#I did't think anyone would actually send me an ask when I reblogged the post cause no one really has had in the past when I do this kinda
coruscantiprincess ยท 9 months
Okay, so one I've idea I have running around in my head is a time travel fic, where sometime after the events of ROTS Obi-Wan finds himself waking about the time just before Qui-Gon finally takes him as his padawan. But Obi-Wan decides that since he has this chance he is going to do everything in his power to really help Anakin and with the Force to guide him he decides not to be a Jedi and telling Qui-Gon that he would see him on Naboo. He leaves and finds work and saves as much money as he can (It's seventeen years I think before the POM and about 8 before Anakin is born. Not 100% sure my math is right.) he goes to Tatooine probably around when Anakin is 4 or 5. He would have Gone sooner, but he had to make sure he would have enough money to free both Anakin and Shmi.
He somehow arranges with Watto for Qui-Gon to get the parts he will need in the future.
He does end up telling Shmi some of the truth as to why he came, but I don't know how much. They all move to Naboo and Obi-wan and Anakin become like brothers. (Obi-Wan accidentally call Shmi Mom at some point and she loves it.)
Obi-Wan does teach Anakin some things about the Force. One thing I came up with is that He teaches Anakin to meditate while fixing droids, because the force helps him realized that Anakin focuses better when his hands our busy. He also let Anakin fly his ship. He is trying really hard to help Anakin learn to let go, but he has Shmi to help and a better environment which helps. (Oh, maybe he should get Anakin a pet.)
Well the time for the whole invasion is coming and by this point they have moved next door to Padme's family (Obi-Wan didn't know they lived there.) and have become friends with them. They know Padme a little bit, but not well since she's been busy with her campaign and then becoming Queen.
Anyway, just before the invasion Obi-Wan tells Anakin a little more about his past, (Anakin may have known there was something about Obi-Wan's past he wasn't sharing, but he never pressed to know what it was.) mostly that he traveled through time and is trying to stop bad things from happening again and he'll explain more later, but right now they have to go hide in the swamps.
Qui-Gon is sent to Naboo and Obi-Wan's words keep coming to the forefront of his mind, but he gets the Queen off plant without encountering Obi-Wan and then on Tatooine Watto tells him the part is already paid for and he is really confused.
When he is sent back to Naboo with the Queen he thinks about Obi-Wan's words again and is not surprised when Obi-Wan shows up in the swamp with a kid (Okay, so maybe the kid is a surprise.) Padme knows Obi-Wan and Anakin a bit and is happy to have their help. (Shmi stayed in hiding at Obi-Wan's request. She probably joins the camp later once they've made peace with the Gungans.)
Obi-Wan did build himself a lightsaber at some point because he want's to save Qui-Gon since he's fought Mual so much now he is prepared.
He makes sure Anakin can take out the blockade and saves Qui-Gon making sure Mual is truly dead.
They save Naboo and Qui-Gon offers to let Anakin become a Jedi.
Obi-Wan tells him it's his choice, but makes sure Anakin understands what it means to be a Jedi. In the end Anakin decides to stay with Obi-Wan and his mother.
Obi-Wan began to train him more in the ways of the Force and tells him more about the past and the Sith and how Palpatine is one and he is the person they are trying to stop.
Because of this Palpatine can never get his claws into Anakin because Anakin doesn't trust him.
I'm a little foggy on details now, but I know that Obi-Wan and Anakin get to know Padme more and stay in touch. I think if Anakin ever did have a crush on her it didn't last because he had a different environment and she saw him grow up and kept seeing him as little boy she first meet and then as a brother. (I could chance this later,) I've also thought about her falling for Obi-Wan (Which would take him by surprise) I don't know that is up in the air.
The war still happens and Obi-Wan Anakin still fight in it but not as generals or anything cause they are not Jedi, but they are always ready to help with relief missions.
Somehow they defeat Palpatine, but I don't know how yet.
Sorry this is so long, I didn't realize how many words my daydreaming would take up.
Put "๐Ÿ“˜" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
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