#I can't wait for people to make passive aggressive remarks towards my post
starlight-vixen-emiko · 10 months
What about ML Characters, are there any that you hate more than Adrien?
Y'know this ask has been sitting in my box forever and I have been thinking of an answer for months. I think I will answer it now but I am not sure how I will tag this.
Short answer: Honestly Adrien isn't my least favorite character in the show believe it or not.
I know that sounds strange...Maybe I have been distancing myself from the fandom for so long and just sticking with my friends and I haven't actively watched any MLB episodes after season 3 and just been sticking with fanfiction.
And I have been so busy writing my own fanfictions that I have my own fanon version of Adrien where he isn't the male power fantasy he is in the show, he is modest, he is a bit socially inept, he's a goofball, he suffers from insecurity...And he is in a loving happy relationship with Kagami, he's best friends with Luka, and he and Marinette are just friends. I mean sometimes I write previous Adrie///nette but just sometimes.
I think it helps that usually in my fanfics Adrien is a secondary character unless I write an Adrigami fanfic where Adrien (or Kagami!) is the main character.
But I cannot act like my fanon version of Adrien is the canon. In canon Adrien is certainly a waste of potential. He's always right even when he is wrong, he doesn't face repercussion for his bad attitude and misguided decisions, everyone is obsessed with him. Not to mention I don't like how they try so hard to make him interesting with his tragic backstory...It's kind of emotionally manipulative.
Ok looking back I have a personal vendetta because Adrien apologists said Marinette is a Mary Sue and Luka is "too perfect" when Astruc said...Quite literally, that Adrien is perfect.
And yet with my fanfics I make Adrien more well rounded...Because perfection is flaw and flaw is perfection.
Besides, I read Z/utara fanfiction when I was younger...The ones where Zuko and Katara cheat on Mai and Aang and the fanfics bash Mai and Aang to death and make them villains who go against Z/utara.
Yeah...When I first started writing Lukanette and Adrigami fanfictions I wasn't interested in them being akin to Z/utara fanfictions...I can make a happy ending for everyone. I mean, I may salt on Adrien and Adrienette a few times but that's to call out his tendency to be irresponsible and I usually write how Adrienette wouldn't realistically work out and they would most likely break up. And how Adrien and Marinette are better with others.
I was going somewhere with this...
Basically at this point I see the missed potential and I did sort of feel bad for him. I think making him a sentimonster was quite frankly very stupid and a very bad call. Especially since it's hard to take his abuse backstory seriously when Adrien didn't want to be a porcelain doll only to make him a porcelain doll...
But honestly at this point I think I hate Gabriel and Jagged more...Gabriel gets off scott free and Luka doesn't get to be pissed at his deadbeat dad.
I will be forever pissed that Gabriel didn't get arrested. The season 5 finale was absolute bullshit. Well...Season 5 was bullshit in general.
Granted regardless even if Gabriel and Jagged are worse I still have my reasons for disliking canon!Adrien.
But I certainly miss Adrien in S1-3. I mean he wasn't perfect there either! He still had the same issues I mentioned but season 4 onward it got turned up to 11 and it sucks. I certainly think Adrien was a much better character with Kagami or Nino...But mostly Kagami. People may think I am crazy but the reason why I am still on team Adrigami after all this time is because Kagami...Before her tragic character assassination was the only character that ever challenged Adrien to be a better person. And I feel like Adrien's one chance of redemption came and went when Adrigami got slandered.
Honestly it sucked to see both Marinette and Adrien's characters get ruined after season 3 tbh. Yes, I am still on my Lukanette and Adrigami would've been better endgames agenda what of it? People say Lukanette and Adrigami should've been platonic from the start but why must Adrienette be endgame and romantic? Why couldn't they just be friends? Why couldn't Adrien and Marinette get over their obsessions and pursue healthier relationships with others? Adrienette just screams "main character rules."
It's similar to Star vs. The Forces of Evil where Star and Marco are good kids but they just have a codependent relationship when they are together and both of them have healthier relationships with others.
Ok I know I went on multiple tangents so let me end this off.
TL;DR I don't hate Adrien with a passion and I can do fanon Adrien fine but I think his character is massively mishandled in the canon...
To the point where I can somewhat understand why people think Felix would be a better protagonist. Eh...I think it would be better if Maribug was the main character and Adrichat was just a secondary character.
Granted I may just be chill now because again...I have been keeping my distance and mostly only spending time with my friends and it helps. I remember being this close to omitting Adrien from my fanfics because he pissed me off but some of my dear friends love Adrien and Adrigami so I chilled out.
Thank you for the ask.
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