#I don’t have the app so I have to drown posts manually sorry
generally speaking I get the aesthetic this ad’s going for but like. what’s up with the peanut butter
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a-summer-soul · 5 years
I was tagged by @josy57! Thanks, love, sorry it took so long to post! I had to copy paste the prompts individually cause the tumblr app is actual trash so hopefully I didnt miss anything 😂
(Trigger warning for mentions of phobias and death up ahead, just in case)
Do you make your bed?
Nope, I just pull the covers up so it's less chaotic to come home to!
What’s your favorite number?
23, cause that's how old I am!
If you could, would you go back to school?
No, because it's costly, and I have no time or energy for it. But the serious job opportunities (that pay enough to get by with a roommate and have some basic benefits) are slim if you only have a highschool or GED equivalent level of education... 👀
Can you parallel park?
Barely! 😂
What’s your job?
I'm a front desk agent in the hospitality industry and I want OUT!
Do you think aliens are real?
Yes, but they aren't what we think they are and they are not benevolent.
Can you drive a manual car:
A job you’ve had that will surprise people?
I co-ran an old non-profit ministry with my (now ex-) boyfriend for 2 years and wrote devotionals for the emailing list! 😂
Only if it's Inkbox, ba-bay!
Favorite color?
Soft or deep greens of the most delicate or elegant nature
Any guilty pleasures?
Pop music may be vapid at times but I fucking love it, fight me.
Any phobias?
Needles, small spaces, death by drowning, suffocation, or burning, being buried alive, etc. Basically sharp things, puncture wounds, and not being able to breathe! 😂
Favorite childhood sport?
Dance! I was a ballerina for at least 7 years (my memory is spotty as hell ((trauma is fun!))), and did jazz, tap, hip-hop, lyrical, contemporary, and pointe!
Things people do that drive you crazy?
Drive below the speed limit in thought, word, or deed, or in front of me on any road ever. Slowness drives me crazy (which is why I'm so hard on myself when I don't learn A Thing™️ fast enough).
What movie(s) do you adore?
The Dark Knight, Inception, The Prestige, The Fall, The Sound of Music, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and recently, The Lord of the Rings trilogy 😍
Do you like doing puzzles?
In games, yes. On tables, no.
Do you talk to yourself?
Absolutely! Inner monologues and the fact that some people don't have them has been in the zeitgeist, and I definitely have one.
Favorite kind of music?
Indie pop, alt pop, bubblegum pop, 90s pop, 80s pop, etc. Also some rock, some rap, some country, some instrumental, some dance, and some indie. My Spotify is brinleebuddy; check out my monthly playlists! 😁
Tea or coffee?
"Por que no los dos?"
First thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up?
A cowgirl missionary 😂 as in a missionary for Jesus, on horseback, dressed like Jessie from Toy Story! I also, for as long as I can remember, have been excited to someday be a mommy! 💖
Tagging: @thatlongingtho
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