#I do think garak would try to be supportive. I think the concept of Julian carrying obriens baby would force him to try deep breathing exer
geekthefreakout · 10 months
I want to start writing again, but can't pick what to work on, so here is a list of WIPs I have going that I haven't done much with. What should I put effort into first? Poll under the cut. Also, you can suggest things! Please vote and reblog?
Coming Clean (At Least I'm Trying)- Fandom: Supernatural. Pairing: Destiel. Alternate ending to s15, where Castiel struggles with his new humanity and Dean struggles with his nascent sobriety. They both try to make their new relationship work. Features Jack and Sam in big supporting roles. Multi chapter, some already up on AO3 here. I lost half of the next chapter because my computer crashed, and I have been struggling to get back into it.
Blood Brothers- Fandom: MCU. Pairing: Winterfrost. The sequel to my fic Pieces of Me Fit Pieces of You. AU: Canon-divergent after Thor: Ragnorak, ignoring credit scene. Loki and Bucky adjust to life in New Asgard, the people who love them adjust to each other, and the shadow of the Mad Titan looms on the horizon. Features Einar, the best horse ever, and many Avengers in supporting roles. I don't have anything posted yet, but I've outlined a lot of it. Hyperfixation brain has not let me work on this in a while.
The Autobiography of Una Chin-Riley- Fandom: Star Trek. Pairing: Garashir. After Julian's augmentations are revealed, Garak comes to him with a most interesting book. Intended to be a one-shot where Garak and Bashir discuss eugenics and civil rights, and what effect the legacies of both Una and Khan had on Bashir's decision to join Starfleet. I have about 1300 words of this so far.
Killing Time and Killing Dads- Fandom: The Flash CW. Pairing: Coldflash, pre-relationship. Canon-divergent AU where after Zoom kills Henry but before Barry creates Flashpoint, Snart appears on the Flash's radar and the two discuss fathers, failures, and the things they can't change. I've been mulling this over for a while but haven't written it. It would probably be a one or two shot. If you want to know my voices for these characters, check out my other fic that also has Snart being around for Henry's death. I guess I just like the concept.
Untitled Bashir War fic- Fandom: Star Trek Pairing: none focused, but probably light Garashir because I can't help myself. I watched Band of Brothers recently, and the episode "Bastogne" prompted me to consider the toll being a battlefield medic took on Bashir, and meditate a bit on how little war has really changed through the centuries. I have 1100 words so far. I need to rewatch a few Dominion War episodes to make sure I don't have any glaring contradictions in my Star Trek medicine.
Not any particular fic, but some of my usual light stuff you might find in my "Sam Writes Stuff" tag- things like Garashir reacting to stuff, random head canons that may or may not become fics later, various fandoms. Most likely to be Arrowverse Flash, Star Trek, Dragon Ball, Supernatural, or Batfam.
Okay, so what do you think? Do any of these strike your interest? Or do you have something else you would like me to write? Vote below!
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bijoumikhawal · 2 years
Has anyone done a take on "Julian ends up having to take on kirayoshi instead of kira" where garak is like. A bit unhinged
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plounce · 3 years
a thing i am doing right now is i am writing a post-canon cardassia garashir fic BUT it is wholly made up of primary sources and secondary sources discussing garashir in later cardassian society because in present canon cardassia is like homophobic so their relationship was kept verrrrry private, so a lot of historians in the future debate over whether garak and bashir were together or not. ambiguity and all that. im a history major. all the secondary sources are post-post-canon when cardassia is like. more socially liberal about certain things, where the writers are reflecting on that period of cardassian history. anyway these are the sections i have written / planned so far
bashir's will that asks for certain documents to be preserved “for the sake of historical preservation, so that future generations may know Elim not just as a patriotic statesman but as a warm and loving man.” <-- homo
a book on present-canon cardassian homophobia, going into the social history. this section got really long because i talked about trans cardassians navigating around homophobia a lot. bc the homophobia is from a place of “you have to have children” but like (binary) trans ppl are okay so like those people who marry in ways that don’t appear childbearing tended to have children really quick to escape that. but yeah i still need to finish this bit bc i need to actually talk about the homophobia not just the trans people
list of cardassian homophobic slurs. yeah lmao i know. we have fun here. one of the ones for “lesbians” is “friend of sapohi” because i couldn’t resist making up lizard alien sappho
first physical letter garak sends bashir post-canon when there’s power shortages and bashir is stationed a long way away. they’re not together yet. sort of an introduction. these letters are one of the only personal documents garak left behind bc he’s paranoid and very private
a federation relief worker’s notes on a briefing about power rationing, which is some further explanation about why the fuck star trek people would be writing letters on paper instead of their weird ipads
second letter garak sends bashir. idk what’s gonna be in that yet but i do know garak says “your doodle of me was charming but inaccurate”. just one side of the conversation bc bashir kept his letters from garak while garak read the letters bashir sent him, memorized them, and destroyed them for security reasons.
record request emails from a cardassian history graduate student to a federation archivist asking for access to any messages from the o’briens about bashir but oh no :( the o’briens only marked for archival some videos of their grandkids :( and also a video of a random cardassian kid from bashir? weird. this one was really fun
one of the last messages bashir sent o’brien through starfleet comms that’s like right before he leaves for cardassia. nothing Concrete but definitely Hmmm-able
an excerpt from a book about the history of offworlders on cardassia, which includes a letter from one of garak’s political opponents as an example of reactionary xenophobia. basically it’s just a letter where this dude is very rude and homophobic about bashir. but it’s fine because he uses fake homophobia
political cartoon where bashir is portrayed as a seducer trying to get cardassia to assimilate into the federation. meant to be kind of funny imo. might commission karin to draw it for me. i think bashir tried to frame it in their house but garak like super hated it but idk if i can squeeze that in
transcript of an interview bashir gave on his views on cardassian politics, trying to be like “haha im just here to be a doctor, im not trying to be a spy or anything, but yeah i do agree with the people who like social programs and the rights of the disadvantaged etc etc”
an excerpt from a speech parmak gives like a decade after that after a piece of orphan rights legislation got passed that thanks bashir for the consultation and support. heheh
third letter from garak to bashir. probably like. subtly indicates that their relationship is on the verge of romantic. the last letter
a negative book review of a book that argues that garak and bashir were together. the review is just like “terrans are just Like That!!” plus some other stuff like “they lived together bc nobody would rent a house to an offworlder in this era!!” and stuff like that. im looking forward to writing this
the entries on garak and bashir from a children’s book on cardassian heroes. very saccharine and glossy and patriotic. bashir especially is like “once he stepped foot on cardassian soil he knew he loved this land” etc etc. amusingly inaccurate
the speech of one of garashir’s grandchildren (they take in some wards - non-blood related adoption is formally recognized on cardassia after the wards are of age) while accepting some medical award that thanks her grandfather elim garak for the support and her beloved elder julian bashir for his advice and support
a foreword from a book of poetry written by one of their GREAT-grandchildren who thanks his grandfather for the love of literature passed down to him. because Oh You Know
idk where this will go but cardassians discussing a federation documentary about The Heroes Of The Dominion War that says “oh yeah bashir went on to become the first naturalized citizen of cardassia. elim garak became an important figure in the new cardassian government. they were common law married” and the cardassians being like THEY REALLY SAID THAT? and some cardassians being mad and some cardassians being like Someone’s Fucking Saying It Finally!
still thinking of other sections that go a bit more into their children/married life. maybe also some other incidents. the thing about this is it’s such a fun little exercise to think of different ways to angle into this relationship and this society through surviving primary sources and variations on secondary sources. it’s a puzzle though because i want a lot of differentiation
im thinking ill conclude it with like their great great grandchild releasing some documents from them that confirm their relationships that were meant to published like a couple centuries later when hopefully cardassia was more accepting. because i want gay people to get the last laugh and assert their places in history and regain control over how society sees them. yk
sorry this post is like so insanely long and also kind of deranged in concept. im kind of fucking tired of my main twitter being this place where i have to remember that 21k people follow me (because i post c*tcrumb art on my main twtter) that im trying to make tumblr a place where i can just run my mouth yk. anyway. hey i got really into ds9 in the second week of march
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sleepymarmot · 7 years
DS9 season 2 liveblog
[Season index: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PS]
The Homecoming
They're opening the season with a three-parter about Bajoran-Cardassian problems, and Dukat will show up right in the first episode? The writers are not wasting time...
Sisko's unusually cheerful.
Again, I'm amazed at this new heroic O'Brien who is so unlike the background character I've watched press buttons for years.
One does not simply walk into a Cardassian camp! Unless you're these two.
This is completely crazy! What'll stop the Cardassians from destroying their ship?
Just as I was going to say "Why not beam the wounded right from the runabout?", they actually do so -- but just after exiting it. Is there any in-universe reason behind it, or just the ease of fiming?
Why is Dukat being so friendly? Maybe he has spies among the freed Bajorans? If so, it better not be Li Nalas himself...
Bashir you're embarrassing yourself -_-
Quark, why are you always such an ass to your brother? Is that really necessary?
Poor guy.
Oooookay?? The previous scene made me completely trust him, but now my suspicions are stronger than ever. He's replacing Kira? Seriously? That has got to be someone's plan.
Well, this episode was meaty. And it really seems like the show is finding its feet -- unlike Duet, this episode didn't remind me of the other series and feels uniquely DS9.
The Circle
Aw, Odo's being a good friend! I don't remember him ever becoming so agitated before.
Vedek Winn as guest star? *grinds teeth in advance*
what a mess... I don't know if it's funny or sad. What a contrast to Data's friendly, nice and organized goodbye party :D 
"These are my... these are my friends" 
Do the Prophets really need to show her this sexy crap? Also, I'm too faceblind, is the guy in the vision the freedom fighter or the priest?
Odo and Quark!
I don't understand, which of these two is trying to convince the other to support them? And I don't like how blatantly evil they act.
(Seriously though, you say "Prime Directive", I hear "stupid bureaucratic crap that gets in the way of doing the obviously right thing". Either retire it or write it better, dammit!)
The Siege
Okay, I might change my mind by the end of the episode, but this might be the strongest of the multi-episode stories so far.
Aww Nog
"The Cardies" haha
Ugh, don't do the "wife asks husband not to be a hero" thing
The freedom fighter becomes a leader for real!
Sisko and Bashir turn and walk away in sync lol
"Is that a spider or a dog?"
Please stop ruining your engaging story with scenes about cartoonish villains...
I've... actually completely forgotten that O'Brien had been in the Cardassian war until this very moment. That's probably why he has been so opinionated, not just because of Picard. 
That's it? Kinda underwhelming.
Ugh, killing Li Nalas? I didn't expect this show to cling so hard to status quo...
The first episode was the most impactful, but the entire story is still very impressive, epic and engaging!
Invasive Procedures
End of previous episode: Everyone happily returns after evacuation! Beginning of this episode: The station has been evacuated
Quark and Odo: *bicker* O'Brien: Ughhhh get a room already
Previous episodes: main characters defeat the forces of the entire Bajor This episode: DS9 is easily hijiacked by a handful of mercs & amateurs
That's an impressive "As you know" speech, Dax
When will poor Jadzia get an episode that's not about her being victimized and quietly accepting death?
Yes, I get it, the entire thing is just a plot device to show us Dax without Jadzia (and hopefully, Jadzia without Dax, if she'll be awake for it?), get on with it please
I hope the second half of the episode is about Dax working against the antagonist literally from the inside
Well, it's pretty disappointing that Dax by themself has so little personality and moral compass. I guess Sisko was all this time really friends with just Curzon and Jadzia, not Dax. Honestly, it's easier to forgive Quark (who sort of redeemed himself with an amusing scene) than Dax after this episode.
I was planning to go to bed after this one, but hell, I need to wash down this nonsense
I see Bashir has gained a lot of confidence since Past Prologue
"I am no more a spy than you are--" "A doctor"
I guess not everyone is fine with strangers touching them haha
"To us, he isn't even one of them any more" uh.....
"They won't hurt you. They're humans, they're not Cardassians" jfc...
"Don't apologize. It's been the high point of my day. DON'T DO IT AGAIN." 
(Sisko seems to chew out Bashir more often than others. Is Bashir just the most undisciplined?)
Oh, here we go, O'Brien's anti-Cardassian racism again, makes sense for it to be in this episode
Poor Keiko, she's trying so hard
Miles is getting over himself! I'm proud of him
Bashir is learning to yell at people! Two episodes in a row now.
Um, Miles, I don't think it's a great idea to tell these things to the boy's father...
Dukat's neck scared me. is that normal
GOD IT'S EVEN WEIRDER FROM THE FRONT why am I so bothered by this lmao. honestly was their casting requirement "not only be able to look ominous without actually doing anything, but to have an extremely long neck so we could sculpt interesting things around it"? i'm sorry i'm gonna shut up about this now
Garak if you hold that satisfied smile for some time more you're going to turn into a child-drawn picture of a sun
I love that Dukat doesn't even bother to finish the conversation, he just turns around and leaves without a word the moment it becomes clear that he lost
Ugh, poor boy... What a choice. Abusive family he loves and considers his own or the planet of strangers from an unfamiliar culture he hates, both claiming to love him and expecting him to identify with them? Even if they didn't tell who took him in the end -- he gets a bad deal either way.
it's much more easier to take Garak seriously when he's not dressed like a grandma who stopped giving a fuck 20 years ago. that's probably why he does dress like this, though... but shouldn't that hurt his reputation as a tailor?
This episode was awesome! Exploration of social issues, family drama, political intrigue -- all tightly wound together and making perfect sense. So far the Cardassian stories are the highlight of the show, I hope it's going to stay this way.
It's really weird how Bashir changed between seasons. He hasn't gotten a lot of screentime apart from this episode, but he seems less naive, awkward and bouncy, he's grown more confident, and the crush on Jadzia has disappeared without a trace. Tbh I'm kind of disappointed -- I was expecting a smoother character arc that would let him grow before our eyes and phase out his immature traits one by one. Same goes for his relationship with Garak -- we've only seen their meeting and now they act like besties, how did they get here?
No, wait, let me get back to the plot of the episode. So Dukat had a politician's child kindapped just in case that politician becomes his opponent at some indefinite point in the future, so that he could go through another complicated scheme to humiliate him? Had he absolutely nothing better to do?!! Did he arrange something like this for everyone who could ever possibly cross him?
Um, Julian, that sounded a bit too much like Geordi's style of creepy almost-stalking...
Wait, Melora is Grace Holloway? :D I didn't recognize her until the familiar name appeared on screen.
She complains about being treated differently and about following the same rules as everyone else in the same breath. Did the writers make her hypocritical on purpose?
Why is he doing this? Is he actually interested in her as a woman? Does he want to help her acclimatize? Or to put her in her place?
Okay, the low gravity scene is pretty cute even if it doesn't make much sense
Daphne Ashbrook in all your fandoms, kissing all of your pretty Doctors
so far it seems like in season 2 the good episodes are better than in season 1, but the mediocre ones are worse
god, the writing and design are so bad, I don't want to list everything that doesn't make sense to me, let's just move on
Rules of Acquisition
I was tired but the plot twist woke me up!!
Dax is so sweet
Poor Pel :( Shitty Ferengi values win again I guess 
Well, I'm glad he took a stand after all. And that they kissed. HELP I'M HAVING FEELINGS ABOUT FERENGI ROMANCE
Necessary Evil
Aw, Sisko called Rom "a family friend"
...so do Odo and Sisko perform the bad cop-good cop routine often?
yoo a flashback! I was wondering how Dukat was going to fit into this
"Cardassian neck trick" I... think I've already said enough on the subject lol
First meetings!
First meetingS!
I was distracted for some reason and didn't appreciate this episode enough :/ But it was very good!
Second Sight
Yikes Sisko don't embarrass yourself
"She's a married woman" "That would have never stopped Curzon" ew
ah I've missed the starship uniforms
what a boring episode. can we stop with the love interests of the week, please? I don't understand why the writers are suddenly forcing them so hard this season, and watching three of these in one day has turned my brain into soup. okay, Rules of Acquisition worked, but Melora and this episode were terrible!
(only pros: gorgeous woman, gorgeous dress)
What was even the point of the universal translator not working for a while? This had nothing to do with the story, and the only thing it did was to remind the viewer how implausible the entire concept is.
Second mention of the Dominion -- I guess we'll meet them in the season finale?
Yep, I'd be surprised if the promised land didn't turn out to be Bajor
Bajoran Leia!
Wait, why is famine a problem? Why can't the Federation just provide Bajor with replicators? Prime Directive again? I mean, they almost seem to want me to ask this question by cutting right to refugees in front of a food replicator.
Why are they so attached to the idea it MUST be Bajor? Ugh, I hate these stories.
Are you implying that El-Aurians have supernatural abilities and all this time people confided in Guinan not because she's charming and wise but because she mind-controlled them? 
Julian is a NERD and Miles is regretting all of his life choices that led to this point
(Gosh, I didn't realize how much I've missed scenes where the main characters just hang out together off-duty)
8 minutes into the episode and I still have no idea what it's about
Are you saying that O'Brien and Bashir's tennis rivalry is legitimately the B-plot because I'm really into it
"Not in this space-time continuum you won't"
oh my goooood
wait a sec, the listener is only figuring it out NOW?! h o w
finally, a really fun silly episode!
The Alternate
Wait, so when Odo is in humanoid form, does he see and hear like us, or "percieve" like in liquid form? Does he have 360 degree vision?
Put it back! This is either a defense mechanism or the environment needs this column to function for some reason; beam it back down
So Bashir's crush on Dax isn't dead? We haven't seen it for so long, I thought it was over. But why is he monologuing? that's just bad writing.
plot twist! D:
god, this doctor is so creepy with his Measure of the Man reenaction
poor Odo is literally having a meltdown :(
Armageddon Game
Another O'Brien and Bashir episode, nice!
Poor Keiko
Bashir's speech about wife and children at home is weirdly sexist, especially since the previous episode re-established his interest in Dax, and his previous romantic involvement this season was a fellow Stafleet officer too -- he should have the opposite problem (which was already discussed in "Melora")!
aw Quark, you don't have to hide behind the Rules of Acquisition to admit you care
Everyone around seemed to be acting like he smells bad, does this mean that's actually true?
"It's not doctors I have a problem with, it's--" "You, Julian"
jfc Miles, she's your wife, you should try to talk at least to her
Quark can't name a rule of acquisition by number? alright, for the first time in the episode I believe someone is fake
O'Brien is a badass
Are they absolutely sure the dead one is the clone and the real one takes his place, not the other way around? That was an awfully convenient excuse to shoot a Starfleet officer point blank without anyone asking questions... 
Poor communication kills. At first it seems like something is wrong with O'Brien, but since people refuse to talk to him about it, he becomes convinced literally everyone else is conspiring against him -- and turns out, no, the problem was with him after all! And then they kill him off for no reason just to maintain status quo and avoid the Thomas Riker situation. They could have told him at literally any point instead of being so stupidly vague, but no, gotta keep the plot moving for 45 minutes! Before they found the real O'Brien they could have arrested the clone and told him everything, I'm sure O'Brien would understand; and after they rescued the real one, they could have just transmitted the image, if they're so averse to words. And after acting so stupid, as a final insult the other characters keep talking over their poor dying friend in third person like complete jerks. The episode is great... until that ending. Which just doubles my frustration, because it's one thing when a story is mediocre to begin with, but it really sucks when a wonderful episode is ruined by shitty conclusion.
Yes, yes, I get it, this woman would do anything to keep this way of life and probably sabotaged the technology in the first place
What's wrong with replicated food? I hate this stupid trope
did she send the runabout away too?
what the FUCK
look, it might be useful social commentary to depict these rhetoric and tactics, but watching it is still torturous
it adds another level of creepiness that all this shit is done to a black protagonist -- was it intentional?
she's a more proficient torturer than the guy from Chain of Command
this woman is one of the most horrifying antagonists in all Star Trek. she actually believes all this shit
the engineer is supporting her? they all want to stay? for fuck's sake. she made them all see five lights
well. if the writers wanted to upset me, they succeeded
"How fascinating" :D
"Women don't react to me in that manner" What about Lwaxana, then?
"After seven lifetimes, the impersonal questions aren't much fun anymore"
Yeah, why does a 15 year old need a job?!
The local guy is surprised at Odo beaming up and back down, like he's never seen anything like this before, and two minutes later says he has scanned for transporter activity
I like how the Prime Directive isn't even mentioned :D Or is it a human colony? But isn't this the Gamma Quadrant?
"You want me to spy on Quark for you?" so excited, bless him :D
backstory for that one time Miles played cello on TNG!
I'm glad these villagers are not as conservative and stubborn as people from the previous episode
I am reminded how much more modern DS9's storytelling is than TNG's every time they namedrop the Dominion -- like Doctor Who did ten years later with Bad Wolf, Torchwood etc
I knew he'd transform for the little girl eventually :') Odo reminded me of Data more than usual this time because of the friendship with a child and the episode's general similarity to Thine Own Self. But while Data gets along with kids partially thanks to his own childish (in a good way) qualities, Odo is more like a grumpy but caring grandpa -- I'd even say there's some First Doctor vibe. 
(I'm a bit disappointed the episode didn't follow up on that promise of "Bashir practicing his purely theoretical spying skillz on Quark for Kira", because that sounds absolutely hilarious)
Playing God
Fun-loving cool senpai Jadzia is amazing
Interesting that Jadzia doesn't identify with Curzon at all in this case, despite presumably remembering their interaction from his point of view too
I didn't really understand how they solved the problem but I don't care
This is my favourite Jadzia episode so far. She finally got to show agency, have some fun, show off her professional skills, and explore her own identity (instead of standing around silently while other people explore it). And I love how other characters' scenes are vivid despite shortness: Quark playing tongo with Jadzia and giving well-intentioned if unhelpful advice to the initiate; Bashir's friendship with Jadzia and O'Brien; O'Brien calling across the border about his pest problem; Odo, Kira and Sisko's different approaches to the ethical dilemma.
Profit and Loss
Yesss! Cardassians!
Ooh Quark has romantic history with the pretty Cardassian woman?! This is getting better and better
A scene between Garak and Quark! is it my birthday?
"Personally, I find this style to be a bit too radical. But your friend seems the sort who appreciates that kind of thing" Does he know everything and everyone?! Though come to think of it, this shouldn't have surprised me at all -- even regardless of special channels Garak may use, these dissidents might be well-known to the point that their info is freely available on something like stateenemies.gov.car/wanted
I love how he casually rips an expensive dress to make his point
Passionate lover Quark is so strange to see
Odo's good at playing hard to get
lmao I've waited so long for someone to finally to hug Odo and... :D I do also love his relationship with Quark but I never expected these two things to intersect :D
so, did Garak change his mind on the fly or was he just stalling until that guy comes and can be disposed of?
alright, I amend my previous statement about one-episode love interests: Quark is allowed to have them, if all women who fall for him continue to be this awesome
Blood Oath
What, the holosuites have no sound isolation?! If so, who would ever use them for anything more... private than a recreation of a famous battle?
These Klingons have strange hair
It's so nice to see a young, human-looking woman as an equal to three old Klingons
ah bat'leth fighting, I didn't realize how I've missed it
-- and that young, human-looking woman is more of an old-fashioned honorable Klingon than the rest of them
what an outfit
I'm glad the Klingon interpreted her hesitation so favorably
*reads TVTropes* Wait, all these three are from TOS?! Damn... I could barely tell them apart. I really liked the episode, but turns out I didn't appreciate it nearly enough. Time for a little TOS rewatch?
The Maquis 1
What does the word Nor mean? Terok Nor, Bok'Nor...
The Vulcan woman looks great; nice dress.
"Jake-o" aww
Do Cardassians have a thing for showing up right in your quarters unexpectedly?
"We'll need one of your runabouts" "Where are we going?" Nice one, Sisko
"So you turn off my controls so I don't have enough light to take my photograph?" :D  
"Education is power. Joy is vulnerability" Dukat is being very quotable today?
"Of all the humans I've met you strike me as the most joyless and the least vulnerable" "I am when I'm with you"
Honestly it's as if they are writing Sisko and Dukat's interactions for me personally
I like how the Vulcan is taking Quark's courtship at face value
Wait, is Gul Evek that reasonable guy from Journey's End?
I'm starting to understand Preemptive Strike better -- so it all took place in the demilitarized zone? That makes sense. (How did I miss that?)
"I was looking forward to showing you more ways to mix business with pleasure" "Perhaps in the future. I do find you... intriguing, Quark" im screaming hooly shit I'd never have guessed that Quark of all people would be the chick magnet #1 on this station?? how did he manage to meet a woman this line would actually work on
good shit good shit
The Maquis 2
Sisko gives a show-defining speech!
"Vulcans are a species that appreciate good ears"
something tells me Dukat wasn't the one supplying weapons and the Central Command is trying to kill two birds with one stone -- oh look, this lie was so obvious that for once the characters saw through it right away too
"The Central Command wants him dead. That's reason enough for us to want him alive"
Interesting, Dukat suddenly started acting in a theatrical manner I've only seen in Garak before. Some Cardassian cultural thing?
Haha, I didn't even realize where Sisko was leading the conversation! He's excellent in this story
"With that kind of firepower, the Bajorans could have launched a full-scale assault on Cardassia" "And lost"
Damn, Dukat really has his Intimidate skill maxed out! Sisko fails the Paragon check, Dukat passes the Renegade check.
Finally we see someone explain to a Vulcan why they're being illogical instead of making some bullshit reference to emotion. I love you Quark
the only bad thing about this two-parter is that it kinda made me like the Totalitarian Lizard Man a bit too much??? how dare you. let me go back to my wholesome crushes on Bashir and Jadzia before I start stanning or something
oh, and also I hoped this episode would make the Maquis more sympathetic so I could feel better about Ro Laren leaving Stafleet for them... nnnot much.
The Wire
What a great episode!! I wasn't liveblogging at all because it was too intense. I don't even feel the need to comment on drama or character development -- the story and acting speak for themselves.
Alright, how the hell did Bashir reach Tain? How does one get the home address of the former head of secret service of a foreign empire?! And how did Bashir manage to convince Sisko to authorize this stunt and give him the runabout -- or did he steal it?
The "Elim" reveal isn't really a surprise after you've spent some time near a fandom where people tag characters by full name... 
What interests me now: is Garak going to act differently now that he's not keeping himself drugged? Will he go through withdrawal? In the final scene he pretends everything is Back To Normal, but... Or was the table-flipping scene the extent of his withdrawal symptoms?
Another disjointed thought: this is a wonderful example of a satisfying hurt/comfort story 
Star Trek has some amazingly intense dramas for two actors. The Most Toys, Chain of Command, Duet... This one is different because in order to bring the two characters together and at the same time isolate them from the rest of the world, instead of captivity it uses doctor-patient relationship. Oh, another story from a different fandom it reminds me of, now that I think of it: Scherzo.
Lmao it's nice that even after leveling up at unstoppable determination and compassionate badassery in the previous episode, Bashir still can be a ridiculous dork 
...though it is pretty jarring that right after a high drama where he shows his capacity for patience and caring, and greatly deepens his relationship with someone, the next episode opens with the awkwardest attempt at befriending (and flirting?)
I didn't expect Garak to appear in two episodes in a row!
Why is Mirror Kira walking like this...
I started laughing at "I don't have a designation, sir" because my mind immediately went to "There's no need to call me sir, professor"
Female Cardassian guard! And Kira called herself attractive, heh.
Mirror Quark is dressed so poorly...
Okay, Mirror Kira definitely wants to fuck herself -- wait, that's actually canon? Do all evil Kiras hit on women? I wish they'd let our Kira do that too. I know it was written in the nineties, but I really don't appreciate the "evil=bi" trope
Well this was pretty weak. The only mirror character who works well, i.e. exposes the real character's darker side, is Odo. Kira looks just weak and hysterical. (Remember how I complained about her acting in the pilot?) Mirror Garak is actually less intimidating than our Garak.
The Collaborator
Can't say I'm very excited to see Vedek Bareil again. I liked him in his first episode for ideological reasons, but this romance...
Oh no, the Sydney Opera Hat is on the Promenade again? Is she planning another assassination?
"Welcome back. You're under arrest"
The episode was not engaging to watch, but I enjoyed the Grey Morality (tm).
These Cardassians have lost all shame, what do they think they're doing
Evek again, and I think another familiar face?
Here comes the good cop
I'm glad they're not spending an entire episode on a Chain of Command remake. 
Not telling the accused what they're charged with: a deliberate ploy to mess with their mind, or do the Cardassians not even bother to think about these things anymore?
Huh, Odo had a Cardassian rank that's still valid? That's useful.
Alright, but wasn't O'Brien still declared guilty? So the scheme to discredit the Federation worked?
Also, a missing molar isn't good evidence. Maybe it means that man was just captured and processed by the Cardassians, like O'Brien. And why would a spy alter his appearance but forget about this? You'd think humans and Cardassians have different enough teeth that he'd have to get dental implants anyway. 
I found one good thing about the Cardassian "court"! The judge has fabulous hair.
The Jem'Hadar
"I bet we'll have a great time!" "I know we will" Please don't say things like this in the opening scene of a season finale...
Aw poor Sisko :D
"Guess" "He said yes" "Guess again"
Aw Quark needs a hug
Aww kids
Aww Odo cares about Quark
"If the Dominion comes through the wormhole, the first battle will be fought here, and I intend to be ready for them." Well. That's a chilling line to end the season on.
As much as I like it when the Federation arrogance is called out, Quark's speech just doesn't work. "The way I see it, humans used to be a lot like Ferengi. Greedy, acquisitive, interested only in profit. We're a constant reminder of a part of your past you'd like to forget." Well, yeah! That was basically the original concept for their species! "Humans used to be a lot worse than the Ferengi" -- so what? 24th century humans are disgusted by the atrocities of their ancestors, so why can't they also be disgusted by the exact same things perpetuated by their contemporaries? Domestic abuse and sexism are wrong, no matter who does it. Note how this entire speech sidesteps the violent misogyny, aka the Ferengi's most obvious appaling trait. This is like saying "Don't judge the Cardassian state for being totalitarian! That's just their culture, you don't understand!"
General impressions
Bashir and Jadzia finally got some character development!
I live for Cardassian episodes. It's fascinating to see a dystopia in the universe that started as a utopia, and see how characters from both sides deal with each other. 
(Random thought: I want an AU episode like "Crossover" where another universe/timeline's Cardassia is a free state, and for a Cardassian viewpoint character our world is a nightmare scenario just like the Mirror Universe is for our heroes.)
I don't loathe Winn as much as I did in the first season finale. That makes her kind of underwhelming as a recurring antagonist. On the other hand, that might be a good thing, because getting so angry repeatedly couldn't have been good for my health. But because they're represented mainly by the hateful-but-not-enough Winn and the bland Bareil, the Bajoran affairs are usually not as gripping as the Cardassian. I hope to see more of their secular politics next season.
First season was very even; second has two irredeemably clumsy stories (Melora and Second Sight), but a growing number of outstanding ones, too. 
First season was already an improvement over TNG in terms of serialization, and this one is better. Both multi-part stories are brilliant, too. I hope this trend continues. 
A noticeable weakness in the first season was the mundanity of the Gamma Quadrant. No sense of wonder, no noticeably stranger aliens. The introduction of the Dominion and their overwhelming threat partially rectified that problem, bringing back some of the feeling from "Q Who". Yes, setting foot in a far corner of the galaxy should be awesome in both senses of the word, and lead the previously unimaginable dangers right back to your home.
The costume design has visibly improved in this season!
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