#I don't have the energy to create proper fics for other fandoms so please take this
awarmbowlofhomemadesoup 11 months
Hey, Grandpa? So There's This Ninja Turtle...
(based on Oblivious x Oblivious series)
Miyamoto Usagi is no stranger to the strange. Being in touch with his thousand-year descendant while being in the afterlife by the power of a giant magic crystal is one of them.
His grandson, Yuichi Usagi would sometimes meditate to consult with him through the crystal and Miyatmoto would offer advice to questions his grandson couldn't ask others.
Active meditation through katas opens the mind, so he wasn't surprised when his grandson would blurt out something. Until-
"Hey, Grandpa? So there's this ninja turtle..."
Miyamoto Usagi was no stranger to ninja turtles. Especially blue ones.
But as Miyamoto listened about his grandson's Leo every time Yuichi visits, his Leo was far from Miyamoto's and yet the same.
Yuichi's Leo had not been a leader of his brothers first.
This Leo had the freeness of the wind against the self-discipline of the one Miyamoto knew. Yet had the same sharp mind but clothed in flippant nonchalance.
"He acts like a joke," Yuichi said, staring at nothing as he let the words come out in thought, "But he knows what his family and even his enemies would do and use it to his advantage." His hand fretted by tugging at his own ears. "No one seems to notice that he takes note of everything."
Miyamato simply watched as Yuichi held his sword close, lost in whatever was unspoken. "Sometimes, I wonder what he sees when he looks at me."
Meeting the Ninja Turtles
Sometimes Usagi and his friends would need the turtles help in a mission. Leo and the others certainly got curious when Usagi said in his message that there would be a temporary member in their crew.
When they got to the Ki temple, they don't see anyone new. Until Usagi's eyes started glowing.
Leo watched as his best friend's face became that of a stoic scowl he had never seen in Yuichi before.
"Greetings," a deeper, older voice said from Yuichi's mouth as he took them all in, "young ninjas."
Turns out the Ki crystal has transferred Usagi's grandpa's soul into him so that he could lead them to an artifact that he had hidden thousands of years ago.
"OH, IT'S LIKE MEETING GRAM-GRAM!" Mikey exclaimed all starry-eyed at the mystic-ness of it all. Donnie is reluctantly fascinated. Raph, a bit freaked out but nothing he couldn't handle.
"Is Usagi still in there?" Leo asked, craning to look into eyes that were still glowing blue. He was comforted at the fact that Gen, Chizu and Kitsune looked like they were still getting used to it.
He froze when that stone-faced scowl locked in on him with something akin to familiarity. What the heck?
"He is sleeping, while I am out here." Then Usagi's eyes stopped glowing and his Usagi was back. Leo silently exhaled in relief as he smiled for him.
Getting Used to Gramps
Leo was starting to get a handle at co-leading his bros.
But he still couldn't help but keep an eye on Usagi.
Sometimes, Usagi would be distracted as his eyes flicker blue, nodding or letting out a fond chuckle.
Sometimes, his grandpa would need to take the lead, and a stranger would be walking in his best friend's body -graceful and dignified.
Leo was NOT bothered by it. Things are still the same, it's just they have a temporary member for this special case of a mission.
When they set camp, Leo crashed beside Yuichi and leaned heavily against Yuichi's side, already whining. When he turned to face Yuichi, he was met by a old-man-scowl instead.
"Holy Pizz, I thought you're him!" Leo yelped, crashing on the ground as he scrambled away from Usagi's grandpa -or rather, Usagi's grandpa in his body.
Grandpa Usagi simply raised a brow before finishing the map he was drawing on the ground with a stick.
It's fine. It's really fine, Leo tells himself. But when the group were starting to argue how to get there, Leo had to hear Usagi's say so he set possessed Usagi aside.
"Look, Gramps. Can I call you Gramps? Anyway, can you turn in for a bit? I wanna talk to my Usagi."
Leo refused to look away when Gramps-Usagi drilled holes in his head with his glowing blue scowl alone. It didn't go over either of their heads that he had just pertained to Usagi as his in front of his great-great-x grandpa.
"I'm his best friend. One of his best friends," Leo relented. But if Gramps wanted to play stare-down, he decided to play another game of his own -misdirection.
So he talked.
"Look, I know you're here to help and all," with a wave of his hand as he leaned on his sword, "But Usagi also has good points when it comes to tracking in forests like these. He did grow up on the farm near the woods which he would go into when he wanted to get away for a bit, comprehende? You know what I mean?" he said as he leaned his hips to the other side. "Anywho-"
There was suddenly a furred finger placed across his lips to silence him.
"Do you think I cannot decide the best for my grandson?" Gramps asked calmly.
"I'm saying let him decide too," Leo said, refusing to back down. He was this ready to jump beyond the "rude to elders" line if Gramps turned out to be something else.
"Leo?" Yuichi blinked. "Why's my finger on your mouth?"
Leo immediately stepped away from him, sputtering in surprise.
But Yuichi wasn't paying attention. His eyes were flashing blue again. "Grandpa," he half-heartedly admonished.
"What?" Leo asked, annoyed. But confusion replaced it as he watched Yuichi's nose turn cherry red -the only part of his body that fur could not hide a blush.
"Nothing," Yuichi quickly said. "Anyway, he said you want to ask me something?"
When the mission was done and Miyamot's soul was transferred back to his afterlife through the Ki crystal, Yuichi was finally able to say something to Leo without an audience in his head.
"He says he approves of you."
"What?" Leo asked, confused.
"I know, I mean why?" He was pretty sure he stepped on some social land mines when it came to Usagi's ancestor.
"He didn't tell me exactly why. But he did say he almost took Mariko's path with me."
"Mariko?" Leo echoed. He knew of her in the Usagi Yojimbo comics. The childhood friend-turned-lover who married someone else.
"Yeah," Yuichi said with a shrug, just as confused as he was.
(If they have paid attention to the Usagi Yojimbo comics by being in Miyamoto's shoes, they may have understood. Mariko made decisions for the both of them and kept him in the dark with the best intentions in mind. But it still hurt him and prevented him from permanently returning to his home village at Mariko's request. But it seems things at least things would be different for his grandson.)
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azrielgreen 8 months
The social side of a fandom can be really fun, especially at first, but please always remember that 99% of the interactions are completely hollow. People are giving 5-10% of their time per day in a way that requires very little effort or social construct. I say this because after a certain point, people start to take this stuff very seriously, even considering it a community.
The lack of accountability means, imo, that social fandom can never be a community. You can make friends, absolutely. You can meet the love of your life and make friends you'll never be without, that's completely real. But the vast majority of us don't know each other and we never will. The ability to create personas without moral tethering means that bullying becomes RAMPANT under the guise of "you like this thing in the wrong way, I like it the right way!" I've noticed that the easiest way for a group to start bullying without reproach is to take up the mantle of Purity Police, but it inevitably devolves into the root of the issue - insecurity. Not feeling secure in an online space, not feeling secure sharing what they like and engaging unless they're throwing someone else under the bus, almost like they have to justify why they like the thing in the first place and that's without even touching upon jealousy.
"I like it for the RIGHT reasons, canon reasons, proper reasons!"
It's all the same.
And it is, at least partially, due to the fact that fandom was never meant to be this visible or this widely connected. It takes a reasonable degree of self security to see someone with a completely contrary take about the things/characters you love... and walk on by. A lot of people aren't that secure and the ability to be anonymous, to drop something spiteful and immediately put the phone down is a dangerously addictive feeling. What repercussions are there for this? None. The level of disconnect between phone and reality is DANGEROUS.
But that disconnect dissolves when you're on the other end, the notification end. The damage done by online bullying in a space that once felt like a safe haven of self expression and creative engagement is untold. There are so few studies done on the fallout and the psychological harm it can do, but it's considerable.
Unfortunately, as lovely as social fandom can be, it can equally be a negative place to spend your time and energy.
I think often of that person who openly pretended to be my friend and then forgot to select ANON on a really mean ask. I know others this has happened to. We don't know enough about each other to be safe and we never will.
So please, protect yourself first. Don't give yourself fully to something built on sand. Have fun, share creations, make friends, enjoy and embrace and be kind and if you cannot be kind, block and scroll and please take BREAKS.
If someone else's headcanon feels like a personal attack on yours, take a break. If someone's fic is written different than what you like, don't read it. If you see art in a pairing you don't like, scroll the fuck on.
I promise, none of this shit is worth hurting yourself or others in the long run.
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convexers 3 years
on goodtimeswithscar and wheelchair/disability representation in fanart / fics
goodtimeswithscar is disabled and i feel that sometimes as a fandom we just collectively choose to ignore that, which can be very yucky and uncool of us. we should acknowledge the fact that, yeah! he's disabled and adding that representation into character designs can be super beneficial to not only the disabled community but also people who arent disabled! having that representation in fanart and fics can educate people who only know very little about scar's particular condition, granted the fancreator had to have done their research and done it well.
i made some headcanons to inspire and encourage some of y'all to make your own or maybe even use these (if you do use these please @ me and link the post, i would absolutely love to see what y'all create)
i have not included headcanons about scar's feeding tube just because i don't know enough about feeding tubes and what i've read hasn't been all that helpful ._.
- last life / 3rd life
he goes between a proper wheelchair and a horse (yellow snow) or a llama (pizza) when on an animal he has a saddle / chair thingy that supports his back and has the strap like his irl chair has (couldn't find if there's a proper name for the strap)
yes i know it's practically impossible to get onto an animal when you are a full-time wheelchair user, but in 3rd life scar had grian to help and in last life scar is a wizard so maybe he uses one of his crystals/a levitation potion to get up on a horse.
life is very hard for him on last life because there's no 'easy' way to be a wheelchair user especially when alliances are always changing and theres not one set person to help him with the Daily Struggle of being disabled combined with the constant need to run around.
prev hc is also a great reason for his absence in session 7! he was so drained from the toll of losing all his lives and chaos that he hunkered down somewhere real hidden and took that day to rest and gain his bearings emotionally and physically.
scar's oxygen tank in 3rd life is a compact oxygen tank, he often had trouble with it on pizza because it may be compact but it's still clunky. in the sand castle there was a designated room for the oxygen tanks when they were used up and where they waited until they were refilled. he had about three or four in the room. scars wheelchair had room for two tanks so he'd take that around the desert instead of pizza cause she did not like having more than one tank.
in 3rd life scar's oxygen tank is a crystal (much more compact than an actual tank, but holds the same amount- almost like magic!!) which floats next to him and connects to the cannula just like a tank.
- hermitcraft season 8
he has a wheelchair-like mini swaggon!! maybe the boatem hole helped scar out and made the swaggonchair (trademarked term now lmao) easier to use and enderpearl & elytra (no idea how the elytra would work with the swaggonchair) compatible! that's why he dies to the void so much because everything comes at a cost :)
he uses his swaggonchair to transport his mini swaggons to other hermits (that with a combination of the llama)
scar loves his company car, he likes collecting modes of transportation and eventually he'd like to make them all enderpearl and elytra compatible but he doesnt know the toll it'll take on him to do that because the boatem hole already saps a lot of his energy, but the deal of an upgraded chair was too good to pass up.
scar's oxygen tank is very similar to his oxygen tank in 3rd life, he just has a lot more because he travels much further.
medical storage / hospital swaggon perhaps?? maybe all his villagers are disabled too :) he wanted people like him. i'm calling it, one of the villagers will have ONH (optic nerve hypoplasia) because i want my representation lmao.
please reblog 馃グ much love!!
EDIT: looking back on this post it has a LOT of issues but i dont have enough spoons to go thru it and pick it apart so look at this with the intent of learning some new things while also considering i was harboring some ableist views that i hadn't realized were there at the time
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