#I don't care what they say
misquotedmosquito · 2 years
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grace-lou-freebush · 3 years
Well this Dramione drabble got out of hand and turned into a Dramioneo PWP.
Gift fic for the wonderful captain of my Dramioneo ship, @aneiria-writes.
Draco Malfoy overhears something unpleasant at breakfast during the school year after the Final Battle which leads to a few confessions and something more.
@hppoppunkfest 2021 - Day 14, Buddy Holly
"Are they talking about your two's relationship again!" She would have turned to march back to the Great Hall to give whoever what for, but Theo's broad shoulders spanned the entire entrance. And he was not budging.
In fact, he and Draco had gone incredibly still, carefully looking everywhere but at each other or Hermione. She stomped her foot, her curls crackling with barely contained frustration.
"Er. Not just our relationship." Theo wagged his finger between himself and Draco in indication.
Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE; Hogwarts Eighth Year; Established Relationship; Love Confessions; Polyamory; Smut; Threesome - F/M/M; Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot; Light Dom/sub; Dom Theo; Praise Kink; Anal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Blow Jobs; Dry Humping; Multiple Orgasms; Semi-Public Sex; Song fic; no beta we die like men
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guessimdumb · 4 years
Mack & Gwen with the Country Playboys - I Don't Care What They Say (1960)
Mack and Gwen were a brother and sister country duo from Texas.
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deancasgreenblue · 4 years
being a writer means you need to deal well with rejection. that’s part of the publishing process. also not everyone will like your story. but it just keeps feeling less and less likely that any agent will say yes to me. and I don’t wanna think it’s because I'm a queer Mexican woman writing about queer Mexican characters that I’m getting such quick no’s. but I feel like the entire country hates me sometimes for who I am, so why shouldn’t I think literary agents hate me for the same reason?
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doris-wildthyme · 5 years
So sick of this ridiculous “Don’t call Leave voters thick and racist, it’s insulting” rubbish. I’m sorry, but they voted for a stupid thing that makes them look racist. And now, because our unelected Prime Minister is going to shut down Parliament for his own nefarious ends, they’re all fucking creaming themselves with joy.
Whenever anyone says “but this will end up with us all being fucked, and not in the nice way”, the Quitters’ highly intelligent argument is to accuse anyone who disagrees with them of being “traitors”. That or they say we’re just “whining” because we “lost”. No, petal, that would have been you if the referendum had gone the other way, please don’t think we’re as fucking pigshit thick as you Leave voters, just because we’re pointing out that this will not end well.
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joanna-lannister · 5 years
They're the same people who loves Tywin because "uwu realpolitik", "uwu pragmatism" and because he isn't en emotional hysterical crazy bitch like his daugther. Wich is untrue because Tywin has always been driven by hate, pride and insecurity.
You don't understand, Tywin isn't a woman so of course he isn't an hysterical crazy bitch... That's how this stupid world works : double standards. 🙄 If you are a man, it's okay if you do bad things but if you're a woman, you are a vile creature who deserves to die in the most gruesome way... Yikes, that's fucked up
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boneless-mika · 6 years
Me writing an email to my mom: Hello! I’m trans and I understand that you’ll never be okay with that but I still want to speak to someone. Please don’t speak to me about this, it makes me uncomfortable.
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junchained-melodhui · 6 years
why are people like this, why do they force me to wear dress I AM NOT COMFORTABLE IN WEARING DRESS OR SHORTS. please let me be myself. 
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utterimmolation · 6 years
Tfw your anime purist friend silently judges you because he watched the vanilla, subbed Dragon Ball Z, and you grew up only watching Kai up to the end of the Freiza saga.
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emilievitnux · 7 years
Me right now : I can’t believe that Dolls impregnated Wynonna with one kiss, two smiles and a hug. That’s so crazy. 
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camillescloset · 7 years
I just tell one of my friend that I love socialism He just responded "I knew that you were an urealistic people, an utopian" And I was like " YES I AM WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT ???" because I don't understand what people have against utopian Without them : No french revolution No resistance in 1940 Well should I do a list to proove that this argument is rubbish ?????
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illmaticraj · 7 years
I randomly woke up from my slumber because I had to listen to Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis
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Going to bed early because I have work in the morning, but I hope Tatiana wins Lead Actress. I SUPPORT HER WITH MY WHOLE HEART. YOU CAN DO IT, CLONE CLUB.
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boneless-mika · 6 years
I want to die
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n7calibrations · 8 years
It rained today
Across the entire valley, from the Pima reservation to Olive and the 303, it rained. And every inch of that 50 mile stretch smells like someone left asparagus in the fridge crisper drawer for too long. Fucking hell.
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bulletsandbracelets · 8 years
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