#I could see them eventually getting along tho they'd probably be really healthy for each other as friends once they reach that point
riisume · 1 year
I just started designing that oc to be friends(?) with an oc my bestie's gonna design and... I really need to stop falling for my insecure, bitchy ocs but they're always so relatable.
This one's transmasc but he's insecure and struggling with his identity because he's seen people's opinion that if he doesn't conform to gender norms he's invalid as a trans man. His hair is longer, he doesn't want to cut it, so it's harder for him to pass, he likes his birthname (Briar) and doesn't want to give himself a straight-up masculine name & he's nervous about taking T and doesn't really want to.
So he's stuck in a mental limbo, thinking he doesn't belong in the trans community because of these reasons, but he doesn't feel cis-gendered or purely agender either.
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Did a little doodle of him in my sketchbook while I waited for my friend to get back (the t-shirt isn't fr I just drew that on him to give him a shirt-)
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
hi love! i have a question for you…..where did you come up with the name Dolasach? what does her name mean? also i would like to know what you think maybe her and my self inserts relationship would be like? i hope you’re having a good evening mwah 💗
Gray!!! So nice to see you!! You've been popping into my mind throughout the day tbh >w< How are you? How have you been? :0 I hope your day's been nice to you!
As for Dolasach... I got her name from a character I play as in Guild Wars 2 who's a sentient plant person, hence the constant theming of florals and plants as a sort of homage to her origins :3
But like I also had to come up with the name of that original Dolasach dfkgfh and because I'm weird about my characters fitting in within the game world, I followed the naming conventions for that species when I came up with the name; which is that all the names they have are taken from/inspired by Irish and Gaelic words/names. And since the original Dolasach is a necromancer, I thought up a bunch of words related to death/grieving and just looked up the Irish or Gaelic translation of them, and eventually I landed on this:
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from 'An Irish-English Dictionary' by Edward O'Reilly. It's also why I say Dola's probably of Irish heritage, it's just that I don't know much about Irish culture (yet) so I can't lean into it >.> My main cop-out is that she doesn't live in anywhere near Ireland anymore lmao but once I'm free I really wanna look into Irish culture more
I went through a bunch of other names before landing on Dolasach for my Obey Me MC though. I remember trying out Sybil, Mairsinna, and Graineann (all also names of my other characters hsdjk) but 'Dolasach' was the only one that felt right to me when held up next to everyone else's names. Haven't settled on a surname for her >.> (Also been toying with the idea that her birth name is something completely different but she just prefers going by her art alias? Mostly because I can't fucking find/think of a surname that sounds right with her name >.> And also because I think it'd be funny if everyone except Lucifer didn't know that that's not her real name lol)
Anyway anyway!! The fun part!! Thinking about her with your self insert!!! <3
Assuming they meet when Dola's already landed somewhere healthy and well-adjusted in her life (perhaps when she's immortal and somehow finds herself hopping realities?) I think they'd get along pretty fine tbh! I am imagining a situation where they're somewhere in the human world and none of the others know that they know each other but Gray and Dola know that they're both essentially the other human exchange student, just to set the scene >w< tho idk how relevant it is, I just feel the need to lmao
So like, I am looking at your info post for Gray and I think there's plenty in common but also plenty of stuff where they won't see eye to eye?
But first I wanna say, seeing those two next to each other would be exactly this hsdfghdf lmaooo their styles are so different it's funny 😭
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But okay on a serious note, I think they'd get along and have fun talking about whatever hobbies they have in common, and also not in common because I think they'd have fun learning about the Thing they haven't tried. My mind goes to them talking about fashion, makeup, self care, and also just the general things they do when they're working??? Idk why but I feel like the discussion would go to serious stuff like work habits and then them talking about their feelings when they have to stop and how they cope. Dola would definitely get into a spiel about not burning yourself out in an effort to take care of others, especially if its the brothers lmao "they're big boys, they can take care of themselves" or something to that effect lmaooo
Tbh I can see them talk about pretty much anything and they'd find a way to have pleasant discussion. Just going off of what I know about ENFPs, the conversation could go from like, lighthearted to something more serious/deep without too much challenge too? Though Dola would still somehow not get too personal? Like she'll never relate anything to a personal experience (Gray will just have to assume that Dola went through something similar) or willingly say anything too revealing.
Which is why even though they're both in relationships with Satan, she's never going to offer much information about her relationship with her Satan? >.>;; Sorry if you were hoping for fun discussion about their sex lives shjkgdfg Dola only talks to Asmo about it and even then it's like... rare and very awkward for her sdhjkf
Another thing that Dola would prefer not to talk about is children and the thought of raising families? She's not really fond of kids and the thought of her ever having children squicks her out like crazy. So if the conversation ever goes there she'll try to steer the conversation to literally anything else.
However! I think if Gray wanted to discuss immortality with Dola, that's when Dola would willingly open up a bit and thorough in answering questions, vague only where she thinks it's unnecessary to go into full detail. Dola would get that it's a huge, huge deal to Gray and would do her best to give her some sort of clarity on what she wants for herself.
Ajksdfhsdfg Suddenly thought about them going shopping together?? Like the difference in taste seems like it would make shopping so fun and interesting because I can see them finding something they thing the other would like then showing it them >w< Also thinking about Gray trying to get Dola to at least try on some shorts and shorter skirts for fun? And Dola would give it a shot at least and maybe get a few to wear at the beach or something >.< However any tops that show skin are fine and will likely be bought and worn in the summer
OH??? Dola making and gifting Gray clothes tho????? I see it!! I think she'd have fun making something that's in a completely different style from what she usually makes for herself :3 Anything she makes will still have that ~Dola Touch~ but she's careful to make sure it suits Gray's tastes
Overall I think it would be a pretty pleasant relationship? I think since the stuff Dola wouldn't really get or agree with are all matters of personal taste and differences in reality (like literally), Dola would just agree to disagree instead of trying to debate (especially the bit where Gray loves Barbatos lmao).
I think they can get close over time if they meet often enough? But the problem would be that Dola's social battery is even worse than Levi's so between Gray and everyone else Dola spends time with, idk if they could hang out that often >.<
I also have thoughts if the situation were like... If Dola were something like a character in Gray's canon instead of an MC from a different one but this is getting very long >.>
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