#I cannot BELIEVE british fucking kristen made me make a fucking sideblog
k2-truther · 17 days
You are a sophisticated arcane clone, immense energy molded and formed into a construct approximation Kirsten Applebees. You share a good number of attributes with one of the most gifted clerics ever to exist on the face of spire-but not all of them, and lacking any of her experiences or context. Hell, lacking any experiences at all. Your creator and her friends call you K2.
You hang out with your creator and her friends. It's fun! They seem amused by your very existence, and joining in on their adventures is easy as breathing. You joke around and flirt and do whatever job is laid out for you. The bad kids are afraid and stressed but your time is filled with laughter and joy nonetheless.
Eventually, for reasons you're only vaguely clear on you bolt onto the deck of a flying ship with the real Kristen, face down the looming, screaming face of a godly storm, and speak.
In an instant you are annihilated by a divine force beyond your comprehension, a mirror of the arcane workings of the elven oracle that brought you into this world. Your entire existence spanned about a week.
Your team called you K2 and British Kristen and you might not have been a person, not really, but you came into the world beloved by proxy and, to some extent, beloved for what you were. You left behind nothing but some fun memories for those lives you touched.
And for some ungodly reason you were straight I guess.
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