#I do have memory issues in the winter so I don't really remember source stuff
sunnyshineboy · 10 months
s o u r c e m a t e
Cassidy from Dionysus cabin (I'm non-canon though)
Oh hello Cassidy! Sorry this a little late but feel free to DM on Tumblr or Discord (supernovas. is our username)
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merinmunson · 6 years
I am my own hero
Pairings: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summary: You're Tony's sister and you worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. before you found out it had been taken over by HYDRA. HYDRA agents were trying to turn you into a Winter Soldier, when Loki tries to save you. But will he?
Warnings: mentions of violence, blood and angst.
S.H.I.E.L.D had collapsed and the Captain, Natasha, Sam and you were responsible. Bucky, Steve's best friend was alive and had been turned into a weapon. All the people you had worked with over the years... most of them served HYDRA. You used to have blood on your hands, but now it was better depicted as hands in a pool of blood. You had killed people you thought to be close with, people you'd trusted with your life... Those memories did not leave your mind any second of any day since you would find yourself remembering all that pain, all those perfect pictures of betrayal and death. And you were to blame.
Moving on from that came with a cost, you'd always have nightmares. But eventually you were able to find peace and rest, although you still had those horrendous bad dreams from time to time. A lot of HYDRA groupies were still on the streets, either camouflaged of just plain hiding from the new S.H.I.E.L.D and especially the Avengers (a team you weren't ashamed to say you belonged to), despite what most thought, you were not afraid of facing those thugs. There was a reason you were on the Avengers, you had superpowers and boy, were they amazing. You could control energy.
What did come as a surprise to you is that HYDRA was planning on turning you into their new Winter Soldier since Bucky had already been freed.
You were all alone in your apartment talking to Tony over the phone.
"Y/N, what would you say if I bought an island?"
"I thought you already owned an island"
"What made you think that?"
"You're probably the only billionaire who doesn't own an island"
Then you started to hear vague noises coming from outside your apartment, near the door. The best course of action was to alert Tony that something was going on.
"Well, brother, I gotta say, it's a shame Cap's lost his shield"
He understood the reference immediately.
"It is, but I'm on it right now"
And with that, you knew whatever happened you'd be safe. Carefully planning your next steps you hunged up the phone knowing they'd come without hesitation, whoever they were. And so it happened. A whole tactical HYDRA team broke into your apartment, a burnt Rumlow leading the way. You got on your knees with your hands on your head aware that there was no point on fighting, they were, after all, heavily armed. It took one punch to put you to sleep.
When you opened your eyes you found yourself tied up, obviously, to a chair. Your only advantage was the fact that none of them knew about your powers. Most of the time you would fight with weapons or just your body, only your team mates knew about your powers. You waited a short amount of time until one HYDRA agent showed up.
"Y/N Y/L... Who would've thought that the one to kill us, would be our salvation" he showed you a dark smile.
"What do you want? Who are you?"
Not only were you going to buy time until Tony and the others arrived but you wanted to solve this problem by yourself too.
"I suppose I can answer both of those questions, since you'll obviously forget in no time..."
Then it hit you. They wanted to turn you into a Winter Soldier.
"What, the Black Widow wasn't available for the job?" You joked, both Natasha and yourself were really good at fighting, but she already spoke many languages, that made her a perfect candidate for Winter Soldier. You would have had to be taught some stuff.
"That's one of the main things we like about you, you're smart. Too much, if you ask me. Unfortunately, we do not know where Miss Romanoff may be, unlike you. Not so hard to track you down."
"Huh, and here little old me thought changing apartments would do... guess I should have gotten myself out of the internet, shouldn't I?"
"Yes. You should have"
"But man, do you know how hard it is to live without Wi-Fi?"
He punched you straight on the jaw.
"That's definitely leaving a bruise"
He punched you again, this time near your mouth. You bit your lip and blood started dripping.
"Shut your mouth or we will sew it"
"Don't you need it open for me to talk in different languages? You seriously have to put your plan together..."
He was about to hit you again when suddenly, he stopped mid air.
"So you're stalling me, huh?"
Now you were terrified.
"Let's see if you talk so much shit after being wiped!"
He called for some agents to pick you up and take you to the machine were they'd turn you into a monster. On the way you tried to free yourself and hit the men carrying you, you screamed your lungs out hoping they would stop or drop you to cover their ears. All of that in vain. When you reached the room, one of them held you by the neck and the other untied you, both of them placed you and trapped you on the machine.
"I'm gonna kill you all!! Get me out of this!!"
All they did was look at you with an empty stare and wait for the magic to happen. Now was the time to use your powers. Looking at the source of the machine's powers you concentrated and saw clearly its energy, with a little effort you absorbed the energy into your own body and waited. You could easily take them all down now, but you wanted to see their boss.
"Won't you at least tell your boss to come here?!"
"Baron Strucker will see you after you're ready "
Now you had a name and you knew he had to be somewhere inside the building.
"Wow, I get to meet HYDRA's crème de la crème"
They took it as your last joke and pulled the lever. Right then you all heard a loud crash and witnessed how a man dressed in green with a mischievous smile, two daggers and black hair walked into the room. Two HYDRA troops appeared to fight him as you sighed, annoyed. It was Loki and he had ruined your goddamn plan!
You got out of the machine, breaking the metallic grips with your acquired superstrenght, product of the energy you absorbed, and fought HYDRA while they were too busy looking out for Loki. He had become an Avenger not so long ago to redeem himself from his past sins, you were completely okay with giving him a second chance and all that, you had to admit you were close to him. Nevertheless you didn't trust him enough to tell him about your powers.
They tried to shoot you and you simply dodged the bullets and shot them with the guns you took from your first victims. Once all of them were down and Loki was simply standing there since you acted faster than him, you turned around to actually face him. An exasperated sigh dropped from your lips.
"Why the hell did you come? I had this under control! Now their boss is probably out of reach, goddammit!"
"They were gonna turn you into their weapon, they hurt you, I can see the blood in your face and the bruises. Did you honestly expect me doing nothing to stop them?!" He asks not believing what he's hearing.
"It was all an act!" You shoot the remaining bullets against one of the lifeless bodies on the floor. "Fuck you, you son of a bitch" you tell the body.
"Your brother sent me here to save you, the least you could do was explain to me how did you do all that and say thank you."
"I'm not thanking you for saving myself"
"Come on, Y/N, you're the only one I would do this for willingly. I am kinda like your personal hero" he finished joking.
"Okay. Thank you, Loki. For standing there doing nothing." you tease him, now relaxed as you remember you still have the name.
"You do love to tease me, don't you, love?" He had never called you that, but hearing his voice whisper that to your ears sent shivers all over your skin.
"Who's teasing now, huh?"
"You still have to tell me how you did that"
You wondered if it was safe to tell him. He saw your consideration and told you to trust him, he told you he would never do anything to hurt you. You knew you had feeling for him and you also knew he had feelings for you too, the only reason you two weren't a thing was because of your trust issues.
That was when you finally decided it was time to let him into your heart.
"This is supposed to be a secret... I have powers. I control all kinds of energy"
"Does that mean that you could take all energy out of me right now and kill me?"
"If I knew how, yes. I haven't really used them much, I prefer to fight fair. And by the way, love, I am my own hero"
"How am I not surprised by that" he closes the space between you two. "I promise you, I will keep it a secret"
"Loki... do you... like... do you like me?" You ask afraid of the answer, not capable of being apart from him.
"No. I don't. I don't like you, Y/N... I love you"
You kiss him cupping his head on your hands as he grabs your body firmly, once you separate he looks at you smiling.
"We should have done that earlier"
"WHAT THE HELL, LOKI?! I TOLD YOU TO SAVE MY SISTER NOT TO MAKE OUT WITH HER!" Tony and the rest of the team appear and see the scene.
"Uh... Y/N are you okay?" Both Steve and Clint ask examining you whole. Loki steps aside to face an angry Big brother!Tony, Momma!Bruce and Momma!Nat
"If you hurt her in any way, I'll kill you" Nat threatens him.
"Just for you to know, Hulk is ready for round two"
"You'll kill me?"
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