#I didn't check the exact quotes if someone want to correct me I will be grateful
spicy-cleanness · 1 year
so there's a moment in the world's end, where gary appear in front of musketeers in the car.
"wow it's exactly like your old car"
"it IS the same car, I just changed..." and he starts to name details. but he names probably all details that car may have.
so basically he says "it's the same car, I just changed one by one every part of it, but it's the same".
this is a theseus ship paradox in a nutshell.
according to wiki: "if each individual part of the Ship of Theseus was replaced, one at a time, was it still the same ship?"
if each individual part of the Beast was replaced, one at a time?...
and my thought was "huh. they putted theseus ship in gary's words, who definitely know nothig about paradox. funny".
and then they go to the town.
and find out they don't feel any joy of it.
"the town is the same. we changed".
and then they find out blanked.
"we're the same. town changed."
but. the question is. if every citizen was replaced by blanked, one at a time, is it the same town?
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professional1977 · 2 years
A racist eh?
I was managing a department with many POCs. That's people of color. I think it silly to call people a minority when there are more of "them" than "us". I am a white person for the record. White people are perhaps 1/8th of the global population. Probably less.
I had a problem with a CAD operator who was not pulling his weight. Actually we spent more man-hours checking and correcting his work than he did preparing it and he was slow. He didn't really care as he had allies in the staff who usually covered for him, but man-hour numbers don't lie.
It is not that easy to get rid of long term employees. It takes a few rounds of performance reviews and backup documentation and memos. I did all that. I hoped he would at least try to improve as new people take time to train and all. He ignored the requests and his work got worse if anything. Most other people in the work group resented him but for a couple of people who liked to egg him on and told him I could never fire him until I did.
He filed an human right complaint against me. I was a racist and only fired him because he was Asian. There was an investigation and they interviewed many people in the company. It is not a good feeling being investigated by a government department. Finally they sat me down with an "adjudicator" aka judge jury and executioner who read out the complaint and quoted several statements that were rather nasty about me. It confused him as there were many statements that contradicted those. But where there is smoke.....
I opened my file and presented my case. All the reasons for the termination were documented and objective. I gave him several opportunities to improve and documented the lack of progress over 9 months. My case was strong to fire him. As far as those nasty comments I told them there were a few people in the group that were hostile and may have encouraged the complaint for their own reasons.
I was found to have not fired him based on race and that ended the first round. It was not over. The complainant filled an appeal on the finding and his supporters got more active including vocal public comments that they were going to get me. That concerned my bosses (there were 3) who did not like controversy and liked the idea of one big happy family. I was not in the clear.
A new investigation started. This one was a large aggressive woman who liked kicking asses. I was sat down with her and we did it all again. At the end she asked why or perhaps I suggested that there was another reason they were pursuing the issue so hard. It was stupid for them to call me a racist as I replaced the person with someone of the exact same racial and ethnic background who did excellent work.
She was interested now. Why are they doing this if you hired the same type of person to replace him? It's simple really. The person I hired was a woman. I will take you down to meet her If you like. The obvious inference was they objected to her because they were sexist, but I did not out and say that.
The adjudicator literally slammed the binder shut, and said she wanted to meet this person. So I took her down and introduced her. She liked working for me and so did the two other women in the group. ( They were all the best CAD people I had ).
Now I was in the clear.
Within the next year I let go two more "hostile" under performers.
Guess which ones.
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thefirstknife · 2 years
You have the exact same narcissistic personality as my step parent. I’m disappointed in you honestly, I’ve been following you for some time and I’ve always enjoyed your posts…but this seems to far. The person apologized and admitted they were wrong, you’re not helping anyone by continuing this cycle of unneeded hatred. I know you’re a nice person but please, couldn’t you have correctly them they same way you’ve corrected me and others in the past that weren’t fully aware of the lore?
Goodbye Bel and followers, I enjoyed my time here but I don’t wish to be part of a community that directs such hatred towards people who don’t deserve it.
I couldn't have corrected them directly because they have me blocked. I wrote a post about their post to inform my followers and people in the tag in general because this specific topic has been a recurring problem in the Destiny fandom for well over a year now and I wanted people to get correct information. My post about them was not in any way hateful. Nor was it directed at that person, nor have they seen it, presumably, because they only thanked one person who explained the issue "politely" well after I did it already.
I say "politely" because I've done my post as politely as possible, despite the OP being continuously vitriolic towards anyone who attempted to correct them until they received what they viewed as "polite." And I'm not into tone policing.
I'm also tired of people posting the most outrageous crap knowing that they lack the necessary information. OP admitted to not having the patience or the time to read all lore books. Why are they then making a statement about a complicated lore relationship that has been constantly misinterpreted by the fandom? Literally the original post should've been "Hey can someone fill me in on the details about o14" and OP would've received 20 replies with people quoting lore books from memory about their blorbos.
Also thanks for starting the post with an insult and then saying we shouldn't insult people! Top notch. Also goodbye? I'm not directing any hatred, believe it or not, other people can act independently and have their own reasons to be annoyed at OP, but okay. Goodbye then.
I got another related anon which I'll reply to here before the read more section:
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You can see the drama, if we're gonna call it that, here in this post, including previous drama. I won't police whose content you're following and if you enjoy Ceo's content, I won't really tell you to stop or to leave. That's a choice for you to make. But definitely check things for inaccuracies, even if it's just fanon, because fanon can heavily influence how people think of and engage with the media. Most fanon is harmless, but sometimes it's not and this whole thing with o14 is an example of fanon that can lead to people being actively homophobic and racist (not necessarily Ceo, talking just in general because it has happened before).
For full timeline of events:
Original post (I didn't look for it, it appeared in the tag. I don't have people blocked because I'm the only bitch in this space willing to engage with people posting blatant lies so I bear the burden of seeing all of the shit takes).
The first comment on the post is from a friend of mine, which is how I know it was the first comment:
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This comment explains the lore as succintly as possible in the space of a reply. I guess it says the argument is dumb so that's too rude? OP's reply:
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Dismissing the correction because my friend said the argument used in the post is dumb. Not looking into the lore, not asking for proof for the correction, random praising of one's "relationship skills" and dismissing everything as "an opinion."
My friend decided to take back the "dumb" thing and posted:
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Still nothing. It's just an opinion.
Two of my other friends also caught up with the post and commented:
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At that point I made my post and then a few other people also commented on OPs post about how they are wrong. At this point OP has still not asked anyone for clarification and hasn't gone to check things by themselves. They also made another post in which they tried to absolve themselves of being wrong by saying we just don't understand what it means to criticise media which is a fairly rude assumption to make about 10 people telling you you're wrong. When another friend commented on that post, the reply was extremely childish and dismissive:
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This friend of mine was blocked after this so he couldn't have made a reply or offer any substantial corrections. I guess OP unblocked my friend later to reblog his art. It's quite rude to block someone telling you about being wrong and then reblog their art as if you don't care about the artist's opinions or them being a human being, you're just here for the art. It's just a really weird vibe that other artist friends I have confirmed about being a pattern.
This reply was also mocked by an anon and OP which is fairly shitty as these three words were not the focus of the reply. The point was that if you don't know, then find out before you post. If you don't think lore is easily accessible, you can ask someone directly.
It's not until someone else took the time to reblog the post and correct them by posting pretty much exactly the same thing I did (with the exception about being wrong when it comes to Savathun controlling Osiris' body) that they decided to acknowledge corrections.
You're right, my entire blog is about helping people understand lore, but some people don't want to understand and are quick to be rude, dismissive and aggressive when corrected even once. Not the first nor the last time here. OP reblogging this post is especially funny because it's made by a friend who also initially commented on the original post and was dismissed. My friend also had a visceral reaction to the tags because the only reason my friend had to post this is because of OP. So that's basically 15 people trying to reach OP through different means and attempts to correct them until they finally budged after being spoonfed the lore directly .
Strange for someone who has this in their bio:
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Speaking of, this comes from another discourse where my friend politely asked if OP could tag NSFW content as "NSFW" because it's showing up in the main tag unfiltered. OP insulted my friend and refused to do so until I made this post and I guess the issue started making rounds so they finally buckled and said they'll use the standard tags. I consider this discourse done and over with, but I still absolutely detest OP's willingness to die on the hill of them not being anyone's "babysitter" and not being responsible for making sure minors aren't stumbling on untagged NSFW. OP has also reblogged a hateful and aggressive post full of misinformation about me from almost a year ago which was, I suppose, sent to them because there's no way to find it unless you look for it specifically. In this reblog they also continued to claim it's not anyone's job to protect minors so I am very put off by OP, to say the least.
This isn't helped by the anons they're getting where OP is bonding with random anons whose idea of a good time is insulting me and reporting to OP about my posts which is extremely funny considering they're bonding over how *I* apparently have a fanclub. Pot, kettle? I assure you, I do not.
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Actually, I can read, unlike OP who admitted to not reading lore but having enough confidence to post about it. At least when I post things, I check my information. I also don't post about shit I know nothing about.
OP has always been rude and dismissive first and while yes, I have the patience to reply to people nicely, my patience is also not infinite. I am also obviously not going to chase after people who don't want to be corrected. I made a separate post detailing why the OP was wrong and left it at that. I received an anon who was equally frustrated with OP so I replied. It's apparently a quite widespread sentiment. I'm sure people feel the same about me too, btw, which is understandable.
And while OP has since decided to change their mind and learn after half the fandom was dismissed at first and we had to drag the corpse of this lore discourse to their doorstep, I've not yet seen any indication that they will apologise for the "Titans are dumb" take.
I also tend to get hate anons for "posting drama" so let's be clear: I made this blog in order to try and clear out the cesspool that was Destiny tumblr. I lurked in the tag for a year and I finally buckled when I could no longer stand the absolute shit takes going unchallenged and rampant homophobia and racism and other bigotry being completely unchecked. My first post here is replying to someone being homophobic about o14 being official. This blog exists because the straw that broke the camel's back was virulent homophobia against o14. So while my wider "brand" is posting lore essays, my original brand was and will remain to be tapping into fandom discourse and drama. So whoever is not into that, I will not be offended if you leave. I also tag these posts as "discourse" so they can be filtered out and if anyone wants me to tag them with additional tags, feel free to let me know.
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