#I craddle liam's characters gently
ruvi-muffin · 2 years
Do you ever think about how caleb growing mistrustful of essek very suddenly,
Likely was an acting choice brought about by caleb meeting trent again
Because... man it makes so much sense
Like the mistrust was always there, but before trent it mostly showed itself as a healthy distance. He wasn't actively malicious or untrusting of essek's words. In fact he was angry on his behalf when the others implied they'd have to punish him.
It also makes so much sense that he'd turn on a dime as essek apologized. Because tbh, that more than anything doesn't fall into the framework of manipulation that he recognizes.
Caleb is so rational, he probably realized that he'd been projecting and took a few cautious steps back to offer some genuine kindness that wasn't rooted in trying to do damage controll on a potentially dangerous person.
I do have to laugh at the need to off trent then and there though bc oh my god, you do not have time caleb. Too many things are happening at once. Never been more thankful for that dunamancy die betrayal (poetic cinema).
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