#I did end up blasting that OC with the clone beam but they ended up very different kdfgkdf
smalltimidbean · 4 months
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Little Space Man, Space Me a Mannnnn~
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shadows-twilight · 6 years
RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 11
My various thoughts and opinions on Chapter 11 of RWBY Volume 6, "The Lady in the Shoe".
I love the optimism Ruby, but I don't think fighting giant monsters is quite the equivalent of starring in a Pacific Rim spin-off.
From cute to badass, this season has been giving us the absolute best Ruby expressions. That "try that again, bitch" look she gave after sniping a frikkin' missile out of the air was absolutely perfect.
It's about time they showed the use of Earth Dust. I've been waiting for that shit this entire frikkin' series
Really? A single bullet was enough to crack her windshield? Something tells me this thing doesn't have the best defense stats.
I'm really starting to feel spoiled from all of the songs we're getting this volume! Speaking of which, I wonder what this song is about. I'm not really good at picking up lyrics the first few times I listen to a song (I usually just end up waiting for FlyntofRWBY to upload his thing), but I know I heard them say the words "mirror mirror" at one point, and this is definitely not a Mirror Mirror song. Is this a proper Team RWBY song? Because that would be awesome!
Wait...Hard Light Dust exists in RWBY now? Oooohohoho, this opens up so many OC possibilities If they could somehow incorporate that video game joke into the next Grimm Eclipse update, that would be great.
As obvious as it is when they use 2D effects in favor of 3D ones, I must say it still looks gorgeous
Seriously, how weak is this thing's armor that they can pierce it so easily? The Paladins from V2-V3 were tougher than this. I mean, I know min-maxing on the stats is a viable strategy, but when you are a giant frikkin' tank, defense needs to be in the 'max' list.
"I knew you would!" Did Ruby just...flirt? Dear god, I'm loving this battle.
For some reason, Ren and Qrow shooting the shield generator gives me the same vibes as Washington and Kimball killing Sharkface in Red vs Blue. I love it.
And people say Renora isn't canon. God, I love Nora so much.
Jaune proves himself the ultimate support, because if that wasn't a tank move, I don't know what is.
Ok, Cordovin may be an annoying Dolores Umbridge knockoff, but catching that missile like that? That was awesome.
But forget the giant mech battle, lets get to the one on one sword fight! That's way more interesting! Maybe I've been playing the game too much buuuuut... ♪♫ Spider-Blake, Spider-Blake. Drop that goat bitch into a lake ♫♪
I don't generally try to look at the characters this way, but Blake without that coat is bit...well, it's not an unpleasant site.
This fight is RWBY at it's most anime in a long time. Blake disarming Adam with her sheath was probably one of my favorite things yet.
I really really REALLY want to hear Adam fans try and say he's not abusive after this dialogue. I really want to hear them try to make a case after hearing that level of bullshit.
GAMBOL SHROUD! NO! I remember the last time one our main heroes had their weapons destroyed. It was three years ago and I'm still not over it.
"I have to release the power in my heart. The dark power that I've been holding ba-". Oops, sorry. Wrong series again.
Ah, at long last we get to see Adam's eyes and HOLY PATRON SAINT OF PROSTITUTES*, WHAT THE FUCK!? Is that...is that a SDC brand? Does the SDC brand it's slaves? I'm not going to lie, this actually adds an entirely new level of depth to Adam. I mean, don't get me wrong, this doesn't excuse any of his actions and he's still an unlikable, unrepentant waste of air, but at the same time, he's gone through some genuinely dark shit. That brand didn't happen to some murderous, abusive sociopath, that happened to some scared kid. I don't think I'll ever be able to feel sympathy for Adam, but the kid that brand happened to? I pity that kid.
Ooh, going for that Vol 3 scar. I'd call that out as a dick move, but quite frankly, it was far from the most dickish thing he's done today.
Holy shit, Yang actually hit Adam with Bumblebee. Thank you, RT for making all of our dreams come true.
On that note, RIP Bumblebee. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten, and at least you went out making a mess of Adam's face. One can only aspire to die for such a noble cause.
Armed and Ready is playing and it is GLORIOUS!!!
Wait, when did Adam get Shadow Clones!? I mean, don't get me wrong, it looked coll as fucking hell, but when did Adam get Shadow Clones!?
So I guess he can send out the energy stores in more ways than just his blade beam...including Shadow Clones. Blake may have likened his semblance to Yang's, but like this it almost looks like a perverted mixture of Yang and Sun-OOOOOOOH ok, I see what they did there. Very clever, RT, very clever indeed.
I could probably spend an entire post discussing the comment Yang made about Adam's Semblance (or at least a write a proper paragraph). Sadly, I have dinner plans.
Holy shit, Yang tanking that blast was frikkin' BADASS!
The messed up part is, I honestly think Adam was considering taking the out before he saw Yang's hand shaking. That's interesting
Whelp. Yang and Blake are holding hands. I can already hear the RWBY tag exploding. Also that protection speech was pretty cute too.
You want to know what the funny thing is? Over the past week, I've heard a lot of people discussing what they wanted for this episode, and more importantly, what they didn't want for this episode. The big three? For the episode to focus on the Cordovin battle more than BY vs Adam, for the bees to NOT be canon by the end of it, and for the episode to end on a cliffhanger. This episode did all of those, and I am STILL more than satisfied with what we got. This was an action episode in every way that I love from RWBY and I am ecstatic to see the next one.
*google the patron saint of prostitutes. I promise you will not be disappointed.
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