#I cannot imagine Silver would ever lie about anything even remotely big or with any sort of consequence attached to it
true-blue-sonic · 11 months
One thing I find very interesting about Silver is that we, as far as I am aware, have never seen him lie or be deceitful to others. Everything he does is with an incredible amount of blunt honesty, and I would even reason it seems he expects people to be similarly honest back. Regarding the first point, in '06, he does not try to get close to Sonic such as through showing him friendliness before attacking him while his guard is down, or even walk up to him in a normal manner to strike him in the back. He literally flies in and denounces Sonic the Iblis Trigger who will destroy the world and therefore must be destroyed, initiating a genuine battle (where everything would be in his best interest to dispose of Sonic as quickly and backhandedly as possible instead). When Sonic asks him who he is, he answers with his actual name and overall goal:
Silver: I've been looking for you. You're the Iblis Trigger. Your actions will condemn us all. Sonic: Who are you? Silver: My name is Silver. For the future of the world, I will destroy you!
The same happens in Sonic Rivals, where Silver gets goaded into a fight thrice by Eggman Nega (against Sonic, Metal Sonic, and Metal Sonic 3.0) instead of taking the fight directly to "Eggman" and defeating him instead (though that could be a limitation of the text-box cutscenes). Secondly in Rivals 2, Silver outright responds to Espio that yes, he does expect Espio to believe his story (which the rest of the characters perceive as all-but-insane) about needing to protect the Chao to stop the Ifrit from becoming invincible:
Silver: Agh! Where did Eggman Nega take off to? Espio: Silver... What is this about saving our world? Silver: If you want to save your world, we have to hide the Chao in a safe place. Espio: You want me to believe that? Silver: Yes, why? Espio: Unbelievable as it may seem... For some reason, I trust you. Silver: Are you going to help then, or keep getting in my way? Espio: I'll help. Silver: Good, you can start now.
And regarding my second point of Silver believing that others are similarly honest as he is, he trusts Espio immediately when Espio states he trusts Silver in turn. It's based on nothing! Silver hasn't shown any cooperation to or been shown cooperation from any of the other characters so far in the game, fully by his own doing and his snappiness and big mouth. Yet, when Espio indicates he trusts Silver, Silver is immediately down for a team-up without asking any questions about why Espio wants to join him all of a sudden. And of course, it's seen in '06 as well where Silver doesn't question Mephiles' motives or story in the slightest, gullibly trusting that surely everyone has the world's best interests at heart and wants to destroy Iblis as much as he does. His trustfulness is endearing and indicating of his positive and hopeful mindset, but it brings him right into severe trouble in '06.
So generally, Silver seems like an incredibly honest person, to the point of bluntness, and we see that he rarely devolves into dirty tricks and hardly, if ever, lies. Only in Sonic's story in '06 does Silver get a cheap shot in after Sonic has defeated him which sways the victory back in his favour; other times he tackles the battle head-on even if it is directly to his own detriment to do so. I feel like this is also a part of him being overly honest, namely trusting that everyone is going to be treating the battle as equally important and necessary as he does following his (often lacking) explanations as to why he is doing something. But it makes sense to him, so he honestly and bluntly states what he is here for, and if others don't understand or don't believe him, he sees it as their loss. At most, he brushes off questions when he's got other things on his mind and continues with what he was doing before:
[After defeating Sonic in Silver's story in '06] Silver: Hmph! Is this a joke? How could someone like you cause the destruction of our world? Sonic: What do you...mean? Silver: It doesn't matter. For the sake of the future, the Iblis Trigger must be destroyed!
[When meeting Knuckles in Rivals 1 and learning Eggman Nega stole the special camera] Knuckles: You...! What are you mumbling about? Silver: Got no time to explain it to someone like you... See ya! Knuckles: "Someone like me?" Hey, I'm Knuckles! Haven't you heard of me? How rude! Asking questions without having the gall to introduce himself! Silver: Like I said before, I don't have time to deal with you right now. See ya! Knuckles: You little... Get back here!
Also here he is incredibly blunt, sharing his rude opinions on Sonic ("joke", "someone like you") and Knuckles ("someone like you" again, not even for any reason this time!) in a brutally honest manner and without trying to soften the blow of his words. And what I find especially interesting is that the "Yes, why?" from Rivals 2 above shows to me that Silver is surprised Espio clearly indicates he has trouble believing his story. After all, he is telling the truth (and we as players know he actually is!), so why wouldn't he be believed?
It is a bit of characterisation I really like about Silver. It fits in with his positive and determined attitude, yet at the same time, it opens up a massive pitfall where his brutal honesty and desire to be just actively work against him and make him uncooperative, naive, gullible, and almost blind to the fact the world is not as nice and ideal and just as he imagines it or wants it to be. He mouths off people for nothing, he blindly trusts those who offer help without having a good grasp on their motives and desires just because they say what he wants to hear (and got played like a fool at least once), and his refusal to do things back-handedly make attaining his goals far more difficult for himself. It's a really nice blend of a desire for justice and honesty being taken too far at times and causing Silver trouble that is to be expected, in my opinion.
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ohworm-writes · 3 years
BNA: Brand New Animal Relationship Headcanons!
bna masterlist
‼ General Dating Headcanons ‼
Featuring: Shirou Ogami, Michiru Kagemori, Nazuna Hiwatashi, Marie Itami, Pinga
Warnings: spoilers for BNA!, some angst amongst all of them, but mainly tooth-rotting fluff :,)
a/n - thank you for reading!!! BNA doesn’t have enough fanfiction content, so here you go!! i actually adore doing headcanons, so this was nice to be able to write!!! BNA is also my favorite/comfort anime soooooo I couldn't NOT write something for it!!! if you want to see more BNA related works, i’m definitely going to be open to writing them in the future!!! my requests open up next week, so drop one then if you’d like!!! thank you for reading <3
content below the cut!
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shirou ogami
» wolf husband!!
» oh we all know he’s gonna be nervous when it comes to love
» he’s scared he can’t trust you at first
» it’s probably gonna stay that way until he gets comfortable with you
» which, albeit, takes quite a while
» but when he does?
» he’s all over you!!
» i like to think he’s a very cuddly person
» he doesn’t show it a lot though, but for you?
» he’ll let it slide
» he’s not one for extravagant gestures though
» so if you’re going on dates
» expect it to being either at his place, or something extremely simple
» i don’t think he’d be particularly for PDA
» but if someone were to flirt with you?
» he won’t be afraid to show them that you’re with him
» again, very cuddly
» he likes to be big spoon cause he wants to make you feel safe
» but he also likes to be held
» the memories of his comrades dying is a memory that’s painfully engraved into the very fibers of his being
» so please show him some love
» kisses!!!!
» oh he LOVES to smother you with kisses
» he’s very affectionate in private
» he just loves you so much!!!
» i like to think that michiru got the two of you together
» just like
» michiru: hey look at that beastman over there! they’re super pretty!!!!
» shirou: yeah, sure
» michiru: i’m going to go say hi
» shirou: w h a t
» also, going back to trauma-
» he doesn’t like to talk about it much
» it brings up bad memories
» so he won’t outwardly talk to you about it
» but if you want to console him?
» you’re one of the few people he can really trust and get vulnerable with
» he loves you, and is so scared of you leaving him
» he would never think about cheating on you (the best boy)
» maybe it ties in with him being a wolf beastman-
» shhhhhhhhhhhh
» very very very nervous to tell you that he’s the silver wolf
» he’s so scared you’re going to leave him or hate him or look at him different
» but the sweet kiss you give him when he tells you melts all of his worries away
» GIVE HIM PETS!!!!!!!!!!
» he’s embarrassed but he loves it!!!!!!!!
» his love language is quality time!!!!!!
» he just wants to spend time with you
» he’ll go out of his way to blow off unimportant things (like michiru-) just to be with you
» softie-
» but we love him <3
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michiru kagemori
» i love her oh so much
» if she likes you, it’s obvious
» painfully so-
» she gets all flustered before you start dating whenever she talks with you
» tripping over her words
» making a fool of herself
» (somehow more than usual-)
» but when you express you like her back?
» you’re stuck with her
» loves cutesy dates!!
» you wanna just watch a movie???
» she’s got a pillow fort and a ton of snacks at the ready
» you wanna go for a walk?
» you’re dancing with her under the stars in the park
» she’s a sucker for that kind of stuff
» she loves showing you off too
» michiru: everyone, this is my partner, y/n, and they are the best person in the world
» y/n: michiru i-
» she absolutely introduces you to everyone like that
» she loves you too much not to express it!!!
» that leads me to her love language…
» words of affirmation!!!
» she’s going to tell you she loves you at any chance she gets
» and if you’re ever insecure?
» she’s your girl
» she’s also big on physical touch
» loves holding your hand out in public
» hugging you and peppering your face with kisses
» the whole lot!
» she’s such a goofball-
» she’d do something stupid just to make you laugh
» when she first told you she wasn’t a real beastman, she was nervous
» but it all washes away when you hold her and tell her you love her no matter what
» she’d definitely cry at that
» she’s so grateful to have you
» and she would go to any extent just to make you happy
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nazuna hiwatashi
» she’s a very caring partner
» when you first start dating though, she’s very nervous
» will you hate her for faking the silver wolf?
» or maybe because of her slightly dismissive behavior?
» but when you decide to stay? she know’s shes in love
» her love language is touch!
» she always wants to be touching you
» she’s not the best at expressing her love or gratitude through words
» so she lets the soft caresses, forehead kisses, and cuddles do it for her!
» oh i can imagine her being a cuddle bug
» just holding you while the two of you fall asleep
» or you holding her!
» she adores just being able to be near you
» when she introduces you to michiru
» it’s chaos
» y/n: in my defense, I was left unsupervised
» nazuna: wasn't michiru with you?
» michiru: in my defense, I was also left unsupervised
» just being absolute idiots together
» back to nazuna though…
» she gets jealous easily!!!
» you can’t change my mind
» if she thinks you’re giving someone too much attention
» she won’t be afraid to just come in and hug you until you pay attention to her
» it’s adorable
» with the church of the silver wolf tho…
» you probably met AFTER that was all said and done
» she doesn’t really have followers anymore
» and a few beastman still hold a grudge against her
» she gets insecure because of it
» make sure to tell her that you love her for her
» she really needs to hear it
» oh! she loves any romantic gestures
» fancy dates? walks in the park? sign her up!
» she loves too much not to show it
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marie itami
» crime weasel
» cbhmasbbchasb okay but seriously i love her
» i like to think that she’s sly with her flirting
» but if you flirt back?
» she’s a flustered mess
» she lovesssss pet names
» she particularly likes using “baby”, “love”, “sweetheart”, and “hun”
» loves if you use some back
» her love language? acts of service
» she loves to help you with small tasks
» opening the door for you? absolutely. grabbing the remote for you? of course!
» she wants you to know she loves you, but mainly in smaller gestures
» not as much of a cuddle bug as the rest, but definitely appreciates it
» she’d never turn you down for hugs or pecks
» any time she has by herself, she wants to spend it with you
» her dates aren’t extravagant though
» cuddling on the couch and watching a movie are her specialty
» i like to think that she usually falls asleep after you
» she’ll talk with you until you eventually fall asleep
» it’s more of a protective thing if anything
» she wants to make sure that you’re okay before she rests
» she loves you so so so much
» you’re the only person she’s allowed herself to be vulnerable with
» she has her own insecurities yes, but she tends to bottle them up
» she doesn’t want to bother you
» she’s better at listening and giving advice than venting it out
» it’s not your fault, she’s just not very keen to it
» she likes to keep your relationship more private than anything
» her job is… not normal, and she doesn’t want to eventually end up making the wrong people mad and get you hurt
» so PDA is kept to a minimum
» but she’ll always make up for that in private
» telling you how much she loves and appreciates you being with her
» she doubts your relationship sometimes, thinking that you deserve better
» tell her you love her
» that you really love her
» and her heart is yours
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» your honor
» i love him
» oh my goodness his love language is totally gift giving
» 100%
» you cannot change my mind
» if you look at something in a store for more than 3 seconds
» expect it to be in your possession by the next day
» he won’t say he did it
» but he totally did it
» taking you on flights???
» yes pLEASE!!!!
» he loves showing you the world from his eyes
» and adores it if you love it as much as he does
» wing hugssssss
» imagine him just draping his wings around you while you guys cuddle
» my heart-
» wait, here me out-
» y/n: mcdonalds! mcdonalds! mcdonalds!
» pingua: mcdonalds! mcdonalds! mcdonalds!
» not afraid to get vulnerable with you
» he’ll talk about his comrades and the stupid regulations with ease
» yes, it’s a tough subject
» but you have to talk about difficult things to get through them
» he has nightmares because of it
» he wakes up in cold sweats sometimes, those images ingrained into his head
» hold him
» please
» tell him that you’re here and you’re not going anywhere
» give him kisses and help him ride it out
» aside for that, another goofball
» loves, and i mean LOVES making you smile
» also a HUGE flirt
» he’s cocky about it too
» pingua: aside from being adorable, what do you do for a living?
» y/n, dying: cjsdbivcbhshdkcjbakjcbhsadbmc
» another one who loves romantic gestures
» i like to think that he’s quite the gentleman
» restaurant dates and dancing are right up his alley
» but dear god he loves you so much
» he has no clue where he’d be without you in his life
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amphtaminedreams · 5 years
Paris Haute Couture Week 2019: Favourites at First Glance
Hi to anyone reading,
And before we start...let me clarify.
Listen, I’m not Luke Meagher. I didn’t go to fashion school. I did history, philosophy and ethics, and psychology at A-level. Not a trace of even textiles experience in sight (I mean, I did it until we picked our GCSE options but I don’t feel that counts, lol). The only “fashion” knowledge I have is from coffee table books, youtube videos and twitter. AND I LIKED MARIA GRAZIA’S 2019 DIOR HAUTE COUTURE COLLECTION.
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I think Haute Couture week is probably one of my favourites of the year because I’ve always been good at spotting a pretty dress I’ll never be able to afford and to be honest, not much else. And to me, the Dior collection is everything. Sure, it might not be the most groundbreaking or technically advanced thing ever, and yes, some of the shapes might not be the most flattering, but the best pieces (picked out above) are classic Dior. See, I’m not sure what my idea of “classic Dior” is actually based on other than a vague cultural knowledge but I feel this year’s haute couture collection fits in with that schema a lot more seamlessly than Grazia’s 2018 or 2017 collections, as much as I enjoyed them too. The colour scheme, the lace, the netted veils, the heavy eye makeup; these are dresses for turning up to the funeral of the rich husband you just secretly poisoned in/Eva Green would’ve worn in Penny Dreadful and I’m here for it. The spiked feather detailing that crops up a lot gives me Natalie Portman as the Black Swan and regardless of how flattering they may or may not be (because I'm kind of tired of fashion being thought of as a way to showcase a woman’s figure), I like the Edwardian inspired two pieces. I may be a bit biased, chokers, berets and some kind of netting are 3 of my favourite additions to an outfit, but I do think that as a collection, it all comes together beautifully and I commend Maria Grazia for that. I think now that she seems to have found her footing in terms of producing looks that are recognisably Dior, we only have increasingly creative efforts to look forward to.
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Similarly, I adored the styling at the Schiaparelli show. As weird and wonderful as ever, you can see the influence of nature and possibly the visuals of flowers in bloom on Daniel Roseberry’s designs and styling. My favourite thing about this collection was its presentation: for his debut show, Roseberry took a seat in the middle of the runway and sketched out his designs as they appeared on the models in real time. I can’t think of a better way to introduce the fashion world to your vision and creative process.
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Moving on from the Schiaparelli collection, it only feels right to talk about Guo Pei next, whose collection also has that characteristic organic feel, almost like the designs could’ve grown right out of the ground of a Tim Burton film. My favourite is definitely the second from the right on the top row, which wouldn’t have been out of place at the 2018 Met Gala. Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination is without a doubt my favourite theme of the last few years. Ornate as ever, each look displays a renaissance painting level of intricacy and craftsmanship; not that a plunge that deep would ever be remotely flattering on me, like there’s a reason I feel a certain type of way about belly button piercings and low rise jeans, but I am obsessed with the detailing of the dress on the far left of the bottom row. That being said, I don’t love this collection quite as much as Guo Pei’s 2018 haute couture offering, however, I think that’s just down to the colour scheme and structures of the latter.
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Next is Chanel’s haute couture show, which right off the bat I’ll say I was a big fan of. Surprisingly, I’ve seen a lot of people say they don’t like it but I think it’s a welcome departure from the past few collections which (in my very design naive opinion) were beginning to get a bit monotonous. There’s only so much unnecessarily prissy detailing I can take before it gets a bit like...did they run out of ideas? I think for Virginie Viard’s debut show this is a return to the fresh, clean, functional and even slightly androgynous looks that I think we forget Chanel was originally known for. We still had a couple of the classic elegant dresses too, as seen in the two middle shots I chose, which pays homage to the haute couture collections of the past couple of years. Again, as with the Dior collection, I love the Edwardian/early 20th century influence and the library setting is a fucking perfect backdrop to the collection.
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It probably feels a bit contradictory, me going on to praise this year’s Armani Prive collection considering I just criticised the past Chanel collections for being unnecessarily decorative but I see a clear direction with these looks. And yes, I generated a meme to describe how I probably sound right now:
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Alternatively, I could’ve just put “how I sound right now”, semi colon, and then insert a photo of a clown underneath, but I’m clearly into 2018 memes, okay? 
I’m not going to lie, the basic bitch in me loves these looks because I just know how good they are on the red carpet. Very Disney princess and I’m into it. I’m easily pleased: pastels, faux fur (I hope it’s faux though to be honest, I’m not quite sure), sequins and satin and I’m calling it a masterpiece. So it’s probably best to move on before I expose myself for just how much of a high fashion novice I am, if I didn’t already do that in the first paragraph by praising Maria Grazia. For the same reason, I was obviously a big fan of these looks from the Georges Hobeika haute couture 2019 collection:
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And of course, all of these beautiful Ralph and Russo designs:
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The dress on the right end, second row from the bottom is honestly probably my favourite of all the 2019 haute couture looks. Like frills!? PASTEL frills!? TIERED, PASTEL FRILLS? Fucking sold. Giambattista Valli is obviously the king of this:
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Though I think I’m right in saying that the slightly more unconventional, exaggerated nature of Valli’s dresses elevate them in the eyes of the fashion community that little bit more. Personally, I love the touch of the black bows and the Elizabethan style neck collar of the look second from the right on the top row. Next is Zuhair Murad:
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If I'm being brutal, I was a bit disappointed with this collection. I always love Zuhair Murad and love his dresses regardless but I found myself getting a bit bored with a lot of the looks this year considering how excited I was to see them. Though these are my favourites and they are still stunningly elaborate (clearly a lot of work went into the embroidery and stoning), I don’t feel as if any of them, apart from the green and silver jumpsuits, are really anything I haven't seen before. I thought the tribal/nomadic elements of some of the looks could’ve been slightly more conceptual. Like, I get that Zuhair Murad’s dresses, at face value, aren’t really about telling stories but I think if you’re going to go down the mildly culturally appropriative route, you should do it in new way. I read that he was inspired by a trip to Marrakech and I do see that, but it more seemed like an afterthought of throwing these details onto his usual style of dresses rather than the observations influencing the very basis of the collection. Elie Saab’s 2019 haute couture collection is, in my opinion, a good example of how to do this right:
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Everything about the construction of these dresses from the padded shoulders to the Mandarin collars draws on the dreamiest possible incarnations of the wardrobes of Chinese royalty, and to watch that translated onto the runway in such a stunning way I hope is a pleasure to see for those who do consider their culture’s past to be a part of their identity today. The jewell tones, the baroque-like patterns, the defined silhouettes, the hair and makeup, I am in awe of EVERYTHING about this collection. I’m glad that Saab had so many East Asian models showcase his designs too; I don’t think it would’ve been right any other way.
Talking of structure, next is Iris Van Herpen:
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Like, I need to know the SCIENCE behind these dresses, because I know there was a shitload (lol jk, I really don't want to know anymore science unless I have to). I mean, aside from a few more unconventional, bubble-like shapes that I wasn’t necessarily such a fan of, I can’t fault this collection at all. It really speaks for itself; every part of each design is as mesmerising and as hypnotic as the next, from shape and structure to the colours chosen. Even the more “simple” numbers such as the golden dress second from the left on the bottom row looks like it’s permanently caught in the wind, and I can imagine it on the statue of some Greek goddess whose name I cannot in this moment be bothered to check I’m not pulling out of my arse. You know, Aphrodite, Athena...one of that lot, lol. Finally, let’s talk about Valentino, Givenchy and Fendi, starting with my least favourite of the three, Valentino:
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It’s not that there weren’t some wonderful looks. Of my favourites above, the white kimono style dress on the left of the bottom row, the blue dress with the cape and the green floral coat with the matching mesh dress underneath are the stand outs. It’s just that this collection isn’t particularly my style as I’m not much of a fan of block or primary colours; it’s personal preference and that’s not to say it’s a bad collection by any means. I can still appreciate that more thought and work and general energy than I’ve probably ever exerted in my life went into it.
Next is Givenchy:
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LOOK at that dress on the right on the row second from the bottom. LOOK AT IT! The pastel pink cape! The layered houndstooth dress! The feathers! The neckline of that top on the right, second row from the bottom! The MENSWEAR! I want it all. It’s modern and it’s cool and it’s wearable but it also looks like me or you could never bloody afford it and that’s how you know it’s Givenchy, lmao. It’s not hard to see why this collection was so popular within the fashion community; it really is a masterclass in less is more which takes a lot to admit because I’m usually a more person. 
However, overall, my favourite collection of the three has to be Fendi:
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The 70s are my favourite decade for fashion and so this collection is absolutely delicious. I love the warm tones contrasted with a splash of almost metallic cools or pastels every so often and throw some faux fur (again, I don’t know if it is faux?) over anything and it immediately looks 10x more glamorous in my opinion. Half the looks are giving me groupie to a rock band and the other half are giving me bored Hollywood movie star in her Beverly Hills mansion, walking round with rollers in her hair and a pornstar martini. As you can probably tell if you’re still reading, outfits that give me a story are the ones that I love the most, lmao. The perfect balance between opulent and effortless, in an ideal word I would absolutely own and wear every single one of these outfits, regardless of where fashion critics stand on them, and feel like a badass bitch.
And to kind of round off the post, isn’t that what’s most important? That an outfit makes you feel empowered and like you could dramatically slap the shit out of anyone who disrespects you (FEEL being the keyword here, I’m really not recommending anyone goes round slapping every person who disrespects them)? I definitely do want to be more educated on fashion and its history, after all, I’ve always been a history student, but at the same time, I don’t want to suck the fun out of it for myself. Most of the time I don’t want to look at a dress and compare it to every single collection of years past or scrutinise who did what better, I just want to marvel at it. I think one thing that bothers me is that within something as relatively harmful as fashion, it seems kind of elitist and hierarchical to categorise opinions as good and bad based on how much education a person might have on the topic. Let’s be real, fashion isn’t really a realistic career path for most of us. The average person hasn’t always got time to research the history of a fashion house before they make a statement about one of its pieces. They’re working, lmao. If your career is in fashion, lucky you. But in a lot of cases, as within a lot of creative industries, luck is really just privilege, connections, money, leisure time and choice and only a select few people have those things, and I don’t think we should let those people dictate who has style and who doesn’t. These things are subjective. Let people like what they like without equating that love of something to a lack of taste, you know?
In a broader sense (and I really don’t know how I got off on this tangent) something makes you feel beautiful and YOU think you look hot af, WEAR IT! 
It’s a bit of a cliche as a closing statement but if anyone read until the end, I hope you enjoyed the post. I am always totally open to hearing other opinions and points of view so feel free to send an...ask? Message? I’m not sure what it’s called in 2019, lol. Anyways, feel free to do whatever that function is called nowadays and rant away.
Lauren x
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