#I discovered the hardest one btw šŸ˜Ž
miiilowo Ā· 8 months
I'm using a controller for ultrakill, but after you said there's other switching options I did mess around with the remote and discovered going up on the d-pad switches weapons! I don't really use it, but I am getting better about weapon switching! And using the other weapons in general, so now my bigger problem tends to be accidentally switching to the railcannon instead of the shotgun and briefly wasting that shot!
I made it through act I! I'm very much just going all the way through with the intent of actually trying with challenges and secrets um. later. Much later. Gosh all these levels have such awesome designs, the lust and gluttony layers were amazing
Mindflayers are my greatest non-boss enemy, I really need to remember to use the red arm like the enemy menu recommends, I've purchased every weapon I can afford! All that's actually available that I don't have yet are two railcanons, I'm thinking of getting the screwdriver
The corpse of king minos was a cool fight! I did not realize that the large body I saw looking over the layer was going to attack me! I died an awful lot, but it wasn't the worst boss fight I've had, I kept trying to parry the snake attacks in the second phase fight but after I gave up on doing that and dodged it went more smoothly :>
Gabriel!! Gabriel beat the shit out of me! By alot! I had 60 restarts in 20 minutes! Easily the hardest and most frustrating boss ive faced so far! All the guides I could find in game said to remember his attack pattern, but ah,,, Gabriel is very fast and hits like a truck so only the knowledge of his attacks I managed to figure out was "I can probably dodge this one" and "I probably can't dodge this one" in the end I didn't learn anything to beat him so in the rematch I'm pretty sure exists I am absolutely screwed šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘
I ended up cheesing it because while jumping around I accidentally figured out that if you're standing next to the wall Gabriel actually keeps close to you, which makes attacking and getting blood much easier. Personally I prefer this over the proper fight because it feels like he's trying to pin me to the wall. I am tempted to draw Gabriel pinning V1 to the wall.
Man, the Gabriel fight is so so cool in game. Like??? Ough??? He tells you to turn back but There is no way to turn back all you CAN go is forward because your stuck going down and down and if you stop now there's no where to go and MAN. OH MAN. ITS SO??? It's so very cool and awesome that Gabriel is the first voice you ever really hear. The first one to speak to you. That's so wild. Imagine how V1 felt. Hearing an actual voice, after a journey filled with only screams and grunts and gunfire, to face silence in the layer of gluttony, expecting to hear the sounds of more enemies being summoned to the area, maybe to suddenly be attacked, only for a voice of all things to break the silence. Only to be spoken to
Oh yes this is good. This is very good. Get worse about this game keep analyzing it get horrible with me (you should draw that also btw)
I do recommend the malicious railcannon over the screwdriver. I don't use it a whole lot personally and I haven't really met anyone else who does, though the malrail is also pretty easy to blow yourself up with so um. Scratching my Chin. Up to you on that one
I am glad you like it this much, I do genuinely think ultrakill is one of the best games ever made despite not even being finished . Might be a little bit biased. If you need help with anything I will be able to provide it ^_^
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that-one-anime-writer Ā· 3 years
I saw your doing bnha g/t requests šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ may I request a story where a tiny female borrower gets discovered in 1A when the big 3 were giving thier talk and 1A scares and overwhelms her and Aizawa kicks them out and then him + the big 3 have to comfort a terrified borrower.
EEEEEE YES! Btw sorry this took so long lol šŸ˜°
Also btw Iā€™m working on my other asks as we speak!! šŸ˜Ž Feel free to request anything!! (See my pinned post)
Anyways- on with the MHA G/T STORYYYYY
ā€œYou can trust usā€¦ā€ A MHA y/n borrower story.
Warning!!! Foul language!!āš ļøāš ļøāš ļø
ā€œFuckā€¦ā€ I said as I was on the edge of the vent.
ā€œWhy are they so loudā€
I guess I had my timing wrong because instead of seeing the empty classroom with left over supplies that I wanted to seeā€¦ I saw all of them. All of I think class 1-A? In there. Iā€™d never seen all of them in once space at onceā€¦ soā€¦ manyā€¦ humansā€¦ just breathe y/nā€¦ breathe itā€™s ok. Of course I wasnā€™t going down thereā€¦ there were too many I couldnā€™t sneak past even if I tired my hardest.
They were so loudā€¦ my god.
I could see one blond headed boy shooting little fireball sparks at his green haired classmate, who was shaking in the corner. I could see one girl with green hair, using her unusually long tongue to torture the guy with purple ball like hair. I then saw another blonde guy, seeming to have a sparkle following him wherever he goes, presenting this plate of cheeses to everyone.
Cheeseā€¦ itā€™sā€¦ itā€™s one of my favorites. My stomach growled loudly and even that scared meā€¦ what if they heard me? Anyways I canā€™t go get the cheese, thatā€™d be way to dangerous and risky. But it looks so goodā€¦ no! Nope I wonā€™t! Iā€™ll just have to get something elseā€¦ maybe Iā€™ll be lucky and the dude will leave some behind on accident! I just had to wait- but theyā€™re gonna be in here for hours though-
ā€œEveryone take your seats.ā€ I heard a menacing voice. I got closer to the edge of the vent I was in- placed perfectly in the ceiling with a gap whole where I could see everything. Their teacherā€¦ I think his name is Mr. Aizawa?? Iā€™m not too sure, but heā€™s the most intimidating human Iā€™ve ever seen. Well- apart from the villains but still. Every time I saw him he was either asleep or had a scowl on his face. He was definitely not to be messed with.
Everyone sat down and the noise dropped down to silentā€¦ thank god. ā€œToday we have the Big Three coming in to explain work studies and their importance.ā€ Aizawa saidā€¦ I then saw him gesture to the door- noā€¦ no not more humans! God as if this day could get any worse! That means they were definitely gonna be in here for a while. Thought a part of me was curiousā€¦ who are these big three?
In walked in one guy, slight build, blond hair, and weird eyes. A girl walked in behind him, she seemed excitable with her periwinkle colored hair and Royal blue eyes. And then finally in walked in a guy with his hands in his pockets and his head down. His dark blue hair complemented hisā€¦ well thatā€™s all I could see because as soon as he made it past the door he turned around and hid up against the wall.
ā€œHi guys, Iā€™m Nejire Hado! Also dont worry about ol Tamaki Amajiki over here. Heā€™s just a little shy! Heā€™s our shy little kitten.ā€ The long haired girl spoke. She seemed fairly nice and happy. I was wondering if the boy, well, amajiki, was ever gonna turn around and say something to the class. He was trembling and I could hear him muttering a bit- heā€™s nervous and shy. Wowā€¦ just like me 24/7.
ā€œYep! And Iā€™m mirio togata! And today Were gonna explain the importance of work studies!!ā€ The blond one, mirio, said while putting a fist up in the air. It seemed like he was trying to get everyone else excited but the class stayed silent, which was actually kind of funny. ā€œNo one! Cmon guys!! Work studies!!ā€ He said repeatedly- no one made a sound.
Well- I guess I better leave before I get too hungry and my stomach growls so loud that they hear me. Ok just gonna hop over this crac-
I was fallingā€¦.
Some how the peeking hole I had, spread when I tried to climb over it- and I dropped downā€¦
Was this the endā€¦
All I could do was screamā€¦ and accept that I was just about to be a tiny bloodstain on the floorā€¦
I felt the wind blowing to my hair and braced for impact untilā€¦ I didnā€™t feel the floor?
I landed on something soft and kind of hard at the same time. It made an impact but I didnā€™t get as hurt as I thought I would- what am I onā€¦ I looked around to see that I was halfway submerged in a sea of greyā€¦ a grey scarf? How am Iā€¦ wait- if I can remember right that teacher, aizawa, always wears a grey scarf around his neck. I mean Iā€™ve never seen it up close butā€¦ this had to be it. He mustā€™ve thrown it and caught me with itā€¦
One thought blew through my mind after realizing that: Get. Out.
ā€œHoly shit! What the hell was that?ā€ A scruff but loud voice came from behind- after thatā€¦ let me just say it was a nightmare. I heard multiple footsteps getting louder and louder as they came towards me. Donā€™t look upā€¦ donā€™t look upā€¦. I looked up. Everyone in the class was crowded around me- I could barely even hear myself think because they were so loud.
ā€œOooh whatā€™s that?!!ā€ A pink skinned and haired girl added.
ā€œCan I touch it? Whyā€™s it so small?ā€ Another blonde headed boy said. God why are there so many blondes- but this one had some black lightning streak in his hair. Before I could react I saw his huge finger coming towards me. God- gos please noā€¦ stay calm- stay calmā€¦ he poked me. It honestly kind of hurt, his finger was a bit bigger than my arm and the force he used was too much. I was shakingā€¦ trembling- and praying that I would wake up from this nightmare quickly.
ā€œAh itā€™s real!ā€ The blonde lighting boy said.
ā€œOf course itā€™s is dumbass.ā€ Another blond spiky hair boy said.
ā€œIt? Thatā€™s a person guys!ā€ A girl with a round face and brown hair spoke up.
ā€œPeople arenā€™t that small thoughā€¦ā€ a boy with black- tape end looking like hair said. His elbows were really weird.
ā€œUnless she isnā€™t a person? Maybe itā€™s a quirk mutation though or maybe her family had an accident and- ooooh no maybe she tried toā€¦ā€ the green haired boy was mumbling while he wrote in his notebook.
It was allā€¦
ā€œLEAVE ME ALONE. PLEASEEEEEEE!!!ā€ I shouted- using the little bit of confidence that came out of no where. I then cowered into the scarf that was surrounding me. I just wanted to dissapearā€¦ I wanted to become thin air- just nothing. I was overheating like a computer doesā€¦ I just couldnā€™t take it anymore.
ā€œEveryone get out now.ā€ I heard Aizawas voice above me. I couldnā€™t look at anything though- I couldnā€™t lift my head up anymore. I heard a couple of complaints and a couple of ā€œwhysā€ going around the room.
ā€œBecause you all obviously donā€™t know how to treat a person when theyā€™re scared and stressed. Thatā€™s a key skill in becoming a pro hero. Now out!ā€ He said.
I heard the shuffling of feet outside the door. ā€œAmajiki, Mirio, Nejireā€¦ you stay. Help me out with this. You 3 are more level headed.ā€ He said. Whatā€¦ noā€¦.
Everyone just go away please- so I can run away and they can forget about me.
ā€œNo problem mr. aizawa! Poor little thingā€¦ā€ Nejire commented. ā€œUh huh! Weā€™ll all stay and help.ā€ Mirio said. I only heard a slight ā€œyesā€ from Amajiki but I didnā€™t care- he could stay away all he wants. Thatā€™s actually better for me.
ā€œHey, little oneā€¦ are you alright? Did you get bruised from the fall?ā€ Aizawas voixe went from intimidating and scary to soft and caringā€¦ how? Did he really care about me? We just met- shouldnt he be suspicious of me or something- I donā€™t know itā€™s just something about his voice was warm and inviting. No- I canā€™t let my guard down! Neverā€¦
I said nothing and kept my head hurried under. ā€œHey- Iā€™m gonna move your head up to look at you if you donā€™t do it yourself.ā€ He said. I didnā€™t listen to his wordsā€¦ I just kept my head down.
ā€œOk thenā€¦ā€ he said with a sigh.
I then felt a flesh and big surface underneath my chin- pushing my arms out of the way and bringing my head up. I looked to see that his larger than life finger was on my chinā€¦ pulling my head up. I didnā€™t like this- I didnā€™t like this at all.
My fight or flight activated.
I bit his fingerā€¦ oh my god heā€™s gonna ducking kill me- shit. Shut what have I done! Fuck! Cmon y/n- run away- run away now! My legs wouldnā€™t move- I could only look at him- and his disappointed face as he was crouching down in front of me.
ā€œAh. Youā€™re a biter. Noted.ā€ Aizawa saidā€¦ he brought his finger up to his face and examined where I bit- I only broke through a little bit of skin. It didnā€™t affect him at all.
MIRIO then crouched down to my level- as did Nejire.
ā€œListen weā€™re only tryna help ya! Hmm letā€™s start simple! How about I introduce myself and then you say your name! Iā€™m mirio togata! My quirk is permeation! I can go through walls and all sorts of things!ā€ Mirio has a spring in his voice as he spoke to meā€¦
ā€œYour turn my friend!ā€ He said with a expecting smile on his face.
ā€œIā€™m y/n andā€¦ I donā€™t have a quirk.ā€
I saw aizawa, mirio, and nejire all look and whisper at eachother. Of course I could still hear everything they said of course. They were all in shock that me being tiny wasnā€™t the work of a quirk as far as I know.
ā€œW-what?ā€ I stuttered out. (God I really am y/n-)
ā€œHow old are you?ā€ Aizawa asked calmly. I had to think about that for a second- I mean I know how to count and stuff but itā€™s not like I had timers and calendars and clocks at my fingertips.
ā€œ19ā€¦ā€ I said.
ā€œSheā€™s about our ageā€¦ I can relate to how you feel. You want to dissapear right now donā€™t you?ā€ Amajiki said, I saw his face appear next to mirios and nejireā€™s and it had a somber look on it. I nodded my head, telling him he was right. ā€œYeah Umā€¦ just- weā€™re not gonna hurt you ok- we want whatā€™s best for you. So donā€™t be afraidā€¦ā€ it sounded like he was struggling to get those words out but- it comforted me.
Knowing that even someone as big as them was nervous too. Okā€¦ maybe I need to be a little more trust worthyā€¦ just a tad.
ā€œSoā€¦ Iā€™ve made the decision to take you to the teachers dorms- and figure out a plan there. I donā€™t know why youā€™re so small or what youā€™re doing here but Iā€™m not going to force you to talk.ā€ Aizawa said. He held out his hand and put it in front of me. His fingertips nearly touching my feet- causing me to flinch a bit.
I looked over at the big three- who were all smiling- even amajiki. They were motioning towards Aizawa and nodding their heads to encourage me.
ā€œI promise, I will neverā€¦ everā€¦ cause you harm.ā€ The sincerity in Aizawas voice mustā€™ve been a magic spell or something because my legs just started moving. I stepped onto his hand and sat criss cross on it. I was still scared out of mind but for some reasonā€¦ some odd little reason.
I knewā€¦.
I would be ok.
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