#I checked the SRs and OG SSRs...
fisheito · 4 months
Lost Relics keeps auto-forming this team bu...t
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.Does me no good to have an all-yakumo team.... no Clone bonus ...
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arklayraven · 1 year
Gonna check og OM files to see if they have what I'm looking for, since NB no longer has SR cards for events...
I hope people asked for those back in events fyi in that survey. I can't recall if I asked for them back for events in general but do recall asking for the bday Nightmares, along with SSR cards too.
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drosselmeyerwrites · 3 years
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I posted 308 times in 2021
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My Top Posts in 2021
Married, Magical, Mundane Texts
First in the weekly series of SessKag texts! Some will be longer. Some will be shorter. But I hope you enjoy no matter what. If you are unfamiliar with the Married, Magical, Mundane Life series, head over to AO3 and check it out so you’re not lost!
A special thanks to @elevenharbor for inspiring this text!
65 notes • Posted 2021-01-20 17:01:08 GMT
Egocentrism in the S*ssR*n Ship & the Problem with Cognitive Bias...
Today is just going to be a day of it.
SR shippers say many things to justify their ship, but one of the most questionable is the claim that “But all/ most of Japan ships S*ssR*n!”
One, that’s not a valid argument. If you don’t understand why, research “alleged certainty.” Spoilers, it defies logic.
But perhaps most interesting is the fact that many Japanese people have spoken out against the claim. The claim that “all” ship it is ludicrous, and provable even by simple internet searches (which ultimately aren’t worth much). And as well, considering there are conflicting arguments expressed in the OG work as well as movements against things like lolicon (never mind the grossly overwhelming consensus that pedophilia is immoral and severe misrepresentation across the board of both Japanese history and literature), in terms of “evidence,” there is much to discuss on the subject matter and not much by way of confirming the ship as okay with this argument.
Sure, you can find support of the ship in Japan. It’s not really any different than finding support of the ship here. But just because it’s found there, doesn’t offer any justification toward the ship being “okay.” And more, the alleged certainty displays one glaring cognitive bias: egocentrism.
Why are SR shippers assuming to know with any established certainty the mindset of an entire nation or most of a nation? Especially since many there do actively dissent from their opinion? Granted, some are not so far-reaching in their assumptions, and that should be acknowledged. But that isn’t what we are talking about. 
Espousing an individual’s own perceptions as being everyone’s without established evidence or consensus is egocentric and demonstrates an inability to understand that people may feel differently than they do. And often, when people lack an understanding of something, they lash out instead of investigating it. Human nature, I suppose. It’s easier to just react than take a moment, step away, and investigate. But regardless, it runs the risk of things continuing down the path of the nonsensical. And that has come out in spades since the release of the Inuyasha sequel (incessant internet trolling and “rinvestigating” being prime examples of this).
There is merit to disagreement. It is a good thing for both sides of an issue to present their stance on things and evaluate the strength of each argument and evidence for an against. But the people involved have to be able to step outside of their own feelings and try to evaluate such things from as neutral a point as possible.
I see a lot of that from other ships. Don’t see it so much (though there is some) from the SR camp. But I do see a lot of lashing out. And, disgustingly, I’ve seen a lot of campaigns to actively seek others out and cause some hurt.
Like when SR shippers go after survivors of child abuse and try to diminish their experiences.
That’s not okay. And, yes, there are a lot of people in the fandom upset with that camp for this kind of behavior.
The idea that “all of Japan” ships SR needs to stop. This is a minor argument among the many that there are to have on this subject, but it’s one that’s getting on my nerves, so I’m saying something about it.
And while we’re at it, I think it’s important to point out that if you have to sit in your bias and shout nothing else but that out as a defense, you might want to take a minute and consider that you really don’t have much of a defense at all.
88 notes • Posted 2021-02-01 21:14:39 GMT
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96 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 16:59:39 GMT
Crappy day for so many in the Inuyasha fandom. One of my favorite things about Sesshoumaru (and it will always be one of my favorite things) is the father/daughter relationship he has with Rin. The sequel-that-will-not-be-named has gone a long way in upsetting people today, but screw that (also, arguably not really canon). So...
Take Sesshoumaru back.
In the spirit of this, if you’re on the side of the fandom that has always seen Sesshoumaru and Rin’s relationship as father/ daughter, one of friendship, or even a child and her protector, share any fanworks you have depicting this below. I’m including links to a couple of my stories that feature their relationship in a father/ daughter and friendship way. Please feel free to add and help create a thread for fans who may be reeling and need to find a safe place for the enjoyment they’re familiar with today. From me: When Comes the Rain (SessKag pairing) Unfinished (still in progress!) but in the middle of the relationship story with the noted pairing, there are lots of sweet Sesshoumaru and Rin moments depicting a father/ daughter relationship. https://archiveofourown.org/works/22982710/chapters/54944962 Birth (no pairing) An expansion on how Sesshoumaru and Rin’s friendship begins https://archiveofourown.org/works/19245787 E Pluribus Unum (SessKag pairing) TW: Heavy grief and character loss. But the loss of Rin as he reflects on this throughout the fic shows a father/ daughter relationship, and there are Dad!Sessh moments later in the story in which Rin’s influence is acknowledged. https://archiveofourown.org/works/19118350/chapters/45431305 Until Death (SessKag pairing) TW: Angsty bit and involves major character death but depicts Rin and Sesshoumaru’s close relationship as friends or father/ daughter (up to you in this really) in a few scenes. Rin is shown as a support for Sesshoumaru in this. https://archiveofourown.org/works/22758808
100 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 19:13:52 GMT
Fanart Commission: Unwelcome Visitors
The wonderful @meldrymoon​ brought one of my favorite scenes from Unwelcome Visitors to life! I’ve been laughing since it landed in my inbox. Thank you so much, Meldry, for making this so fun and wonderful! If you haven’t seen her art yet, be sure to check out her page! It’s fantastic!
Excerpt from this scene in the fic below. <3
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The new house was coming along well. There were big projects and side projects and more than a few messes to clean. But today, after weeks of existing as a useless, gutted mess, the master bathroom was finished. And after hours planting a new vegetable garden in their backyard while waiting on the contractor to finish, Kagome was thrilled to finally have a moment to enjoy the oversized tub she had insisted be put in.
Even if it was after midnight and sans a husband to enjoy it with.
“You snooze you lose.” Snickering to herself, Kagome set down the lighter and raised her leg to step into the tub.
They could never agree on a water temperature anyway.
“Miko like it hot, but youkai do not.”
She laughed again, probably a little too happy with herself over her ridiculous rhyming skills, and went to lift her other leg into the tub.
It never crossed her mind that eight scrabbly little legs would go scurrying across her bare foot.
Kagome froze. Oh, my gods.
Then, it happened again.
Her eyes widened. No. No, no, no, no, no. NOPE.
The realization that there was more than one of them hit her like a ton of bricks, and she did the only thing any self-respecting woman would do.
She scrambled, completely naked, on top of the toilet.
If the sheer volume of her voice didn’t wake him, the obscene decibel it registered at would.
Sure enough, Sesshoumaru came barreling into the bathroom only seconds later, a sleep-blind blur of silver hair and black boxers groping for the light switch.
Kagome would have laughed if it weren’t for the eight-legged murder beasts currently roaming around her new bathroom floor.
Sesshoumaru finally managed to find the switch and winced as the incandescent bulbs suddenly flooded the bathroom with one hundred watts of light.
“Why are you screaming?” he murmured, his voice gravelly with sleep.
“There!” Kagome shouted, pointing near his foot. “There’s at least three”—another went scuttling across the floor—“Four! There’s four of them!”
Slightly more awake, Sesshoumaru furrowed his brows. “Four what, Kagome?”
“Spiders!” The rest can be found on AO3, Dokuga, or FFNET. <3
134 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 00:28:59 GMT
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