#I don't know why I keep calling mr gu as gu ssi or mr gu when I know his actual name
cherryupworld · 2 years
Since my “Missing MLN” hours are still ongoing, there is something that I realized now that a few days have passed since the finale- I was never nervous. It’s been around 4 years since I started my kdrama journey and I have come to realize that there are 3 types of endings in kdramas: one where the entire finale was not needed as it served as a filler episode; most kdramas follow this plot where the main couple could have avoided all the drama in ep 14/15 if they just talked to each other. The second is one where the entire story is ruined by the finale. It usually happens when the writer has a specific way that they wanted the story to end and they didn’t take into account the characters and their arcs (2521, I’m looking at you) and then there is a third one- this one is pretty rare and I have only seen a handful of dramas where I am satisfied with the ending since all the plotlines are tied up nicely since the characters and their arcs are kept in mind while writing the script. While some kdramas do overlap, most of them stick to just one category. 
For me, MLN has become the drama that falls in the third category. Even while I was waiting for the finale to be released, I was more excited to know how the stories of these characters that came to mean so much to me would play out and I was not disappointed. While I do detest open endings, especially when it would have been much better for the story if they had provided a specific ending, I loved the openness of mln’s finale. For me, it said that there is no end to learning, to growing as a human being. All of us are here trying our best, so how can we tell someone how to live? That specific sentiment filled me with so much happiness. The drama did a brilliant job in telling me even if I feel that I have reached rock bottom, it’s alright as long as I hold on because I am not the only one who feels that way. The sense of companionship that mln provided, the way it told me “I am here and I see you” gave me a sense of comfort that I had been searching for.
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