#I didn't write shiratorizawa antics for nothin'
mooshys · 3 years
Alright I’ve got a hard question for you. If you were in the Haikyuu world and you get to be the manager for one team which team would it be? Keeping in mind all the other teams would be your opponents.
oh my, what a difficult question to answer I really think—SHIRATORIZAWA!
alright I know you didn't ask for my reasoning, but I will give it to you along with the pros and cons of the other schools LOL
a major powerhouse school which sets aside a large amount of funding for their athletic departments. these are the kids that most likely get the fancy lunch boxes and ride the charter buses whenever they go play tournaments. they have a good reputation and attract the best players with their state of the art facilities and equipment! they stay winning. not only this, but the team is so FUNNY! I love the dynamics the guys have (ushiten and semishira just make me lol) and I feel like they're not too much of a handful (even though I write them to be lol again). dependable team, it's very easy to look up to the guys! I also look great in purple LMAO
okay this is the team which I would want to manage next if shiratorizawa was out of reach LOL and I feel like people might think this is so left field, but I like where this school is located (nagano prefecture). this team has a solid play style and keep it serious on the court, but you also have the trio of hirugami, hoshiumi, and gao to liven things up. those three crack me up so much... I just know that gao tried to pick up hoshiumi once like he was simba in the lion king and then got his ass kicked for it... hirugami merely watched from the side and went "mhm, should have kept his mouth shut!" while telling you to enjoy the show...
pro: another hilarious group, especially with seijoh 4. I can really see this team making it a point to go out together a lot for teambuilding and to create lasting friendships and connections. they'll warm up to you real easy. there's probably never a boring moment with this team.
con: they never went to nationals. I'm sorry but I can't be with a team that constantly loses. it would kill me
pro: kita shinsuke and the rest of the team
con: the miyas' antics would drive me up the wall
pros: cute uniform colors, has a signature playstyle that they pride themselves on, most of the guys seem like they would be incredibly helpful and sweet
con: futakuchi
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