greencatalystcomet · 20 hours
*goes up to a polyamorous triad* so which one of you unspools the thread of fate, which one measures it, and which one cuts it?
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greencatalystcomet · 20 hours
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missy says “the doctor kills people too, i just enjoy it more. he’s the farmer, i’m the hunter, you know” and that makes me think she’s intimately aware of the sacrificial lamb paradigm. the lord is my shepherd. companions as beautiful little foals raised for the slaughter. with sorrow, of course, and remorse. the farmer loves every new creature in their flock with an emotional tenderness reserved for children and lovers. he’ll grieve when the butcher comes. he always does. but it’s inevitable. and you can always pretend your pet will live as long as you but fifty dog years are ten of your own. and when the time comes to put them down you’ll blame the vet. you’ll blame whoever has to bleed the calf. you’ll try not to blame yourself. after all, creatures in the wild alone lead such boring, listless lives. you’re showing them the wonders of the cosmos they’d never have seen with their normalcy-blinkered gaze. you’re doing them a favour. you’ll adopt another one. it will thank you as the light leaves its eyes.
but the hunter is evil, you say. the hunter kills willfully, the hunter stalks its prey, the hunter attacks with no mercy. instantly. painlessly, maybe. is that really so much worse?
after all, many moons ago, with a bloodied rock in his hands and the spectre of Death breathing down his neck, the hunter’s future had become the farmer’s first sacrifice. many moons ago, cain was the farmer and abel the hunter. and cain killed abel
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greencatalystcomet · 2 days
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Gouache, colored pencil, ink. Happy 7th anniversary, world enough and time. for the doctor falls anniversary, I’ll be releasing my twissy art zine for preorders. so . yay. anyways. proud of these. Painted them back in april, I now consider them the star pieces within my twissy collection
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greencatalystcomet · 2 days
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AND done with the second one! Also I did some rearranging with my chair and lifted my tablet up on some books and my back is much happier. <3 2 MORE TO GO!
9th Doctor Portrait 11th Doctor Portrait 12th Doctor Portrait 13th Doctor Portrait 15th Doctor Portrait
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greencatalystcomet · 2 days
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Little crumb of appreciation for one of the most !!!!!!! episodes of the show ✨️🌠
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greencatalystcomet · 2 days
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That undertale mirror trend with Bill :((
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greencatalystcomet · 2 days
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Knock knock Time's up
A step by step process of this will be available at my Patreon on November 1st!
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greencatalystcomet · 2 days
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missing them hours
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greencatalystcomet · 5 days
matt damon and ben affleck are like the dan and phil of hollywood actors if you really think about it
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greencatalystcomet · 5 days
I think there would be a major disconnect between the bats and the rest of the JL/super powered folk due to injuries and pain.
Let me explain.
I saw this post and it made me think of the healing factor/invulnerability of most of the JL. Clark is practically impervious, Diana’s worst injury is a paper cut at her day job, and the Green Lanterns have a passive force field, so on and so forth. But Batman bleeds. The only one who’s got any sort of healing factor is Jason, but it’s nothing compared to the flashes.
I can imagine Batman nursing some sort of injury like a broken rib from a punch he took from some super villain of the week, whereas Diana, who took the same punch, just shook it off. Batman isn’t jealous. He’s not bitter or angry. He just notices it. He knows he’s not as unmovable as them. But no one else sees that.
But I think it would really become an issue with his kids. Seeing all of his kids participate in a superhero team at some point, most of which start those teams or lead them at some point, because he trained them harder than anyone else. Because they’re not invulnerable.
And the turning point would be if one of those kids gets hurt. Like if Dick broke a bone or something and needed to have it reset in the field, Batman telling him “Scream if you need to” and it actually happening would really make the supers around them take notice. The bats aren’t invulnerable. But they’re the most dangerous of the JL.
Idk I just thought it would be interesting. I might write something with the concept because I could go on about it.
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greencatalystcomet · 5 days
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... ♥
been thinking about them a lot lately
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greencatalystcomet · 7 days
when i was in highschool we had to do a group presentations of short stories we wrote in english class and one of those short stories that my group presented featured bert and ernie as a queer couple and i am proud to say that it was my idea
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bert and ernie // dan and phil
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greencatalystcomet · 9 days
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loving the tags on this one, guys
lesbian phan au where phil is a manic pixie dream girl and dan is a goth mommy
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greencatalystcomet · 11 days
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greencatalystcomet · 13 days
lesbian phan au where phil is a manic pixie dream girl and dan is a goth mommy
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