#I do wanna point out again how Victor x MC have SO MANY kisses here--
[CN] Victor x MC S2 CH 40 – Split Route (Eng Translation)
“I can now be only his dummy. I can nestle up in his arms without any worries. I can cry whenever I want to, laugh whenever I want to.”
“The moment our eyes interlock, I seem to be seeing a god who belongs to me.”
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Do remember to read S2 CH 39 prior to this: Here!
⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a chapter that is yet to be released in the global server. ⌚
[Heads-up from Anika]: Very, very, very highly recommend reading Victor’s S1 CH 37 Route and “Meeting in the Past Date” before continuing further— ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
A whole lot of things happen here LOL, so I’m not gonna go into the details. Long story short: After a whole lot of confrontation and stuffs, MC decides to change the rules of the world regardless. The little boy tells her that strange phenomenon will occur as a result of her action, but no one knows what will happen next. But until that moment, MC can still have a breather.
MC finds herself regaining her consciousness in a bus, and here she meets Shaw. After parting with Shaw, players can choose any split route to their liking, and the phenomenon will depend on the boy they choose.
In Victor’s route, the phenomenon, of course, is the meteor shower. 
✧ [CH 40-1] ✧
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The endless meteor shower is akin to a magnificent performance beneath the curtain of night.
As far as the eyes can see, the stars filling the sky plunge across the vast expense, trailing their bright trajectories and branding resplendent and profound imprints on the retinas.
I gaze at the rain of stars for a long, long time, my breathing unconsciously becoming much more relaxed.
Is this what that little boy meant when he said a phenomenon would occur after the rules of the world are broken?
The rocking coach suddenly comes to a halt. The doors at the front and back open slowly, akin to some kind of miraculous guidance.
I ponder for only a moment before standing up and getting off the bus.
The moment my feet land steadily on the ground, a bright white light suddenly envelops me, causing me to have no other choice but squint my eyes.
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By the time I return to my senses, everything in front of me has already changed its appearance.
The neon lights of the entire city twinkle beneath my feet, and the evening breeze carries the faint clamor of traffic in the distance.
Amid the city ablaze with gentle lights, everything is peaceful as if it were any other ordinary night.
It seems as though if I turn my head back now, I will be able to see that figure standing in front of the railings.
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MC: …
I subconsciously hold my breath, unable to understand why I am here.
A vague conjecture sprouts in my heart. But it’s something that’s been engraved in my mind for too long and been standing still for far too long…
It’s been so long that, after just one moment of it springing to life, I involuntarily dismiss the thought.
At this moment, I inadvertently catch a glimpse of the clock tower in the distance out of the corner of my eye, and I suddenly find myself frozen in place.
The minute hand on the dial shifts its position between the III and IV. And even as I’m standing dumbfounded in place for a moment, it moves down another tiny scale.
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MC: ! Time…
I suddenly think of something, and my heartbeat immediately accelerates a little. I stare unblinkingly at the clock tower, clenching my palms.
Time suddenly seems to slow to a crawl, so slow that I feel as if my eyes are about to sweat. Finally, the minute hand moves another minute line.
…time truly has resumed its flow.
But for me, it’s not just time that seems to be flowing.
I can hear even the very soft sound of leaves being rustled by the breeze. I can also hear the clear sound of the vehicle tires pressing against the manhole cover.
I see the lights of many apartment buildings turning bright one after another, and the little “signal man” in front of the sidewalk turning green, causing everyone to strive to run forward.
At long last, I hear the massive stone that has been piling up inside my heart for a long, long time, finally falling to the ground with a heavy thud.
I’ve finally arrived in the future after 19:17.
Clearly, the dial has only advanced two marked scales, but I feel like I’ve been treading for so, so long.
The prolonged 48 hours that never came to an end, the 17 years of “moving forward” again, and those distant pasts that I’ve never forgotten – everything comes to life before my eyes in this instant.
For some reason, I suddenly think of the first time Victor brought me here.
Thereupon, I blink my stinging eyes and walk over to the railings, trying to get a better view of this brightly lit city.
Unbeknownst to me, in the few seconds that I’ve had my head down, an extraordinarily bright meteor has streaked across the horizon.
It appears that something has come to fruition.
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Perhaps because of the extraordinary grandeur of the meteor shower, there are many more pedestrians on the streets than usual. They are either snuggling up to each other and looking up at the sky, or stopping in their tracks and taking pictures to remember the occasion.
I’m the only person who keeps weaving through the restless crowds, accelerating my pace in the direction of the BS Headquarters.
Although I don’t know what is to come next, but according to the little boy, I still have time to gasp for breaths before the vision is over.
And the one and only thing I must do right now is to find Victor.
All I want is to see him a little sooner. I want to make sure with my own eyes that he is safe and sound. I want to stand in front of him and tell him that I did it.
I want to tell him that I’ve changed the rules of that damned world, that I didn’t fail to live up to his trust, and that I’ve returned to him.
With these thoughts in mind, I simply break into a run.
I keep running incessantly through several streets within a few moments. Suddenly, a light appears at the end of the wide road, illuminating the path ahead of me.
The sharp sound of tires scraping against the road drifts to me, and a car speeds past me swiftly, surging up a vast wave of air current.
Immediately afterward, the ear-splitting sound of the emergency brake rings out behind me.
I subconsciously stop in my tracks and turn back.
The whole car body is thrown back 180 degrees because of the sudden brake, and the headlights are a little dazzling to the eyes, making it hard for me to see clearly.
In the fuzzy halo, I hear the door being jerked open with a heavy sound. It seems that someone is coming toward me in large strides, and they don’t even have the time to close the door.
The sound of hurried leather shoes reverberates down the road and lands on my heart at the same time.
I subconsciously call out in a soft voice––
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MC: Victor!
The person approaching doesn’t respond and, instead, quickens his pace through the opaque night, walking towards me against the backdrop of light.
I instinctively run towards him, until the face blurred by the light comes clearly into my horizon.
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The fringes in front of his forehead are a little disheveled, his temples are beaded with a thin layer of sweat, and the sleeves of his shirt, which have always been well-fitted, are crumpled in the crook of his arms.
Even when he sees me running, he doesn’t stop and even takes larger strides toward me.
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Victor: [emotional panting for LITERALLY 10 secs]  … 
Victor softly gasps for breaths, not even blinking as he gazes at me, and he seems to be suppressing some complicated emotions in his chest.
A touch of incredulity crosses over his forever-composed face, and it appears to be mixed with a bit of daze that I’ve never seen before.
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But in the end, it all cumulates into a soft sigh.
MC: Victor, I did it. I…
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My words are interrupted by a bolt from the blue hug.
But he doesn’t speak and only tightens his arms around me in silence. It seems that he walked too fast just now, and his breathing is still a little heavy.
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Victor: [voice literally shaking like a volcano about to erupt x1]  I know.
Victor: [x2]  You’ve done very well.
Victor: [x3]  You’ve been doing very well since a really long time ago.
After what seems like ages, Victor speaks softly. There is an almost imperceptible tremor in his voice.
MC: [perplexed] Victor…?
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Victor: [x4]  We still have a long time ahead of us, so let’s not talk about the comet yet.
Victor: [x5]  Right now, I just want to hold you like this.
✧ [CH 40-3] ✧
I feel as if the entire world is infused with Victor’s scent.
The reassuring temperature wraps around me, and the large hand caressing the back of my head seems to tremble slightly. But the strength with which he is holding me is irresistible, so much so that I even find it difficult to breathe for a split second.
But I don’t say anything.
Even if I don’t know what happened, at this moment, all I want to do is hold him quietly. Therefore, I bury my head even lower, feeling the same rise and fall of our chests.
Only the silent reflections of the meteors travel across the secluded road. We stand there like this for a long time, quietly in each other’s arms.
After a while, the breathing in my ears seems to calm down a little. I speak in a muffled voice in his arms.
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MC: Victor, are you all right?
MC: Did pausing the time earlier have an impact on you?
He remains silent for a long time before he lifts his head. His deep eyes land on me, and there seem to be a myriad of emotions raging within them. But in the end, he only speaks in a light tone.
Victor: ...that was nothing.
MC: Really? Then why were you silent for so long just now?
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MC: Could it be that CEO Victor admires me so much for saving the world to the point of being rendered speechless?
I tease as I pretend to be relaxed, but Victor continues to look at me with heavy eyes.
Then bending his fingers, he gently caresses my eyes with his finger pads, then treads down, stroking my nose and mouth.
The motion of his action is incredibly slow. It’s as though he is tracing over the details carefully, as if he is confirming something.
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Finally, he laughs softly.
MC: [perplexed] ...Victor?
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Victor: [sounding as if the weight of the world has been lifted off his shoulders] Dummy.
I don’t know why but he says this familiar word in a manner of enunciating something extremely precious. His hoarse voice clearly depicts how exhausted he is, but it also contains a certain unspeakable joy.
Victor: Where’s my coffee?
I’m slightly stunned and subconsciously ask a follow-up question.
MC: What coffee?
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Victor: Have you forgotten?
Victor: You said you’d bring me a cup of coffee when you come back.
The meteors streak dazzling trails across the night sky, and it’s as if the entire world has descended into his eyes.
I stare at him blankly, my brain suddenly forgetting how to organize words, and I even forget how to breathe.
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MC: What did... you just say?
My hand unconsciously tightens its grip on the front of his suit’s lapel as I carefully distinguish the expression in that pair of eyes, fearing that this is an illusion in my trance.
The next second, I hear Victor saying it word by word.
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Victor: Where’s that coffee you promised you’d bring for me?
He simply repeats what he said just now, not explaining anything. But the light in that pair of bottomless deep eyes has already told me the answer.
It’s reminiscent of a drop of dew gently dripping onto a placid lake surface, but it stirs up thousands of gigantic surging waves in my heart.
The ensuing surge of memories floods me so that it overwhelms me in an instant.
My eyes suddenly become a little watery as all those scenes beneath the eternal night appear vividly in my mind.
In that boundless night, I had held his hand and obtained the courage and strength to go on. Back then, he gazed at me the same way he is now, telling me not to be afraid and that he believed in me.
I embraced this confidence and fought at every step I took to move forward. I had fallen into countless despairs, so much so that I even thought I might never be able to fulfill this promise, that I would never be able to bring back the him from the past.
But now, at last, I have lived up to my promise.
The world in front of me is a little blurry. I restrain the urge to break into a sob and call out his name with great effort.
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MC: Victor... you’ve remembered everything, haven’t you?
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MC: I- I’m not dreaming, right?
Victor: No.
His voice is so low that it sounds like a mere sigh, yet it’s extraordinarily firm.
In my fuzzy vision, I see Victor brushing away the moisture from the corners of my eyes with his index finger, bringing with it a gentleness and caution that carries an incomparable longing and unwillingness to let go.
He takes my hand and caresses it up to his face, then slowly moves it downward, stopping at the position of his heart.
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Victor: What you see before you is the true Victor.
Victor: Regardless of whether it’s the past, the present, or the future. This is the one and the only thing that will not change.
Victor: Do you still need to confirm it again?
He says it with such frankness that I’m suddenly reminded of that déjà vu scene from a very long time ago, and I can’t help but tighten my grip on his fingers.
The temperature of my palm is hot, my heart is hot, and even my eyes are burning. I’m clearly overwhelmed with a joy that’s beyond description, but I still choke up when I open my mouth.
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MC: I need to confirm it. How can confirming just once be enough? I’m going to confirm it many, many times, until you call me “dummy.”
Victor: It was only a few minutes ago when you asked me to pause the time in a bossy manner, and you’ve made so much progress over the years.
Victor: How come you still love to cry like this in this regard?
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MC: I’m holding back!
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Victor: Mm, I can see that.
He looks at me with his appearance of remaining calm in the hour of peril, the tip of his brows finally slackening. I look into that pair of eyes tinged with soft colors and can’t bear to look away.
With just one glance, all the pain and dust of the entire journey along the way have been soothed.
I have so many questions I want to ask him, so many things I want to say to him. But my brain is indescribably chaotic, and instead, I think of that promise I had made.
Now it’s just one cup of coffee away from being complete.
MC: Victor, I- I’ll go get the coffee right now!
MC: ...you wait here! Wait for me right here!
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I draw a step back as I speak. In spite of Victor’s obstruction, I turn my head back and run in the direction I came from, praying in my heart that I can buy a cup of coffee soon.
But the streets beneath the wondrous meteor show are incomparably cold, and all the shops have pulled their roller shutters down.
I have scoured all the streets in the neighborhood, but I’m unable to find a single coffee shop that is open.
I gasp for breath as I stand at the intersection, my ears flooding with the buzz from the rapid rush of blood through me. I feel a touch of cold and exhaustion as a belated realization.
The familiar sound of footsteps suddenly resounds behind me. I turn around and see Victor’s figure.
Even though I’ve run so far in such a disoriented manner, he’s been right behind me from beginning to end, never being far away from me.
Looking at his slightly messy hair and gentle eyes, a stream of hot air irresistibly rushes up to my chest. My voice already takes on a sobbing tone before I even open my mouth.
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MC: I can’t find a coffee shop... Victor, what should I do... I can’t seem to fulfill my promise to you...
At this moment, all my grievances and exhaustion seem to break down the barrier.
It’s not because I’m unable to buy coffee, nor is it because I want to complain to him about how arduous it has been to make it through this journey alone.
Rather, because it’s at this moment that I suddenly become truly aware that all my embarrassments, wretchedness, and vulnerabilities have found their way back home.
I can now be only his dummy. I can nestle up in his arms without any worries. I can cry whenever I want to, and laugh whenever I want to.
The next second, a pair of hands land on my shoulders, wrapping me up in that warm embrace with an irresistible force.
His scent veils my entire world, and the sound of his voice in my ears is steady and reassuring.
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Victor: [THAT VOICE] ...dummy. I don’t need coffee.
Victor: [x2] You brought back the old me. That’s enough.
Akin to a ship that has been away from the port for a long time finally returning to its familiar harbor, I can finally relax and no longer need to be anxious and frightened about the wind and rain outside.
I hug Victor back with every bit of strength I have, and the tears that I’ve been holding back for so long finally gush out in sobs.
✧ [CH 40-4] ✧
[Anika’s Notes]: I’m not even gonna try noting the voice acting for this part cause it’s WAY TOO MUCH ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
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I don’t know how long I’ve been crying. Amid the blur of my tearful eyes, I only see Victor parking the car and leading me back home.
The French windows reflect my weeping face, which is in complete shambles. Victor carefully wipes away my tears with a hot towel and sits down on the sofa with me in his arms.
Outside the window, the night’s splendor trails off in long imprints, reminiscent of static yet blooming fireworks.
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Noticing that I’m still sobbing spasmodically in secret, Victor speaks in a tone that harbors his faint helplessness and indulgence.
Victor: You’ve been crying the whole time. Don’t you feel uncomfortable?
I hurriedly shake my head. But then giving it a thought, I nod again.
Perhaps it’s because all my grievances and exhaustion have finally found an outlet to confide in. I wipe the rims of my eyes and rest my head against his warm neck.
There is no world waiting to be saved, nor is there any human race or the heavy burdens of fate.
After so long of a separation, there is only Victor and me in this tiny space, peacefully snuggling together after all kinds of unendurable and burdensome pasts.
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MC: It’s actually more about the joy, so much more joy than I could ever count. And… a teeny-tiny bit of pride.
Victor: In the past, when the first draft of her proposal got approved, a certain someone’s tail would stick up high into the air.
Victor: How come you’re actually being so humble now?
MC: It illustrates that after going through so much, I’ve indeed grown up under CEO Victor’s tireless teaching.
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Victor: [adorably imitates MC’s tone]  That allows you to have great, great pride this time around.
Victor imitates my tone and rests his chin on the top of my head, stroking my back again and again with his big hand.
Victor: You’ve done very well.
He seems to pause, his tone faintly taking on a hint of applause.
Victor: …really, very well.
Victor: I’m so proud that you’ve been able to arrive here on your own.
Victor: You’ve always been beyond my expectation, constantly climbing to an even higher place.
I shake my head, looking up into his eyes.
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MC: I didn’t arrive here on my own… have you forgotten, Victor? It was you. You are the one who helped me so, so much.
MC: Even though you didn’t have any memories of the past, and even though you were vaguely aware that I was keeping some things to myself, you still chose to trust me.
MC: It’s because you still stood by my side, being my strength and my motivation, that I have been able to get here.
I press my palms against Victor’s cheeks as I speak. The familiar warmth in the palm of my hands never seems to have changed.
MC: Perhaps we truly are connected by the red thread of fate.
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Victor: MC.
Suddenly, he calls out my name in a soft voice.
Victor: Are you tired?
MC: [confused]  Hm? A little bit…
Victor: Tell me honestly.
Lifting my head, I gaze at him and suddenly understand what he means. Thereupon, I nod involuntarily.
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MC: In fact, there have been many times when I was already mentally drained out from the setbacks and dangers…
MC: But I still had to grit my teeth and continue forging toward that uncertain future.
MC: Although the restarted world was not too different from the trajectory in the past, there are still many things that had to be confronted with new possibilities.
MC: Occasionally, the thought of giving up would pop into my head… but I knew there was still someone waiting for me in the depths of my memory.
MC: The mere thought of that gave me hundreds and millions of reasons to continue persevering.
The taut heart in my chest also seems to be filling up little by little. Victor stares at me, his gaze fully focused and tender.
MC: Victor, you know something?
I lift my hand as I speak, tracing his outlines little by little.
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MC: At first, I felt that time was passing so slowly. It seemed as if my time had stopped forever in that eternal night, and my sky would never light up.
MC: Because of an existential warning, I couldn’t dare to make any changes and had no choice but to be pushed forward by the world, accepting the endless wait.
MC: Until, I met you ahead of time. It was only then did my time started moving again.
Victor sighs softly in a seemingly helpless manner.
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Victor: Then why did a certain someone still look so hesitant at that time? What was she hesitating for?
In a split second, my skips half a beat, and I almost instinctively recall the strange message that had charged into my mind.
MC: So that voice I heard back then…
Victor: Even if we are certain that we will meet, you are not the only one who wants to meet sooner.
Victor: So, I used some methods and left those messages for you in the “future.”
For a moment, the puzzles that have been lingering in my heart seem to have been answered. There are still some things that I’m unable to figure out, so I blink and stare at him.
MC: So that message… how did you do it?
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Victor: After you left on the eternal night, I went to the future.
Victor: Because I couldn’t help worrying about you.
He says it as a matter of course, as if it were some everyday mundane thing. But I know better than anyone else about the loneliness and hardships of constantly walking through the timelines.
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MC: And then?
Victor: Then I saw the dummy who keeps making me worry.
MC: That “future” me you saw, isn’t that the me of right now? How could I make you worry...
Victor: It’s precisely because of that I can’t help being worried.
He says it in an unintelligible manner, but I seem to understand everything.
Victor: Sometimes, I wish for you to be more mature, to be calm while handling matters, and to have enough courage and experiences to encounter difficulties.
Victor: But when the day does come...
Victor reaches out and runs his fingers through my hair.
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Victor: I’d rather that you can be a happy dummy, clamoring and chattering next to me every day.
The fire of the fireplace illuminates the light flowing in Victor’s eyes. He inclines his head and kisses my hand, his warm breaths brushing over my fingertips and traveling to the bottom of my heart.
I gaze at him quietly. I want to look at him more, want to hear him talk more. I even selfishly wish that time could stop here forever at this moment.
Victor: I told you before, we are meant to walk in the same direction.
Victor: Even if the world starts all over again ten thousand times.
Victor: I will also have fate always bring us together.
He speaks lightly but with certainty, as if it’s not a promise he is making to appease me, but stating a rock-solid and absolute fact.
The meteor shower outside the window illuminates half the shadows of the living room, reflecting the familiar fond nostalgias therein. I caress his slender eyebrows and can’t help opening my mouth.
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MC: Victor, I’m so grateful.
MC: Even if your memories hadn’t come back, we could still have a warm and very long future.
MC: But after picking up the pieces of the past, it gives the feeling that we have never been absent from each other’s lives.
MC: It’s the joy of... “completeness.”
Victor chuckles softly, speaking thoughtfully.
Victor: Probably, this is another significance of the worlds overlapping.
Victor: Although the intrinsic quality of the overlap is destruction, at the same time, those things that belong to the past will also return.
He pauses for a moment. When he speaks again, a touch of solemnity is added to his tone.
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Victor: But your efforts are the most integral part of all this.
In the soft yellow light of the fire, we look at each other quietly. I don’t know when but the crackling sound of the fire has been rendered silent at some point.
Thinking that the fire has gone out, I subconsciously tilt my head to have a look. But out of the corner of my eye, I see that the meteor outside the window has stopped in its downward trajectory, freezing behind Victor.
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MC: ...?
Stunned for a moment, I subconsciously cast my gaze toward the clock on the wall. The pendulum is stagnated in mid-air, not moving downward, and the time has quietly stopped at 20:21.
Only now do I realize in hindsight that time seems to have stopped, and I look at Victor with a bit of bewilderment.
MC: Have you paused time?
Victor doesn’t answer.
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Amid the great depth of stillness, he sighs softly, wraps his arms around me from behind, and slowly lies down.
And then, closing his eyes gently, he devoutly lifts my hand and plants a deeply loving kiss on my fingertips.
Victor: That day... I remember asking you––
Victor: “If I made time stop forever in this moment, would you think I’m selfish?”
I gaze at him in a daze. I seem to be seeing the Victor of that moment again, his trance-like and silent gaze.
Victor: If I had known earlier that it’d take me so long to remember everything...
Victor: I would have made the time that night pass a little slower.
He releases a soft laugh, sounding a little self-deprecating. Then, he lifts his gaze and looks at me intently.
Victor: If the return of memories is simply a flash in the pan...
Victor: Then would you think I’m selfish if I make time pause forever in this moment?
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MC: Absolutely not.
I shake my head without the slightest hesitation. Following this, I inch closer to him and plant a soft kiss on his lower jaw.
MC: Victor, are you also scared?
Just like me, do you also fear that all of this is merely a fleeting dream?
This present moment of being together is a moment I’ve awaited expectantly for countless hours in my heart. It’s akin to a dream that I’ve painted millions of times in my mind. It’s so beautiful that it terrifies me to my soul.
Even if you are comforting me calmly, perhaps you’re even comforting yourself like this too?
But hidden in your subconsciousness, do you also fear that this is merely a momentary reward for the traveler on a long and difficult journey?
That the moment the countdown ends, everything will return to the ice-cold reality again?
I hold my breath, trying hard to control my somewhat raging emotions. But even after a long while, I don’t hear an answer.
Victor doesn’t give me a reassuring answer as usual. Instead, he lowers his eyes and approaches me slowly.
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Victor: Mm, scared.
Victor: But it’s not the fear that I might forget you.
Victor: I’m scared that you will have to face everything all on your own.
The gaze of the person in front of me is imbued with infinite warm tenderness, soothing the softest of scars in my heart without any difficulty.
I can’t control my tears from falling again, but I still try hard to squeeze out a smile for him.
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MC: I’m not scared.
MC: As long as you are by my side, I will forever have the strength to move forward.
The corners of Victor’s lip curl up into an arc. A moment later, he leans in and gently kisses me on the lips.
As our warm breaths entwine, I gently close my eyes and tilt my head sideways to accept this lingering and deep kiss.
From the inseparably loving breaths of this moment to the endless rest of our lives ahead, I long to be integrated as one with this man so that we never have to face separation again.
I have wished countless times that the time could slow down, and even stop in that very moment.
But at this moment, right now, I couldn’t be happier that our time is moving forward.
And our story, too, will never stop here.
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Our torrid breathing gradually recedes. I lightly gasp for breath, opening my eyes.
Behind him, the meteor once again streaks across the horizon, turning into the most moving chapter beneath the curtain of night.
The moment our eyes interlock, I seem to be seeing a god who belongs to me.
Victor: MC, I’m back.
[Anika’s ramblings, it’s pretty scattered LOL~ you can feel free to ignore]
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kazuharem · 4 years
“The Most Important Person” ↠ Lucien x MC [SMUT]
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AO3 Link: Here
Pairing: Lucien x MC (Female)
Warnings: overstimulation, unprotected s&x, multiple orgasms, jealous!Lucien
Description: Jealous Lucien smut from “True Love Date.” That’s it
Summary: Lucien shows her just exactly who the most important person to him was.
Word Count: 4,013
Author’s Note: This is my entry for Day 6 of Kinktober. I used this Kinktober 2020 Prompt
Day 6: Free Use
Also, requested by Icy~ ^-^ Inspired by this little section from my "Partners in Pleasure" fic: The Lucien who had slammed her into the wall with a dangerous “Tell me,” hissed angrily through clenched teeth when she was asked about the most important person in her life. The Lucien who had tortured her so ardently that very night as he grit out a “You don’t want to make me jealous again, kitten,” before thoroughly ravaging her.
I'm pretty sure every Lucien stan who is a writer have written some version of this. This is my take. Also, I've taken "overstimulation" as in "fucking brainless" which also translates to "too many damn orgasms" in my book. Enjoy!
[DISCLAIMER] As always, the characters, art, music do not belong to me. The only thing I own is the plot. Lines that are taken directly from the "True Love Date" will have * in front of the text.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰ 
“If you don't mind, I'll walk that line Stuck on the bridge between us Gray areas and expectations But I'm not the one if we're honest But I wanna sleep next to you And I wanna come home to you I wanna hold hands with you I wanna be close to you”
Troye Sivan – “Talk Me Down”
*“So, Professor Lucien, is there anyone you’re crushing on here?” Kiki asks Lucien amidst boisterous cheering.
Lucien chuckles as he looks over at the girl, whose cheeks were blazing scarlet. “Yes,” the answer slips easily and naturally out of his mouth.
She ducks her head then, trying to tug her hand free from Lucien’s grasp, but he holds on tight. The crowd of her coworkers cheer and spin the bottle again. The neck of the bottle comes to a stop in front of Lucien again and everyone burst into loud exclamations once more.
“Who is it? Who?” Everyone clamors around Lucien in excitement, trying to force the answer from his lips.
He gazes back at her and her eyes skips from him, staring pointedly at the wall behind him. Lucien smiles amusedly and downs the shots, much to everyone’s disappointment. A wave of warmth spreads from his throat, blossoming outward from his chest.
Her coworkers continue to play until the bottle stops in front of her. “Finally, it’s the boss’s turn!” Kiki grins widely as the mood suddenly changes, everyone leaning forward in anticipation.
“Tell us who is the most important to you and why,” Willow announces after a dramatic pause. She winks at Kiki and adds, “Be specific.”
Lucien could hardly admit to himself how eagerly he awaits her response, stiffening up and holding his breath.
She sighs and chances a peek at Lucien, cheeks and ears turning a rosy shade of pink as she prepares herself. *“Because I got to know this someone…” she begins shyly, blushing harder. “He…showed me a brand new world. He’s gentle, but not pretentious. A mystery, but also clear as day.” She starts slowly, but her voice begins to pick up enthusiasm as she goes on. “He can see all of my thoughts and he teaches me the ways of the world.”
Lucien’s hand tightens on his glass as he desperately tries to swallow the prickly feelings that were threatening to engulf him. For some reason, he didn’t like where this is going. There was a thought that nagged at him in the back of his mind. He had seen her chatting cheerfully with that officer…that-Gavin. Had heard her burst into excited laughter when she was on the phone with Kiro. Had witnessed that damn CEO, Victor, picking her up in his stupidly expensive sports car. Could she be talking about any one of them?
She leans forward unknowingly, as she continues, *“When I meet setback, he’d guide me with patience and understanding.” Her voice has a tender lilt to it.
Lucien savagely downs the contents of his glass and sets it down before he could crush it. The warming effects of the alcohol disappears and all he could feel is the thudding of his heartbeat roaring in his ears. The only thought that rages through his mind is who, who, who?
*“He is…very important to me,” she concludes softly with a small sigh, a rare smile breaking through her features.
Her coworkers collectively release their breaths.
*“That was visceral! I bet the person isn’t here or else Boss wouldn’t have said all that!” Someone chimes teasingly.
“Yeah! You know how shy Boss is!” Another person laughs noisily.
The comments grate at Lucien’s ears and he grinds his jaw. A different kind of warmth, one that is white hot, courses through his veins.
“I really want to know who it is!” Kiki wonders aloud.
Lucien silently takes another shot, trying to quell the rage that was slowly building inside him. His vision starts to blur, but he pays it no mind.
She laughs quietly and shakes her head. “Let’s just continue the game,” she hastily directs their attention back to the bottle on the table.
Coming here tonight…was a bad idea, a thought pops up unbidden. Lucien tosses back another shot, missing the worried glance she throws in his direction.
The party continues, but Lucien’s mood worsens, along with the drunkenness of the crowd.
At some point, she slips to the bathroom and when Lucien couldn’t take the burning question any longer, he says some stupid excuse to her coworkers and leaves to go find her. The question bores a hole in Lucien’s mind as he stalks silently along the dimly lit hallway.
Who is this important person?
His fists clench and the scowl on his face deepens. The alcohol he had drunk earlier blurs all thought, all reason.
Remember your purpose, Ares. A voice whispers in his mind, but Lucien shoves it aside. He could care less about his purpose at this moment.
A sudden movement catches his eye and before any reasonable thought occurs, he’s pushing the girl against the wall, his hand grabbing her wrist.
*“What are you doi-“
*“That person who’s most important to you…Who is he? Tell me,” his mouth is moving before his brain registers the words. A look of confusion spreads across her face and Lucien presses harder against her. “Tell me!” Nothing but fiery rage runs through his entire body.
Her expression softens, “It’s you…” she says, but Lucien presses harder against her, only hearing a soft buzzing. “Lucien,” she calls his name and her words finally gets through the buzzing in his ears. “It’s you I was talking about,” she murmurs, smiling. “You’re very important to me…” Stunned, Lucien loosens his grip on her as he backs away. He hears his heartbeat thudding in his ears, a roaring that reverberates throughout him and she continues. “Everything I said was meant for you to hear but you misunderstood…”
The relief flooding through him was instantaneous and he nearly stumbles. There is nothing in his eyes except for the sight of her smiling face. “I’m sorry…did I hurt you?” Lucien asks as he drops her wrist.
“A little…but I’m okay,” She smiles, and Lucien rubs her wrist gently.
“I’m…sorry,” Lucien pulls her into his arms as he breathes a sigh of relief into her hair. It should’ve unnerved him with how relieved he felt, but Lucien couldn’t bring himself to care.
“Shall we go?” She asks, voice muffled into his chest, “I think I’ve had enough.”
He agrees readily and ignores the whispers of “Stupid. You’re a fool, Ares.”
The girl in his arms robs all reasonable thought, but Lucien thinks to himself that he prefers it that way as she slips her hand into his. His only colors in the world, he would follow her blindly wherever she goes.
They say goodbyes to her coworkers and Lucien fights the urge to claim when he sees a male coworker smiling at her. Kim, Lucien remembers.
The two of them chat a little too long for Lucien’s liking, and he walks up to the pair, offering the singer a tight smile. “Shall we go?” He asks the girl, his hand naturally finding purchase on her shoulder.
She nods cheerfully as she waves goodbye at Kim and allows herself  to be led away by Lucien. Lucien clenches the hand not holding hers.
Fool, a voice creeps up in the back of his mind again, but Lucien ignores it.
Lucien is silent in the cab ride home and he can feel her sneaking glances at him, questions as clear as day written on her face.
He could sense her reluctance to part as she squares her shoulders, physically preparing herself to say goodbye when they reach their respective doors. Gently, he places his hand on her shoulder, thumb rubbing a soothing circle as he maneuvers her to face him. “Come inside for some tea to sober up. You’ve drank a lot tonight.” Her eyes instantly light up and Lucien’s mouth curls up in an answering smile. He lets go of her shoulder to unlock his door. She follows him inside eagerly.
No sooner did the door close behind her, Lucien is tugging her into his arms. “Lucien, wha-mmph!” Her question is muffled by the sudden press of Lucien’s lips. “Lucien!” She gasps against his lips.
“Shh,” Lucien murmurs, taking her lower lip and biting down gently. “I’ve been wanting to do this ever since I saw you today.” The sudden confession renders her speechless, but she accepts his kiss, earning a pleased sound from Lucien. She tastes the sweetness of the wine he drank earlier, and a heady feeling fills her veins, as if she could get drunk on his lips alone. He kisses her slow and sweet, pulling her snug against his chest. “I’ve missed you, my little butterfly,” The hushed whisper floats between the languid presses of their lips.
“Lucien…” her arms automatically snake around his neck, pulling him closer to her. The tantalizing way she whispers his name sends heat rushing through Lucien’s body. “I’ve…missed you…too.”
Her admission makes him pause. Pulling away slightly, he peers into her beautiful eyes and swallows hard when he sees nothing but the reflection of himself. Her eyes had only him. Lucien tries to push down the prickly feelings he had been feeling throughout the entire night, but to no avail. He wanted to claim her, to make her his, so that she wouldn’t ever look at another man. “Butterfly…” he lets out a breath, the small puff of air hits her lips and she shivers. “Won’t you give yourself to me tonight?”
She gazes upwards at him, and Lucien knows he’s hopelessly and irrevocably fallen into her trap.
So much for the feeble attempt to stay away.
“Yes…” her voice is quiet, but Lucien hears it all the same. He tucks a finger under her chin and leans closer, their breaths mingling.
“Then would it be okay for me to have you however I like?” His words ghost over her lips and he could see her lips tremble from the sensation.
Her cheeks flush and Lucien’s eyes were dark. The unmistakable hunger swimming in his irises makes her swallow. “Have me…Lucien…”
With that invitation, Lucien surges forward, slotting his lips against hers. His tongue prods the seam of her lips, asking for permission. When he was granted, his tongue enters to taste her mouth as he slips a leg between her thighs, trapping her against the door. “Will you give all of you to me?” Lucien asks, fingers caressing her face.
She nods breathlessly, “Yes…I’m all yours...”
It was like a switch had flipped. Lucien grinds his leg against her as he presses a hungry kiss against her open mouth. She gasps at the friction and Lucien slips a hand under her blouse, teasing and tracing tantalizing circles on the heated skin. “That’s good to hear, kitten,” he growls against the shell of her ear before licking at her lobe, “Because you sure didn’t act that way earlier.” His lips trace blazing kisses along the span of her neck and his hand ducks under her skirt. “You’re already so wet,” he whispers silkily. “Naughty girl, don’t you know what I’m about to do to you?” He curls his finger into her as she arches against him with a whimper.
“Lu-Lucien,” she stammers as her knees buckle. She holds onto Lucien’s shoulders for dear life.
“Shh,” Lucien shushes her by laying the slick finger he had just buried inside her against her lips. “Look how drenched you are for me.” And only me, he adds silently as he dives back to attack her mouth, picking her up when he did so. He maneuvers them expertly into his bedroom, setting her down with care on the bed and undresses her reverently. Lucien shrugs off his turtleneck and takes a moment to admire the sight of her naked body, a stark contrast against the black sheets. “Look at you,” he sighs as he settles between her legs. “Look at how perfect you are.” Her entire body flushes the prettiest shade of pink and she averts her eyes. “Don’t hide from me,” Lucien chides as he kisses a trail up her thigh, across her stomach, between the valley of her breasts, up, up, and up until he comes to a stop in front of her lips. She sucks in a shaky breath and holds it as he watches her, violet eyes nearly black. “Do you trust me?” His question is electrifying, causing the blood in her veins to heat up. She nods slowly.
Much too trusting, Lucien thinks, if only she knew…
He pushes these thoughts away and presses a quick kiss against her lips before undoing his belt. Before she could ask what he’s doing, she feels warm leather wrap around her wrists. “Lucien…” Her hands are bound with his belt and he pulls her arms over her head.
“I’ll make you feel good, kitten,” he promises as he trails fiery kisses across her collarbone. “Like no one else ever did,” his words are muffled by her skin. He presses open-mouthed kisses on her chest, and she inhales. Lucien smiles as he slowly takes one of her breasts into his mouth, tongue running circles around the nipple. He makes a noise of approval when it receives sufficient stimulation. Lucien descends upon her other breast and she moans breathily. “You sound so nice,” he murmurs, voice muffled by her breast as he teases the sensitive skin, and it pebbles under his touch. He moves downward, tongue washing a lazy stripe across her belly and she shudders. “I’ve thought about this all night,” Lucien whispers when he reaches her inner thighs. “Actually I’ve thought about this for many nights. But particularly tonight,” he laps close to her heat and her breaths hitch. “I’ve thought about the way you would taste; how would you look when you’re in the throes of pleasure, pleasure that I have given you.” He doesn’t give her time to react to his words before he buries his head between her legs
“Lucien!” The sudden movement makes her jerk in surprise, but the belt prevents her from releasing her arms. Lucien holds her down as he pushes his tongue into her, and she moans helplessly.
“You taste absolutely divine, kitten,” his low voice is electrifying and sends sparks throughout her entire body. “Just like the way I imagined.”
She bucks into his mouth and he growls approvingly, fingers digging into her hips. His tongue delves faster, and her moans get steadily louder. “Lu-please, please.” She’s begging and Lucien doesn’t hesitate to suck at her swollen clit with relish.
Lucien works his tongue sinfully and she’s positively keening, “I need you to come into my mouth, kitten,” he says as her thighs begin to shake, squeezing his head. “Come on.”
He nips at her clit and all of a sudden, she’s coming hard, Lucien’s name spilling out in a broken cry from her lips. Lucien licks her quivering slit obscenely as she turns into a trembling mess.
“Beautiful,” Lucien breathes. He doesn’t give her time to relax before he’s sliding two tapered fingers into her wet folds, tongue lapping lazily at her sensitive nub.
“Lucien-ah!” She arches off the bed as he furiously pumps his fingers in and out of her. Her wrists strain against their bindings only to struggle helplessly with nowhere to go.
“I have to say, this is better than my imagination,” Lucien’s voice is deep, seductive, and lazy even.
“Lucien!” She whimpers and her walls clench on his fingers.
“You want to come?” Lucien tongues her clit, “Then come for me, beautiful girl.”
As if his command was a spell, Lucien watches, enraptured as she falls apart again, her fluttering walls clenching and unclenching his fingers. Her eyes rolling back in pleasure, her body arches only to fall back down onto the sheets. Lucien’s name is the only thing on her lips as she pants, dazed and quivering.
He quickly sheds his pants and crawls back to her, taking the incoherent girl in his arms. “You’re perfect,” he whispers before flipping her onto her stomach. “You’re perfect in every way.” He cages her in with his body and presses soft kisses along her shoulders. “Beautiful. I am forever awed by you,” He punctuates every word with a kiss.
She feels his throbbing length at her backside, and she whimpers, “Lu-Lucien…”
“Tell me you want me, kitten, tell me you want only me.” Lucien whispers into her as he hooks an arm under her stomach and holds her upright against him.
“I…want only you,” she gasps, hips unconsciously grinding against his cock and Lucien hisses.
“Good,” Lucien sounds pleased, “You don’t want to make me jealous again, kitten.”
That was the warning she receives before Lucien sheathes himself fully in her wet folds and she moans lowly, arching into Lucien’s chest.
“God…” Lucien bites back a curse as he begins to move, “You feel so good.”
She whimpers at the praise, hips struggling to keep pace with Lucien’s thrusts. “Lucien…Lucien…”
“Let it out, kitten,” Lucien growls into her ear as his other hand reaches between her legs, “Let me know who’s making you feel this good, who’s fucking you like this.” Every savage roll of his hips accompanies every word.
“Lucien!” She cries out, knowing that every thrust brings her closer to destruction.
“That’s right,” He hisses as he laps at her pressure point, “Only I can make you feel this good.”
The girl is sobbing and nodding deliriously as Lucien rams into her. “Yes-yes… only you… Lucien…” She’s chanting incoherently. “Please, please,” she doesn’t even know what she is begging for at this point.
Lucien pinches her swollen nub and suddenly the coil in her stomach springs free. She’s crying as she comes, her orgasm ripping through her body in pure pleasure. She falls against Lucien’s chest, the only thing keeping her upright was Lucien’s arm around her waist. “Beautiful,” Lucien whispers as he sits back, taking her with him. “You have no idea how beautiful you look right now, undone because of me.” He leans back and spins the boneless girl to face him. “You’re absolutely perfect, beautiful butterfly,” He murmurs reverently. “You’re mine. Mine alone.”
She only nods as her chest heaves. “Y-yours…” she chokes out.
Lucien rearranges her legs, so she was straddling him and pulls her tied hands to rest on his shoulders. Without warning, he grabs her hips and slips his cock within her folds again. A sharp cry escapes from her as he brings her hips down on his.
“Lucien… please,” she’s moaning as he repeatedly thrusts upward into her, fucking hiccupping sobs from her.
 “Come for me, kitten,” he growls as he holds her limp body against his chest. She’s too far gone to respond and shakes her head weakly as her body trembles from Lucien’s merciless onslaught. “You can do it,” he grits out, “Come for me. Only me.”
“Lu…” she chokes out, unable to form complete words. “Please,” The plea falls on deaf ears as Lucien relentlessly impales her on his cock. “I can’t…” Her words end with a broken sob.
“You can,” Lucien hisses as she clenches deliciously around his cock. “You’re doing so well, taking my cock like this…” He whispers praises as he continues to abuse her oversensitive bundle of nerves. “Won’t you come for me, butterfly? I want to feel you coming on my cock.” Lucien’s fond voice belies the filthy words.
“Lucien…Lucien…” she babbles his name in incomprehensible moans, head lolling to the side. Lucien follows her head and captures her gasping mouth in a heated kiss.
“Come for me, butterfly. Come. For. Me.”
And suddenly her body seizes before she trembles violently, the full force of her orgasm tipping her into Lucien’s chest as she twitches from the sheer pleasure coursing through her body. Lucien languidly fucks her through her orgasm as he presses kisses into her temple. Gasping, she struggles for breath, utterly boneless.
“You did such a good job,” Lucien groans into her hair as his hips slowly comes to a stop. He sits up and gently flips them so she’s on her back. Lucien removes the belt binding her wrists together. “You…are so beautiful…” he whispers as he leans down to press his lips everywhere he can reach. Lucien cups her face carefully, as if afraid she’d break, his thumbs swiping across her tearstained cheeks. “You are entirely perfect…So kind…So caring…You leave me in absolute awe.” The praises rain down like his kisses.
Shakily, she opens her eyes as Lucien’s words register themselves slowly in her dazed mind. He watches her, a look of unmistakable tenderness is on his face. “Lu…Lucien…” she pants as she reaches her freed wrists towards him. He leans in closer so she can wrap her arms around his neck.
“Do you know why I was away for all these weeks?” Lucien murmurs as she tries to kiss him sloppily. She mouths aimlessly at his chin, his neck and Lucien continues. “It was because I was scared and overwhelmed of my feelings for you…”
The hushed confession bade her pause, her eyes widening. “Lucien…” she whispers shakily and raises a hand to cup his face.
Lucien nuzzles into her touch, pressing soft kisses to her fingertips. “I’m…not a good man,” he says haltingly, and she opens her mouth to object, but Lucien shakes his head at her. “I’ve never pretended to be a good man in the first place…I didn’t have…good intentions….I don’t deserve you…”
“Stop,” she says, and Lucien closes his eyes, sighing. “Lucien. Stop.”
“You’re much too trusting,” Lucien murmurs and there is a touch of self-deprecation.
“Don’t say that again,” she implores, “You know how I feel about you. You know I made my choice.”
There is a light chuckle as Lucien opens his eyes again and she is floored by the infinite amount of love that pools in those violet irises. “You didn’t let me finish,” Lucien smiles, reaching up to caress her hair. “I may not be a good man, but what I feel for you…is absolutely sincere. That is something you can count on.” He says those words with finality, leaving no room for argument.
“Lucien…” she whispers and her eyes are teary again. He presses his forehead against hers, inhaling her scent.
“I’m sorry I got carried away…The thought of someone else having you…the thought of you looking at someone else…” Lucien’s voice drops off apologetically.
It’s her turn to shake her head as she embraces him tighter. “Lucien…I’m yours…I’m all yours…”
Lucien’s voice is hoarse with emotion as he speaks, pressing her into the mattress gently, “Then allow me to have you, to love you…”
“Absolutely,” She whispers against his lips and he begins to move, their fingers interlacing with each other as he sets a slow pace.
With every thrust he drives into her, she feels the amount of Lucien’s love for her. With every kiss he gasps against her lips, she knows that the kisses were cementing Lucien’s love, sealing his love deep within every inch of her, a secret branding that only the two of them know.
She comes first with Lucien’s name leaving her lips and she holds onto Lucien as he pants. His hips stutter to a stop as he gasps her name, spilling heat deep within her.
“I love you…I love you…” She murmurs when Lucien slumps forward into her, panting into her neck.
He shakily reaches for her as he rolls onto his back, taking a moment to catch his breath. And when he speaks, his voice is full of raw and pure emotion.
“I know I don’t deserve you…I’m not going to be any greedier and ask for forever, but…can I trouble you to stay with me at least a little longer?”
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
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