#I just jave a lot of feelings sudden
greetingsfromuranus · 6 months
I love your art! Do you jave any tips ondrawing in the EENE artstyle?
Thank you!! The best advice I have is to study, study, and then study some more lol. Look at something, try to replicate it, trace over the original to see the underlying shapes, draw the shapes on your own page and replicate it like that, freehand it w/o reference, just see what works! i know it sounds like general advice, but the EENE style, especially once you get to later seasons,is very stylistically and technically complex! You're gonna have to see which aspects of it are intuitive to you, and which ones you'll have to sit down and make yourself learn. I primarily use Raven Molisee's art (lots of stuff on Deviantart and Poshmark more recently) since with his sketches you can see a lot of the underlying shapes and processes! But it would be a good idea to also check out stuff from the rest of the art department, such as Scott Underwood, Jim Miller, and Cory Toomey (you can find a list of em here: https://ed.fandom.com/wiki/The_Creators). Instagram account dawn_of_the_eds has a lot of good references!
You can also study screenshots of the show, especially if you're trying to replicate the colors/linework/movement/etc… I would recommend @ededdneddy-artrefs, as they have a nice tagging system for finding anything specific, but its also a good idea to just look at your favorite EENE clips on YouTube and go thru them frame-by-frame! It helps with understanding how the characters move, talk, express, etc… and you can really nail down the stuff you'd only get a vague idea of from watching the show at a normal speed.
For me, it took me months (minus some breaks) to get to where i am now with drawing the Eds. Someone more studious and hardworking could easily do it faster, but the point is, it takes practice! Practice combined with active, intentional learning! My progress with drawing the Eds has several phases marked by a sudden jump in skill (usually caused by me finally going out and studying some more art, and internalizing what i learned), followed by healthy stagnation, where i get comfortable with the new knowledge and just do the same stuff for a while. If you really wanna get good at drawing them, you can study much more than i do, or have shorter stagnation periods! It's ok to calm down and get comfortable with the characters, have some nice, easy, art making time, its important to not get too stressed or burnt out! But when you're feeling motivated, absolutely take advantage of that!
Some things to remember:
While the characters do have consistent design elements and basic underlying shapes, these are NOT hard rules. REMEMBER AND INTERNALIZE SQUASH N STRETCH! I've tried assigning hard rules to how I draw the eds, and it's VERY difficult. It's definitely important to write down/point out as many design quirks and reoccurring themes/shapes as possible, but just remember that the Ed Edd n Eddy style is extremely fluid and dynamic - and the guidelines you may have thought were 100% true can be shattered at any point. Basically: all rules are optional! Don't draw something because the "rules" say so, draw something because it looks good! Sometimes one rule looks good, sometimes something else looks better! I'll use the teeth as a visual example:
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(art in 1st image by Raven Molisee)
Sort of a continuation of the last point - Before EENE, I had a tendency (and still kinda do) to use more symbolic drawing process, the kind of design language you'd use for logos or graffiti, or the kind of style you see in shows like Dexter's lab or Total Drama Island or something - where you get good at drawing the same shapes/lines over and over. The EENE style, especially in later seasons, does not follow the same process as these sorts of styles. For example, I used to look at Edd and say "ok, His head is THESE TWO SHAPES!" And then there would be another, I'd say "okay, 3" and then another, and another and this will keep going on and on and on. Sometimes his ears are at the corners of whatever quadrilateral his head is (like in Molisse's art), sometimes theyre on an edge (like ive seen in Underwood's art), and sometimes you just can't see em! You have to accept that the characters are a lot of things at once, and different things at different times! Like Eddys head is usually a sort of bent pentagon - but is his mouth is enough he's more like a tin-can - but from a more top view he's almost a triangle - you can do this cycle forever.
you can think about it like this: the eds designs (especially their faces) are sort of a collection of features, and the shapes holding them together than be molded and distorted as you please!
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Remember that the eds often exist with 3D underlying shapes, not just flat ones! I would highly recommend studying 3d shapes in extreme perspectives specifically. Draw bent cylinders, twisted stretched out cubes, any sort of shape at the most extreme fish-eye perspective you can manage, just absolutely take advantage of them. Bend and distort and break those shapes, dig your foot into their backs and and pull at their corners like you're ripping the arms out of their sockets. Extreme visualization, I know, but Ed Edd n Eddy is a slapstick comedy - there is immense force and stretching and distortion present, you really have to get that energy into your art to replicate the style (even if I'm not great at it yet, it's something I know I must learn).
Specific tidbit that's important & I sometimes forget: The characters limbs can be as long as the pose calls for! They will be fine! If they're holding something above their head, their arms are going to stretch out much longer than normal and it's ok! You can always sacrifice the "accuracy" to the model to get a strong pose/silhouette. Though one thing I've noticed is that their clothes often don't stretch the same way their bodies do! If you stretch double D's arms out 3 yards, his sleeves are gonna be about the same length as always! Except for when it looks better to break this rule, of course :3 basically imagine their bodies are like stretchy rubber, while their clothes are not
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(note how his arms are stretched reeeal long in the gif, the look of the action holds higher priority than "correct" body proportions)
Apologies on my lack of notes on Ed specifically, I've drawn him good a total of One time and haven't been able to do it again lol.... Sometimes his head is an upside down triangle, but its bent in a way that i cant find a good pattern to remember it by... though sometimes his head is a square but the bottom stretches downward to become his neck. He's weird as hell, one day ill figure it out!
That's all my advice for now :3 If i think of any more i will add it!
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ruvi-muffin · 2 years
Do you ever think about how caleb growing mistrustful of essek very suddenly,
Likely was an acting choice brought about by caleb meeting trent again
Because... man it makes so much sense
Like the mistrust was always there, but before trent it mostly showed itself as a healthy distance. He wasn't actively malicious or untrusting of essek's words. In fact he was angry on his behalf when the others implied they'd have to punish him.
It also makes so much sense that he'd turn on a dime as essek apologized. Because tbh, that more than anything doesn't fall into the framework of manipulation that he recognizes.
Caleb is so rational, he probably realized that he'd been projecting and took a few cautious steps back to offer some genuine kindness that wasn't rooted in trying to do damage controll on a potentially dangerous person.
I do have to laugh at the need to off trent then and there though bc oh my god, you do not have time caleb. Too many things are happening at once. Never been more thankful for that dunamancy die betrayal (poetic cinema).
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mydemimonde · 4 years
‘muse’ ch. 7 | matt (bbtl)
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you’re in for a treat my friends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mia took a deep breath and knocked on the door. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, waiting for him. She was mentally preparing her apologize speech when Matt opened the door. Suddenly, she forgot what she was going to tell him.
He was surprised at seeing her there, for him it was clear that she didn’t want them to be friends anymore. He crossed his arms and leaned on the doorframe. He didn’t say a word. Mia noticed how her hands were sweating and her heart beating fast.
“Hi Matt… I came to talk to you, about… what happened the other day”
His eyes narrowed and he sighed. “I don’t know what you want to talk about, you made it really clear you don’t want me to be your friend anymore” he stated with a slack expression on his face.
She bit the inside of her left cheek. “That’s not true Matt, I really want your friendship, more than anything. Just let me explain myself” at this point she was desperate. She wanted everything to be alright between them. But she also couldn’t stand seeing Matt and Emma together, even if his happiness meant the world for her.
He meditated for a few seconds before moving to the right and allowing here to step inside. She swallowed hard and entered his house, gripping hard the strap of her bag. They went to the living room and sat on the couch, on polar opposites. She took a deep breath before speaking.
“I’m sorry I behaved like an insensitive bitch. You didn’t deserve that. It’s just…” she bit her lower lip. “You know I was never good at expressing my emotions, or controlling them” he nodded in acknowledgment. “That’s the reason why I’ve been acting strange around you. There’s something happening with me and I don’t know how the fuck to deal with it, so I exploded” her speech was rushed; she covered her face with her hands.
“Hey, hey” he quickly went to sit next to her, grabbed her hands and put them on her lap. “What’s going on, love?” the pet name made her even more anxious, but she loved it anyway.
“It’s not that easy to explain” tears threaten to spill and her voice cracked. He caressed her cheek, showing worry and affection. “I acted like that because I was angry. Angry at you and Emma”
His expression softened. “Love, I’m sorry. I know I spent a lot of time with her lately, and talked about her all the time. I know that it annoyed you, and Javed as well. I promise…”
“No, you don’t understand Matt. It’s not that. I was jealous” she confessed.
“Jealous?” he wiped a tear away from her face with his thumb.
“Jealous of Emma” she expected a laugh from him. But he didn’t laugh. Instead, he showed even more confusion than before. “Oh, you’re so clueless Matt”
He chuckled and furrowed. “You’re not being very clear”
“I love you” she let it out and felt a weight off her shoulders. “And not as friends” Matt was looking dazed. She continued. “I’ve been in love with you since we were 8. I thought I was over you, but I was wrong. When I came back and saw you, I realized my feelings for you never vanished” Matt stood there, completely shocked. Her heartbeat was fast. “Say something please”
What could he say? His mind was racing, he couldn’t believe her words. It took him a moment to gather himself up and get on his feet. She looked down, believing she ruined their friendship for good. He extended his hand to her. “Come with me” she hesitated for a second, but took his hand.
They went to his room. It was a little messy, some sheets of paper –songs written by him, she supposed– were all over the bed, the guitar was there as well. Posters decorated the walls, and there was a synthesizer in one corner.
Matt collected the sheets of paper and put them on the drawer next to his bed. He told her to sit there, and went to the closet to look for something. She looked at the night table and saw a portrait. It was a picture of the trio as children, at Matt’s 10th birthday. He had a red birthday hat, Javed was on his left and Mia on his right. They were sticking their tongues out, and their noses were covered in frosting. She smiled fondly.
“Here” Matt returned with a box and opened it. It was full of papers, drawings, old pictures and a black bracelet. She recognized those last two items immediately. “I saved all of them” he took the bracelet in his hand. “You made this and gave it to me on my birthday. I remember you were upset because you didn't have enough money to buy me a new jacket, so you made this and I told you that the jacket didn't matter, that I loved the bracelet. I would wear it all the time, proudly" he looked at it and smiled. Then, he showed her the drawings. "These were drawn by you on a rainy day. We were stuck here in my house, we were bored and you drew this" she examined at the three colourful figures: Javed, Matt and Mia in the park.
Mia took the polaroids, which captured some of their happiest memories. The trio posing next to a Christmas tree, opening their gifts, eating marshmallows. Then, there was a picture of Matt and Mia alone. She was kissing his cheek, and he had a grin on his face.
"Do you remember the day you told us you were moving to Liverpool?" she nodded. "I was pissed. Really pissed. But not at you, at myself" she slightly shook her head, not quite understanding. "I was angry because I never had the guts to tell you about how I felt about you. When I finally gathered courage, you were leaving" he started to rummage through the box and grabbed the sheet of papers. "I know I was a little kid and barely began to understand what love was, but I couldn't help being so upset" Mia couldn't believe what she was hearing. "After you left, I felt empty. Everything I did was talk to Javed about you. Poor lad, I know I exhausted him" he chuckled.
"Matt, I..."
He cut her off, lifting a finger. "Let me finish. Do you know why I decided to become a musician?" she shook her head. "At first I thought it was just a hobby as a kid. Watching rock stars do their thing, it was really exciting. I wanted that. But that isn't the reason anymore"
"Then what is it?" she had no idea where this conversation was going. But she was curious.
"You" Matt's eyes and tone were sincere. "You are the reason. You inspired me to write songs since we were kids" he handed over the crumpled sheets of paper, and she took them. Most of the songs were about love, admiration or heartbreak. All about her. "The first ones are shitty because, well, I was 10, but my feelings were true. And they still are. You're my muse"
She blushed and blinked repeatedly. This wasn't what she was expecting from him. Never in a million years. She looked at the last sheet of paper, it had a familiar date on it. It was from 5 days ago.
"I wrote that after your… outburst. The day we went to the park" his eyes were fixed on the paper.
The image of Matt playing the guitar and writing came to her mind. Of course, she saw him through her window that night. "Oh. I'm sorry about that too. I was hurt because of the necklace. I thought it was for me. That's why I overreacted" Mia bit her lip and looked down, embarrassed.
He placed his hand on her cheek. "I'm so sorry for that, babe. I'm stupid" she looked up and met his blue eyes. "I should've told you before"
"It's not your fault, it was mine for making stuff up in my head and creating fantasies..."
"No Mia, not that" he giggled. "I love you. I always have. That's what I should've told you"
Mia was puzzled. After a few seconds of silence, she chuckled. "You do realize that we're the most idiot people in the world?"
"What do you mean?" he grinned.
"It took us 9 years to confess our feelings to each other. We're literally so stupid, I can't bel–" her rambling was cut off by Matt’s lips on her. His right hand kept caressing her cheek, and the left went immediately to the back of her neck, pulling her closer to him. Mia was totally taken aback by his sudden movement, but kissed him back. Her shaky hands grabbed his jacket, closing the short distance between them. His lips were soft against hers and she felt like the time stopped. Mia could smell the mix of his perfume and cigarettes. She felt dizzy.
He pulled back and rested his forehead on hers. “I wanted to do that for such a long time. I even pictured how it would be” he smirked.
Mia licked her lips. “How did it turn? Just like you imagined?”
“Hmm” he looked up, thinking. “I think I’ll need to check again” Matt went in for another kiss, this time it was deeper. Her lips tasted like strawberry chapstick, he wanted more. Mia moved her hands to the back of his neck, running her fingers through his hair. He tenderly traced her lower lip with the tip of his tongue and she parted her mouth slightly, moaning softly. Panting, they pulled back to catch their breaths.
“So?” her eyes were locked on Matt’s, his pupils were large.
“It was way better that I imagined”
 - - - - - - -
tag list: @blueeyedheizer​
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remushisahoshi · 5 years
🖤💜Henry Is Better Than Your Fave and Here's Why🖤💜
I can make any argument on why Henry is better than your fave. I'm gonna make a few examples and I can add more to fight your fave.
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1.) Hector
So people like Hector a lot because he is a big swole man who can protect you and he is freakishly handsome and confident about himself, right? Literally Henry is all that (minus the swole but he doesn't need to be swol bean to be best bean)
Henry can defend you with his insanely powerful magical abilities. He knows pretty much everything about curses and could kill anyone who even does so much as to look at you wrong. If you want a man to protect you, Henry is your guy.
And you want a handsome boi who is confident about himself? Henry is the most handsome jou of them all! He knows how good his magic is and pretty confident about his abilities as a dark mage and as a hexer. He never doubts his magic and never doubts his ability to kill. Yet Again, Henry is your guy.
You know what Henry has that Hector doesn't? Forced and restrained marraige. You cant marry Hector in his game, but you can marry Henry. Sure, none of the possible S rank pairs Hector has are canon, but none of them are you.
Henry is better than your fave.
2.) Marth
So Marth is a fan favorite because he is the OG protagonist, right? He is also charming, strong, modest, regal, and a pretty boy. Guess what? Henry is Charming, Strong, and a Pretty Boy too. He may not be regal nor royal, but he never is too overbearing about his abilities and accomplishments.
Henry is heckin charming. Like, he would be more than happy to takw a crow feather and weave it in your hair, compliment your smile and eyes, compliment your valor on the battlefield, comment how gorgeous you look when you jave the blood of your wnemies splattered all over you, exetera. He is more than happy to compliment you, help you out with literally any task, and make you feel special. If you want a charming fella, Henry is your guy.
Henry is like sooooo pretty. Like his white hair and pale skin is such a nice contrast to his deep purple and peweter gray garments lined with gold designs. He doesnt use unbearable colors (using a base of maybe three or four colors) and he is a skinny yet tol boi. He's just really pretty a f his smile is pretty and when he opens his eyes they are pretty. Henry is a really pretty boi.
You know what Marth has? A canon wife. He and Caeda are canon and in love. Marth already had the love of his life. You know what Marth doesnt have? Free time for you. He is busy running a kingdom and fighting there is no time for romance and he would be stressed. Henry doesnt deal with either of those.
Henry is better than your fave.
3.) Niles
Niles is a flirtatious bisexual tan man who is ruggedly handsome and very feline-like. He is also a bad boy~ He works as a retainer to Leo and has a tragic past. Guess what? Henry is handsome, kinda cat-like if yoh stretch it, a bad boy, and has an even more tragic past than Niles. His sexuality is also uncertain but that doesn't exactly matter...
So the tragic backstory part! Yeah, Henry' parents neglected him alot so he used to spend time in the woods where a white wolf basically became hos surrogate (right word?) Mother, but a hunter shot her before his eyes so he had a magical awakening and unleashed unheard of black magic that was more powerful than anyone had ever seen, so the parents sent him away. Depending on the localization, it was either to an Orphanage or Wizard School where nobody liked him and he had no friends because he was too weird. That's where he started making friends with the crows that always hung around the school and diving into the dark arts on his own. He learned to smile to make everyone believe he was fine and stay away because he knew they wanted to. So if you're into boys with a tragic backstory, Henry is your man.
You want a bad boy? I can give you a bad boy, and his name is Henry. Dark Mage? Evil magic and always tampering with the dead and laughing in the face of danger? He is a MEGA bad boy! But yoy are probably thinking the rebellious and sexy kind of bad boy. Henry's american localization could easily go yandere so he could be a bad boy if you really wanted him to be. He also countless times in supports he offers to kill Chrom: Leader of the Shepards. That's pretty bad and rebellious to me just saying. Henry could be a bad boy.
You know what Henry has that Niles doesn't have? Magic. Niles can't cast awesome spells, summon risen, or turn people into toads. He can't kill a person without having a single scratch on their body. You know what else Niles doesn't have? The ability to be a good Dad. Nina hates her father, but in every single ending of Awakening if Henry is married it says he was a surprisingly good father. No daddy issues whatsoever.
Henry is better than your fave.
4.) Claude
So I actually haven't played three houses yet so I am going off heroes and the spoilers I read but trust me Henry is better than Claude.
Claude is a very tricky boy. He likes to set traps and do a sneak and he is heckin bisexual. He is an EXTREMELY pretty boy and, let's face it, a better Niles and he's on horseback! But wanna know a secret? Henry is a tricky boy too. He is very pretty, like said before, and I am having a sudden blank on the mind because it's eleven at night but HERE WE GO!
Henry is a tricky little bastard, just like Claude. Henry literay did go behind everyone's back and learn how to summon risen after all. He also has all his crow friends he can have fetch stuff and steal stuff for him. He is also a playful little bastard if you couldn't tell from his, for a lack of better words, immature personality. He scares Ricken for fun and traded bodies with Sumia just for fun and went on a joyride in her body in his supports with them respectively. He is a fun, tricky little shit and I love him.
Guess what Henry has that Claude doesn't have? Burdens of being a royal and insecurities about it. Insecurities aren't cute. They are little hatreds people have to face and overcome to have a good self image. If people think that's cute then they are messed up. Claude needs to go on that journey with himself while Henry went on that journey and overcame it now. Henry doesn't have repression issues. It's okay to want to help out with someone's issues, but it ain't okay to fetishize it like I know a lot of people do with characters like Claude. Just a PSA. But that doesn't make Henry a better character, just a more internally developed one. And because od his self-development....
Henry is better than your fave.
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I know that last one was sloppy but it still stands. Who wants to fight next? I am ready.
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rrrawrf-writes · 7 years
eye contact
or alternatively: “staring contest”
very very very tenuously attached to this
(and yes tes, you were right, rhiot does do this a lot)
“I really can’t let you in, sir,” the soldier said apologetically. “They’re still being debriefed.”
“What’s your name?” Javed demanded, eyeing the brown and black brindled dog at the soldier’s feet. She blinked back up at him.
“Sergeant Rhiot Archer,” the soldier said. He wore a pair of frameless glasses, and eyed Javed sidelong despite facing him, with a way of slightly ducking his head and not quite meeting another person’s gaze that Javed recognized.
He often did something very similar.
This time, Javed refused to soften his glare, despite his power pushing at the back of his eyes. His fury at hearing his agents had been detained by the MUGD had subsided, but only by a very little. Now, faced with a very tangible roadblock to his goal, Javed’s anger surged. So. He did not look away.
Javed tilted his head back a little; he and Rhiot were about the same height. After a moment, the Chinese-American soldier recognized the challenge. He straightened and looked Javed full in the face.
He knew Rhiot to be classed a psychic instantly. There was just something about the gaze, and the fuzziness that brushed up against some sixth sense of Javed’s, the same kind he had gotten around Psion when they met - albeit less intrusive and forceful. This seemed... polite. A sort of, are you sure you want to do this? offered to a drunk man, before the sober person hauled off and whipped his ass.
Javed was sure. He stopped looking at the inside of his own glasses lens - a trick he often used to feign eye contact, without inadvertently overwhelming someone - and glared at Rhiot. He felt an odd, tentative sort of prickle at the front of his mind.
His efforts were met with a little more resistance than Javed was used to - even Psion hadn’t been able to stand up to him for more than a few seconds, and he was one of the most powerful telepaths alive. Rhiot didn’t even seem to be bothered.
Javed mentally pushed a little harder. He felt the fuzzy pressure increase against his own mind - and then something broke. For both of them.
Rhiot blinked, startled. “Oh,” he said, surprise and keen interest coloring his voice. Javed had no choice but to echo the quiet exclamation.
He felt much more than just ‘oh.’
Javed felt - pulled. And not only that, but disoriented and confused. Rhiot stood at a casual parade rest, hands clasped but behind his back - but then he and Javed were forced into mirroring each other, their arms trapped somewhere between trying to keep them at their sides, and crossed over their chests. That awkward stance wasn’t the only one Javed’s power was trying to force on him - on them both, he realized, just as he also realized that his body was being pulled downward. He felt like he should be on all fours - or sitting, speaking with one hand cut through the air for emphasis. He and Rhiot raised it without meaning too, the two men staring wide-eyed at each other, as someone not in the hallway with them said, “Ma’am, I told you, we didn’t -”
There was a sudden pause, while Javed tried to understand why he wasn’t seeing just Rhiot and his dog, but a woman behind a desk in a sunlit-filled room, a pair of knees in black slacks, his own face.
He, Rhiot, and that third voice that echoed queerly in the back of his head, said in a strangled voice, “What the hell.”
After a shocked silence, an icy voice - one that didn’t echo, or force Javed into speaking the same words, but instead sounded distant and oddly muted - said, “Excuse me, Captain Parker?”
“Archer!” snapped the male voice, and Rhiot and Javed in unison. A scene flashed to the front of Javed’s jumbled vision: the same tight-lipped woman in an Army dress uniform, resplendent behind her desk with a display box full of metals, and staring at them with cold anger - but then it was gone. Along with the image, Javed felt almost as if they had cut off some significant weight he had never before noticed holding him back.
Javed wasn’t in control. Out of everything suddenly crowding his senses - the sound of husky breathing, the bizarre angles looking back at his own face (and legs, he realized, those were his black slacks and shoes he saw) - even the strange taste in his mouth - the lack of control scared Javed the most.
He tried to put out an arm to steady himself against the wall, but for the first time in his life, Javed couldn’t move his own body. It was like struggling through thick syrup, tied down with chains pulling him in two different directions.
Javed tried to pull back, away. He and Rhiot stood stock-still, both their arms rigid at their sides now, feet apart, slightly stooped as Javed fought the urge to get down on all fours like a -
The dog, stiff-legged and quivering, whined. Rhiot and Javed copied the noise. Javed gave himself a mental tug, trying to free himself from the connection with Rhiot - and someone else - and closed his eyes.
The soldier let out a sudden bark of laughter. 
“Sorry, director,” he said, voice strained. Even with his eyes closed, Javed could see - see himself from those two very different angles, straining against invisible chains. “You don’t get off that easily.”
Javed’s eyes flew open. Whatever Rhiot’s power was, it was stronger than his.
It was stronger than his.
Every other time, breaking eye contact for more than a second had been enough to cut the connection. Javed could shed the possession of another’s body as easily as his glasses, but not this time. This time, a tether held him tight to Rhiot, the two of them unable to move for the mental struggle they were having.
At least Javed hadn’t been forced to say those last words. He worked his jaw, testing it. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, quicker and quicker. He felt the shadow of another beat in his chest, steady and calm - but becoming less so as Javed’s nerves skyrocketed.
No. Not one other heartbeat.
“Let me go,” Javed forced out, stiff and pained. Rhiot smiled at him, an expression apologetic, exhausted, and depressed all at once.
“You first, director.”
Javed glared at him. Fine. Then’d he’d take over, he thought, and mentally shoved forward. Rhiot had a pocketknife - Javed had no idea how he knew that - they’d see how determined the young soldier felt when he held the blade to his own throat.
He jerked his hand towards his pocket, gratified to see Rhiot make the same motion. The soldier set his jaw, red-faced, and narrowed his eyes. A deep, low growl rumbled in the back of Javed’s mind, his chest. He unconsciously bared his teeth as his hand closed around the pocketknife.
The pocketknife that Rhiot had, and Javed didn’t, and yet - Javed still felt it. The roughened grip was all too real against his palm, the fingers curling around something more substantial than air. Distraction forced Javed to look down at his empty hand.
Rhiot took control again.
Their fingers were forced open, one by one. Javed seethed as he saw the knife hit the ground from three different angles, and his head jerked back as the dog’s did, in surprise.
“Can - Can we sit down?” Javed’s throat was dry - no, Rhiot’s was dry, Rhiot was the one speaking, Javed had never had this much trouble keeping himself separate from his victims. “It’s hurting Loula - she can’t stand like you and me.”
Grudgingly, Javed relinquished some control, and the three of them found another corner of the complex to tuck themselves into. Rhiot refused to let him go - but Javed discovered, on their short walk to an alcove outfitted with a couple of hard chairs they ignored in favor of the floor, that he didn’t have to be looking at Rhiot to force the younger man to copy his motions. It was advantage and disadvantage, mixed up all in one. Javed had never been able to do that with anyone else.
“I call it, ‘sharing space’,” Rhiot explained, sitting with Loula in his lap. Javed mimicked his cross-legged pose, but his hands were stiff in his lap, while Rhiot stroked Loula’s thick fur. The dog had closed her eyes, but now Javed realized that the sharper scents and sounds he smelled and heard came from her. Javed clenched his teeth to stop his mouth from moving along with Rhiot’s. “You don’t need to worry, I’m not a telepath or anything. I can feel emotions if I press harder, but that’s about it.”
Javed thought the soldier was lying, but he couldn’t be sure. Rhiot kept his eyes on Loula, filling all three of their’s vision with her patterned fur. Javed’s fingers twitched at the secondhand sensation of softness as Rhiot scratched underneath Loula’s harness. An itch under one shoulder blade, that Javed hadn’t realized he felt, eased.
“You’re luckier than Flower Metal and the embodiment of pure human rage,” Rhiot added conversationally, “they both got the full package - eight people, besides me and Loula here.”
Javed frowned, and took his turn speaking as Rhiot tightened his mouth shut. “Who?”
“Uhh. Pink hair guy, and that Samoan lady.”
Those were apt descriptions, Javed had to admit. Rhiot glanced briefly at him. “Yours?”
Both of their jaws were starting to ache by this point, from resisting the urge to speak the same words as the other. Javed thought only briefly about exiting the weird co-mingling of their powers, then decided against it. He wasn’t going to run away and let Rhiot win.
“Mirroring,” Javed said shortly. “You can - share space with eight people at once?” He gestured absently with one hand, forcing Rhiot’s to lift from Loula’s back. “With a dog?”
“More, on a good day.” Rhiot tried to shrug, but managed nothing more than a slight twitch of one shoulder. He grimaced and ignored the second part of the question. “You can only hold one?”
They both nodded at each other. Javed had never felt the limitations of his power more keenly. If Rhiot managed this - this mess of sensation and heartbeats on a regular basis, then no wonder he had trapped Javed.
“You did this to - to my people?”
“Only for a few seconds,” Rhiot said. “Just long enough to calm them down.”
Javed’s swell of anger must have transmitted itself to Rhiot, because he and Loula both stiffened; the latter growled softly.
“I didn’t hurt them,” Rhiot said, defensive.
“Then why are two of them in the hospital?” Javed snapped back, fast and forcefully enough that Rhiot said the words along with him. The soldier tightened his lips and stared at Javed for one long moment, until the director finally loosened his grip on the soldier’s body.
“That’s classified.”
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illustratedbydae · 7 years
Jace Wayland x reader | Angel [ part 2 ]
requested; yes
I hope you like this one; also this is placed before Jace met Clary I suppose, so he is like 16 years old here and the reader is around the same age & this is why in the title it says “ Wayland ” instead of “Herondale” & I’m so sorry for any grammar mistakes that could be here :)
Part One
master list
“ Wait , you’re saying I could do — that?! ”
Jace smirked looking at Magnus, his warlock friend, “ One day you should be able to. ”
“ This is insane, really. If I knew this back when I — ”
(Y/N) wanted to say “back when I was alone because my father killed himself” but she quickly stopped, not wanting to say such personal information to Magnus; of course he was like her, maybe he could actually understand her, but she just wasn’t sure; Jace knowing was more than enough.
“ — um, when I needed it, it would’ve been great. ”
The both guys noticed her sudden change of mood, Jace knowing that it was because she almost said something about her tragic past, the one she hated with all of her heart.
Magnus, however, didn’t open the subject, instead he continued to explain what a warlock really is.
“ The term ‘warlock’ is mostly used only for men, you’d be called a ‘witch’. ”
She laughed, “ Then I’m glad I wasn’t born at the time when people burned witches alive.”
“ Trust me, that era wasn’t great at all. ”
“ Wait, you lived back then?”
“ If course, biscuit. I’m a warlock since 1600. ”
(Y/N) blinked a few times, not believing such a thing. It was scandalous for her to hear something like that; that guy , who didnt look old at all, was older than her grandma. A lot older.
She sighed, “ So we really are immortal?”
“ Yes, warlocks, also known as Lilith’s Children, are an immortal race of downworlder offsprings of demons and mundanes.”
“ Mundanes?”
“ Humans. ”
“ Oh. ”
(Y/N) analyzed everything that has happened to her; since she jumped from that bridge her whole world was turned upsidedown, she didn’t know who to trust or what to do next. It was like she was completely reborn, into a new person that lived in a damned world. “ At some point in your life , you’ll stop aging. That depends on your warlock parent. ”
“ My warlock parent? You mean the demon — ” she sighed, “ the demon whose blood I have?”
“ Yes, (Y/N). Look, I know this seems strange —”
(Y/N) interrupted Magnus, showing him a fake smile, “ It is strange, Magnus. I think I-I need some air. I’ll be right back.” she said running to the balcony, locking the door behind her.
The recent events were still clear in her mind, but one thought was haunting her; you’re an offspring, you’re devil’s child, there’s no space for you in heaven .
She knew that if all these were true and sadly, they were, then her life was damned. She won’t age, she won’t die, she will stay here and maybe even see the end of the earth and then — when everything will end — she’ll go where people like her went , to hell.
Only the thought terrified (Y/N); she may wanted to end her life, to stop the pain, but now she was thankful for Jace, she was thankful that he saved her; if not she would’ve gone straight to hell, well not really, since she’s immortal but under other circumstances she would have.
Now she knew that she’ll go there anyway, no matter how much she believed in God or no matter how good she would be , (Y/N) was sure there was no “saving her” anymore.
Hot tears streamed down her cheeks, she finally let the pain out. Every bad memory was now coming to her mind and she was crying for everything that happened.
“ I’m so sorry, dad. ” she sobbed, sliding down , her back pressed to the wall; her father was right, she was, indeed, devil’s daughter, demon blood flowing in her veins.
“(y/N)?” Jace’s voice echoed near her
The girl looked at the door, she was sure she had locked it, but now she saw Jace standing at only a few meters away from her, the door wide open.
“ Unlocking rune.” he smirked, holding in his hand an object that looked like a very weird shaped pencil.
(Y/N) wipped her tears away , standing up; she tried to thank Jace for saving her life, but no sound come from her mouth, instead she wrapped her hands around his middle, hugging was always her way of speaking when words failed to.
“ I know this must be hard. ”
This time she laughed, a very sadistic laugh, “ Really? It’s not like my whole life is cursed and I’m basically Satan’s child. ”
“ (Y/N)”, Jace looked at her surprised, he never liked downworlders, but hearing such a beautiful girl as her talk that way about herself made him sad, “ You shouldn’t think that. ”
“ Why not, Jace? You , from what I understood, have angelic blood. I’m the opposite of that. I’m a —”
“ You’re a person that went through hell and back, you’re strong , you’ll get used to this life, you’ll be good. ”
“ — demon. I was going to say that I’m a demon, a monster. That’s what my blood means, right?”
“ Blood won’t define you; your actions will. ”
(Y/N) looked up to him, trying to smile a little, “ I can still be good?”
“ If you want to, of course. There are a lot of warlocks who use their powers to help mundanes, they work in hospitals, they do good, so could you. ” he smiled
(Y/N) tried to picture her life as a nurse, helping people, doing good, but suddenly the smell of blood filled her mind and imagines of needles showed up, making her frown.
“ Actually, I don’t like needles or blood. ”
Jave chuckled , “ Then you’ll find something else —”
“ What if I won’t ? ”
The shadowhunter boy put his hands on her shoulders , making (Y/N) to take a step back, so he could watch her in the eye.
“ Don’t be such a pessimistic person, I’m sure you’ll do just fine. ”
Jace regretted his words shortly after he spoke, because (Y/N)’s expression changed, now he couldn’t read what she was feeling, her face was emotionless.
He knew that she was for a fact alone and like if that wasn’t enough, (Y/N) had a burning hate for herself that wouldn’t just disappear now. Jace remembered when he read some mundane books, focusing on illnesses, there were those “mental illness” and he recognized that (Y/N) might have one of those and Jace knew that these illnesses were the hardest to fight.
“ It must be hard, I suppose, but you have me.” he smiled, “ and Magnus. ”
“ Thank you, Jace. ”
“ No problem, really —”
“ No, I mean thank you for saving me, even though I wouldn’t have died, I appreciate your gesture, so…thanks. ”
Jace gave her an assuring smile as he pulled (Y/N) closer, putting his arms around her body. He placed his chin on top of her head and hugged her tighter; not wanting to ever let her go, now Jace knew (Y/N) needed love and he was more than willing to give her all the world in the world.
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