#I do not mean to frustrate i am just a unique flower and i vow to be myself and have fun and chilling
big8cola · 1 year
I will post literally anything and still have ten thousand followrers. Granted those posts will generally have only 3 notes but it doesnt stop me from going mad with power
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siriusstarx · 6 years
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To Love and Cherish
Rating: R+ (romantic sexy times) 
The unabridged version of my recent Saint x Cardia wedding night headcanon turned fic. 
Saint finally finished his duties as a host. Everyone drifted off to their rooms, aside from a few Gordon Family members at the bar. He last saw Cardia talking to Shirley. He expected the girls had catching up to do. Cardia wouldn’t return for awhile yet. 
He took a walk to look out to sea. The sound of the waves and the cool night air was refreshing after a night of dancing and revelry. A full moon stood high overhead. He remembered another full moon the night he saw Cardia for the first time; a beautiful, tragic girl looking at him with sad, lonely eyes. He thought something deep in his frozen heart was captivated from that moment. He never dreamt at that time the day would come when he took her hand to speak the most sacred vow he had ever taken. Dancing with her and laughing, surrounded by people who loved them. It was a life he never imagined experiencing. 
He wanted nothing more than to rush down to their rooms and find her waiting for him. To use all he knew to bring her joy and pleasure. To touch and taste her. To feel all of her… but her circumstances were unique. The poison that held her body prisoner had barely faded. She would still need time. He would not press her. He learned at least that much from his mistakes. 
For now, it was enough just to share her heart. 
Cardia closed the door with a sigh. She was glad to slip off her shoes and rest her feet. She still couldn’t believe this day had come. That she was married to her beloved. Five years ago it seemed an impossible dream. She could barely recall the long, lonely days spent huddled in her room, unable to experience even the simplest touch. Just a monster to be used or destroyed. 
Her eye caught the beautiful ring on her finger. The emerald Saint’s lost friend gave his life to make sure she possessed. She vowed to use this life Trismegistus provided for her in the best way she could. To live every day to to the fullest. To love and cherish her challenging beloved. To stand beside him when his past began to weigh too heavily on his heart. She knew it would not always be easy. He was not a simple man, but he was the man she loved. 
She looked in the mirror. Her face was was flushed from dancing. Despite her inexperience, Saint made her feel like a flower petal on the wind when he held her in his arms. She could still feel his hand on her back, guiding her gently, his warmth against her chest. She left him just a little while ago, but she already missed his presence. 
She was nervous, but she wanted to feel more of him. He kissed her countless times. She accepted his warmth and touch, but lately that feeling had become something deeper and more mysterious. A strange ache that left her wanting something she couldn’t quite explain. The poison held her back in the past, but now—
She heard Saint’s quiet, slow knock on the door. 
“C-Come in.” she called, her voice trembling slightly. 
She heard the door open behind her and smelled Saint’s cologne, like shadowy gardens and sweet incense. Her heart gave a little jump. 
Now it was their wedding night. 
Saint heard the tremor in her voice and opened the door worriedly, “Cardia? Is everything all right?” 
She was sitting at the dressing table, her silver-white gown spread around her. She gave him a radiant smile in the mirror. Her eyes sparkled. His heart was pierced by her beauty. 
“Oh… yes, I-I’m fine.” 
He walked up and embraced her from behind, resting his chin on her bare shoulder, “Are you happy?” 
She turned her head to kiss him, a little more forcefully than usual, “Yes…”  she sighed, “But…”
Saint frowned, feeling a shadow of anxiety, “But? Cardia, did something—“
“No! Nothing like that.” she turned in her chair and kissed him again, “Saint… tonight… We—“ 
Saint answered her kiss gently, “Has someone been telling you about the wedding night rituals? Hehe. You are a special girl. I can wait until you are ready.”
“No…!” she cried, “I… do… want…” she blushed scarlet. 
Saint knelt at her feet, “Cardia…” he took her trembling hand in his and laid it on his cheek. He felt nothing but her warm, soft skin. There was no melting. There was a time when he would have missed the pain, thinking he deserved it. Thinking it was proof that he was the only monster for her. He certainly didn’t deserve to be loved as a man… or saved. He might still be a monster, it was a conclusion he had yet to be able to reach, but monster or not, he belonged to her. If she wanted him, he was hers. If she wanted to wait, he would, “I don’t want you to feel obliged to do anything you aren’t ready for.” he smiled, “I have made such mistakes in the past, never again.”
She gave him a nervous smile, “I am not… explaining myself well.” she admitted, touching his cheek with gentle fingers, “I don’t want to wait… I want to feel you more…” her cute nose crinkled, “I’m sorry…” 
He felt his heart beat a little faster, “You truly want this?” 
“Yes… But if you don’t—“
“Hehe. Don’t be ridiculous. If that is so…” he lifted her arm to slowly pull off her long silky gloves and kissed her wrist, the back of her hand, her palm, breathing in her rosewater perfume, “Allow me to grant your wish.” 
He stood gracefully, aware of her attention to his movements, and lifted her chin to kiss her, just the lightest touches of his lips on hers, then unfastened her hair ornaments. She shuddered as he lightly brushed his tongue along her earlobe. He had no intention of hurrying. He wanted to cherish every moment, every breath, every sigh she made and hold it in his heart, to fill it with so much love there was no room for anything else. 
He kissed her neck, tasting her skin, honey sweet. He listened  to the sound of her sighs, felt the way she shuddered at the touch of his fingers on her bare arms, and down her back as he unfastened the tiny jeweled buttons on her dress. He designed it to be easy for her to wear, and if he gave thought to its removal he would never tell. 
Her dress fully loosened, he lifted her into his arms and  kissed her again, this time teasing her lips apart kiss her more deeply, tasting the sweet champagne on her tongue. 
“Mmm… Saint?” Cardia asked softly pulling away, “May I do… the same for you?”
“hehe You wish to undress me? I am happy to oblige.” he was a little surprised… and pleased… by her suggestion.
He put her on her feet when they reached the bedroom. The dress slid off as easily as he hoped. The thin silk slip she wore underneath much more beguiling than the dress. The delicate pale blue ribbons at her breasts made him want nothing more than to untie them, but Cardia had her own ideas. Her expression was adorably serious as she attempted to undress him. He hadn’t given thought of the ease of his own clothing’s removal, and she had trouble with the buttons. Her shaking hands definitely weren’t helping.
“Here.” he put his hand over hers when her frustration appeared to be escalating, and helped her undo the pearl buttons. She was determined to do the rest herself. The delicate touch of her fingers on his skin as she carefully unbuttoned his shirt made him tremble as much as she. She untied his cravat and kissed his chest as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders. She looked pleased… and reluctant to go any further. 
“Are you satisfied, or would you like to finish?” he teased. 
“…. I-I think this enough for now.” she murmured, her ears going red.
He smiled, “Then it is my turn.” he whispered in her ear, and kissed her neck down to the crystal jewel on her chest. His hands at last found those tempting ribbons. He untied each one with a kiss. His heart beat faster when he opened her slip to reveal her beautiful full breasts. Her body had become gentler with time, softer and more human. He kissed them each, aware that her skin was was still extra sensitive. The feel of her breasts in his hands ignited something wilder than anything he could remember experiencing. Perhaps a memory of his lost humanity, or just the desire he had kept suppressed from the moment he was freed from his prison. It was getting harder to hold back…
She gasped at the feel of his tongue and teeth on her nipples. Her breaths coming in short gasps, “Saint!” she cried, “… this feeling is…!” she tangled her hands in his hair. Her grip was almost painful. He released her a moment to catch his breath. It would not do to rush…. not at all. She deserved the best he could give her. 
“Cardia… Are you all right?” 
He could see that she was nervous, “Yes…. Yes… I-I am prepared…”
“There is nothing to fear. I promise I won’t hurt you.” he lifted her off her feet and laid her on the bed. He moved to undo l his final button—
She rose to stop him, “Wait!” she wrapped her hands around his waist and pushed down his pants in one smooth motion and kissed his stomach… and lower… lower… she touched him shyly, “You are as beautiful as I imagined.” 
He was startled. Did she mean to…? He felt a most uncharacteristic rush of heat to his face as well as elsewhere, “Cardia…?” 
She smiled up at him. Her face was red, but a little mischief glittered in her eyes, “I knew you would be more beautiful than the illustrations in books… I have wanted to see for a long time.” 
He laughed a little awkwardly, recalling his prank on her much more innocent self, “Aha…I see. I am flattered, but it is my turn. A gentleman must see to his wife’s pleasure first.” 
He knelt before her and kissed her belly, his fingers lightly tracing her hips before untying the pale blue ribbons of her panties. He breathed deeply. Her scent was intoxicating. He smiled to himself, gazing at her sweet, delicate feminine sex, already glistening with desire for him. He was honored and humbled to be her chosen lover. This precious, strong and gentle soul. She who fought fate, who defeated and saved him. He hurt her, and he would never forgive himself for it. Starting now, he would atone by giving her body all the love and joy his skill was capable of bringing her. He pushed her gently back against the bed and lowered his head between her legs. His kisses were light and teasing, enjoying the sight and taste of her, carefully gauging her reactions, cherishing them and letting them build until the increasing urgency of her cries told him that the time had come to finish. He took her into his mouth. She screamed his name and arched off the bed, her hands gripped his hair. It was the most beautiful pain he ever experienced. The most exquisite sound he ever heard. 
When he was sure she fully satisfied, he rose to look at her, shameless and in full abandon. He was profoundly pleased by his handiwork… but even he had his limits, “Did this feel good? Tell me.. please tell me…”
“Yes…” her voice was barely a breath. She opened her eyes.  
Her eyes told him everything. He was shocked at what he saw there. No one had ever looked at him like that. She saw into the frozen parts of his soul and set them aflame. He felt both vulnerable and much stronger captured by the love and trust in those eyes. He swore in that moment to live up to that trust. To be the man she saw in him. 
It was too much. He took her in his arms and kissed her lips, she accepted his kiss… she accepted all of him. Her body  welcoming him readily. She moaned a little when he entered her, but her joyful smile said that she felt only pleasure, “I love you,” he said as began to move inside her slowly, letting her get used to the rhythm. She wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him deeper as he felt her bear down on him hard, her cries beautiful music to his ears, “I love you.” he said again breathlessly in the language of his long ago youth, as he finally surrendered to his need, and the feeling of her soul bound to his, of their bodies joined as one. 
A long time later Cardia lay gasping in the aftershocks of more pleasure than she thought her body could ever experience. She felt beautifully exhausted, as weak as a kitten, and utterly, profoundly loved, as she lay wrapped in the arms of her husband. She closed her eyes and listened to the rapid beat of his heart. It soothed and excited her. 
“Are you happy, beloved?” Saint repeated his earlier question, gently caressing her naked back. 
“I am happy.” she replied with a content sigh, “I think I will be happy for the rest of my life.” 
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siriusstarx · 6 years
To Love and Cherish
Rating: R+ (romantic sexy times) 
The unabridged version of my recent Saint x Cardia wedding night headcanon turned fic. 
It has come to my attention that the cut didn’t work on my last posting. I apologize! This one should be a little more shareable if anyone has the mind. 
Saint finally finished his duties as a host. Everyone drifted off to their rooms, aside from a few Gordon Family members at the bar. He last saw Cardia talking to Shirley. He expected the girls had catching up to do. Cardia wouldn’t return for awhile yet. 
He took a walk to look out to sea. The sound of the waves and the cool night air was refreshing after a night of dancing and revelry. A full moon stood high overhead. He remembered another full moon the night he saw Cardia for the first time; a beautiful, tragic girl looking at him with sad, lonely eyes. He thought something deep in his frozen heart was captivated from that moment. He never dreamt at that time the day would come when he took her hand and speak the most sacred vow he had ever taken. Dancing with her and laughing, surrounded by people who loved them. It was a life he never imagined experiencing. 
He wanted nothing more than to rush down to their rooms and find her waiting for him. To use all he knew to bring her joy and pleasure. To touch and taste her. To feel all of her... but her circumstances were unique. The poison that held her body prisoner barely faded. She would still need time. He would not press her. He learned at least that much from his mistakes. 
For now, it was enough just to share her heart. 
Cardia closed the door with a sigh. she was glad to slip off her shoes and rest her feet. She still couldn’t believe this day had come. That she was married to her beloved. Five years ago it seemed an impossible dream. She could barely recall the long, lonely days spent huddled in her room, unable to experience even the simplest touch. Just a monster to be used or destroyed. 
Her eye caught the beautiful ring on her finger. The emerald Saint’s lost friend gave his life to make sure she possessed. She vowed to use this life Trismegistus provided for her in the best way she could. To live every day to to the fullest. To love and cherish her challenging beloved. To stand beside him when his past began to weigh too heavily on his heart. She knew it would not always be easy. He was not a simple man, but he was the man she loved. 
She looked in the mirror. Her face was was flushed from dancing. Despite her inexperience, Saint made her feel like a flower petal on the wind when he held her in his arms. She could still feel his hand on her back, guiding her gently, his warmth against her chest. She left him just a little while ago, but she already missed his presence. 
She was nervous, but she wanted to feel more of him. He kissed her countless times. She accepted his warmth and touch, but lately that feeling had become something deeper and more mysterious. A strange ache that left her wanting something she couldn’t quite explain. The poison held her back in the past, but now—
She heard Saint’s quiet, slow knock on the door. 
“C-Come in.” she called, her voice trembling slightly. 
She heard the door open behind her and smelled Saint’s cologne, like shadowy gardens and sweet incense. Her heart gave a little jump. 
Now it was their wedding night. 
Saint heard the tremor in her voice and opened the door worriedly, “Cardia? Is everything all right?” 
She was sitting at the dressing table, her silver-white gown spread around her. She gave him a radiant smile in the mirror. Her eyes sparkled. His heart was pierced by her beauty. 
“Oh... yes, I-I’m fine.” 
He walked up and embraced her from behind, resting his chin on her bare shoulder, “Are you happy?” 
She turned her head to kiss him, a little more forcefully than usual, “Yes...”  she sighed, “But...”
Saint frowned, feeling a shadow of anxiety, “But? Cardia, did something—“
“No! Nothing like that.” she turned in her chair and kissed him again, “Saint... tonight... We—“ 
Saint answered her kiss gently, “Has someone been telling you about the wedding night rituals? Hehe. You are a special girl. I can wait until you are ready.”
“No...!” she cried, “I... do... want...” she blushed scarlet. 
Saint knelt at her feet, “Cardia...” he took her trembling hand in his and laid it on his cheek. He felt nothing but her warm, soft skin. There was no melting. There was a time when he would have missed the pain, thinking he deserved it. Thinking it was proof that he was the only monster for her. He certainly didn’t deserve to be loved as a man... or saved. He might still be a monster, it was a conclusion he had yet to be able to reach, but monster or not, he belonged to her. If she wanted him, he was hers. If she wanted to wait, he would, “I don’t want you to feel obliged to do anything you aren’t ready for.” he smiled, “I have made such mistakes in the past, never again.”
She gave him a nervous smile, “I am not... explaining myself well.” she admitted, touching his cheek with gentle fingers, “I don’t want to wait... I want to feel you more...” her cute nose crinkled, “I’m sorry...” 
He felt his heart beat a little faster, “You truly want this?” 
“Yes... But if you don’t—“
“Hehe. Don’t be ridiculous. If that is so...” he lifted her arm to slowly pull off her long silky gloves and kissed her wrist, the back of her hand, her palm, breathing in her rosewater perfume, “Allow me to grant your wish.” 
He stood gracefully, aware of her attention to his movements, and lifted her chin to kiss her, just the lightest touches of his lips on hers, then unfastened her hair ornaments. She shuddered as he lightly brushed his tongue along her earlobe. He had no intention of hurrying. He wanted to cherish every moment, every breath, every sigh she made and hold it in his heart, to fill it with so much love there was no room for anything else. 
He kissed her neck, tasting her skin, honey sweet. He listened  to the sound of her sighs, felt the way she shuddered at the touch of his fingers on her bare arms, and down her back as he unfastened the tiny jeweled buttons on her dress. He designed it to be easy for her to wear, and if he gave thought to its removal he would never tell. 
Her dress fully loosened, he lifted her into his arms and  kissed her again, this time teasing her lips apart kiss her more deeply, tasting the sweet champagne on her tongue. 
“Mmm... Saint?” Cardia asked softly pulling away, “May I do... the same for you?”
“hehe You wish to undress me? I am happy to oblige.” he was a little surprised... and pleased... by her suggestion.
He put her on her feet when they reached the bedroom. The dress slid off as easily as he hoped. The thin silk slip she wore underneath much more beguiling than the dress. The delicate pale blue ribbons at her breasts made him want nothing more than to untie them, but Cardia had her own ideas. Her expression was adorably serious as she attempted to undress him. He hadn’t given thought of the ease of his own clothing’s removal, and she had trouble with the buttons. Her shaking hands definitely weren’t helping.
“Here.” he put his hand over hers when her frustration appeared to be escalating, and helped her undo the pearl buttons. She was determined to do the rest herself. The delicate touch of her fingers on his skin as she carefully unbuttoned his shirt made him tremble as much as she. She untied his cravat and kissed his chest as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders. She looked pleased... and reluctant to go any further. 
“Are you satisfied, or would you like to finish?” he teased. 
“.... I-I think this enough for now.” she murmured, her ears going red.
He smiled, “Then it is my turn.” he whispered in her ear, and kissed her neck down to the crystal jewel on her chest. His hands at last found those tempting ribbons. He untied each one with a kiss. His heart beat faster when he opened her slip to reveal her beautiful full breasts. Her body had become gentler with time, softer and more human. He kissed them each, aware that her skin was was still extra sensitive. The feel of her breasts in his hands ignited something wilder than anything he could remember experiencing. Perhaps a memory of his lost humanity, or just the desire he had kept suppressed from the moment he was freed from his prison. It was getting harder to hold back...
She gasped at the feel of his tongue and teeth on her nipples. Her breaths coming in short gasps, “Saint!” she cried, “... this feeling is...!” she tangled her hands in his hair. Her grip was almost painful. He released her a moment to catch his breath. It would not do to rush.... not at all. She deserved the best he could give her. 
“Cardia... Are you all right?” 
He could see that she was nervous, “Yes.... Yes... I-I am prepared...”
“There is nothing to be afraid of.” he lifted her off her feet and laid her on the bed. He moved to undo his final button—
She rose to stop him, “Wait!” she wrapped her hands around his waist and pushed down his pants in one smooth motion and kissed his stomach... and lower... lower... she touched him shyly, “You are as beautiful as I imagined.” 
He was startled. Did she mean to...? He felt a most uncharacteristic rush of heat to his face as well as elsewhere, “Cardia...?” 
She smiled up at him. Her face was red, but a little mischief glittered in her eyes, “I knew you would be more beautiful than the illustrations in books... I have wanted to see you for a long time.” 
He laughed a little awkwardly, recalling his prank on her much more innocent self, “Aha...I see. You need only have asked. I am flattered, but it is my turn. A gentleman must see to his wife’s pleasure first.” 
He knelt before her and kissed her belly, his fingers lightly tracing her hips before untying the pale blue ribbons of her panties. He breathed deeply. Her scent was intoxicating. He smiled to himself, gazing at her sweet, delicate feminine sex, already glistening with desire for him. He was honored and humbled to be her chosen lover. This precious, strong and gentle soul. She who fought fate, who defeated and saved him. He would never forgive himself for hurting her, hurt her, but starting now, he would atone by giving her all the love and joy his skill was capable of bringing her. He pushed her gently back against the bed and lowered his head between her legs. His kisses were light and teasing, enjoying the sight and taste of her, carefully gauging her reactions, cherishing them and letting them build until the increasing urgency of her cries told him that she was at her limit. He took her into his mouth. She screamed his name and arched off the bed, her hands gripped his hair. It was the most beautiful pain he ever experienced. The most exquisite sound he ever heard. 
When he was sure she fully satisfied, he rose to look at her, shameless and in full abandon. He was profoundly pleased by his handiwork... but even he had his limits, “Did this feel good? Tell me.. please tell me...”
“Yes...” her voice was barely a breath. She opened her eyes.  
Her eyes told him everything. He was shocked at what he saw there. No one had ever looked at him that way. She saw into the frozen parts of his soul and set them aflame. He felt both vulnerable and much stronger captured by those eyes. He swore to live up to her trust. To be the man she saw in him. 
It was too much. He took her in his arms and kissed her lips, she accepted his kiss... she accepted all of him. Her body  welcoming him readily. She moaned a little when he entered her, but her  smile said that she felt only pleasure, “I love you,” he said as began to move inside her slowly, letting her get used to the rhythm. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper. He felt her bear down on him hard, her cries beautiful music to his ears, “I love you.” he said again breathlessly in the language of his long ago youth, as he finally surrendered to his need, and the feeling of her soul bound to his, of their bodies joined as one. 
A long time later Cardia lay gasping in the aftershocks of more pleasure than she thought her body could ever experience. She felt beautifully exhausted, as weak as a kitten, and utterly, profoundly loved, as she lay wrapped in the arms of her husband. She closed her eyes and listened to the still-rapid beat of his heart. 
“Are you happy, beloved?” Saint repeated his earlier question, gently caressing her naked back. 
“I am happy.” she replied with a content sigh, “I think I will be happy for the rest of my life.” 
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