#I did not know Yoosung was my exact taste until I played through his route LMFAOO
keii · 1 year
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Yoosung doesn't like that Zen keeps calling MC at night.
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can i request something on the exact moment he's fallen in love with mc please? i love your hcs so much!!
I don’t know who ‘he’ is so I guess I’m gonna try to do every boy. It’s a little bit of a difficult prompt, though, as generally speaking love is a process and not a singular moment of flipping a switch, but I’ll do my best.
The moment the RFA (realized they) fell in love with the MC
Pinpointing the moment that his obsessive crush turns to love is difficult, even for Yoosung. His feelings are all tumbled up and confused from the first moment he hears the MC’s voice, or maybe even from the first moment she became the next ‘party planner’ and his broken, grieving heart told him ‘I won’t have to hurt because Rika is gone if she’s not gone anymore’.
Therefore it really is hard to say the exact moment he truly fell in love with her. Given the wild situation that followed up his realization that he’d been unfairly mixing together his feelings for the MC and Rika, he never really had the time to examine his feelings for her very closely. He knew that he cared for her and needed her, and that the thought of losing her made it feel like he’d be swallowed up by a great black hole that would crush him with its overwhelming emptiness until he was less than even dust.
He really can’t pinpoint the moment his confused feelings turned into love purely for the MC and not for the memory of Rika through the MC, only that they absolutely did. 
Perhaps it was the moment that he was certain he was about to die and he thought not of seeing Rika, but of not getting to see her.
The exact moment was probably when he finally did see her, standing across the room, beautiful and perfect, the sun that filled his life with warmth and love, who gave him the strength to be more than he ever believed he could be not because she was some reincarnation of echo of Rika, but because she wasn’t.
If he didn’t know before then, it had to be that moment that he knew for sure he loved the MC with all of his heart, and always would do so.
It’s honestly also pretty tough to say when he fell in love with her exactly. He’s easy, and he won’t even front that he isn’t. He could tell immediately from the way she typed in chat that she was cute, and his feeling that she had a good heart proved to be true almost immediately. It goes without saying even if she’d been a cat person, a weird jokester like Seven, or a workaholic who needed to find a way to take a break sometimes, he’d have liked her all the same. He’s easy, and when they met he was frankly a little desperate.
But she didn’t care for cats, she liked his work, she liked him. She called him and asked him to sing for her, she appreciated and supported his work but she also liked him. Of course he was charmed and enchanted by her quickly. But when did he truly fall for her, not just her cuteness, not just as a girlfriend he was desperate for?
It’s a little weird to think about in retrospect, but the very moment that he opened his eyes and knew, the moment the pit of his stomach twisted and pulled his heart along with it like it never had before, was actually the moment he woke up after that dream. That terrible feeling he had, the sense that the MC would be taken away as a hostage and he’d truly lose her forever still lingered in his mind even after he woke up from it. If you only know what you have once you’ve lost it, then that dream made him realize just how much he truly loved the MC by experiencing losing her. In a way, it could also be said that in losing her in the dream, the feeling of having her back that he experienced upon waking was the moment his already deep feelings for her crystallized into actual love.
When did he first fall in love with her?
What did it feel like before he’d ever taken a breath, just after being born, when he first drew in air in his lungs?
When he first tasted food and his belly was full, or when he first saw or heard something, what did it compare to never having heard or seen anything?
He’s got a pretty great memory, but he can’t answer any of those questions, because it’s so long ago now that he just can’t remember. They’re all such precious things that by all rights it should be burned in his memory completely, but instead those sensations became so normal they’ve become something he takes for granted - he just knows that when he inhales he’ll receive air, when he looks he’ll see, and when he touches he’ll feel.
The MC is light in his darkness, and that light is so blinding it’s hard for him to know or remember, because it makes his eyes water and his vision blur when he tries to look back at when that light began.
It’d be easy to say the moment he loved her was when he ran to save her, but that probably isn’t true, because she became his motivation for doing...just about everything, long before that point. He told himself that he was only pretending and playing along with her like he did everyone else to make himself feel better about it, but is that really true?
He’s pretty sure he’s not so easy that the moment he saw her in the CCTV he fell for her - his heart’s too stony for that. But in the same way it’s hard to pinpoint the moment that the first ray of sunlight slips over the horizon in the dark of the night, even if that’s the moment dawn starts, it’s hard to pinpoint the moment her light cracked through his stone into his darkness, even if that’s the moment he began to love her.
It was probably before the point where he sicced a flame-throwing dog robot on his superior and risked ugly death to protect her from what might be a threat. But he knew by then he was in over his head, he wasn’t totally in denial or blind.
In the end it was probably just like the dawn. In the middle of a quiet night, when he wasn’t paying attention at all, and he heard her laugh over the phone.
It goes without saying that Jumin doesn’t actually recognize the moment he falls for her. He doesn’t really understand love like that. He’s observed the love V and Rika had, he knows the difference between how his father treats him and how everyone else in his life has and how he feels toward his father in turn, and he knows that he felt something special toward Rika himself, but none of those really encompass the feeling of romantic love from himself to someone else.
As such, if his feelings for the MC differed from the rest of the RFA, it would be all too easy for him to excuse and dismiss it as a friendly rapport built up from the fact that she was smart and kind and seemed to understand not just his humor but him in ways the rest of the RFA simply didn’t. Logically, it only stands to reason that he’ll feel closer to and like her more than the others if they’re on the same wavelength and she’s not purposefully attempting to aggravate him.
As such, under normal circumstance there’s no telling when he might realize his feelings for her differ from that of the rest of the RFA, nor when they really would differ. In some ways, then, it’s lucky that things go all sideways as suddenly and extremely as they do. It makes it very easy for him to pinpoint that moment he became absolutely certain his feelings shifted from protective and friendly to inappropriately romantic.
When he tried to lock himself away from the world, to cut himself off to sort through things on his own as he always usually did, somehow she found her way over to turn up on his doorstep without any warning, without him having to ask her, and without him even realizing until then that he needed her to be there.
That moment is undoubtedly the moment Jumin Han absolutely fell in love with her.
I don’t know enough about V and Ray’s routes to do theirs.
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