#I don't have the energy to proofread things so I'm just gonna assume this is all legible!
ughgoaway · 10 months
Potential conflicts for the I love you blurb/fic
1. Annie gets injured at school. Proper injured and has to be taken to hospital. Matty loses it completely, snapping at everything and everyone, including reader. He snaps at her and reader starts to cry (she feels like absolute shit and Matty is clearly not helping) and goes to hide in the bathroom. Once Matty is told that Annie will be alright, he goes and tries to talk to reader, but she's still shaken and doesn't wanna talk to him. He tries to apologise, and in his apology, he says that he loves her.
2. Reader starts hanging out with an old friend of her, maybe a high-school friend or something like that. Matty gets jealous but doesn't say anything at first. Then Annie tells him how reader brought her friend to class and he thought them about whatever it is that he does (maybe he's a firefighter or something that kids think is cool). Matty, like the little shit that he is, instead of communicating his discomfort, he starts distancing himself from reader. When she, tired and confused by his antics, approaches him to ask for an explanation, things get heated, and they start going at each other. When Matty suggests that she's cheating on him, she says something like: Are you stupid? Why would I cheat on you if I love you?
both of these are very, very good. I love them!!! I wanna give my thoughts on both, but I only have the energy for one rn, so here that is! and when I come back and add more, I'll reblog this lol <3
(no proofreading, just vibes)
okay, I'm gonna alter the first one a lil' and maybe make it sadder... apologies, but I promise it ends nice <3
I can see Annie falling off a swing at school and breaking her arm. matty gets the phone call and drops EVERYTHING.
he gets to school and the nurses office and sees you sat with Annie and she's sniffling and holding her arm, her eyes red from crying.
matty runs in, and as soon as Annie sees him, she days, "Daddy?" and then bursts into tears, matty actually feels his heart splinter into 1000 pieces and comes rushing over and holding her, shushing her and stroking her head as it rests against his chest.
"What happened?" he says it kind of angrily, but you brush it off just assuming he's stressed.
"Oh, don't worry too much," you can see matty is annoyed at your words, but you still shake it off and contuine. "Annie was just swinging a little too high and fell off the swing. the nurse says her arm might be broken, so you need to take a little trip to a&e. you'll be okay though, won't you Annie?" As you ask you stretch your arm to stroke her head, but matty jerks her away from you, and you shoot your head up to look at him questioningly.
mattys jaw ticks before he sighs and starts angrily whispering, and if Annie wasn't there, you're sure he'd be shouting. "she'll be okay? where were you? aren't you meant to be watching her? " he hissed.
you're a little taken aback and say, "Well, I was on the playground, but I can't be everywhere all at once, you know that"
matty immediately jumps down your throat and says, "It's your job to keep her safe, and look what's happened? just- go away. I'm taking her to a&e now." he sighs angrily and scoffs at the tears brewing in your eyes and walks off.
as soon as the door clicks shut, you start sobbing, sitting down on the chair with your head in your hands. I'm talking like full snot bubbles aggressive crying.
hurting Annie is your worst fucking nightmare, and you felt guilty enough before matty came in here acting like a dick. you try to be mad at him but you can't help but just blame yourself.
it was your fault she fell. it was your fault she's hurt. you're to blame.
cut to hours later, Annie has a new cast and a lollypop in her mouth and quite honestly couldn't be happier. she got to choose the colour (stereotypical pink but she loves it) and all the staff signed it. she got a sticker and her favourite flavour of Lolly, as well as lots of fuss from everyone, so she's pretty chuffed.
she's looking forward to going to school tomorrow and getting everyone to sign her cast and ask lots of questions, "Did it hurt really bad???"No, but that's because my daddy says I'm really brave, so it would probably hurt you"
(she was crying for a good 45 mins from the pain, but he lets her live in delusion)
and once Annie is asleep in bed and matty is sat on the sofa left with only his own thoughts, he realises he was a fucking dick.
he says, "fuck" out loud and hangs his head down, he wants nothing more than to call you but he knows he should wait until he sees you in person. you haven't moved in yet, but you've been together a while so he could just go over to your place and beg for an apology but he can't bring himself to do it.
him and annie show up early to school. He leaves Annie in the library, showing all the librarians her cast and recounting her story. he sneaks off to your room to apologise.
he walks in, you look up and roll your eyes before going back to your work. overnight, you had gone from guilty to pissed off.
matty knew how much you love Annie, and yet he still treated you like you had personally thrown her off the swing.
"Look, I deserve that, I know. I was a dick yesterday, and I'm so sorry. " matty sighs as he walks over and leans on your desk beside you on your chair. you spin around with your arms cross and nod for him to contuine.
"Please forgive me, baby. I'm so sorry. seeing Annie hurt just broke my heart, and"
"And it didn't break mine? God matty you're such a fucking dick. you know I love her."
he waited for you to scream and shout more, just take it out on him, but you stay silent and stare.
matty was stressing out at your silence, so he did what he did best when stressed. He rambled.
"Please, you have to accept my apology. I've been killing myself the whole night. the way I spoke to you was just- awful. inexcusable. I know you love her, I love her too. and I love you so much. but the whole situation got on top of me and-" matty stopped when he felt your hand on his arm, and he finally had the guts to look you in your eyes and he once again saw them brimming with tears.
before he could stutter another apology, you stand up and hug him. Whilst he's confused, he just wraps his arms around you and hugs you.
he feels you mumble against him but can't quite make it out, "what was that, sweetheart?"
you pull back and give him a teary but happy smile and say, "I forgive you. and I love you too"
it's only then that matty realises what he said, and the look on his face has you giggling immediately. you bring your hands up and rest them on his cheeks.
"Love you," you say, making his eyes look at yours.
you see them soften before he says, "Love you too."
more blurbs from this au here :)
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Kyle and Ash
An old and unfinished rp involving two guys hooking up after a concert. One had a huge dick, the other has two dicks.
(Do also note I've done no, like, proofreading or checks to make sure things are good.)
[7/9/2015 10:05:58 PM] [REDACTED]: The whole crowd going wild around him, Ash smiles as his favorite song comes on, arms going into the air. Bopping his head to the beat, he checks his phone for the time quickly before closing his eyes and really getting into it, whole body bouncing a bit in excitement. Something about the bassline in Pesticide really got him going.
[7/9/2015 11:18:14 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Petrichor might not have been his favorite band but damn if they didn't play their hearts out in concert. The faintest of smirks creeps onto Kyle's face as he bobs his head and body, acting much more subdued than most everyone else around him. Of course that's cause he was saving his energy for the finale and because he didn't like to express himself that much. God were they good though.
[12:16:54 AM] [REDACTED]: As Pesticide peters out Ash checks his phone again. With a nod he looks around himself and starts texting as he makes his way to the left side of the stadium. Not ten seconds after he gets started though does he bump into somebody because he's not paying attention. Shit! He nearly catches his phone three times before it drops into the mud and he groans. Picking it out, he looks up at the person who acted as his obstacle. S-sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Um. He wipes his phone off on his cargo shorts and stows it away. You alright?
[12:26:26 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle's eyes open as he's bumped into, nearly falling over just from the unexpected bump. It takes him a good few seconds to readjust himself so he's standing fine, having nearly fallen over due to some certain attributes. Before responding he raises a hand and flips his hair to the other side of his face. "Yeah. It's no problem, man. It's cool. I tend to get lost in the song myself. Helps forget about other stuff you know?"
[12:32:41 AM] [REDACTED]: I guess. I mean, I'm enjoying the music, but I have a lot of other stuff on my mind still. He argues with himself between staying and going, and decides it would be rude to jet at ths point. But Petrichor is my favorite band, so I'm definitely gonna have a good time tonight. They were only a few songs into the concert, and Petrichor always did three or more encores, so. Assuming I don't lose my hearing. It's so loud!
[12:59:23 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Ha! That's what you get for coming to a concert. There always loud. S'why I said it's easy to forget cause it basically knocks everything else out of your head. At least for me anyway." Kyle gives a little shrug and puts both his hands into his jeans' pockets, which if Ash followed them he'd probably get a nice view of the obscene bulge in Kyle's pants. It took a few moments for him to say anything again, wondering if he should actually talk for once instead of just brooding. "So. What's up then that you can't focus on the earsplitters?" He nodded towards the huge speaker systems that were up on stage.
[1:18:08 AM] [REDACTED]: D'ya mind if I say it's personal?… Don't worry, it's nothing bad, I just can't get it outta my head After some post Pesticide technical difficulties, they finally start into Fertilizer. Nice. Heh, I guess they're hitting both ends of the scale tonight. I figured Weed Killer would be next. It begins to dawn on him that a large portion of their songs were just named after vaguely hardcore sounding plant things. Oh no, did Robbie get a new guitar? I liked the black one!
[1:22:40 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Nah that's fine. Ain't gonna pry. People gotta have their secrets." At Ash's words Kyle turned to look at the stage, a small frown forming. "Oh man. That fucking sucks, dude. Guess the other one bit the dust. Oh well. Least he got a new one so they can still do the concerts." With a sigh Kyle pulled one hand from his pants to check on his phone, eyes squinting from the light as he checked to see if anyone had sent him anything since he hadn't checked his phone since he got in here. "You come with anybody?"
[1:26:08 AM] [REDACTED]: Nnnnope. I had a friend who was interested but she said she'd rather just hear about it afterwards. He instinctually checks his own phone as well, and catches the time on the still partially muddy screen. Shit! Sorrry, I gotta go to the bathroom! Umm!! Looking back and forth between Kyle and the bathroom area with a conflicted look, he finally makes a decision. He begins rushing off in the same direction as before, except he doesn't bump into anybody this time. Catch you later maybe!
[1:31:42 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just stares at him as he runs away, wondering briefly if he should follow or not. The first thing that comes to mind is that they wouldn't exactly be able to see each other later given, well, they didn't even share names. With a sigh he walks quickly to the bathrooms and leisurely steps inside. Thankfully this place had actual bathrooms rather than a bunch of porta potties. Kyle thinks for a moment to call out for the guy he just met but figures it would probably be better to just wait. At least the bathroom was empty except for him.
[1:38:23 AM] [REDACTED]: There's a tapping from inside one of the stalls, fingernails against the wall between it and the other stall. No shoes are visible from beneath the door, so they must be hiding up on the toilet or something. A little bit of crude writing on the door says "Other stall for a good time from 9:00 to 10:00" with a short list of dates below it, all ccoincedentally coinciding with concerts, including today.
[1:49:06 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: 'Oh so that's why he needed to bolt.' thinks Kyle, the faintest of smirks coming onto his face. He doesn't get long to think to himself though as he hears what sounds like someone making their way into the bathroom. Without thinking about it much he slips himself into the stall beside the person he was just talking to before. He sits there for a few seconds and luckily it seems he was mistaken about someone else coming in. With a sigh of relief he leans back on the toilet, taking out his phone to check the time with the ones on the stall. [1:56:47 AM] [REDACTED]: As soon as Kyle sits down, two fingers beckon him over through the hole between stalls, nails covered in glittery red nail polish. Before pulling back through the hole, they point up at the words "FREE ORAL, $5 ANAL" in all caps just above. It sounds a little odd, but a rather sultry female voice says "Interested?" [2:00:16 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: The voice confused Kyle for a second, for a moment wondering if the person he met had just magicked their way out of the bathroom. He put his phone away and rubbed at his chin. "Yeah. I think I'll bit. Free oral sounds too good a deal to pass up." Of course he was nervous about doing this, wondering exactly how the person in the other stall would react to him so he just sat for the moment and waited for a reply.
[2:04:24 AM] [REDACTED]: It sounds like somebody in that stall squeaked very quietly, but not the person speaking. "Then I'm gonna need you to unzip, bad boy." There are a couple of clicking noises like a phone typing, moments later the woman "Ahh"s quietly, but says nothing more, almost like she's stifling a laugh.
[2:09:52 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Alright then. You ever been with any big guy's before?" To show that he wasn't just trying to talk to them he goes through the process of taking off his pants, chains gingling and zipper sliding before a few small noises as his pants hit the ground. He figures it would be better to do this soft since he didn't trust sticking his hard cock through the stall. Liable to poke someone's eye out. So for now he just flops his foot long softie between his hands.
[2:17:13 AM] [REDACTED]: Nothing comes to the hole, so it's impossible to tell if they even see his display. Am I about to? Forgive me if I'm cautious, but I don't want you seeing any part of my face if I can help it. Don't want to be known as the bathroom slut, right? She giggles like she does this all the time and is perfectly relaxed, and like she's not kneeling in a stall offering sexual services.
[2:20:02 AM | Edited 2:20:35 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Yeah I'd say you were about to." He stands up and turns to face the hole, another faint smirk on his face. First blowjob he'll have had in months. Of course he quickly realizes the problem when he pushes his soft tip against the hole and it doesn't immediately slide in. "If I can fit the thing." With a bit of work and spit he manages to get his shaft through in one push, shivering as his tip slaps against the cold stall wall. Here's hoping no one freaked out.
[2:26:43 AM | Edited 2:27:59 AM] [REDACTED]: HOLY SHIT Ash immediately bursts out, causing the woman to sound distressed. "Asha? What happened? Are you okay?" After a little bit of scrabbling he yells I WILL CALL YOU BACK and loudly hangs up his phone. UH. Y-yo- th-this- that, that uh. I… The stall Ash was in loudly bursts open and his sneakers squeak on the floor as he walks out of it. ……………. Please zip up before coming out.
[2:32:36 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: And there was the reaction he was expecting, sighing a bit as he pulls his shaft from the wall. It took a bit of effort and time to stuff it all back into his pants but he manages, frowning a bit as he opens up the stall door, putting his hands back in his pockets as he steps out. At least realizing that it was the person he was talking to before did alleviate his mood a bit. He thought for a moment about saying something but figured it'd just make things more awkward.
[2:41:42 AM] [REDACTED]: So. That was surprising. Ash is blushing hard, but has the courage to make proper eye contact. We should probably… Introduce properly? He extends his hand for a shake. I normally give strangers a fake name, but since you heard it already, I'm Asha, Ash for short. In the properly lit restroom it's easier to tell his right hand is the one with the red nail polish, and the other is in his pocket, probably clutching his phone. He's got black cargo shorts above what must be fishnet stockings, but they go all the way up his legs and disappear into his shorts. His crop top has four big cartoony skulls on a black backdrop, so it could be a Four Skulls t-shirt originally but their logo is pretty indistinct and the "FOUR SKULLS" would be on the part that was hacked off to expose his smooth midriff, with a red belly button piercing. He's even wearing a teeny bit of makeup
[2:46:49 AM | Edited 2:49:13 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "I'll say. Name's Kyle." He reahces out and shakes Ash's hand, occasionally glancing down to look at his outfit. Kyle was dressed mostly in black: black pants, shoes, and hoodie. Even his ear piercings were black though his shirt had white stripes on it. And of course there was that obscene bulge in his pants. No wonder he usually spends time in dark places. "I'm guessing that's the private stuff you mentioned before right? I mean. If it ain't sorry for bringing it up again. Just curious is all. Nice makeup by the by."
[3:11:55 AM] [REDACTED]: HAH! Yes, yes, that was the er. Private. Thing. He coughs a little, whether from nervousness or an actual cough it's hard to tell. Somebody else barges into the bathroom and looks quizzically into the empty stall Ash was just in. You just missed her dude, but she said she might be back. He looks a little displeased but walks out anways. Thank you, on the makeup thing. I had help. His eyes stand out as dark blue, the same shade as the sapphires in his single crescent moon earing. Um, so yeah. This is what I was planning on doing for the middle portion of the show.
[3:17:53 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just nodded in response, nearly jumping out of his skin when the other guy came in. "Ah. I gotcha. At least you're doing it over some of their not as good songs. I hope I'm not messing with your business at all. Course seeing as it was free you don't get paid much do you?" He was starting to be a bit more talkative now, both from getting to know Ash and because of nervousness. Plus that minor fondling of his schlong and the promise of a blowjob was starting to get him hard.
[3:32:24 AM] [REDACTED]: I have no idea what my income would be from this, it was my first try. I figured I might be able to pay off the ticket at least, since I got it cheap. Although I should have brought condoms too… He gets lost in thought for a few seconds. A-anyways! I don't know if I want to go back now, you sorta broke my confidence. Either way, do you… want my number? I dunno if you'll be interested in somebody who's had the dicks of other strangers in him but it might be cool to just… hang out, or chat or something?
[3:36:04 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Hey I ain't gonna judge you for doing it. Gonna help out a little though before you give me your number." Kyle reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet, pulling out a twenty and handing it to Ash. "Here. Was gonna buy a t-shirt or some shit but I'm sure I'll have a friend who's gonna see another Petrichor concert during this tour so it's no biggie."
[3:42:26 AM] [REDACTED]: Oh! He seems reluctant to take it but eventually stuffs it into his own wallet with a smile. Thanks a ton! I'm gonna head back in and see if I get any takers for the remaining A phone is checked fifty minutes. Here. Spying Kyle's phone, he takes it and punches his number into a fresh contact, leaving the name field blank for him to fill out. Now if you don't mind I have a fairly embarassing phone call to make.
[3:45:40 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Don't sweat it. We'll talk after the show. If that's alright I mean. If not then later or something." He gives a little shrug as he writes Ash into the contact field. He sends a text to check and see if everything's in order, nodding when he hears Ash's phone vibrate. "Alright well. Good luck? Not sure what to say really. If it makes you feel better you're probably not gonna get anyone half as big as me in there." He nods to the stall before stepping out of the bathroom, a faint smile on his face as he, for once, happily listens to the music.
[4:03:23 AM] [REDACTED]: Aint that a shame! He yells at Kyle's back while he leaves, then starts to dial his friend again. --- A little under an hour later Ash steps out of the bathroom feeling a little used, scanning the top of the crowd to see if he could spot his new acquaintance, with his phone to his ear, no longer on speakerphone. Yes, you'll get a cut! And here I thought you were helping out of the kindness of your heart. Hehe, yeah, that was a little dirty, but you seem to have come out fine. Op, music's picking back up, see you Tuesday! The first notes of Acid Rain make him feel like he has amazing timing, as it's the first of three songs they always do to finish off a show before the encores. Ah well, if he couldn't find Kyle they did say they'd meet up later. He turns to the stage and starts to get back into the guitar and that silky smooth voice. If only the singer had come into the bathroom he muses.
[4:14:50 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Once again Kyle had gotten into that trance like state he gets into when he listens to his favorite musics. In the back of his mind he figures maybe he should look for Ash but wonders what would be the point. They'd be meeting after the show anyway. Plus this gives them both a chance to enjoy the music before they spend some time together or whatever the hell was going to happen.
[4:40:04 AM] [REDACTED]: *After four (four!!) consecutive encores, the place starts to clear out, revealing tons of trash and puddles of spilled drink, as well as a few wallets and phones and such from the people who got too drunk to notice they even dropped something. Grinning pretty wide from the show, Ash leans against the sign for the place and sends Kyle a brief text, just in case they didn't see each other as they passed by.
[4:42:17 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle looked at his phone as he neared the exit, a small smirk on his face. Seems Ash got out just in time to enjoy the end of the show. He passes out of the gate and sees his new friend leaned up against the sign, raising a hand to wave at him before placing it back into his pants. "Hey. So. How was the night? If you don't mind my asking."
[4:49:46 AM] [REDACTED]: Ah, uh. *He holds up six five dollar bills* I guess leaving it up for a while in advance really helped. Can't believe how quick most people are, almost takes the fun out of it. He clears his throat. So uh, sorry for freaking out at you earlier? I doubt you can blame me, but it was just SUPER surprising. He decides to omit the fact that his friend was interested in meeting Kyle, because she'd totally steal him for herself Anyways, since we both went alone I figured it wouldn't hurt to get a bite to eat together, right?
[4:52:38 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Nah I'm used to that react by now. Even from people who act like they wanna see it at first but then they freak out when I show 'em. And sure. Food sounds good." He gave a little nod and leaned on the sign next to Ash, taking out his phone to check the time again. "You got somewhere good to go? If not I think I might know a place or two. Course it's nothing fancy but it's good."
[4:56:47 AM] [REDACTED]: Only fast food places, so no. Me and Ab stopped going for food so people would stop thinking we were a couple so I never learned any places with real food. Since there's only one way to go anyways, he pushes himself up and starts moving slowly So what other bands do you like? Petrichor's my fave. Did I already say that?
[5:01:33 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Ha. Was gonna suggest that myself. Don't think anywhere else is open anyway." He trudges behind Ash which ends up giving him a nice view of his ass, a small smirk creeping onto his face. Despite his usually somber attitude he's really tempted to mess with Ash and squeeze his ass. "I got a few but we can talk about those over food. Or at least after we get somewhere a bit more comfortable. You got a car or are we taking the bus? Former might let me into a few of the other bands you like. See if I know any of them."
[2:09:53 PM] [REDACTED]: Actually I walked because I live so close, but yeah, I drive. It's like eleven at night so there's minimal traffic, Ash crossing the street quickly despite caution, then heading left towards the nearest group of houses.
[2:20:03 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle followed quickly behind him, hands always in his pockets, probably trying to keep his phone and wallet from falling out. "Ah. Yeah I took the bus. It's cheaper than asking to borrow one of my parents' cars. S'why I brought that twenty I gave you. Was hoping I had some change left over for the bus from the shirt."
[[2:56:43 PM] [REDACTED]: So you gifted it to an aspiring prostitute you had just met instead? Prudent spending decisions there Kyle. He laughed. Not aspiring anymore I suppose. That's a weird thought. Ash's rather unassuming house is just at the end of the street on the corner, with a sort of old (and not in the cool way) car sitting in the driveway with a few stickers on the back window, next to cars obviously belonging to parental figures.
[3:04:31 PM | Edited 3:05:32 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "I doubt the t-shirts were less than twenty dollars anyway. Should've brought a fifty instead but oh well." He gives a little shrug as he walks up Ash's driveway with him, glancing at the car and the house. For a moment he felt he should say something about the two but figured it'd be better just to stay quiet or to talk about something different. "So. We're going in the car, not your house, right? Figure I should ask since you're folks look like they're home and I doubt you wanna take me inside."
[4:31:29 PM] [REDACTED]: Why wouldn't I? You seem nice enough. And it's not like my dad's gonna say "What's up with that boy's package??" Snickering, he nears the car. Although he might if he knew I was inclined to partners of my gender in the first place. Which he will ~never know~ The car is unlocked and he slips in the driver side
[4:37:39 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Well you never know. Being this big you kinda get a quite a few people interested. None of 'em stick around though." With another shrug he steps into the car, getting in the passenger's seat. Maybe it might've been more polite to sit in the back but he figured it wouldn't matter. Of course he had to sit with his legs apart though, massive bulge reaching over halfway down his thighs.
[5:20:38 PM] [REDACTED]: You prefer McDogal's or Burger Emperor? I'd say Patty's is better but that's a little too far away.Once the car starts up they pull out and head toward the more dense part of town,where the most businesses are. Howdo you ever get comfortable with that thing? The bulge itself almost looks bigger than your actual package was.
[5:22:50 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just faintly smirks and shrugs, moving one hand to pat the bulge in his pants. "It looks bigger cause there's more there. I didn't stuff my nuts through. And it can be a hassle but when you had it this long you get used to it." It takes him a moment to remember that there was a question about food too, merely shrugging his shoulders. "Either's fine really. Fast food's fast food."
[5:36:36 PM] [REDACTED]: Hah, more or less, but McDogal's has better fries. It's a fairly short drive at this time of night, and they can park right by the door. Uh. I wonder if it's okay to go in wearing this? He realizes how revealing his outfit is and contemplates changing his shirt before shrugging and heading inside.
[5:41:23 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: After looking over Ash for a second before shrugging as well, stepping inside behind his friend. "Nah. I doubt they'll end up focusing too much on that. There's bound to be other people from the concert who stopped in." As he walks in he's surprised to see there's not anyone really inside save for the cashiers. The two cute cashiers as it were. Guess everyone took the drive through.
[5:48:59 PM] [REDACTED]: Hey, uh. He glances the menu over quickly despite knowing what he wants Ten piece nugget, medium drink, small fries, please. He looks over at Kyle since it's his turn to order. I can pay, by the way.
[5:53:15 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "You sure? Well. Alright. If you say so." Kyle steps up a bit closer to the counter to look over the menu. "And what would you… like, sir?" He glances down at the cashier as they stutter, noticing the line of sight and faintly smirking. "Same thing I guess. If that's okay, dude." He turns to look at Ash to make sure if it was.
[6:02:09 PM] [REDACTED]: Yeah, we're good. Since it's cheap here, he just pulls out some of the money he made earlier and hands it over. Hey, you paying attention? He snaps his fingers in front of the boy's face. It's a little rude to stare at my friend when I'm talking to you.
[7/10/2015 5:04:15 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: It takes the cashier a few seconds to respond, shaking his head a bit and nodding. "Right. Sorry about that, sir." He nonchalantly takes it and rings everything up, eyes still glancing over at that obscene bulge. "Will, um, that be all." The woman cashier next to him would usually reprimand him for being distracted but she couldn't help but stare either.
[7/10/2015 5:39:20 PM | Edited 5:39:30 PM] [REDACTED]: Yes, thank you very much. This is said a little sarcastically. They get their receipt and pick a table, but due to the vacancy it doesn't take long for their food, which Asha retrieves and sits down with. So. Favorite bands? Munch
[7/10/2015 5:57:11 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Huh? Oh." Seems Kyle was lost in thought, probably about teasing the cashiers more. "Well Petrichor of course. Hoggtonn or however the hell you say that. The one with the boar skull." As he thinks he eats a few of his chicken nuggets and fries, occasionally glancing over back at the cashiers.
[7/10/2015 6:01:14 PM | Edited 6:01:21 PM] [REDACTED]: Hoggtonn's alright, but their vocal focused side project, Piggtonn? Way better. Ash's chicken doesn't last long at all, truly a professional at gobbling meat. He eats his fries peculiarly, placing each one on his tongue and sucking it in lazily. It's not on purpose, but it seems an awful lot like he's teasing Kyle with his soft lips. Opinion on Endoskeleton?
[7/10/2015 6:04:42 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Only heard a few songs but they seem pretty good. Maybe not a fave but good enough." His eyes start to wander over to Ash as he eats, gulping down a bit of soda as he looks. Honestly eating like that didn't surprise him but it was having a "negative" effect on his crotch. He could already feel blood starting to pump back into his shaft. At least it was a lengthy process. "Uh, Obsidiean is pretty good. You hear of them before?"
[8:12:29 PM | Edited 8:12:40 PM] [REDACTED]: Well of course, but they haven't been active for like five years. Hopefully they'll have a reunion or comeback tour soon, Like Four Skulls just did. He points at his shirt, confirming that it was indeed from that band. Didn't get to go, but my friend got me the shirt, so that was cool. Sluuurp. Man, we listen to a LOT of music.
[8:16:27 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle gulped a bit as he kept watching him slurp up fries. At least this place didn't sell hotdogs. "Yeah. Who doesn't though? It's an alright thing to do." He gave a little shrug and spread his legs slightly wider, needing to get more room for his pulsing schlong. Not to mention it was starting to be a bother keeping his nuts all smushed. "So. Where to after this?"
[8:28:02 PM] [REDACTED]: Pursing his lips to suck on his straw, he drinks half of his soda at once, cheeks pulling in from suction. Ahhh. Well, I have a place I think you'll like, since you don't want to met my folks. It's just outside of town, if that's fine with you. *He's already nearly finished with his food, so they might leave in just a moment.
[8:31:10 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "I never said I didn't want to meet 'em. Just figured you might not wanna walk in with me." Watching his cheeks puff up made his already unruly libido get that much worse, imagining it being his cum bulging his cheeks. He spread his legs even farther apart as his shaft started to snake a bit down his leg, the bulge in his pants becoming even thicker and more obscene. "If you want me to end up scaring your ma and pa with my dick then I'm fine with seeing them."
[9:02:58 PM] [REDACTED]: Nah, they'd be in bed now. And I don't wanna risk waking them. *He dumps his trash and signals for Kyle to follow him out, remaining food or not. Eating must be allowed in his car.* What in heck made that happen? He non specifically gestures at Kyle's crotch
[7/10/2015 9:05:54 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle quickly eats the rest of the chicken nuggets he had, holding onto the fry bag and drink. "Ah that makes sense. Oh. Uh." He awkwardly looks down at his crotch but doesn't end up covering his slowly growing bulge. Both the cashiers are of course staring as he walks out of the store with Ash. "D'you know how you eat fries and suck on soda? Yeah. Kinda was making me a little. You know."
[9:25:04 PM | Edited 9:25:06 PM] [REDACTED]: I… I don't. I had no idea I was a sexy eater. Weird. Ash turns around before allowing himself to bite his lip. DAMN that boy was big. This could hurt, what he had planned. When they get back in he starts it quickly and starts pulling out of the lot. So what do you do besides the whole music thing?
[9:28:27 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: As Kyle got in the car he realized he still needed to spread his legs incredibly wide to fit his growing cock and huge nuts which, considering Ash's car, wasn't exactly comfortable. "It's probably more just. Pent up sexual tension or some shit. And I kinda just. I don't know. Music and hanging out with friends I guess." He gulps as he looks down at his pants, wondering if he could ask Ash about if it'd be okay to try and not be so cramped as it were.
[9:34:11 PM | Edited 9:34:22 PM] [REDACTED]: You okay? You look like you're sorta gonna explode. I'll try to make the drive short. He makes some minor mirror adjustments and tightens his seatbelt. You should probably get bigger pants. Or wear skirts or something. He chuckles.
[9:37:02 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Probably. But jeans like this fit my style better and I don't think I can pull off a skirt. Speaking of mind if I undo my zipper? It's feeling really cramped." He glances over at Ash for a moment before awkwardly eating a few fries so as not to explain. Plus he just wanted some salty, potatoey goodness.
[9:59:05 PM] [REDACTED]: Ah, sure, I don't care. I'll try not to look, so I don't run us off the road. Would you mind getting the little bag out of the glove box for me? Should be the only thing in there except like, a map maybe. They're already nearing the edge of town, must be something pretty close
[10:02:32 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Sure. No problem, dude. Thanks." With one hand Kyle opens up the glove box and searches around while his other stays on his zipper. It doesn't take long to find the bag though that map was getting in the way. He reaches over and puts it on Ash's lap before tending to his own lap, unzipping his pants and pushing his one hand inside with a sigh. Biting his bottom lip he manages to bend and tug his cock out of his jeans, the heavy dong slapping against his leg, nearly reaching past his knee and drooping a bit. "Man does that feel a lot better."
[10:23:26 PM] [REDACTED]: Yeah I bet. He doesn't look, wanting to stay calm while behind the wheel. They start to drive up a hill, reaching the top a few minutes later, on a cliff. Heeere it is! From here they could see the place the concert had taken place, and were definitely close enough to have heard music, were it playing. This is the closest I ever got to a concert before tonight. It's a nice view, and it's pretty private. He shuts off the car, not wanting to waste gas, and gets out.
[10:26:36 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Wow. Damn impressive." It takes a little while for Kyle to get off what with him having to shove his cock back into his pants. At least for the moment it seems to have stopped growing but he knew it wasn't going to be long. He closes the door and puts his hands in his pockets, walking up beside Ash and keeping pace for the most part. "So this your friend's place? I'm just guessin'. Heard you talking to someone on the phone back in the bathroom at the concert."
[10:30:36 PM] [REDACTED]: Nope, it's just a cliff. She uh, was the one who encouraged me to go through with the glory hole thing. She encourages me to do a lot of stuff I wouldn't otherwise, and it usually works out. She's pretty cool. He quirks an eyebrow at Kyle I mean, I know I said it was private, but thanks for zipping up. Now. Unzip. He points at Kyle's dick. We have unfinished business.
[11:16:05 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just lets out a little chuckle as his hands move to his zipper. "If I'd have known I needed it out I wouldn't have bothered putting it away." With a smirk he unzips and starts the process of fishing out his monstrous schlong, this time pulling out his balls along with it. "So. How's it look?" It was hanging down past his knee and pulsing gently with two softballs hanging behind it in a hairless sack. He gives it a little flex which causes his nuts to pull up briefly before sagging again.
[11:28:34 PM] [REDACTED]: His breath catches in his throat, making a quiet "hhh" sound. Bigger, is how it looks. I suppose you were completely soft before, huh. He gulps, then pulls a stick of lipstick out of the bag, which appears to be mostly the makeup he used. After applying the ruby red to his lips, making him instantly look loads more feminine, he nears Kyle. But I suppose you /did/ sign up for the free oral, and I'm not one to go back on my offers.
[11:54:22 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just smirks a bit and nods, reaching a hand down to readjust his balls. "Yeah. I'm sporting a semi right about now." His cock flexes again as Ash puts on lipstick and he moves the hand on his balls up to his dick, gently stroking it as Ash gets closer. "Good to hear. I'm surprised you still wanna go through with it though. Most people just freak out and run." He momentarily wonders if maybe he should get his phone out for a light source but figures if Ash needs one he'll use his own phone.
[12:13:29 AM] [REDACTED]: Asha lowers himself to his knees and secures his left hand around the base of Kyle's shaft. Ah, I uh, thought about it, but I was way too curious to let you slip by unblown. And maybe Ab had suggested he do so as well, but he doesn't say that. His right hand comes up to cradle the huge testes swinging below his objective. How about you leave this to me then? He's refering to Kyle's hand on his own shaft.
[12:29:08 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: A sharp gasp comes from Kyle as Ash's hand wraps around the base of his shaft or at least tries to. "Ah. Well. Congrats on being so brave. And thanks too." Kyle moves both his hands back to their positions in his pants pockets but not before gently brushing at Ash's hair with one of them and flashing a brief smile. "Good luck." Kyle's cock pulsed and throbbed against Asha's hand, still steadily getting longer and thicker, balls pulling up every so often as well.
[12:45:02 AM] [REDACTED]: Fucking hell. Wish I had gotten one of those Evil Dragon toys or whatever they're called. Ash continually rolled the balls in his hand, trying to be gentle with them. His hand started to slide up Kyle's shaft sort of slowly, getting a good feel for it, as his inner fear of it grows a little. But he's already breathing hot and heavy on it, can't turn back now. Ever gotten this thing inside somebody? Leaning forward, his lips plant a few light pecks on and near the base
[12:59:04 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Uh, twice I think. Got really drunk with some friends and they had brought over two of their friends. Brother and sister I think. They were really, really tall." As he reminisces his dick starts to move more horizontally than before but doesn't go too far before being pulled down by its own weight. As Ash's hands slide over it and he kisses the base it still gains more inches but luckily for him seems to be slowing down. "Oh yeah, dude. Just like that."
[1:06:41 AM] [REDACTED]: Well, nice to know it's possible. And that sounds kinky. Shoulda got their numbers. He opens his mouth and starts to slather saliva on the one side of the shaft, his hand speeding up a little closer to the tip. Jeez, if I had tried this earlier you would have gotten stuck! What were you thinking? Before Kyle answers Ash drags his tongue up along the bottom of the shaft
[7/11/2015 1:11:59 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just gives a little shrug and takes one hand out of his pants, reaching up to fix his own hair before fixing Ash's. "I honestly really wasn't. Not often you get someone saying they'll suck your dick for free." Another sharp gasp comes from Kyle as Ash's tongue slides along the bottom of his shaft, a small shiver going down his spine as his cock seems to start rising once more. "Mm fuck, dude. You really are good at this. I do have their numbers by the way but they said that unless they got as drunk as they did that night they aren't gonna try. Both their asses were sore next morning unsurprisingly."
[1:20:56 AM] [REDACTED]: Heh, yeah, well as luck would have it, I love sucking dick, so here we are. With another smooch on the bottom, he drags his tongue up up up all the way to the tip, having to slide his legs back a little to properly readjust his position, otherwise he'd be at a really odd uncomfortable angle. He plants his lips calmly around just the very tip of the tip itself, and swabs his tongue on it a little bit before pulling off and focusing his tongue just below the head. Both hands now come together near the base of the cock to stroke it in tandem, since one alone can't do the whole job. Fucking hell.
[1:49:19 AM | Edited 1:51:50 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just groaned gently as his shaft was slathered by Ash's tongue, inadvertantly bucking forward a few times. Luckily he stops by the time Ash gets to the end otherwise he'd probably push him over. An even deepr groan comes from him as Ash's lips cover part of his tip. his hand moving to hold onto his head. "Fuck yeah is that a good thing. God that feels so fucking good. Just, uhn, tell me if it's too much to handle." His hips start to gently buck once more but he doesn't do much other than that, knowing that it would probably take a bit before Ash could take him.
[2:08:18 AM] [REDACTED]: Like it's even possible that it's not too much. Mmph He puts the tip back into his mouth and starts to bob his head back and forth just the teeniest bit, not making much progress but coating the tip very thickly in saliva. It's hard to see much, or he'd look up at Kyle's face to see how this is affecting him.
[2:36:01 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: It was hard not to show pleasure on his face right now given this is the first time he's had a blowjob in ages. It was amazing he was even lasting this long, his hips still gently rocking, trying to stuff more of his thick crown into Ash's mouth. "Oh you say that now. Still got a bit more to grow, dude." True enough his dick pulsed and swelled in Ash's grasp, getting even longer and thicker. One wonders how Kyle hid his boners during school.
[2:46:34 AM] [REDACTED]: Pbbblth Ash pulls off for a moment. I know it's difficult, but no forcing please? You're trying to stuff a log into my mouth, forcing it won't be fun for me. He flashes his phone on his stern face for emphasis before letting him get a glimpse of Ash cupping his lips over the tip again, and then the phone going into sleep again. Mmph Ash's lips near the tip, about to encapsulate it in his mouth, lipstick getting smeared along the way.
[3:10:20 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Sorry 'bout that. Really trying not to but. God is your mouth great, dude. And the makeup still looks nice." He stops moving his hips now, his balls ceasing to swing a second or so later. Since he couldn't do much other than just enjoy the blowjob, which he was doing very, very much, he moves one of his hands to rub at the back of Ash's head, running his fingers through his hair. Kyle's cockhead swells with blood for a brief moment as the other boy hits a very sensitive spot on his schlong, making Kyle gasp again.
[3:14:35 AM] [REDACTED]: Scrunching his eyes, Asha finally gets the whole head in his mouth, grunting through it a little. Apparently still not needing to stop for breath, he bobs his head calmly just behind the ridge of the tip, trying to get his jaw used to the stretching. His hands come off of Kyle's shaft and one goes to the boy's hip for support while the other returns to his balls, warm grip cupping one of them.
[3:18:07 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle's grip briefly tightens on Ash's hair before he just goes slack, throwing his head back and moaning. A small bead of pre-cum starts to well at his tip though small for him meant it would probably completely coat Ash's tongue. "Oh fuck yeah." The feeling of hand on his balls and his hip make him remember that this was a wet dream or anything. Someone was actually giving him a blowjob and doing very well at it.
[3:24:09 AM] [REDACTED]: He quirks an eyebrow at how into this Kyle already was, just from the tip even. In the back of his mouth he tastes something salty and mentally grimaces. Instead of focusing on that though, he dives forward and stuffs another small portion of cock into his mouth, tip now pressing hard against the entrance to his throat. He's having a really difficult time trying not to scrape his teeth against Kyle, but it's working out so far.
[3:29:02 AM | Edited 3:42:34 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle himself is pretty impressed at the fact Ash's teeth weren't touching, figuring that if he did feel them, well, it's hard to blame Ash. Kyle's cock is ludicrously huge. As a bit more of the shaft slips inside of Ash's mouth Kyle lets out another deep moan and gasp, hand shakily running through Ash's hair. As he twitched a bit another salvo of pre-cum spurted onto Ash's tongue, another pleased sigh escaping Kyle's lips.
[3:48:05 AM] [REDACTED]: With a loud grunt, the slut is forced to pull off, gasping for air. Pah… Do me a favor? Start eating pineapples. Make this way better. It takes a few moments to catch his breath but once he does he goes back on the attack, popping the tip in with far less effort,and with a hard press the very end of Kyle's shaft pops into Asha's throat, who chokes a little but manages not to gag yet, eyes screwed tight once again.
[3:50:51 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "If this is gonna be a regular thing then no prob." He smirks down at Ash while his cock throbs in the air, thick head glistening in the moonlight. As soon as Ash goes back to stuffing his cock down his throat Kyle's back to moaning and panting. "Fuck, man. Keep going but, mm, don't hurt yourself any." His hand continued to gently play with Ash's hair as beads of pre-cum started to pump out a little more frequently now.
[4:01:17 AM] [REDACTED]: Ash just thinks "We'll see" as he starts to take more cock in his mouth, jaw stretched to the point of soreness, but less sore than you'd expect considering how ridiculously thick it is. Re-angling himself allows him to take it better so he doesn't have to bend the actual shaft too much as it goes down his throat, bulging it out so cartoonishly far. Mnh. Ugg, gugd.
[4:18:29 AM | Edited 4:19:01 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Mm. Yeah, man. Just like that. Fuck. It's been so long." By now Kyle's words were coming out slightly slurred from how aroused he was feeling, pre-cum spurting constantly from his engorged tip now. At least it was going down Ash's throat instead of his tongue. An idea flashes through his mind and he quickly takes out his phone, using it as a light to show Ash just how much dick he's taken and of course how big Kyle is. "Doing, mm, good so far. Better than most of the other people who tried."
[6:31:19 PM] [REDACTED]: Ash is stunned to realize that despite having about as much in him as a normal dick could provide, he's still only about a fourth of the way done. He considers the fact that he's largely adjusted to the girth now and shoves his head forward, several inches sliding into the extremely tight passage of his throat. He finally gags once or twice but powers through it and is able to sit there with ten inches of thick meat in his mouth.
[8:28:11 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: For a brief moment Kyle thinks about possibly taking a picture of Ash with his mouth, wanting to savor the memory personally but feeling that would be rude. For now he just holds it up above his shaft, watching in awe as Ash slams his head forward and takes a good deal more. A heavy moan came from Kyle and it's amazing he didn't drop his phone, body going slack as his hand briefly tightens in Ash's hair. "Holy fuck is this nice. I'll, guh, return the favor later. If you want me. I gotta pay you back somehow for this."
[8:47:34 PM] [REDACTED]: Now with both hands on his customer's hips, Ash pulls himself through the resistance his body gives him unil he's fully halfway, and the bulge in his throat passes down past his neck entirely, with just a little more than a foot of cock jammed into his craw. His eyes have watered up a little but he opens his eyes, looks up at Kyle, and winks while flashing the V sign like they do in Japan. The perfect photo opp.
[8:53:01 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Oh now he was just teasing. With a faint smirk Kyle manages to quickly snap a picture of Ash, hoping he didn't blind him with the flash. After that he realizes that it's getting hard to actually concentrate on holding the phone up for light so puts it away, groaning heavily as a thick gob of pre-cum fires into Ash's gullet. His other hand though stays in place on his new bud's hair, gently running through it and occasionally grasping it.
[9:45:11 PM] [REDACTED]: Although it takes some leg movement, Asha starts to properly fellate Kyle at just around the middle mark, managing to get several inches pumping in and out of him, each square inch of its surface dragging across the inside of his soft throat. It's at this point that Ash starts to make noise, with little satisfied "Mph"s and "Ngh"s, the grunts you expect to hear during a normal blowjob.
[9:53:20 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle's entire body goes slack as Ash starts to properly suck him off, moving the hand not caressing Ash's hair to run through his own, deep moans coming from him. "Oh fuck, dude. You're doing this, ahn, even quicker than those two from a year back. Major props." Kyle flashes a brief thumbs up down at Ash before getting back to fixing his own hair. After wards his hand goes down to give a few squeezes and tugs to his balls, a shot of pre-cum spurting out at every movement.
[10:13:10 PM] [REDACTED]: He tries to resist, thinking Kyle might be close, but eventually he pulls off for air, feeling each thick inch as it slides out of him, until the very tip finally hits open air again, splattering a little spit on the ground. Ash's face is completely red, his eyes are a little watery, and his chin is slathered with his own spit, of which a single strand still connects them. There's alsoa fair bit of lipstick smearing around his lips, for good reason. He pants to catch his breath. Huh… huh… hoo! That thing… is fuckin' filling. Buh.
[10:21:07 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just stares for a moment to make sure Ash wasn't going to pass out or anything before smirking a bit and even letting out a little chuckle. "Yeah. So I've heard. You really are doing like. Great though. Can't stress that enough. Just pull off whenever you need to breathe." Kyle's dick throbs and pulses in the moonlight, a thick stream of pre-cum dribbling from the tip though it was hard to tell given all the saliva sliding off his shaft. To show Ash how good he's doing he raises up his shaft with one hands and takes out his phone with the other, shining it on it to show where he stopped. "Wow. About halfway in one go."
[10:29:38 PM] [REDACTED]: I'm pretty good at holding my breath. I can go four minutes if I try really hard. Ash feels pretty good about his progress, having put on the lipstick for exactly that reason. Breath finally caught, he takes his tongue and languidly slurps up the underside from about where he managed, smoothly transitioning into suckling the tip when he reaches it. After a little bit of licking he dives forward, slamming almost all of what he had before right back in, bulging his throat obscenely. Again he gags a few times, but only because he went so quickly. Once used to it again he starts bobbing forward instead of backwards, very slowly progressing towards the base.
[10:34:24 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "And you use that skill for sucking dick. Can't say I blame you. Woulda probably done the same thing." Before he can talk about anything else Ash is already back to servicing his schlong, a shiver going down his spine. But before he can even get used to that half of his cock is stuffed down the boys throat, eyes briefly rolling into the back of his head as an especially copious shot of pre-cum spurts into Ash's belly. "E-easy, dude. Give me a warning first. Didn't get to catch my breath." With heavy breaths he puts both his hands on Ash's head but doesn't push or pull any, merely rubbing his scalp still.
[11:03:04 PM] [REDACTED]: Inch after inch is forcibly stuffed further and further into Ash's mouth, who loudly grunts through each one. Getting tantalizingly close, Asha tightens his grip on Kyle's hips and slams forward hard, the last six inches slipping right in as his plush lips press against his partner's crotch. He gags for at least twenty seconds, but once he fully relaxes he's no worse for wear, and groans loudly against the thick pole filling his insides. Calmly, he removes his hands and uses them to massage one of Kyle's balls each, hoping he'd cum with Asha like this, calmly deepthroating a veritable totem pole of penis.
[11:10:12 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: It was hard not to let out a sharp gasp in surprise, eyes rolling back as Ash slams down the last quarter of cock. Kyle's grip tightens on the other boy's hair as his shaft starts to swell up in his mouth, balls tensing up as it seems he was indeed going to cum. With a deep, guttural groan Kyle starts to unload down Ash's throat, Ash probably able to feel as each thick salvo is deposited directly into his stomach. Hell he might be able to feel them going through Kyle's urethra with how powerful each one was. Good thing Ash could hold his breath.
[11:18:46 PM] [REDACTED]: The oral slut's eyes roll back a little as he feels something hot and sticky in his stomach, suddenly feeling like he ate a little too much. He groans loudly, which transfers into a full moan, vibrating around Kyle's shaft. Tongue trapped, over half his torso speared on man meat, Asha just sits there and lets his new acquaintance cum deep inside him, face still firmly pressed into Kyle's crotch. God is that a good feeling.
[11:22:27 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle couldn't do much else right now other than hold onto Asha's hair and cum down his throat, his balls still flexing and tensing. Seems he had quite a bit of pent up juice in there which isn't surprising at all. Spurt after spurt shoot into Ash's belly which soon enough starts to have a little bulge to it and Kyla still didn't seem done. He does manage to finally speak though, his words coming out slurred. "Oh fuck yeah, Ash. Take that fucking nut. Goddamn."
[11:48:59 PM] [REDACTED]: Each shot pumped into him makes him feel a little warmer, eyes still rolled back. By the time Kyle finishes it feels like he's eaten most of a thanksgiving dinner, whole stomach brimming with sperm. Once Ash's absolutely certain he's gotten the last of it, he grunts and starts to pull himself off, which takes like half of a minute in and of itself. The noise upon de-sheath is a loud wet pop, and a sudden intake of air. Guh! Gah, hah, hah. That was powerful. god damn. He starts reaching for his phone. Enjoy yourself?~ Mind lighting it up for me? He pats the side of the monster to illustrate what "it" was.
[11:56:18 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: It took a good half a minute or so for Kyle to respond, still groaning gently as he bathed in the afterglow. When he comes to he just gives a weak nod to Ash and takes out his phone, lighting up his whole cock. It was absolutely covered in spit and lipstick markings from Ash as well as a few drips of cum still coming out of the tip. "Holy fuck was that. Jesus. Can't even talk straight, man. That blowjob was too fucking good." Regardless of how intense it was Kyle's dick was still hard and throbbing which at least made for good picture taking.
[12:00:17 AM] [REDACTED]: Asha does just that, thankful that phone cameras prefer landscape to portrait. Once his phone clicks, Ash giggles and typs something up. Can I get a fucking, like, high five, or something, for taking that whole thing? He holds up his hand to recieve his high five. And do you mind if I send this to Abby? I wanna make her proud.
[12:04:15 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just smirks down at Ash and give him a pretty languid highfive, body still going through orgasmic throes. "Fuck sure, dude. I'm proud of you right now. And I really wanna know what she's gotta say about this whole thing." He sort of gestures to his dick and Ash before moving his hand to his balls. As he waits he tugs and pulls at his sack skin gently, letting out a deep sigh after a few seconds.
[12:09:57 AM] [REDACTED]: Grinning, he finishes typing "See that lipstick? All me." And sends it off to Ab. Like twenty seconds later he gets a response which makes him burst out laughing. She just said "holy shit" in all caps. He gets another one. Ghehe, "teach me, master. Also, bring me dat cawk." spelled c-a-w-k. He sticks his tongue out at Kyle. You're gonna like Abby. Amused, he stands and fires off one last text before stowing his phone away again.
[12:14:33 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Probably. If you sent her the pic and she ain't running I'd say that's good so far. She didn't freak right?" He smirks a bit and seems to have mostly calmed down now though his shaft still does twitch every so often. Not to mention it still looked hard as when they start, just now it was covered in slobber and lipstick.
[12:32:55 AM] [REDACTED]: She probably did, but in the good way. Snickering, he clambers onto his trunk. Remember what you said about paying me back? With a little bit of finaggling he lies down on his back, head hanging off the side of his car Well, you can pay me back by fucking my throat, please. And don't you worry about getting me off, I can take care of myself.He doesn't know how visible it is, but he makes a "come on" gesture with both hands.
[12:38:07 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just sort of stares for a moment before walking over in front of Ash, scratching his head. "Uh. Well. If you're sure about it. I've never done something like this before so. Like. Do something if I mess up?" After speaking he rests his schlong right on Ash's shoulder, waiting for him to talk. Plus it let him get a good view of how deep he'd be going into Ash's body, Kyle subconsciously licking his lips as he looks.
[12:42:42 AM] [REDACTED]: As long as you give me enough time to breathe every couple of minutes, we'll be perfectly fine. Get rough if you want.~… Er, without hitting. Not that kind of rough. Come on! To show his impatience, he opens wide with his tongue out, or at least as wide as he can get without Kyle stretching him further. Aaaa…
[1:36:05 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Man I wouldn't ever think of hitting. Except like this." With a smirk he pulls back a bit and lifts up his shaft, lightly slapping it against Ash's face. But before the other boy can say anything in response he pushes the tip against his mouth, groaning as it starts to slide in. It doesn't take long before Kyle's pushing into then past Ash's throat, a deep groan coming from him the entire time. "Don't think I'd ever get tired of this holy shit."
[3:15:08 AM] [REDACTED]: A shiver rolls down Ash's body as he's entered from the mouth, grunting lustily around it. The clouds move out from in front of the full moon and make it much easier to see Kyle's tip stretch the hell out of his poor throat. Mnh!~ *He really sounds like he's enjoying this, almost as much as Kyle. Almost. If he could talk he'd probably be egging him on.
[3:42:52 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle's almost a little sad he started to slip his shaft into Ash's mouth so soon, having wanted to hear a quip or something from him. Ah well. There'll be talking after they're done provided Ash's throat isn't too sore. Briefly he gets the idea to text him and talk while they were doing this but figures it was too silly. Plus Kyle doubts he could concentrate enough to type, especially as Ash's throat nears halfway down Kyle's shaft, heavy groans coming from him as he rests his hands on Ash's head.
[4:06:49 AM] [REDACTED]: *Considering he was already warmed up to the whole thing, Ash had sort of hoped it would just get shoved in, but it was fine to be apprehensive in Kyle's position, considering he might not have ever had the opportunity to be in this sort of position before, where he controls the pace and the partner doesn't stand to be hurt.*
[12:58:44 PM | Edited 1:01:43 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: It doesn't take much longer before Kyle's feeling Ash's lips against his crotch, letting out a small moan and holding tighter onto his hair. "Gonna start moving, dude. Just wanted to warn ya." He flashes a brief and small smile down at Ash even if he can't see it before starting to gently thrust into his mouth. Of course given his length he, at most, only gets a foot out before thrusting it back in, balls lightly slapping against Ash's face. "Holy fuck, man. God. Throat's so fucking wonderful."
[2:01:36 PM] [REDACTED]: The balls slapping him is just sort of humorous, especially since they're fairly soft. Asha gulps (to little effect) and enjoys the feeling of being used so blatantly as a living onahole for a dick he's surprised doesn't go right through him. If it had another foot, maybe. One hand moves to his throat so he can actually feel the repeated bulging of it as Kyle thrusts, which is incredibly erotic, even considering the situation.
[2:07:32 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle, figuring that Ash is mostly acclimated to his shaft, starts to move his hips a bit faster, balls slapping into his face with a bit more force. As Asha's hand presses against his own throat to touch at the obscene bulge travelling down into his stomach Kyle lets out a heavy groan as a few thick shots of pre-cum fire into Ash's gullet. "Oh fuck, dude. That's. Wow. Incredible. Give me a warning when you need to breathe alright?"
[4:47:54 PM] [REDACTED]: Ohhh yeah, that's the good stuff. Ash's body scrunches up a little in pleasure, hips partially raising off the trunk of the car and toes digging into the soles of his shoes. He even appreciates the smell of ball sweat as Kyle starts to get into it. Luckily he could go another minute or two without air, to get Kyle comfortable with a little more speed still.
[5:19:21 PM | Edited 5:19:30 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Deep moans and huffs come from Kyle as he pulls his hips back and forth, steadily getting quicker and quicker but luckily not fast enough to bruise Ash's face with his balls. That would be awkward and definitely not cool. After another minute or so of happily pounding away at his friend's throat, moaning and grunting all the while, Kyle manages to slowly pry his fat schlong from Ash's maw, spit coating the entire thing. As he waits for Ash to catch his breath he lightly slaps it against his chin as well as briefly stroke it. "Mm. Ready again, Ash?"
[9:23:51 PM] [REDACTED]: Ash's eyes roll back gently as Kyle finallly hits a good speed, feeling every thrust as they go in and out, and just sort of amused and turned on by the balls hitting him. When it's dislodged he gasps and pants, although he appears to be mostly fine. Mn, I can feel that thing in my fucking guts. He doesn't seem displeased by this Ready and waiting, big boy!~ He's clearly pitching a tent, but he said to let him handle himself.
[9:38:24 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle bites his lip before rubbing his cockhead against Ash's lips, teasing him a bit while also trying to get his own bearings. He was amazed he was doing this well with someone so eager all things considered. After a few seconds of prodding Ash's mouth and occasionally slipping it inside to bulge out his cheek Kyle pushes himself inwards once more, reaching the hilt in just a few seconds. "Mm. Getting a lot better at this, dude. Hope I'm not like. Stretching your throat out too much."
[1:34:35 AM] [REDACTED]: Stop teasing mMPH! He gets exactly what he wants mid sentence, and would laugh if he could. With his big meaty pacifier back he returns to his enthusiastic state of scarfing it down without complaint. One hand sneaks over to his groin and unzips, finagling a little until his dicks flop out of his panties and into the open air. In the dark it's a little hard to see both of them, but they're certainly there, and absolutely rock hard. He must be REALLY enjoying this.
[5:42:44 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Now it was Kyle's turn to be impressed, leaning a bit over Ash to get a closer look at his cock or rathers cocks. "Holy hell. Didn't think that sort of shit was possible. Wow." His hips kept pounding away at Ash's mouth as Kyle stared at his thick shafts, seemingly getting harder inside of Ash's throat. It seemed there was more pre-cum firing from his dick as well though that was less noticeable what with him being buried to the hilt with Ash's red lips mashing against his crotch.
[3:00:26 PM] [REDACTED]: Ash's body tenses up once again, back arching as his cocks twitch and bounce, and finally spew cum all over his belly. He moans like a whore while instinctually his hips attempt to roll upwards a little bit, not relenting until his load is spent and most of his muscles relax. In the afterglow Ash reaches down and lazily stroke his dicks, ocassionally firing off a weak remnant shot.
[6:41:12 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just kind of stood there and slowed his thrusting down so he could get a better look at what the hell he was seeing. It didn't take him long before he reached over a hand to touch one of the twin cocks but he didn't do much more than that, remembering what Ash had said. So to get back to work as it were he pulled himself back until his head nearly popped from Ash's throat before slamming his entire length back down his gullet, pounding his throat rapidly and moaning.
[1:27:31 AM] [REDACTED]: Something akin to a grunt comes from Asha, and his back arches a little, but not as much as when he came. As he stops shooting off, he takes his hand away from his package and returns to simply lying there and enjoying the feeling of being used like a giant cocksleeve, an occupation he wouldn't mind, he notes mentally. Cumming must have taken a bit out of him, because he actually pats Kyle's arm firmly a few times to try and signal that he needs air.
[1:30:10 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: It took Kyle a bit to notice the pats on his arm what with how light they were but once he notices he lets out a grunt. "Oh shit. Sorry." He practically jumps back and yanks all of his shaft out about as quickly as he could, thick strings of saliva connecting between his shaft and Ash's mouth. "So. Seems I ain't the only impressive one, huh?" His dick twitches excitedly above Ash's face as a river of pre-cum billows from the tip, landing on the boy's chest.
[1:35:50 AM] [REDACTED]: After some intense panting, Ash tries to compose himself. Blugh, not that impressive. I prefer not using them anyways. Try not to get any of that on my clothes, will you? In an attempt to keep his crop top mostly clean he pulls it up, revealing his left nipple piercing as it glints in the moonlight. Probably should have taken this off. He does so now, since he's mentioned it. You're doing great though, that was a fucking spectacular orgasm.
[1:45:35 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Whoops. Hard not to when I'm all coated in spit though ain't it?" He helps with taking off Ash's shirt and gives a faint smirk at his nipple piercing, reaching a hand over to prod at it. Meanwhile his cock still throbs and drools onto Ash's chest, Kyle's eyes trailing back down to Ash's thick schlongs. "And dude I'm pretty sure having two dicks is impressive. Glad you're enjoying too. Was worried I'd like. Broke you or something." Every so often while he was talking he grinded his dick against the side of Ash's chin and face.
[1:56:03 AM] [REDACTED]: No, augh. He chuckles lightly at the cock against his face, reacting to it much like you would a dog licking you. Yeah, I /love/ getting my throat fucked, just one of my weird things. Not that I don't love anal just as much. You planning on getting back in there? I figured you wanted to finish in me again before we were done. He says this with a mix of humor and impatience
[2:00:04 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Hearing the mention of anal made Kyle's dick twitch powerfully, nearly smacking him in the chest. With a smirk he looks down at Ash and starts to stroke his shaft with both hands. "Did you mean get back in your mouth or your ass? Figure I'm lubed up enough for it by now. If you wanted to try." He was probably pressing his luck with this so he angles his hips so that when Ash answered he'd be able to just slide all the way down his throat again.
[2:02:32 AM] [REDACTED]: Back in sort of implies I meant somewhere you already were, yah? He sticks his tongue out, then opens wide enthusiastically, ready for the glorious stretching feeling only Kyle's tower of meat could provide. He contemplates the idea of anal as they start again, figuring it was probably possible, since butts are much more accomodating than mouths in the first place. And he has lube in the car.
[2:04:44 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "True yeah. Figured I'd ask first though." After he said that his hips bucked forward, slamming his whole schlong down Ash's throat. Rather than mess around this time he decided staying on a hillside all night would probably be annoying so he starts to fuck Ash's throat hard and fast, balls slapping against his face and probably leaving little sweat marks. Watching the bulge from his dick slide down Ash's body was definitely helping him near orgasm. It shouldn't be much longer before he cums again.
[2:28:49 AM | Edited 2:29:10 AM] [REDACTED]: *Oh god, that is *nice. Ash feels so heavenly and full, and those balls, he has to keep his eyes closed but they roll back under his eyelids. anyways. He has a miniature gasm, only firing off a few weak shots but getting a little body ripple anyways. As Kyle nears his climax, Ash hopes he'll grab hold and hilt hard, like in porn. Something hot about it.
[2:41:12 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle grunts and moans as he keeps slamming down Ash's throat, starting to pant heavily with his shaft bucking inside. "Gonna fucking bust again, Ash. Hope you're ready." Not that he could really stop if he wasn't, Kyle groaning as he grabs onto Ash's head. He pulls him forward a bit and makes single inch thrusts before gasping as he starts to unload in Ash's gullet, Ash probably able to feel Kyle's nuts clenching against his face. Even while cumming though he still continued to thrust infrequently, still grunting and panting.
[2:45:40 AM] [REDACTED]: Toes are curled as a massive load is forcibly (concentually, but still) deposited about as deep inside of Ash as it could be, bypassing everything before the stomach and filling his belly with a blissful warmth. He zones out for a bit and lets the pleasure wash over him before he slowly drifts back into it, although Kyle is still not quite finished. Yeah, he's definitely a keeper.
[2:49:31 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Most of the orgasm passes like a pleasurable blur for Kyle as well, this one feeling much more intense than his previous one. As he nearly finishes up he ends up bucking his hips against Ash's face, fingers shaking on his chin as the last little bit is deposited in his belly. As he slowly pulls his schlong from Ash's throat he notices said belly, now having swelled up big enough to no doubt be impossible to hide easily. His dick pops from Ash's mouth followed by a wave of saliva and cum, Kyle's cock drooping quite a bit and seeming a bit softer. "Fuck me. That was. God."
[2:56:04 AM] [REDACTED]: Ash tries to stem what loss he can, just because openly leaking isn't perfectly pleasant, so he closes his mouth and gulps hard. After groaning in delight he stretches, cracks his neck, and flips over onto his knees with a huge goofy grin on his face. That was fucking phenominal, K. Apparently still in the mood, he swings his feet over the side of the car and then drops to his knees again, attacking Kyle's cock with his tongue, getting every square inch of the underside until his face is buried in Kyle's balls and he's sucking on bits of scrotum. He's only down there for a few seconds though, until he pulls up and starts to lick and suckle around the base of the shaft instead, left hand coming up to stroke the upper half of the shaft. So. You think you can manage a round three?
[3:01:34 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Even though his shaft was a bit softer than before it immediately starts to fill out again, throbbing and pulsing against Ash's tongue. All Kyle can do is just stand there and not let his legs buckle underneath him, panting gently. When Ash's tongue and mouth latch onto his balls he lets out a deep moan, testicles flexing up for a moment before sagging down again. One hand goes to hold onto the back of Ash's head as he works, Kyle just nodding a bit at his words. "Yeah. Pretty sure I can. Got a lot of pent up jizz. I did say it's been months remember." His dick starts to leak pre-cum profusely once more, making a little puddle behind Ash's ass.
[3:05:19 AM] [REDACTED]: Alright, weeeell. Reluctantly he stands up. I suppose you did pay for four anal sessions. Which I'd say just /barely/ covers this monster here. He pats the top of the cock standing proud next to him. So how's about you fill me from the other end to round out the night, then we crash at my place once we've gotten it out of our system? Because he knows Kyle's answer already, he saunters over and reaches in through his window to get his bottle of lube out of the bag in the back seat.
[3:08:21 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Lube too? I'd say there's enough spit on here to work." Though he does think again after he said that, remembering the copious amounts of lube he's had to use before even after sloppy blowjobs. "Actually. Yeah. Just to be safe." As Ash bends over to get the lube he decides to tease him a bit, reaching a hand over to grope his decently plump rear, kneading it in his hands. "I'd grind against you but I don't wanna ruin these shorts."
[3:13:37 AM] [REDACTED]: Pff, thanks. And honestly, spit is /terrible/ lube. It dries up right away, especially with friction. This stuff is water based, so it'll still be coating your dick, and most of my bowels, even once we finish. Not bothering to make a ceremony of it, Ash completely fills his hand with the lubricant and begins slathering it up and down Kyle's dong. It's a little slimy and sticky, but it definitely feels like it can get the job done, as Asha's hand goes from rubbing to sliding as it's applied. Of course, he has to employ his other hand as well to ensure total coverage.
[1:19:33 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Oh I figured but you lubed this thing up with enough spit I thought for a second it might work." He pulls one hand back to pat the side of his schlong while the other continued to grope Ash's ass. It didn't take much longer before Ash was putting his hands along Kyle's dick, slathering it in lube. Given he can't do much of anything while he's getting worked on he just strokes Asha's hair, letting out a small moan every so often as a spurt of pre-cum fires from his shaft. "I'm really hoping this works. And that I don't break your ass."
[8:21:32 PM] [REDACTED]: Well, if you do, you'll just have to take responsibility and plug it up from time to time, huh? But yeah, let's hope I'm fine. Once it's particularly lube-y Ash finally lets his shorts fall to his ankles, followed by his boxers, and then takes off his shoes. Luckily it's just rock up here, so he doesn't have to worry about muddy feet. His ass is revealed to be, while not ridiculous like Kyle's asset, pretty rounded and plump, nothing like most dude butts. Those cargo shorts must have been barely baggy enough to not show that. He puts some lube in the same palm as before and slathers a fair amount in his crack and even slips two lubed fingers in to make absolutely sure he's coated. He pats his own ass in satisfaction. So, how do you want me? On my back? Bent over? On my stomach? In the car or on the car, just not on the ground.
[8:29:03 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle faintly licked his lips as he saw Ash's modest bubble butt pop out of his shorts, a hard throb going through his shaft and ending with a gob of pre-cum splattering onto the ground. "Guess I got no objections to that. Uh. Whatever position you think would work best. You are the one getting fucked after all." His dick continued to throb as Ash fingered his ass, more pre-cum hitting the stony ground. "Think we should maybe like. Work on stretching you out a bit more first? Unless you're already. uh, loose enough. Well. Doubt you'll be loose enough for this at first." Kyle emphasized by grabbing his base and waving his cock a bit, moonlight glinting off the surface every so often.
[8:36:11 PM] [REDACTED]: You're worried about my butt, which people can do amazing things with, but not my almost completely inelastic mouth? He quirks an eyebrow in amusement I'll be fine if we're slow to start. Not like the tip's flat, right? Hmm. Mulling over positions in his head, Ash finally walks around the back of his car and bands over it, palms on the trunk. Checking the height of his ass in this position, he nods and looks at Kyle expectantly
[8:40:39 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Well you managed to fit it right? Guess it is a bit silly to worry. This ass should be fine." As he says that he walks up behind Ash and gropes his cheeks with both hands, faintly smirking. A few seconds after he wedges his shaft in between the two ass cheeks and starts to gently grind against him, pre-cum dripping onto him every so often. Kyle doesn't continue that for long, figuring Ash wants to get with the fucking which he of course wanted to as well. With a lick of his lips he pulls back, one hand on Ash's ass to pull his cheek, the other on his shaft to line it up. "Ready?"
[12:32:24 AM] [REDACTED]: Eyep! His own hand comes back to spread the other cheek, even though it probably won't help much. The anticipation and nervousness is intense, building in his chest. It would surely be over once it poked inside, but until then the only course of action was to simply look that dick up and down while biting his lip. Just remember, slow and gentle.
[5:21:06 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "I gotcha. Don't worry. You'll probably be tight enough for me to stop in my tracks." With a lick of his lips he starts to push forward, biting his lip after a few seconds of prodding. For a moment he's worried it won't go in and so pushes just a bit harder. That seems to do the trick as soon enough he feels Ash's asshole spreading along his cockhead, a few sharp gasps coming from Kyle. "Holy shit are you tight." It doesn't take much longer before the entire head is literally popped into Ash's rear, Kyle standing and trying to keep his bearings.
[9:11:55 PM] [REDACTED]: Aa-AAh-h! Ash grits his teeth a little as he's pressed into painfully. Hold there for a little while. Shit, I thought I'd get to use the head to warm up to more thickness over time, not all at once. Hhhooo. He chuckles. His arms shake a little, but thirty seconds later he seems alright. H-ha, okay, keep going. Doesn't hurt anymore.
[9:13:54 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just grits his teeth and sits there, hand holding onto Ash's ass. He wasn't sure if he could move if he wanted either,feeling his legs shaking a bit. Hell he was amazed he'd already blown two loads into Ash without passing out or getting lightheaded. Must be the adrenaline. At Ash's request he starts to gently push forward again, slowly but surely fitting another inch or so into his incredibly tight ass.
[9:20:04 PM] [REDACTED]: Ooo-h-h. Ash's shoulders shudder a little as his arms slide close together and his knees come inward, putting him in an extremely girly pose. The length doesn't seem to be a problem so far, so until the shaft gets a little thicker he goes in pretty easy. Getting his depths probed keeps Asha hard as a rock, sort of tempted to push back against Kyle if he wasn't afraid of hurting himself.
[9:35:00 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Fuck. So tight." Kyle continues to grit his teeth as he slowly pushes himself forward, resisting the urges to flex his cock due to bloodflow. He moves the hand that was on his shaft to Ash's ass as he figures it won't be needed on his cock anymore. It was a straight line from now on for the most part. He kneads and squeezes the pliable rump as he watches his shaft slide deeper inside Ash, less than half a foot inside yet.
[11:44:41 PM] [REDACTED]: Ash subconsciously extends his feet to tiptoe, pushing his ass back very lightly, which he also does subconsciously, slightly accelerating how quickly Kyle goes in. Once nine inches are in him they seem to hit a wall. Ash sticks his tongue out and rotates his shapely hips at an odd angle until suddely he slides back another inch and a half with a yelp. Thhhhere we go. Sh-hould be smoothish sailing from here.
[11:48:12 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: For the most part Kyle just focused on not hurting Ash or his wonderful ass and moving forward at a snail's pace, appropriate given how slimy his shaft looked with all that lube on it. As Ash moves his hips Kyle moans and gasps as another bit slides in. With a nod he started to push a bit harder than before, getting a whole foot inside in just a few more minutes. "H-half way down. Fuck. How you holdin' up? My legs are feelin' like, guh, jelly."
[11:52:45 PM] [REDACTED]: "I sorta wanna lie here and take it, but I gotta prop myself up. He picks up his drooped head and looks over his shoulder, eyes having watered a little. If you're in halfway, you can probably get the rest. Should be the thickest part, right? He clenches around the anal invader, suddenly feeling very tight around him and gasping quietly. I bet you can do it~
[11:56:18 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Oh I'm sure the rest can fit in. Probably. Just don't wanna hurt you." However he still does push forward, gasping as Ash's asshole squelches around his thick shaft. Deciding to test Ash a bit and because he was getting a bit impatient himself he thrusts forward a bit, gasping as another two inches slide into the boy's overstuffed ass. Kyle just sits there for a moment, letting them both get used to it, before thrusting again, getting in another inch. "Smooth, hnn, sailing."
[12:00:58 AM] [REDACTED]: Aahn!~ Asha moans in a rather high pitched girly voice, back arching upward, arms having to extend fully to still be able to support himself. Th-that feels really good. Like, it hasn't hurt at all since you got the first quarter in, so please, fill me. He moans like a girl again, then speaks in a rather girly pitch. Fuck me, big boy!
[12:05:31 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just gnaws on his bottom lip as Ash talks, his shaft throbbing and flexing inside of his hole. He figures if it was feeling good then why not go the rest of the way? With a grunt he bucks his hips forward and slams in more of his dick, looking down with weary eyes to see there was just a quarter left. "Not much more." His hips continue to thrust and buck because most of his shaft was still inside and he was desperate to get off. An inch or so went in each time he moved so it wouldn't take much longer until his hips slapped into Asha's.
[12:11:46 AM] [REDACTED]: Lips curled in, Ash rears his hips up until finally he can slam them backwards, his ass cheeks pressing into Kyle's groin. The tip hits a sweet spot once the whole massive thing is in, making Ash perform a rather embarassing "O" face while moaning. With a short bite of his bottom lip he stands, pressing his flat back against Kyle's chest, then gets a rather sly look, despite being rather shaky. S-so, was it worth the price of admission?
[12:15:22 AM | Edited 12:15:44 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: With a smirk Kyle just leans in and makes out with Ash, holding onto him so he didn't fall over and to feel the bulge in his guts. He pulls off and gives another smirk, standing still to get used to the sensation. "Oh definitely. Would go again." As he speaks he tries to start thrusting up into Asha's ass but finds it's a bit hard to do. So instead he moves a hand down to Ash's hips and slowly pulls him up about an inch or so before letting him back down, repeating the process a few times so he gets used to it.
[12:20:31 AM] [REDACTED]: Mmph? Ash is startled by the kiss, no longer feeling sly, and it's a little weird. But it's not unpleasant, so he lets it happen and waits for Kyle to pull away. Well, now I've kissed a boy on the mouth instead of just his privates. Hm. He grunts as he's pressed into, bending back over so he's easier to thrust into. He lightly grinds his ass against the groin behind him while he waits to really get into this.
[12:23:06 AM | Edited 12:26:20 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Oh. You've, uh, never kissed a guy before? Shit." Kyle starts to blush brightly as he just sits there awkwardly for a moment before starting to thrust gently into Ash's ass. "Sorry 'bout that. Shoulda asked first." Rather than dwell on it though he starts to move his hips a bit more forcefully each time, soon enough dragging out six inches of his shaft with each thrust and watching it squelch back in, Ash's asshole wrapped tightly around his cock.
[12:35:51 AM | Edited 12:36:05 AM] [REDACTED]: W-well you're tw-ho-hoo ffFF Shoulders arching upward and elbows bending together, Asha clenches hard as he climaxes, spraying thin spurts of jizz all over his car. He comes down from it a moment later with a blissful groan, rather enjoying the cock slamming deep into him and the large sack patting against his own rather crowded ballsack. Now descending onto his elbows for additional support, he eventually musters the composure to talk again. Yeah, you're two glorious feet deep into my ass, so I'm not gonna sweat a single kiss. Heck, with my pretty face, I don't blame you~
[12:41:29 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Well. Still. Feel a bit awkward I guess. But if you ain't got a problem with it." He punctuates his sentence by slamming his hips forward, balls audibly slapping against Ash's thighs and nuts. "Then I ain't gonna sweat it." With a small chuckle he starts to get into a rhythm, starting off slow but rapidly gaining speed. At first he's only pulling out half a foot as before but soon enough takes out more and more, soon enough reaching halfway again with each of his thrusts. "God. Surprised I haven't already busted inside this wonderful ass."
[12:48:57 AM] [REDACTED]: That is a little odd. It not good enough for you? He obviously teases. Each nerve ending in the lower half of his digestive system is tingling and shooting off sparks of wonderful pleasure, Ash falling in love with the feeling all over every time Kyle bottoms out. Realizing he only has his fishnets on at this point, he reaches up to fiddle with his unpierced nipple, pinching and rolling it between his fingers.
[12:52:36 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Through pants and grunts Kyle manages to speak, crotch slapping against Ash's "No it's definitely good enough. Way better than good. Fuck~." He trills the end of the word as he bottoms out again, pulling Ash a bit closer to get even deeper inside of him. Of course he goes right back to his powerful thrusts afterwards, feeling his balls start to tense up. "Gonna cum soon~. Guessing you want it inside right? Bloat up that gut of yours some more."
[1:00:46 AM | Edited 1:00:56 AM] [REDACTED]: I have towels- nng! In the trunk, so if you want to nut on my back or something, by all means. Either way would be sort of hot. And it'd be easier to move. But I'll be more likely to digest it by the morning. He ever so /subtly/ hints that maybe Kyle should pull out when he finishes. And yet. But, I mean. I don't think the belly thing is hot. But being cummed inside of… /REALLY/ fucking hot. So. Your choice. Gritting his teeth, Ash grinds his plump rump against Kyle for the moment that they're in contact.
[1:04:09 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle grits his teeth and keeps eagerly pounding away at Asha's rear, panting every so often. "Think I'm gonna, hnng, try for a bit of both. Think I got enough saved up still." Ash could probably tell that given the heavy blows Kyle's nuts were giving him. His cock throbs and pulses excitedly inside of Ash's ass, showing it shouldn't be too much longer until he starts to cum.
[1:35:17 AM] [REDACTED]: I-if you say so, stud. Said in his girlier voice, he makes the cutest little noises as he's fucked, little "ah~"s and moans. Except for the sudden Sh-shit! Oohhhhnng As he cums again, putting him briefly one orgasm ahead of Kyle as his hips rock a little and he splatters the vehicle once again.
[1:38:57 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: It doesn't take much longer after Ash's orgasm for Kyle to feel his own start, grunting as he slams balls deep into Asha's rear. His shaft swells up thicker and pulses along with his balls as he pushes air through his teeth, the first powerful shot firing through his shaft and hitting Ash's insides. He stood there for a few seconds, bucking occasionally, as he fired a few salvos into Ash. Soon enough though he yanks his shaft out and starts to rapidly stroke it with both hands as it partially lays on Ash's ass, more spurts of thick jizz splattering onto his skin.
[1:43:12 AM] [REDACTED]: Oh god. He breathes heavily as the warmth blossoms in his midriff again, although this time it's cut partially short as it starts to splash all over his back, the thick blanket of cum certainly warming him for a few fleeting seconds after each shot hits him. As Kyle cums Asha grinds his ass crack on Kyle's shaft to try and help it be good for him, feeling a little bad that he didn't get to do all of it inside.
[1:47:27 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle continues to grit his teeth as Ash grinds against him, moaning out as an especially powerful shot splatters onto Ash's back. Rapidly Kyle manages to pull his shaft back down and place a few inches into that inviting pucker, shooting the last few shots into Ash's butt. After he's finished he sits there for a moment before sighing and sliding sideways, laying on his back on the trunk of the car, arms partially outstretched. "Holy fuck was that great." His breathing was heavy and his shaft seems to not be throbbing as powerfully as after the first two orgasms.
[2:01:05 AM] [REDACTED]: God damn dude. Best random hookup ever. He lets himself slump down onto his chest, feeling rather fatigued. Quietly he reaches back and feels the intense gape of his asshole, anus still spread nearly as wide as Kyle's shaft, getting Asha hard again rather quickly. Still, he eventually stands with a "hup" and makes his way over to his pants to retrieve his keys, actively leaking cum onto the ground as he goes. Ohhh god that's a weird feeling. Nnnn.
[2:04:11 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Through heavy breathing he manages to talk, dick still throbbing gently in the cool night air. "Yeah. I'll say. Good weird or bad weird? I can always stuff your butt again if you need me to." Kyle chuckles faintly and moves one hand down to stroke his much droopier shaft while the other goes to straighten his balls. Seems it was slowly softening up.
[2:07:13 AM] [REDACTED]: Neither, really, just weird. And I don't think I could drive us back tonight if I got another one of those. Look at how fucking wobbly my legs are. They're visibly shaking, and when he lifts his hand for demonstration it's rocking back and forth powerfully. Returning to the trunk, he gently shoos Kyle to standing and pulls out two fresh white towels, then shuts it again, tossing one too his friend. About a minute later the towel is slimy as he finishes wiping himself and the car clean of spooge.
[2:10:39 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle does much the same though mostly just for his cock. He does help with cleaning the trunk though since it was mostly his mess, swiping his hand along it once they were done. With a smirk he turns to Ash and starts to leisurely stuff his wilting cock back into his pants, letting out a pleased sigh as he zips them up, bulge nearly down to his knee still. He gives it a pat and smiles at Asha. "Thanks for the great time, dude. Now where we headed off to? Crashing at that friend of your's place?"
[2:19:42 AM | Edited 2:19:47 AM] [REDACTED]: Nah, we can go to my place, Abby lives like 30 minutes from here. I'll get up before you and tell my parents you're a friend of hers, they'll probably assume you're a porn actor and not question the bulge. It's all good. He starts to shimmy his shorts back on, pausing before he covers his ass and pulling his underwear back down to present it to Kyle, including the gape that was his handiwork, and slaps his own ass cheek with a giggle. Get one last look! Once he returns to being fully clothed he makes his way back towards the driver side of the car. You didn't wanna drive, did you?
[2:23:32 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Right, right. I'll try to hide it a bit while we're there." Kyle just smirks a bit as Ash presents his ass and gape to him, moving forward a bit to slap his ass as well. As they get closer to the car he shrugs and moves more towards the driver's side. "If your ass and legs are too messed up I can take the wheel sure. You'll just have to give me directions. Kind of wasn't paying much attention on account of the whole situation you know?"
[2:35:06 AM] [REDACTED]: I'll be fine. The drive is as short as before, although it seems a little longer for Ash as he is constantly distracted by the feeling of his rear. When they pull up Ash leads them in and up the stairs, to his room where Kyle is directed to sleep on the couch. Most of the bands they talked about earlier have a poster somewhere in the room, as well as some video game paraphenalia that imply Ash has been to conventions before. You a heavy sleeper? I sort of uh, moan, a little, in my sleep.
[1:22:47 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just blinks for a moment before sitting on the couch, stretching a bit as he lays down. "Heavy enough. With you moaning in your sleep surprised your folks haven't found out about stuff like this." With a yawn he leisurely takes off his hoodie and tosses it onto the floor next to him, followed soon after by his pants. "Gonna warn you I some times get morning wood. Course I figure I might not get it this time since this bad boy's been worked." He chuckles as he reaches a hand down to poke the bulge in his boxers.
[4:34:24 PM] [REDACTED]: I've been doing it since before puberty, dude. Has nothing to do with sex. Despite a lot of other things he does also being inadvertantly sexy. Sluttery must have been his destiny. After turning in for the night it turns out the moans aren't that loud, but unmistakebly sexual sounding. In the morning, Asha's not in the room right when Kyle wakes up, but pokes in soon afterward. Hey, they wanna meet, and I quote, "Abigail's deviant friend." That's you, buddy.
[4:38:09 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: With a groan Kyle tosses a bit on the couch he was sleeping on before slowly standing up. Of course he's sporting morning wood which is pointing straight at Ash as Kyle rubs his eyes. "Your folks you mean right? Got it. I'll be down…" His eyes open up as he says that, seeing his wood and sighing. "I'll be down in a few minutes. Hope I remember how to hide this thing like back in school."
[4:48:56 PM] [REDACTED]: Alright, I'll tell 'em you're coming. He heads back down to the living room and tells the two beautiful women he calls parents that Kyle has to take care of morning breath and bed hair, and they nod patiently.
[4:52:37 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: It takes a few minutes but Kyle finally manages to calm his dick down and get it back into his pants, tucked back a bit to make the bulge look a bit less obscene though there was no arguing it was still huge. He breathes in heavily as he steps out of Ash's room and down the stairs, nearly doing a double take at seeing the two ladies there. Guess those comments about Ash's dad last night weren't true in the slightest. "Uh, hey. Sorry I had to crash here. Hope you two didn't mind."
[4:56:39 PM] [REDACTED]: The brown haired one blows on her hot coffee and smiles. "No trouble at all." Followed by the blond one with [Ooh, he's cute. Did you two have a good time last night?] With a wink at each of them, prompting Asha to stammer a little and turn red. Wh-what do you mean by that?? [Sorry, I was trying to ask if he's a good fuck, dear.] Brunette mom rolls her eyes with a smirk as she takes a sip while Ash flounders.
[5:02:00 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just smirks a bit and steps all the way down the stairs now, going to lean against the wall but figuring it'd be rude to do that. "Nah me and him didn't do anything to explicit. Just like. Credentials and stuff for Abby. No biggie really." He gave a little shrug and looked over at Ash, hoping that what he said would work. Ash did mention his parents had no idea about his proclivities so he figured it be better not to end up spilling the beans on that.
[5:13:21 PM] [REDACTED]: Right, credentials. [Of course.] Ash clams up and lets his arms fall to his sides, both parents looking at him increasingly knowingly. I-I mean that's really weird and gross that you think I'd like. I mean. He gestures open handed at Kyle With him? I mean, with a boy? Not, him, there's no problem with him, intrinsically, he's just- "Honey. You used to draw hearts around cute band members in your notebooks regardless of gender, and you wear fishnets and a crop top in public. How do you think we don't know what you get up to?… Oh shit, gotta get to work, be gentle with them dear." She smooches the blonde woman on the cheek before finishing her coffee and rushing out. [So, Kyle, right? You didn't break our poor boy did you? Hehe.] Ash is as red as red gets right now.
[5:18:09 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Shit. Seems they already had figured out. He wonders if he should just come clean since it would save Ash some embarrassment down the road. With a heavy sigh he just shrugs a bit and gestures back to Ash, arms landing against his sides. "Well. I mean. He's up ain't he? It was mostly me, uh, hitting on him anyway. When we were at the concert I mean. Then we hung out and stuff went from there." He gave another shrug and put his hands in his pockets, turning to look at Ash to see how he was doing. He really hopes he didn't just ruin something there.
[5:25:06 PM] [REDACTED]: [Well, I hope you had fun.] Daaaad! He harumphs. She smiles warmly, then stands to make her prominent crotch bulge visible. Not as much as Kyle's it would seem, but respectable. [Just don't do it too loudly in the house, I heard enough of your moaning when I used to have to put you to sleep.] DAD. She snickers, rustling Asha's hair, before walking out of the room and yelling back at them. [What do you have planned for today?] …We were gonna go visit Ab. [Ahh, makes sense. Use protection.] She pokes back in to say [There are some condoms in the bathroom, but I can't imagine Abby doesn't have some.] Uuuuugh gross!
[5:28:41 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just awkwardly nods to her as she stands up, blushing a bit from seeing her bulge. He ends up staring a bit as she walks out and just stands there, letting Asha and his dad talk to each other before sliding closer to Ash to whisper. "Uh, sorry if I just let something out of the bag. It seemed like they knew already so. You know. Figured I shouldn't lie about it." He resists an urge to make a comment to Ash about the blonde haired woman's bulge as that would probably make things more awkward.
[5:36:37 PM] [REDACTED]: Yyyeah, it's a little SUPER EMBARASSING to have them casually bring it up. He yells the one part for his dad to hear. But I guess I don't… hide it well. He looks down at his slutty clothing and several sexy piercings. Definitely not a lady killer. … Wanna get out of here? *He starts towards the door. [Make sure to eat breakfast somewhere dear!] Yeah! Thanks!
[5:40:05 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Sure. Don't see why not." Before leaving though he peaks his head around the corner into the kitchen to wave to Ash's dad, inadvertantly placing himself in such a way that his bulge was resting against the doorframe and looking even more prominent. After wave for a few seconds he rushes out the door behind Ash, slowly down considerably once outside. "We going to McDogal's for breakfast too?"
[5:58:14 PM] [REDACTED]: *Ash's dad visibly notices Kyle's bulge, raising an eyebrow before waving back.* Not unless you're super hungry. Abby will feed us. I already called her, she cleared her schedule for us. Probably because of that picture I sent. They start on the road right away, since it's supposed to be a fair distance to drive.
[6:00:55 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Oh. Didn't expect she'd be giving us food too. Nice." He stretches a bit in the seat and just gets comfortable as Ash drives along, occasionally glancing out the window. It doesn't take long before he's bored of looking at city blocks pass so turns a bit more towards Ash, hoping what he was going to ask wouldn't be rude. "So. What's the, uh deal? I guess. About the two ladies and all. Oh and you having two dicks. I'm curious about that too."
[6:14:38 PM | Edited 6:14:39 PM] [REDACTED]: Uhh, what do you mean? Dad got mom pregnant just out of high school, that's my older sister. After dating a while they decided they were happy and got married, I was born about five years later. No idea why I'm packing like I am but. He shuts up for a moment while paying attention to what's happening at an intersection. … uh, but you don't know why you're super hung, do you? He sticks his tongue out. Genetics are weird as hell.
[6:44:57 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle nodded and shrugged. "Yeah. Guess that's true. Was more curious about the fact of whether or not your one mom had a dick. Or dad I should say. Sorry if I was being rude callin' her mom. It's just new for me is all." He turns a bit to look out the window again and grins a bit, nudging Ash gently. "Speaking of genetics look at that chick. What an ass." True enough the woman was packing quite the nice rear, bouncing a bit down the street. [7:20:29 PM] [REDACTED]: Did it /look/ like she had one? How do you impregnate somebody without the proper tools. He looks briefly and notes the ass. Yep. that's a good butt. If you're wondering about the genes of it, my sis inherited the 'seriously packing' gene from dad, which is why I didn't. Or did. It's a mystery. Hey, you got any siblings? He takes on a humorous tone. Maybe a brooother? Hehe
[7:25:00 PM | Edited 7:25:14 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Oh yeah. Well. There was a bulge. Tried not to stare too much since it'd be rude." Kyle keeps staring at the ass as they pass by before answering Ash's question, nodding a bit. "I do actually have a younger brother. If you're wondering if he's packing as much as me I got no clue. You'd have to check for yourself." He slyly winks at Ash before chuckling, crossing his arms, and leaning back a bit.
[7:32:17 PM] [REDACTED]: Heh, nah, that'd be a little weird. It'd be great to find somebody else packing what you're packing though so you two could go at me from both ends wow okay with this level of enthusiasm I can /really/ see how they figured it out. He rests his forehead against his hand in realization, his still partially gaped asshole providing additional reassurance that he's an obvious and enthusiastic slut. We're almost there.
[7:35:05 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Ha. Yeah. Still embarrassing though. Just like when my folks started having to talk me about protection and me stretching my pants and shit. Thank god they don't do that anymore. Course if Mike's like me he's gonna get the same talk. Hope they learned not to be so overbearing from when they told me." He lets out a little chuckle and pats Ash's shoulder, giving it a gentle rub after. "Good. Really wanna see the look on this girl's face."
[8:30:53 PM | Edited 8:30:57 PM] [REDACTED]: She is gonna be /so/ happy. A few minutes later they pull into the driveway for a rather compact looking house on the opposite edge of the city. When they get out, Ash stretches. Brace yourself, she's rather enthusiastic. He steps up to the door and knocks a few times, Abby opening the door a moment later looking rather happy. "Ahhh, hi!" She gives him a one armed hug. Her skin is a little dark, inuit maybe, she's shorter than Asha by several inches, and her black hair is in an undercut. Her enthusiastic gaze slides over to Kyle and her whole face lights up. "Yoooooouuuuu must be Kyle! Come in, come in! I don't want to have to undress you on my front step!" She winks before clearing the doorway for her guests.
[8:38:36 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Oh I'll bet. Not like I can blame her. Hope she doesn't freak out seeing me in person." Just as he says that the door swings open and he's greeted by the very enthusiastic woman, weakly smiling at her. He manages to talk as she ushers them in, having to actively try and speak this time around. "Yeah. I'm Kyle." Deciding to tease her a bit once he steps inside he moves one hand down to his crotch and readjusts the bulge in his pants whilst looking around. "Comfy looking place."
[8:46:15 PM] [REDACTED]: "Hehe, anything you can see from the doorway is safe for work so I don't get girl scouts seeing the dildos on my shelves. As much as I'd love to inspire the next generation, not the way to do it!" She laughs heartily at her own humor, moving into the kitchen. This was definitely the girl Kyle had heard on the phone only last night, but she wasn't trying to sound sultry at the moment. "I made you guys waffles, but I underestimated and they're cold. You can nuke 'em if you want them warm again." She points to the microwave once both her guests can see her. There are a few nsfw posters on the wall, one or two of which are even of Abigail herself posing cutely with little or no clothing.
[8:55:02 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle leisurely follows behind Abigail as she walks through her house, looking around a bit. Nothing seemed out of the oridnary so far. The explicitly sexual things were probably up in her room he thinks. As they enter the kitchen he licks his lips as he sees the waffles and also when he sees the posters. "Thanks a lot. Cold's fine with me. I'm used to waking up late for breakfast." He takes one of the plates on the table and sits down, grabbing a knife and fork as well and eagerly starting to eat. With a light gasp he pulls his face away from the plate to faintly grin at her. "Damn good waffles. You make 'em yourself?"
[9:06:32 PM] [REDACTED]: "Pff, don't flatter me. I'm not that good of a chef." Ash joins them at the table after his are warm, pooring a bit of syrup on his. I mean, you're pretty good. But you definitely store bought these waffles. "He didn't need to know that Asha!" She sticks her tongue out at him. She only calls me Asha because she thinks it's cute. "It is. This is fact. And it makes you blush, which is cuter." Ash notices his blush and groans. "Oh hey, Kyle, want to be a tie breaker for us?" Ash looks confused, then alarmed. Ab, please. "Aaaasha here expressed boob envy a couple weeks ago and IIII think he should get implants, but he thinks they'd look stupid on him. How 'bout you?" She leans in resting on her arms while Ash rolls his eyes.
[9:14:06 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: He just sort of sat there as the two of them talked to each other, nodding every once and a while to show he was listening. Of course he wasn't prepared for that question so he ended up choking on the waffle a bit before managing to swallow it. He just looked between the two of them for a bit before giving a shrug. "I'm not really sure. You done any like. Practicing with balloons and bras or something? Don't wanna get them and then find out they're too big or annoying."
[9:20:48 PM] [REDACTED]: "I made him wear a set of fake tits and he looked amazing.* I looked pretty good at best. "You looked like a hot chick!" I look like a boy. "You look like an adorable boy with an amazing figure and a girly face, so you looked like a hot chick." Ash smiles against his will and looks way with a grumble. "Whatever! Not importaaa~aant. How much has Ash told you about me?" Not a lot, sorry. He lowers to a whisper Did you really think I looked good? "You looked damn sexy. Anyways, ask me whatever you wanna know!"
[9:26:24 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle once again let the two of them talk to each other while he ate, nodding every so often. "Well. Even if you don't get 'em you still look hot to me, Ash." He flashes a faint smirk before finishing up his waffles and cleaning his mouth with a napkin. For a moment he thinks about what to ask her, leaning in once he's decided. "First question should probably be if you've got a dick or not. I'm kinda guessing no but figure I should ask. His one mom, er, dad had a nicely sized one it looked like. I mean. I wasn't staring. That much anyway."
[9:36:03 PM] [REDACTED]: "Oh, yeah, Trudy's got heat. Not me though. I mean." She points at the posters of her, although only one slightly out of the way one actually shows her crotch. "You can see my pussy right there. Tight, pink, and always ready!~" Her sister has a dick, actually. So both of our older siblings have… large genitalia. "Yeah, but Trish isn't as big as this cutie you've hooked!" She must be referring to Kyle. "So, precise measurement on your cock?" She leans in to pretend like she's whispering. "I can measure it, if you're not sure~"
[9:50:28 PM | Edited 9:50:40 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: With a little chuckle he leans back and looks like he's thinking for a moment, holding both his hands out and apart. He moves them apart but for the most part they stay about as wide apart as his shoulders. "Around this I think. It's been a long time since I measured properly. There's a lot to measure as you already saw." He chuckles a bit and winks at her, leaning back again. "And wow. So both your sisters have got dicks? If I'm hearing right I mean. Cause my bro's probably packing like I am as I told Ash earlier."
[10:20:25 PM] [REDACTED]: Uh, no, sorry, misleading words. No dick, just… a lot of what she has. "She's amazing." It's seriously gross. "I wish I had her genitals!" Absolutely the creepiest thing you've ever said to me. They sort of uncomfortably snicker at each other. "I'm off to hunt for my tape measure, get him prepped for me Asha!~" Ash looks ponderous for a moment before pulling out his phone and loading up a video on Pronhub of Abby taking a dildo that's an exact replica of a muscular arm just short of the elbow, with hand curled into a fist, in her cunt. She meant get you hard, so.
[10:30:01 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: It's hard not to feel a bit awkward when they end up talking about Ash's sister's crotch region but it does make him feel a bit horny, wondering what exactly she looked like. If she was anything like Ash she wouldn't even need plush holes to take him. As Ash gets out a porn video Kyle just smirks and stands up from the table, walking a bit to be behind Ash. "Why not show me that wonderful ass of yours too? It still gaped from last night or did sleep fix that?" As he stands behind Ash he rubs his crotch bulge against his back, smirking just a bit.
[10:35:38 PM] [REDACTED]: He seems reluctant for just a moment before grinning and standing. He bends over only enough to make his ass a little more prominent as he pulls his pants down, cheeks restricted by the waistband as he goes. Once free he spreads his cheeks with his hands, showing that his asshole is still wide open, a gap of at least three inches. Right now he has no pucker, ass sloping directly into his insides like it was originally designed for intake instead of expulsion. When he clenches it doesn't even close entirely. I think you broke it, ya big jerk. He blows a raspberry and laughs a little as he slips two fingers in there without even getting any juices on them.
[10:39:04 PM | Edited 10:44:57 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Well. Damn. Really wasn't expecting it to still be so. Gaped." Kyle sort of stumbles on his words as he looks at Ash's practically ruined ass before casually moving his hand against a cheek, inching his fingers towards the hole. His other hand though goes down to his crotch, massaging his dick through his pants. As he starts to finger and nearly fist Ash's ass he notices the boy's ballsack and how overstuffed it looked, chuckling a bit as he pulled out briefly to poke it. "Wow. You got four nuts too? I'm a bit jealous."
[10:47:22 PM | Edited 10:53:32 PM] [REDACTED]: Yeah. I bet it'll be fine tomorrow. Abby returns to see Ash partially nude and doesnt seem even slightly off-put, until she sees his ass gape and gasps loudly. "Asha, did you take that whole thing in your butt?!? I am so proud of you!" She smooches him on the cheek to elicit yet more blush before gently prying Kyle away, leaning him against the table. "Alright stud. Show me the goods." She licks her lips and waits for Kyle to unleash the beast.
[11:00:54 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Yup. And down his throat too. Twice." As Kyle's leaned against the table Abby can see his bulge again and would probably note it looks a bit bigger than before. With a little smirk he moves both his hands down to his crotch to unzip his pants but then figures it would probably be better to show the whole package instead. So he pulls his hands up a bit higher and undoes his button along with the zipper before dropping his trousers and underwar. His still mostly flaccid schlong bounces up from the movement and then noisily slaps against his thighs, same with his nuts. "Sorry I ain't all the way hard yet. Takes a bit."
[10:33:37 PM] [REDACTED]: "You are such a naughty boy Asha, and I love it. I bet you'd like my sister. She'd looooove you~" Abby kneels and grips the shaft in her hands, feeling the intense warmth, and just how much it had yet to grow. "Oh. My. God." Her hands begin to stroke at it in just the right spots, while her tongue rolls out of her mouth and drags up his inner thigh until it starts sliding up the base of his softie. "Mmm, yeah, we're gonna be having fun." Let me help~ Ash kneels on the opposite side of Kyle's dick and starts to lick and suckle closer to the tip, Abby holding it steady for him while she focuses on the bottom.
[10:37:15 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle gasped as Abby started to grope and fondle his dick, moving one hand to hold onto her hair. As Ash kneeled down he did the same with him as well, a few pleasurable sighs escaping his lips. Their licking and sucking was definitely starting to have an effect on him, his shaft pulsing and growing. "If she's anything like you or Ash I bet I will. Never expected I'd meet anyone actually eager to suck me off though. So you're a first, Abby. Well. Except for Ash sort of."
[11:14:53 PM] [REDACTED]: "Sorry, I was talking to our little slut here." She ruffles Ash's hair where Kyle's not covering it. "She'd love to stuff him for a couple of hours." He gulps, knowing Trish to be a little predatory. Instead of focusing on it he puts the tip of Kyle's rod in his mouth and runs his tongue all around every fold and cranny with a little "mm". "God he's cute. Isn't he cute?" Sluuuurp.
[11:30:52 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: More gasps and a few moans even come from Kyle as the two of them continue to orally assault his dong. It doesn't take much longer before he's finally fully hard, throbbing in Ash's mouth, a few beads of pre-cum leaking from his tip. "God yeah. And damn good at sucking dick too. Like. I probably ain't the best person to ask about that considering he's only the third person to take it but. You know. Best so far." He gives Ash's head a little pat as he says that, smirking down at him.
[12:10:42 AM] [REDACTED]: With his cheeks bulged out cartoonishly, Ash looks up at Kyle and winks. "Alright alright, pop off before you start deepthroating him and I can't bring myself to stop you!" With a chuckle, Ash gives them their space, and Abby extends her tapemeasure. "Let's see, two feet… three inches… aaaand five sixteenths! Wow!" With a dreamy smile she nuzzles her face against it. "This thing really is amazing you beautiful bastard."
[12:32:01 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: He flashes a wink back down to him before pulling his shaft up a bit so it popped out of Ash's mouth, tip covered in saliva. It was easy to hold it steady for Abby to measure what with Ash helping to hold it. Kyle whistled a bit as he heard the measurements, chuckling after and running one hand down his shaft. "Wow. Sounds damned huge which isn't surprising at all." He shivered a bit as Abby rubbed her face against it, shrugging a bit. "Conceptually yeah but it can be a pain."
[12:42:38 AM] [REDACTED]: "A pain you say?" With a sly look on her face she rears up and presses her closed lips against his tip. Suddenly he slips inside and his shaft rapidly disappears into her maw, throat bulging, until she hits a snag with about five inches left. Bobbing her head, she only gags once as she forces the rest down with eyes watering a little. With her lips pressing against his crotch, she gives him a look like "still think it's a pain?" Ash's pants show his responsive erections clearly.
[12:53:03 AM | Edited 12:53:08 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: His teeth firmly plant themselves in his bottom lip as she wraps her lips around his cockhead and then, to his shock, slides nearly his whole shaft down her throat in one go. He gasps and moans as his hands hold onto her hair, eyes rolling into the back of his head. As she's pressed against his crotch he bucks gently against her face, letting out a deep but pleased sigh. "Considering you, Ash, and two other people are the only ones ever to take this thing? Yeah. It's kind of a pain still."
[3:28:12 AM] [REDACTED]: Rolling her eyes, Abby pops off with no effort at all, stroking it instead. "But I bet it feels great." Feels great in your ass, for sure. Abby breaks out laughing and nearly falls to the floor, Ash smiling that she appreciates the joke so much. "Hehehe, anyways, hoo! You've got us now, so you don't have to worry yourself about that aaaanymore! So, what do you want to do with this?" She hefts her E cups, smacks her ass, and trails her fingers up between her crotch. "You knew I was gonna fuck you, right? I wasn't just morbidly curious. Not that you can't back out."
[12:18:28 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Oh yeah. No doubt about that. And, well, guess I don't if this is gonna be a regular thing. Not sure if Ash's ass could handle that though." He just flashes a brief smirk at Ash before chuckling a bit. As Abby shows off her goods Kyle's hand wraps around his shaft and strokes it gently. "Well it is your body so why not you decide where this thing's gonna go? You know what can and can't stretch." To tease her a bit he waves his shaft in from of her face, nearly getting a few drops of spit on her nose or forehead. "It all looks good though."
[3:54:11 AM] [REDACTED]: "Uch, making me pick is like taking me to an expensive clothing store and telling me to buy only one thing!" She licks up the side of the shaft while looking contemplative. "Well. You've never fit this thing in anybody's cunt, have you? I'd love to solve that for you. And it's been a while since I've had a human penis that actually fills me right up. Sort of have an itch!" She starts to unzip, then in that sultry deep voice from on the phone she says. "Sound good to you?"
[3:58:09 AM | Edited 3:59:10 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle's shaft throbbed powerfully as she spoke to him in that sultry tone, just dumbly nodding at her as he pushed his pants the rest of the way down. He felt asking about the human penis thing would be pushing it for the moment so he wasn't going to mention it. "Yeah. Sounds great. Course I'm gonna get to fuck each of your holes as Ash'll tell you. Nut three times with him and still wasn't fully soft. That's probably cause he's so great at this though." He flashes a smile at Ash before waving his shaft back at Abby, waiting for her to fully undress.
[4:09:32 AM] [REDACTED]: Ash smiles back "Ah, I'm usually a one hit wonder I'm sad to say, but other than that I think you'll find I'm a sexual masterpiece. Which fucking sucks, because I'm a girl! Girls are supposed to be able to go like ten times!" It's probably because the things you put into you are ten times bigger than normal, you insatiable slut. "I appreciate the flattery you enthusiastic whore~" Leaning against her kitchen counter, Abby finishes unzipping and finaggles her jeans down around her butt until they finally pass the threshhold and fall to the floor. Her lacy black panties don't actually cover her private parts, hugging her form skin-tight but spreading around to completely expose her innie cunt. She removes them anyways, spinning them around her finger. "Ahh, finally I can let it breath."
[4:16:10 AM] Ask-Cockanaya: "Hey I ain't gonna complain. So long as we enjoy ourselves right?" He smirks again as he kicks his pants underneath the table to watch Abby undress more, licking his lips in anticipation. As they fall to the floor he just sort of blinks as he sees her nethers and continues to do so as her panties fall down. However he wasn't put off by them if his intensely throbbin erection was anything to go by. More intrigued and perplexed. "Wow. That's, uh. Nice. That from all the toying or is it natural?"
[4:31:43 AM | Edited 4:31:58 AM] [REDACTED]: "Uh." She and Ash look at each other "Does it work that way? I don't know that I've ever heard of that. But assuming you mean what I think you mean, no, it's like this naturally." She stretches, then cracks her knuckles. I suppose you'll want to see the girls too, huh? After rolling her shoulders and cracking them a little too, she grabs her shirt in the typical double handed arm cross fashion and lifts it over her head until it's off, slipping her arms through afterward. It turns out she was never wearing a bra at all, and just has inverted nipples on her incredibly perky E cups, which hold themselves up so well they have smooth curvature on the bottom, like an anime character or something. "I call em Sol and Luna, because when I wake up in the morning this one" She pats her right breast "is shining in the sunlight, the other not as much. But they're both heavenly bodies."
[2:19:58 PM] Ask-Cockanaya: Kyle just looks for a moment before shrugging at the two of them. "I ain't got a clue. That's the second vag I've ever seen in person. And yeah. They look great in your shirt." He briefly licks his lips as she starts to take off her shirt, looking a bit perplexed as he sees her nipples. Maybe this was just how gals were supposed to look? Whatever the case this time he doesn't make a comment about it, merely walking forward a bit and gently resting his hands on them, giving them a squeeze. "Ooh yeah. They feel heavenly alright." His dick throbbed and shot out a spurt of pre-cum which splattered against the floor, Kyle looking over at it and grinning nervously. "Oops. Sorry 'bout that."
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mclarenyaoi · 7 months
Ooo! I have some fursona ideas if you want them! (Feel free to ignore if you don’t)
George is very Gray Heron vibes to me, tall and ~dramatic~. Yuki could be either a Japanese Dormouse or a Japanese Tit. Lewis I think could be a Lesser Kudu (and maybe he got his horns removed and it was a Really Big Deal)
hi anon!!! first of all, congratulations, you're my first ever anon ask on this blog! second of all, that previous thing is pretty much exactly why this is being answered a bit late ^^' i'm terribly sorry about that, i just really wanted to make my answer good!! thank you for giving me these ideas, i love them and i love you, whoever you are <3
this is gonna be a long post so my actual answer to this ask containing all the doodles and commentary will be under the cut. just like last time, all written notes will be transcribed in the alt text since my handwriting isn't particularly legible. apologies in advance for any spelling mistakes or accidental misinformation, i don't have the time or energy to give this post a proper proofread so if anyone finds any errors or needs clarification on anything, please let me know! anyways hope you all find this post enjoyable ^^
first up, grey heron george! i've never drawn a grey heron before, so this was quite fun if a bit complicated
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i ended up settling for the mid-length neck in the "final" headshot, but now that i've had more time to think on it, i think i'd choose to draw him with a long neck, tho he'd get some serious cramps after every race. it'd also be funnier as well — herons are, as you said, tall and dramatic... but herons from the front? yeah. blimey indeed.
there's also the matter of how his helmet would fit, esp since you can't exactly go and shave off a man's mouth. i couldn't find a good solution for this; my best idea was that little confused drawing in the corner. it's not a terrific solution by a long shot, but i suppose that's just how it'll be until i (or someone else? this is an open invitation, tho do tag me) come(s) up with a solution
i didn't do a fullbody sketch for grey heron george, but if i did i'd have him stand next to someone for comparison. i guess the question with that is how much his neck would factor into his height since he's plenty tall as is. i did also want to do a dramatic drawing for george, but i was severely struggling to figure out a pose. maybe i'll do one in the future..
next up, yuki. anon, i LOVED these suggestions! i ended up drawing both suggested fursonas bc why not lol. (also, i did assume by "japanese tit" you meant aegithalos caudatus japonicus (called shimaenaga (シマエナガ) in japanese) the white-faced subspecies of the long-tailed bushtit only found in hokkaido, japan) and not parsus minor, since the shimaenaga definitely gives more yuki vibes)
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(before i say anything i Just realized 2'58" makes no fucking sense so i need to correct this first — it should be 2'7" ! my bad yall)
i drew yuki as a tit before i drew him as a dormouse so i'll talk abt them in that order
obviously as a creature the shimaenaga is SO very yuki sdkjfh i mean just!! look at ittt!! the definition of borb (bird orb). ngl i was kinda hoping they'd have shrike-like tendencies just bc i love when little cute things kill with brutality, but nope! they're insectivores year-round. shimaenaga are polygynous and lay 7-10 eggs per brood, which is great bc they're vulnerable to cold temperatures and hokkaido has long winters. long-tailed tits typically have facial markings resembling big brows, but this subspecies loses those markings in adulthood, probably to better blend in with the snow. i think i was gonna draw hatchling yuki with big brows at some point, but didn't bc drawing babies is difficult and drawing babies as birds is even more difficult lmao. you might notice that i chose to go the beastars route with anthropomorphic animals and gave bird yuki humanoid limbs and no wings. why did i choose to do this? well. i am not great at drawing bird legs and i didn't feel like drawing them here
the japanese dormouse has an avg length of less than 8cm (3.15in) with a tail of 6cm (2.4in). they're omnivores, with a diet consisting of fruit, nuts, insects, spiders, bird eggs and nestlings, and small rodents—even other dormice, hence my little comment abt cannibalism. again, i like it when little cute things kill with brutality. i think this works better for yuki, who i personally see as being small but mighty, though it's not like it doesn't work to make him a particularly vulnerable animal. rise against the odds and all that
regardless of whichever animal you (widely encompassing) or i choose to draw yuki as, i find yuki as a small prey animal to be v interesting. both the shimaenaga and japanese dormouse are small and agile creatures, and fitting a small animal with yuki's personality is compelling to me (which is not to say i buy into the narrative of yuki being particularly explosive or having anger issues, bc i don't believe in nor stand for that lol). for the purpose of the narrative, i love you small but stubborn animals that can and will bite you!
before i move on please appreciate pierre and yuki in the corner, i am forever and always a citizen of yukierre nation
ok last and anything but least, lewis! i'll admit, anon, i was a bit confused at first why you specifically picked the lesser kudu for lewis, but after seeing a comparison of the greater and lesser kudus.. i get it. lesser kudus look cooler (more markings) and i enjoy that
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so, pretty clear timeline here. a headshot of lewis in the present, what lewis would look like with horns (i spent. so long on this. completely on accident bc i wanted the horns to look good and then had to make the rest of it look like it matched asgjfkh), what lewis looked like in ~2007, lewis post-surgery (complete horn removal), and then a sketch of lewis smiling bc i like his smile \(^u^)/
(btw, while you're here, there are only ~100k lesser kudu left in the world due to over-hunting and habitat destruction, so. figure i could stand to add a link to the african wildlife foundation page on kudus, where you can find a donation button in the corner)
anon, what you said abt lewis' horn removal being a really big deal... ough it had me thinkinggg. i think the symbolism in permanently sawing off a part of yourself to fit a mold is sooo intriguing (tho not completely matching w/ lewis' story, i think as a general concept it fucks) and also represents the sacrifices needed to be part of motorsport, particularly from a young age. pecora would need to either cut off or greatly shorten the length of their cranial appendage in order to fit their head in a helmet — technically you could like, cut holes in your helmet, but then if you have a serious crash it'd probably be a near-certain fatality due to the bone and blood and nerves in there, in addition to the obvious danger of having a heavy bone object potentially crushing into your skull. there's only a few species of pecora where having a cranial appendage isn't a sexually dimorphic thing (eg caribou, reindeer, cattle, wildebeest) so having big horns is largely a sign of masculinity, hence why lewis initially kept as much of his horns as he could (there's probably some regulation for how large horns can be before they become a danger)
so with that being said, when lewis removes his horns entirely, it causes some uproar since he's effectively socially emasculating himself on purpose. there's definitely shitty articles written about it left and right, angrily bullshitting about how it's a sign that this is the end of masculine pecora (it's not) or that regulations have gone too far (no one made him do it) or that lewis is a bad role model (nope) or whatever the hell. lewis gives like One statement on it, smth abt how he did it for his own comfort and nothing else, how it doesn't emasculate him (bc it doesn't, anyone can do whatever well-informed decision forever and it can mean fuck all if you want it to mean fuck all, Truly who give a shit), and again more shitty articles quote it. etc etc usual circlejerk of illiterate media "journalism" continues until it dies down once something else happens. idk, smth like that, i didn't go to fucking school for math realistic furry-verse timeline creation
asdkjfh oh my god THANK YOU SO MUCH to anyone who's read this whole thing, please let me know your thoughts and opinions or if i made any errors. anon, i appreciate you immensely, i am so terribly sorry for the rambling but i hope you found this post interesting!
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satanfemme · 4 years
Val and 2, Vinyl and 7 OR 30 if seven is spoilers for clay pigeons, Volume and 14, Vaya and 21, Vamos and 4, the Girl and 5/6
2. Who do they look to for guidance? (Val)
I mean in a hero sense, party poison ofc, even if he can’t admit it. he wants to be the better party poison, so what better way to do that then look at how poison did things and “improve” those methods from that starting point as guidance.
in a more personal sense he looks to, tbh, all of the other ultra v’s. he’s not great at asking for guidance but he’ll still look to them for it in his own way. for example when he’s unsure about something he checks to see how they’re handling things, and they’re handling things better than him (and they always are) he secretly uses that as a comfort and/or a jumping off point for his own decisions.
7. Any family scandals? Does your character know about them? (Vinyl)
hmm ok I think there’s a little bit that’s still a spoiler so 🤫 but for the most part all his family scandals have already been revealed in my fics. the main ones are that his father was an exterminator and his sister was a scarecrow training to be an exterminator, which when ur a killjoy in one of the desert’s most well known crews it’s kinda a big deal. but none of the other ultra v’s really knew about this during the comics (he probably told val after the comics and, well, vaya and vamos r gonna hear at least part of it soon enough)
vinyl actually knew about both of those things the whole time though, he’d pieced things together wrt his father while he was still a kid, and altho before my fic post-comics he could only guess what happened to his sister, he knew her well enough that “escaped to scarecrow academy” was one of his top guesses. (tho secretly he always hoped she’d come to her senses and become a killjoy too at some point)
these def weighed on him like a lot in his early killjoy days. by the time the comics happened he was all but over it, but for the first few years it was very hard for him to kill any bl/i agents. it was over time that he became desensitized to it and in turn became pretty desensitized to killing in general, a la Target Practice™ for example. once he internalized “I might accidentally kill my father or my sister any time I kill someone wearing a mask, but that’s ok” it became pretty hard to get upset by any murder
30. What is their ideal sleeping situation? (Vinyl)
gonna answer this one too cause it’s easy. the ideal is always sleeping with all the other ultra v’s dog-piled on top of him (bonus: good pressure stim) OR sleeping on top of all the other ultra v’s (bonus: good pressure stim for everyone else)
14. What is something that never fails to make them excited? (Volume)
I feel like infodumping about music is an obvious but easy answer. so I’ll also say: rain. volume’s biggest problem is he gets so bored and depressed of the killjoy lifestyle so anything to break up his routine is a good thing, and rain is like perfect for that. it’s usually a surprise, it cools everything off, it’s pretty, it smells good and makes mud everywhere, it sounds good on windows, it usually means less dracs and scarecrows are out that day, what’s not to love?? 
21. Do they prefer giving or receiving gifts? (Vaya)
honestly?? receiving. they’re not selfish they just like getting stuff!! they especially like it when someone gives them something they can wear or at least something pretty they can put on display and show off. 
they also love getting new video games but those are very rare in the desert. I think the nest got a new game once or twice during their time there. both times the game was “gifted” to vaya and vamos (since they’re both the Gamers™ of the nest) and vaya LOVED it. what they weren’t told however was the “gift” was given to them under the (correct) assumption that they’d share the game with the rest of the nest. it was really a community owned game for all the killjoys to have. everyone gifting it to the twins specifically was all for show, just as an easy way to make their days hdfgf
4. Who is someone they’ve hurt? (Vamos)
oh they’re SUCH a people pleaser I don’t think there’s any cases of them genuinely hurting someone like that in my canon. sometimes they can hurt people out of their carelessness or their inability to read tone, but they’re always quickly forgiven, either because it was just a mistake (it was!) or because no one likes to see them upset (their anxiety spirals Very easily)
ofc that being said, val velocity, local asshole, doesn’t really forgive them for these things so easily. so it’s never really over anything serious but sometimes vamos will do something kinda dumb like twist an ankle doing parkour. then val gets upset that they’re not gonna be able to run for a few weeks and that’s gonna put everyone in danger. so val yells at vamos then vamos does their puppy dog eyes back, which val doesn’t accept, and the both of them get incredibly frustrated by this very quickly. the next thing you know they’re Both in a bad mood snapping at each other until someone else (usually vaya) can be like “both of you hug and make up right now or witch so help me”
5. What is a secret that they have? (The Girl)
she always kinda figured there was something up with the cat. she didn’t know it was a straight up camera, but she knew it’d likely “escaped” the city, and seemed harder to kill or injure than a normal cat, and was still just as young and perfectly healthy as she found it even after being with her for 10 or 11 years. 
but it never seemed to cause any trouble for her, and she loved it, so she kept it. and it wasn’t like a huge Secret secret before the comics, when she largely lived alone, cause who would she even be hiding this from anyway. but during the comics when val keeps talking about there being a spy and the trouble starting when she showed up?? uh oh ❤️ she kept a Very close eye on the cat then to make sure it was safe. 
then, when dr d was killed for supposedly being the spy, that kinda, uh, sucked. like she was hiding this probably-some-sort-of-wiretap-or-something-idk from everyone else just cause it was her one (1) friend for the past 12 years, and now one of her last surviving family member was dead in its place. F
6. Would they trust anyone with their secret? (The Girl)
nope! even after the comics it didn’t feel productive to tell anyone. as far as anyone else knew she found out the cat was a spy only Right Before they went into the city so no one blamed her for that, and with better living gone the cat no longer posed any threat and was just a cool pet cat so, like, what’s the problem. nothing to see here just a girl and her suspicious cat vibing
send me characters and numbers!
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syubub · 3 years
May 13th Reading
Definitely long awaited and way bigger than I intended it to be so buckle up.
Funky disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation of the cards!
Oh boy. The continuation of yoongis soulmate saga.
(Note frome future me: it's not proofread but I'm hungry. Sorry for mistakes!)
So so so so
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Let's start.
I started with all the normal jazz. Connecting with his energy and shit. Same as usual same old same old. Platform= same same. I was like, "hey, let's talk about your soulmate and the whole may 13th shit" and we connected via energy stringy thing to the forehead and such. I was intresting bc my end of the string was kinda my energy color! Neato. Looks like some rest has really done me good!
Okay, here's where I start actually asking shit. I made notes at this point before the reading as I usually do. I'm just gonna insert the screen shot here.
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The 14 thing really fucked me up. You'll see later. Also, when I got the whole Pisces Jupiter thing I had to do me some googling bc we established that Jupiter went into Pisces ON May 13th so I was like?? Am I missing something?
I was. I forgot that it goes retrograde and then co.es back to Pisces on December 28th. And I do indeed think it to be significant.
The shit about temperance makes a lot of sense. In yoongis first soulmate read I flipped my shit bc he was like, "You're gonna get temperance reverse" in regards to a card for his soulmate and I was like "pft whatever. Don't play me like that"
And then I got temperance reverse. It's been a significant card from the jump.
I asked him if he had any advice for his soulmate and that's what "Don't wait for big things, you'll miss the small ones that lead you to bigger things" and "Look for facts before assuming" and "Don't try pushing it, forcing it won't make sense" and "A spade is a spade/ ace is an ace" and "Don't make ill informed guesses" all were
Now this part:
"Union has happened , yet to on the physical"
Gave me some hints thankfully because he straight up said no more hints.
This ties back into the whole Jupiter thing too. The seeds are/ have been planted and now they have to grow before they can be harvested.
Well Mr. Yoongi, I'm impatient and I don't want to wait. I want to see you in love pronto.
He showed me a little dream box/ trinket box looking thing and a super vague Keychain with no further explanation... so... there's that I guess.
I can't quite decide if "Don't make ill informed guesses" was a tongue-in-cheek pike at me or if it was genuine advice to his soulmate? He just loves to not explain things.
Now let's begin the monster read.
So. The first row of cards
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I asked the question, "what the fuck was May 13th and what was it's purpose in regards to your connection"
Important is what it was lol. I interpret this as them finding their footing and this being the starting point of the genuine foundation being layer. Like they've been manifesting eachother for a while but May 13th marked the start of them making the real life changes in their actual lives that will be the set up for them meeting.
The seven of coins is about thoughtful planning and creating security/ stable plan. The tower is essentially ripping away anything and everything that was built on unstable foundation and challenging/ testing your character (an extremely rude awakeing if you will). Judgement is releasing the past so you can rise above it and confronting yourself as you are (Also legit awakening) the queen of coins is financial security and self confidence in your abilities. Ten of coins is prosperity and abundance and most of all, stability. Eight of wands is explosion of potential and rapid movement. Temperance is awareness and balance between physical and spiritual. It's also that quiet peace where you find balance.
So. Seeing all those cards it really does seem like maybe his soulmate took on something new that could lead straight to union? Same for yoongi. I'd like to analyze and recent or new-ish habits or hobbies he's picked up?
Moving right along though. I asked what the 13th did for each of them in their personal life and personal journey. Kinda like what came as a result of that energy? Let's start with yoongles
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This was really intresting to me. I think he definitely gained some form of clarity about the situation with that sun card. The 5 of cups tells me that either he was kinda forced to confront some of his flaws in a way that he was trying to avoid or he had to consciously let go of something dear to him? Could be something he had to leave behind because it crumbled with the tower moment but he didn't see it coming or didn't know that it was time to part with it? With that queen of wands though fits beautifully with the sun! Its like he's found warmth after a long winter. Definitely found a spark of compassion and generosity from a place of happiness and love rather than anger, fear, obligation or pitty.
I asked for clarity cards/ anything else that may 13th signified bringing in and we got the 2 of cups and 10 of swords. I have two thoughts. Either he let go of a relationship that he was already in because he didn't feel as though they were particularly compatible anymore (Also ties into the above section) OR the 13th had made him very much consciously aware of his soulmates incoming status and he is now preparing and working on himself for when this person comes. The 10 of swords would be him releasing the past and the pain and any ill fitting behavior that don't vibe with him any longer. Yellow really seems to be working for him by the way.
Soulmate time
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Lol. All signs point to his soulmate genuinely starting a new venture. New creative pursuit that will bring them good money. 10 of pentacles is abundance, prosperity and stability. The ace of wands is a new creative spark and passion and it's the first big steps into something new. The 2 of wands is "the world is in the palm of your hands" vibes. Choices need to be made swiftly and with the ace of wands I think they will be. With the heirophant too, it will be a well informed decision because they've been manifesting this and has been searching for all the possible information.
As for clarity, we have the moon. Damn. Soulmates been doing that shadow work. Dredging up all their bullshit and getting rid of it while still taking the time to sit with it and release it so nothing is unresolved. Also probably extra creative due to all the emotional baggage being thrown out. (Definitely helping with the ace of wands vibes tbh)
Now for the bad boys in the middle
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The question I asked is what those individual changes (detailed in the last two sections) will bring for the bond and I just can with them. These fuckers. I am so invested in their love story bc it's so... them? And just so fucking ROMANTIC. UGH I CAN'T.
Back to the point. High priestess, 4 of wands and the lovers. The high priestess is deep knowing and insane intuition, the 4 of wands is the purest joy and marriage and the lovers is well, the lovers.a magical union.
For the row of bottom cards
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I asked if they had anything at all to add so I'm gonna explain each card individually bc I think they could be individual tid bits of shit.
Knight of coins is good news about finances/ money looking promising and organized work (also dependability!!). Death is all about transformation, the beginning of a new chapter and accepting in order to move foward. Ace of coins is spiritual and material abundance and also a reminder to keep grounded. Page of swords is confidence, important news coming and really good insight! Roots out secrets or hidden things like a truffle pig. The star is promising potential, healing and guidance from an enexpected place. The two of cups is a soul connection, love, intuition especially in regards to another person and a good bind. The emperor is self awareness, foresight, fearlessness to achieve a goal and confidence. Eight of coins rev is poor discipline and skating by on low effort.
Now to the sides!
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Yoongi is the left, soulmate is the right.
So, let's begin with yoongi. The first two cards are anything he wants to say to his soulmate. Wheel of fortune and three of swords reverse. I take this as "its all in divine time/ it's destiny" (wheel of fortune) and "trust your intuition. It's okay to get hurt, you just need to remember you can always pick yourself up" (3of swords rev.)
We have now cards that I asked what he was learning through this process/ in this time. Be positive and first step.
The last two cards are affirmations he wants to give his soulmate.
"When I introduce joy to a situation, I change the vibrational frequency of what's happening around me" and "directing my focus onto what's thriving creates more of what I want"
Now for soulmates cards (same structure)
Strength and eight of swords. "You're stronger than you think. Take every part of yourself and acknowledge it. You're a force to be reckoned with" (strength) and (soulmate snapped at him on this) "the only thing holding you captive is you."
Now we have peer pressure (I think soulmate is learning to say "fuck you" and "fuck off" to people who have a set idea of how everyone should be living their lives), emotional healing and open your arms to receiving.
Then we have "its good to feel good" (lol I feel like yoongi definitely needs this one) and "when I connect to the spiritual realm, I open the door to recieve divine guidance, clear direction, and great wisdom"
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The last stretch my friends.
So. Completion, leave behind the things that no longer serve you. Exist in the present and don't keep mulling over the past or any future happenings. Magic, pay attention to the magic around you. Listen for the signs of the universe and take them as they come (essentially listen to divine guidance) . Be open minded but logical as well. Luminous warrior, try focusing on the good in yourself instead of berating yourself for every small flaw. Spiritual path, self explanatory. The blade, your power can be a weapon when used willy nilly (most often wounding the wielder) or it can heal. Don't fear it but also consider how you choose to utilize it. The give away, be greaful for the sake of being greatful for it, not because you want something in return. The rain maker, manifestation station. Create with the tools you have because you have everything you need in order to manifest. "Don't take life personally"
Now we have heaven sent.
""Let yourself be helped" assistance is coming your way so act on it and say yes"
" This Oracle also comes with the message that you are to trust in the things that you feel and say to others without knowing why. It moves them. You might not understand, but through trust you are allowing yourself not to overthink and censor yourself. As such you are able to become a vessel through which the spiritual gift can be passed on to others. Don't block yourself. Let life happen through you. Only benefit can come from this."
And free from judgment, free to love
" If you have been asking life for a solution to a specific difficulty you have been having, this Oracle comes with the message that a solution is in gestation right now. This situation is already being sorted out and the resolution will come to fruition very soon. Hold tight and wait for the eminent birth of that resolution."
" This Oracle also brings you a message about love. You may find that you are loving, or soon will love, in a different way. You may worry about this love, given that it defies what you have known or been taught about love. Perhaps you are becoming able to love another tremendously, even though you don't have much of a personal relationship with them. You might question if this love is real. It is real Kama it is just happening at a different level to the love and attachment you experience when you are involved in a personal relationship with someone. It is not more or less, it is just a different facet of love. It may be that you are opening up to love the planet and her creatures, including the animals, the ocean dwelling life, your own body, the trees and so on, more than before period you may feel passionately purposeful about giving your time and energy to causes that protect and nurture the Earth and her creatures. You are affirmed in this love too. The universal mother is operating through you to nurture life. She will support you in your work, so that you can continue To come from love and not become drained, depleted or lost in despair or fear of futility. Instead, you will be energised and expanded by your dedicated service to life."
" Finally, this Oracle has a message for those who may be feeling alone or lonely in a need of greater nurturing from others. You are asked to stop, relax, centre and settle into your body to feel your connection with life itself. The air in your lungs is the same as the air that moves through the trees. The water in your blood is the same water that fills the oceans and is moved by the phases of the moon. The flesh of your body is the same substance as the body of the Earth itself. The heat in your digestive system is the same fire and heat as that from the Sun. Feel this connection, then do something nice for another without agenda. Make a donation, even if just a small one, smile, say a prayer, sent out a good thought or make a wish for another. That's it. You have connected to life again and in doing so, life can connect with you. And so it shall.
And that's all for the cards but but but.
Someone (either my guide or yoongi) was like, "do a song. Do a song. Do a song." And I was like, "oki doki, sounds good.
So I asked what numbers I should try refreshing and then it hit me. The number 14 came up before the reading and it seemed a bit misplaced? So I did 14 shuffles and look what popped up
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You gotta be fucking with me.
Istg these fools will actually be the death of me dude. Euphoria is so romantic and I lowkey feels like it describes a bit of what their bond must be like.
I came back to the platform to be like, "thanks homie" and it was weird bc he was practically pure energy? Like usually I visualize his energy as what his physical body looks like because it's easier to comprehend? But nope, he was just a big shimmery glob of energy.
As I was going to disconnect, a few things happened. I felt tingly and the platform was vibrating almost? So I was like, "hold on, what the fuck is this?"
And then
It hit me
I could tell this fuckin asshole was smug even in his blue glob form.
The color was... blue like yoongi but also a light lavender/ pink kinda vibe. Pretty damn distinct.
I was so stoked and I thought we'd all get to chat and I could yell at his soulmate for being an elusive asshat
But Mr smug butt had different plans.
My dude dropped a little marble thing in my hand and I was like ??? And he was like, "you'll know when you need it" and I was like ?????
My guide took pity on me and said, "it's just a representation on information that you've been given but it isn't the proper time to unpack it yet"
Cool cool so like and energetic zip file that will release itself whenever it damn well pleases? Cool cool cool.
Anyway, I genuinely think that my excitement of this whole situation must somehow also influence how yoongis energy handles my prodding? Like what the fuck is this marble bullshit?
To top it all off, he gives me a friendly shove off of his platform.
Thanks, buddy.
Now we are here. And as always, I'm left with more questions.
My main take away is that amay 13th through July 28th will be all the foundation and ground work and December 28th 2021 through May 10th (11th? 9th?) 2022 will be a more likely time for physical union and actual relationship stuffs.
Anyone who knows more about astrology please feel free to chime in on this whole Jupiter in Pisces bit! My understanding is super surface level!!
That was a big boi and now my thumbs hurt real bad. Hope you were entertained by the chaos.
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