#I don't know if you guys can tell from my fanfics but I definitelly take inspiration on Anastasia to write Inukag
shinidamachu · 3 years
I recently watched Don Bluth’s ‘Anastasia’ and while I know it’s not historically accurate or anything, the movie in itself is beautiful, and Ana x Dimitri somehow gave me a similar vibe to InuKag, only in reversed roles; because Ana is the one who’s looking for her place to belong and she so happens to be lost royalty too, enemies to friends to lovers, bickering a lot, etc lol just thought I’d share!
Oh, anon, I don't know if you noticed that from the everything about me, but I love musicals, animated movies, Fairy Tales... and Anastasia just happens to be one of my all time favorites.
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It's not only a beautiful movie, aesthetically speaking, but the plot is compelling, the characters are relatable, likeable and very well written, the romance makes you swoon.
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Anya and Dimitri definitely give me Inukag vibes. In fact... I wanted it to be a surprise, but fuck it: for years now I've been wanting to write an Inukag Anastasia AU. It's an idea I'm very passionate about, so maybe one day I'll pull it off.
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I totally see where you're coming from with the reversed roles concept and I totally agree. I'd just add that it works both ways: Inuyasha and Anya are both long lost nobles looking for a place to belong, but personality wise, I think he resembles Dimitri more, while Kagome and Anya share more similarities.
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Either way you interpret the characters, it doesn't change the fact that both relationships have the exact same pleasant dynamic. And that's the most important thing. Now, can I interest you in the Broadway adaptation if you haven't watched it yet?
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Lately I've been adopting quite the "anti live actions, sequels, spin-offs and other adaptations in general" instance, so for me to go out of my way to recommend one it means I really, really think it's worth it. If you're looking for something remotely (emphasis on remotely) more historically accurate than the original, you're probably gonna like it.
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The new characters fit perfectly well, the extra songs were as iconic as the original ones, the acting was on point, the performances were mind blowing. I don't think they could have come up with a better, brighter, more talented cast if they tried. The costumes were out of this world gorgeous. And sure, there were changes here and there, but the heart of the story was beating just as strong. You can tell they really put effort on making it justice.
And it felt magical.
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