windows when he isn't looking, he is just too cute.
He sighs happily when he opens the door, sits down, and starts putting his buckle on. Then he turns to smile at you again, "it's really nice out today, thank goodness. We're in luck y/n!" You laugh at his excitement and clap your hands, it really was lucky that today wasn't too hot or too cold, it was perfect and you couldn't be happier.
The two of you start talking about what you'd done the past few days and fall into talking about the most random stuff; things you found on the internet or a stupid project you had at work, his new dances and what song he wanted to cover next with Jungkook. It was just like it was whenever you two hung out with the other boys, nothing was weird, just familiar and comfortable; which you were extremely grateful for.
Eventually he pulls the car up to the side of the road and unbuckles. You look out the window and see that you're at a little park with a big open green field, not many people were walking around and there was a little trail looping around it, surrounded by cherry blossom trees–it's the most beautiful park you've ever seen.
Jimin sees the look on your face and giggles, he hops out of the car and opens your door. He parked so that you were by the sidewalk, so you step out and follow him around to the trunk of the car. He opens it and you see a blanket, a little umbrella, and a big picnic basket. You look at him in question about the little umbrella and he shrugs, "just in case, for sun or rain, wanted to be prepared." You try so hard not to uwu right then and there, of course Jimin would do this; a peaceful picnic in this park sounded just like something this boy would do, and you loved picnics–did he know that? You wonder and look over at him. He was smiling down at the stuff and starts pulling it all out. You offer to carry the blanket and he hands it to you then takes out the basket and umbrella. Jimin shuts the trunk and hangs the basket on his arm, umbrella in hand–then he turns to you and smiles again, earning a smile back from you. You both make your way through the grass, it was so green and beautiful today. Jimin finds a nice spot under the shade of a tree, and sets the basket down, "this looks like a good place, what do you think y/n?" You turn around, scanning the area, it really was a nice place, not too much sun and just enough away from the few people that were walking the trails.
"It's perfect Jimin. Have you been here before?" You ask as you lay the blanket down, Jimin walks over and helps you spread the blanket out, then when that's finished he starts pulling food out of the basket. "Yeah, me and the boys came here once, I haven't been here since though. I want to come more often." He looks sideways at you and you pretend not to notice as you nod and help pull the food out. There was a lot, and it all looked so good. Jimin giggles when he sees your face, "Jin hyung made most of it, but he let me help with some stuff that he thought I wouldn't mess up." You laugh and shake your head, "well, I'm sure you did an amazing job Jiminie, make sure to send Jin my thanks as well." He nods happily and pulls out the last of the food.
Jimin hands you a sandwich and you both start to eat, you close your eyes and feel the slight breeze on your face. The sandwhich was delicious and when you open your eyes to tell him that, you see Jimin look away from you, blushing madly and taking a bite of his own sandwich. You try to change the subject so he doesn't get too embarrassed that you caught him looking at you.
"Hey Jimin."
He looks at you sheepishly and swallows almost choking, "y-yeah?" You hold up the sandwich and smile, "it's really good, did you help make this?" He nods and his eyes crinkle up–you try not to freak out again, but your heart can't stop fluttering at how adorable he is. You two spend the time eating all the food you can handle, and talking about the most random things, as usual. Eventually you're both lying on the blanket and looking up at the tree your picnic is under. A squirrel is running along a branch and you watch it as you sigh happily, you aren't sure how this day could get any better, the sun was just warm enough and the sky was so blue, when you reach over the blanket and touch the grass it's super soft under your fingers. Jimin can't stop smiling as you two relax on the blanket and even close your eyes for a bit.
The sun is starting to set and you have no idea how the time flew by so fast. You start feeling sad, knowing that Jimin will probably start packing everything up soon, and the date will be over. So you're surprised when he stands up and reaches out for your hand, not making any move to clean anything up yet. You take his hand and he pulls you to stand up, intertwining your fingers with his, "come on," he says softly. Then he grabs another small blanket from the basket and starts walking over a little to where there are no trees around. Once he finds a spot he likes, he spreads the blanket and sits on it patting next to him, signalling for you to do the same. You sit down and laugh, "what are we doing Jimin?" He just lies down and pulls you down next to him, "you'll see in a minute." You two are on your sides, propped up on your elbows, facing each other. The sun is down now and only a few little lamps are on, over by the trails. There is a soft glow from the lamps and from the moon, and you can see him smiling at you happily. You grin back and look at him quizzically, "well, what are we doing?" You giggle a little nervously. He doesn't say anything but turns onto his back and scoots closer to you, then points up at the sky. You move to lie on your back as well, your arm touching his, your heart pounding at the close proximity. Your gaze follows his arm, "oh," you let out a surprised breath at what you see; Jimin's arm is lifted and he's pointing up at the sky that's completely full of stars, the brightest you've ever seen. Without the lights from the city you can see the night sky in all its beautiful wonder. Jimin whispers softly, "Look, y/n... It's the Big Dipper over there, and right there that's the Archer. Do you see it?" You follow the line of his arm and hand as he moves and points out the constellations. You've never seen them this clearly before and you nod in awe, "I see them, they're so big, and bright, a-and beautiful." You feel warmth in your left hand and turn your head to see Jimin has put his right arm down from pointing out the stars and has taken your hand in his slowly, almost like asking permission. You wrap your fingers around his and look at him, his eyes have squinted up again from the smile that's broken out on his face, cheeks all squished up. You smile at him, not knowing how you could've gotten so lucky. Little did you know he's thinking the same thing as he gazes at you in the soft light. Then suddenly you both look away shyly and look back up at the sky again. For a few minutes you both point out different shapes you see and laugh at a few of them.
After a while you feel tears spring into your eyes at how absolutely gorgeous it all is, the millions of stars, the bright moon, how happy you are to be sitting here and sharing this with him. You hear his voice softly from next to you then,
"Y/n, do you want to come here with me again? O-or somewhere else if you'd like, but I mean- that is..."
You try not to laugh, he honestly had your heart beating like a conga drum and he was the one feeling nervous? You weren't sure how you could make him nervous like this, but you squeeze his hand and look at him, "Jimin," he turns and looks at you a bit anxiously, "y-yeah?" His cheeks are burning again and he prays that you can't see it in this light.
"I'd love to go out with you again, and thank you for today." He lets out a breath he was holding and almost cries in relief. Today couldn't have gone better for the both of you, and it was way past overdue, but the outcome made it all worth it.
Park Jimin.
The Park Jimin....asked you out on a date?
Yes, yes he did.
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