#I did make him a hecking CHONKER pony wise but my excuse is the centaurs ive seen in game are more drafty
heya! I was wondering if you still have that centaur vari concept rattling around, and if so i'd love to hear about them again!
Oh Muirghra! My sweet baby boy! I've honestly been meaning to revamp him - I love him but also...there's potential for Other Centaur that scratches my brain in a whole different way
Cuz yanno, I don't have enough sylvari
I'm gonna slap this under a read more because I'm just... disjointedly rambling?
He's just kinda skidaddling round the desert atm with his human buddy - but he's fungus cordyceps, which specifically controls the muscles of it's host I found out recently. For some reason, his pod was separated from the Tree (and thus the dream), and he winds up waking up in Elona nearish to a Joko facility. The ride over the sea damaged the pod and himself is such a way that his legs and lower torso were amputated in transit.
Essentially, with one of Joko's favourite decorations being centaurs, he's able to find a nearby ... horse half, and use that as a host. As he's a necromancer himself, ontop of the fungus thing, he's able to control the body like his own and keep it in fairly good condition
I'm still twisting between him being able to maintain that original free corpse mobility aid, or if he has to transfer to a new one after awhile, or is able to fungus the body into becoming plant enough to be perma attached? I'm not sure.
I do occasionally like to giggle to myself at the thought of him finding a deceased hydra body instead of a horse. Imagine that cresting the hill at Mach Fuck cuz the market's gonna close soon.
He has an unnamed human friend he has adventures with, and just helps out a local village that found him, and took him in. They largely have to play hide the centaur now and again but otherwise he's pretty good.
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