#I cheated on the bookstore shhh
jerichogallery · 1 year
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Greektown: Alley
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stone-stars · 10 months
11 for the 3 things ask 😊
11. 3 books that you would recommend everyone to read
okay i'm immediately cheating and picking 4 but it's basically 3 shhh
1: Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki i love this book so much. it's about being queer. it's about playing the violin. it's about doughnuts. it's about found family. it's about hell. it's about aliens. it will make you cry. it's packed with so many different perspectives and emotions that i feel like, for each person, there's something in it that they need to hear.
2: Huntress by Malinda Lo admittedly a nostalgia pick for me. this was the first queer fantasy book i ever read and it really got to me. i can quote the first line from memory. it's got a lot of fae stuff going on and there's so much exploration of dedication and what you are willing to do for the people you love. tbh anything malinda lo does kicks ass, last night at the telegraph club/a scatter of dust (her two more recent novels) are both incredible
3: Crier's War (and Iron Heart) by Nina Varela so this is where i'm cheating because this is a duology, but i can't separate them. i ran to the bookstore the day after finishing crier's war at like 11pm to get the sequel. it's a romance between a human and an automaton/robot (essentially) that is kind of political intrigue / kind of fantasy adventure / kind of enemies to lovers. the dedication of crier's war is "For the queer readers. You deserve every adventure" <333
Send me a number!
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
11 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞
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Summary: you weren’t really sure how it happened, but an average student who wore glasses and spent all her extra time on bookstores and library managed to date your school’s volleyball club setter. On your 3rd year of law school, your ten years anniversary to be exact, he went home from Argentina and it was a week before he was going back, he broke up with you with the reason of he can’t handle long-distance relationship anymore despite being at it for two years. You didn’t cry, you stood there as he was sobbing in front of you, you held his face in your palms and offered him a gentle smile, gentle enough to let him know you’ll support him and will always be watching him, together with the child in your stomach right now, but he doesn’t need to know that.
chapters: prev//next
the day at the park really well, you and Oikawa cuddled up to each other until the both of you played with them for a couple more hours before you decided to pack up and head back home
 as you arrived at your humble home, the twins were feeling drowsy again, you quickly gave them a bath, fed them and tucked them in, you cooked for the both of you and Oikawa as you ,ate dinner together and chatted away
 “hey Tooru” you called him
 “hm” he hums as he was slurping the noodles
 “Let’s try it out” you say
 He almost choked on his noodles when you said that, you frantically gave him water
 He gulped down all of the water, aggressively put the glass down, and stared at you wide-eyed
 “are you sure?!” he was just amking sure he heard you write
 You nod happily as he hugs you from across the table, peppering your face with a lot of kisses
 “thank you thank you I love you so much” he repeated those phrases like mantra
 You physically had to pull him away from you to finish his food
 “hey bubs” he calls you this time
 You raise your brows at him
 “does this mean I can sleep beside you tonight? The couch isn’t exactly  comfortable you know” he pouts, you lightly and chuckled
 “of course you can, you dummy”
 Thus, the weekend was spent watching a lot of cocomelon while you and Oikawa are cuddled up in the couch watching the twins closely and before you knew it was Monday again and you had to go to work
 Oikawa drove you to work and kissed you good luck so did the twins
 The day was going pretty smoothly for you, well almost, the other lawyers and staffs at the firm were weirdly looking at you, you checked your reflection if your skirt ripped or was there something on your face but you found none
 You thought that maybe it was just all in your head
 You proceeded to go to your office and greeted everyone you would pass by but they just gave you this piercing-almost judging stare
 You again paid no mind to it and went inside your private office where there was a stack of papers waiting to be signed, ranging from affidavits to titles
 You were so immersed in your work and the silence of your office which was why you almost jumped out of your seat when Akaashi entered your office, panting and clutching his phone
 “Y/n you gotta see this” he says and walks over to your desk and shows you his phone
 It was a new article with the headline “TOP MODEL SATO HIMARI REVEALS THAT HER BOYFRIEND, VOLLEYBALL PLAYER OIKAWA TOORU IS CHEATING ON HER WITH A SINGLE MOM” below the article was a picture of you and Oikawa cuddled up in the park during your picnic while the twins were sleeping
 There’s also a video attached to the article where Himari was crying during a press conference when she got asked this question
 The comments below the article ranged from “shameless woman, I bet she’s in him for the money” to “what a bitch, I hope she dies and rot in hell”
It was all too much
 you looked up at Akaashi, eyes glazed with tears , he was looking  at you pitifully
 “Akaashi I-“
“I know,  you’re not this kind of woman Y/n, but you have to fix this or you might get your license as a lawyer taken away from you” he says seriously
 You nodded, just when you were about to say something when your office door opens and it revealed a very angry Akari and an Iwaizumi trying to calm her down
 She walks up to you and just hugs you tight
 “I’m so sorry bestie I talked to her and I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and now-“
 “Shhh, it’s okay it’s okay” you soothingly rubbed her back while she was shedding tears of frustration
 “we need to tell Oikawa about this” Iwaizumi says who was now standing beside Akaashi
 “It’s fine, I’ll talk to him about this privately, can you drive me home though? I don’t think I’ll be able to finish the work for today”
Iwaizumi nods and agrees to drive you home
The car ride was extremely silent, your heart was aggressively thumping, and you felt like all the planets are on your shoulders, you felt crappy.
 You didn’t know what to feel, were you angry? Yes, you were, but you’re not really sure who you should be angry with, Oikawa? Himari? Yourself?  Everything was just so messed up
 But you did know that Oikawa and Himari were not a thing, Iwaizumi says so, and Oikawa never lies to Iwaizumi
 You were just not sure how to deal with this situation and the fear of your sons getting involved just made you even more anxious
 You didn’t even notice you were now in front of the house
 Iwaizumi gives you a pat on your shoulder before driving away
 You slowly entered your home and saw Oikawa playing with the twins in the playmat, he whips his head towards your direction, his smile instantly dropping when he saw you as a serious expression replace make its way to his features
 “who hurt you?”
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